Sam’s Fantasy Comes True

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Sam has a fantasy to see his wife with black men.
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Cast of Characters:

Sam Jamison -- Darlene's husband

Darlene Jamison -- Sam's wife

Tony -- Younger brother of a coworker and neighbor Alonzo

Alonzo -- Neighbor of the Jamisons and coworker to Sam Jamison

The names in this story are fictitious and the activities described do not represent actual real-life occurrences. This story was created by request. I hope that you enjoy it. If you do please leave a comment and rate it. Thanks.

Sam's Fantasy Comes True

It was a warm afternoon and Sam had just completed mowing the lawn and putting the lawnmower into the garage. It had been brutally hot outside even though summer was not yet in full swing. In need of something cold to drink, he went into the kitchen through the door in the garage and headed straight for the fridge. Grabbing the last Coors Lite from the fridge, he settled on the couch to finish his beer and thought of his wife, Darlene.

Earlier this morning they had talked about his burning desire to see her with a black man or men but, once again she had resisted the suggestion adamantly. He wanted to see her used and even abused but he didn't believe that it would ever happen. Feeling more relaxed after finishing the beer he laid down on the couch and dreamed..... there she was, his wife Darlene being mauled and fucked by a couple of black guys.

Tony was home from college and was staying with his older brother Lloyd who lived just down the street from the Jamisons. As he stood looking out the window he watched that pushy bitch, Mrs. Jamison. Both his brother and Sam Jamison worked down at the furniture plant and just last week he attended a picnic and met Sam and Darlene Jamison. She had pretended to be his friend and tried to pump him for information about his college work and family life.

As he watched her get into her car he had to admit that she looked pretty damn fine for a woman that had to be in her fifties. She had long brown hair, large brown eyes, and a fairly trim figure. And tits. Good lord, she had a set of tits. The damn things had to be well over forty inches and so full they threatened to burst from the tight low-cut blouse that she was wearing. She was still quite attractive for her age and he thought that her full lips would look and feel fantastic wrapped around his hard black cock.

Being home from college gave him a lot of free time. His brother didn't make any demands on him so he was free to do whatever he wanted with his time. Following an impulse, he decided to follow her to see where she was going. He could hardly contain his surprise when he watched the sexy senior citizen pull into the parking lot of the local porn store.

Tony turned his car around as quickly as he could and parked across the street rushing inside to make sure that he hadn't been seeing things. Looking around the small sales area he quickly spotted her looking at some of the restraints hanging from the wall across the room. He thought that it might be possible that his luck might just be taking a turn for the better.

The woman sure liked to show it off. She was wearing a tight skirt that was pretty damn short, barely covering her shapely ass. When she turned to look at something else that caught her attention he was rewarded with a glimpse of her fantastic cleavage. He continued to watch as she took a quick look around the room before heading back to the video booths.

Fortunately, he always had his cell phone ready and it came in handy now. He had automatically taken photos of her car in the porn store lot and even got a shot of her as she entered the store. Once inside he'd managed to slip down an aisle and get a clear shot of her face as she looked at the various paraphernalia and one more shot as she entered the room with the video booths.

He watched as she went into booth "D" and closed the door. Having been here before, Tony knew that there was a glory hole between booth "C" and booth "D". Although it was darker here than in the store he was able to surreptitiously snap another picture as a man entered booth "C". A few moments later he heard a moan come from behind the door of booth "C", and shortly after that, the man emerged still zipping up his fly. He took another picture.

He watched and took photos as two more men entered booth "C" and emerged with satisfied smiles. "My turn," he thought and entered booth "C". A pale white hand complete with a wedding ring appeared in the glory hole. He smiled and took a quick photo using a flash this time since the wedding ring would identify her. Then he placed his black dick in the waiting hand and snapped yet another flash photo. He especially wanted a good shot of that.

He stumbled forward as his cock was pulled up to the glory hole. That's when he felt warm breath on his cock and snapped yet another flash photo as Mrs. Jamison's full soft lips engulfed his hard black member. Their neighbor turned out to be a very talented woman. In no time at all, he felt my balls begin to contract as they prepared to pump his cum into her mouth. Rather than let that happen he pulled his spasming cock from her mouth and shot a load of cum onto her face.

He smiled happily when he heard her squawk of protest the moment she realized what was happening. As soon as he finished spraying cum onto her face he quickly zipped up his pants and left the room rushing outside the store. He fervently hoped that Mrs. Jamison would be so shocked by what had happened that she would rush out of the store before she had completely cleaned herself up. He wanted to get a shot of her with his cum on her face and he was in luck. She came out the door and was startled to see her young neighbor Tony standing there with his cell phone in hand.

"Tony!", she exclaimed. "Wha, what are you doing here? Why are you taking a picture of me?"

He smiled at the older lady. "Hello, Mrs. Jamison. What have you been up to in there? I bet I know because you missed a spot of cum on your cheek and there is more on your cleavage." Before she could respond he reached forward and used his finger to wipe the cum from the upper part of her full tits.

In full indignation mode now she huffed "How dare you touch me, Tony!"

"Oh Mrs. Jamison, Darlene, I dare. I dare a lot. You just sucked my black cock in there and that's my cum on your face and tits. I wonder what you're going to tell your husband when he sees the photos. Think about that for a while. I'll be in touch." With that, he turned and walked away.

Startled by the slamming car door, Sam nearly tumbled off the couch as he snapped awake just in time to hear the front door open and slam shut. His wife roared into the living room like a rhinoceros charging a lion. He didn't know what she was talking about as she marched across the living room but she mumbled something about Tony that made him wonder who the hell Tony was and what he had done to make his wife so angry.

Before he could get a question out of his mouth, she stormed past him and went straight to their bedroom slamming the door behind her.

Darlene thought about the pictures that Tony had taken and she was in a horrible mood all week long. She'd fussed and fumed at everything and everyone but couldn't discuss what was bothering her with anyone. She was worried about Tony and wondered what he would do and when he would do it. She knew that he wouldn't let it rest but she couldn't figure out what it was that he might do. She was most afraid that he would tell her husband Sam.

It was ironic because Sam had been badgering her for some time to allow him to bring home a black man to make love to. She didn't understand why he seemed so obsessed with the idea and had refused repeatedly.

And then, in a weak moment, she visited a porn store where she had sucked several cocks shoved through a hole in the wall. The most shocking thing was that the last one had been black and she had wanted it more than the others. Her mind had been traveling down strange paths of late and she did not understand it at all.

Who would have thought the dark man meat would belong to that damn Tony and, to make things worse, he had gotten photo proof of her little escapade? Tony was a wise-ass punk and she knew damn well that he would eventually try to use those photos against her but she would have none of it.

It was at that moment that the doorbell rang and when she opened the door there he was. Standing on her front porch, hands on his hips and a smirk on his face.

"What the hell are you doing here?" she demanded belligerently.

"Now, now Darlene. Is that any way to treat a friend?" he said as he slipped past her and went into the living room.

"You can't just walk into my home. I'll call the police", she threatened.

"Okay, Darlene. Why don't you do that? Then when they arrive I'll just explain how you met me at the local porn store and invited me back to your house."

"I did no such thing and you know it!"

"Oh I do, I do, but when I show the police the photos I took of you at the porn store the other day and especially the photo of you holding my dick in your hand with your wedding rings visible which one of us do you think they will believe?"

He could see the capitulation in her face and then she contritely said, "What is it that you want?"

He walked over and sat down in what he imagined was her husband's chair and looked up at her standing there." I have a long list of wants Darlene but for now I want to see those humongous tits of yours. You keep flaunting them around teasing everyone. I want to see them and I want to see them now."

"Are you crazy?" she fumed. "I'm not showing you my tits and if you touch me I'll scream and have the cops throw you in jail in a heartbeat."

"Darlene we've already had the conversation about the cops. You're free to call them if you want. Now let's quit dancing around and get down to business. I want your blouse and bra off now."

"Tony, I've already told you that you aren't seeing my tits. That's final. You need to leave."

"I'm sorry that you feel that way, Darlene. Let me make one quick phone call and I'll be on my way," he said as he began to make a phone call on his cell phone.

"Just get out of here. Make your phone call after you leave."

"Oh, it will only take a moment. I'll leave just as soon as I send these photos to your husband."

"No, wait! You can't show my husband those photos. What the hell are you thinking?"

"Darlene, I'm thinking that if you don't show me those tits of yours, that's exactly what I'm going to do."

"No, wait. Okay, okay. You win but you can only look", she said as she reached up and undid the first button of her blouse.

As Tony settled back in Sam's chair to watch this lovely white wife remove her blouse he thought that this was going to be interesting. He was dying to see those tits.

Darlene was moving as slowly as possible taking her time with each button while she desperately tried to think of a way out of this. Unable to think of an escape plan she pulled the shirttail out of her skirt. Trembling slightly, she leaned her shoulders back and let the blouse fall to the floor. It was humiliating to be forced to expose herself to this black thug.

Meanwhile, Tony silently urged her to hurry up, breaking into a huge grin as the blouse finally fell to the floor. Holy shit those tits were big. Just the bra was left and Tony watched Darlene reach behind her back to undo the bra clasp.

As Darlene fumbled with the clasp it was clear that once it was released her tits would be free and she wouldn't be able to delay longer. As she worked at the clasp she realized that despite the humiliation she felt exposing herself to this black guy she was also excited. Slowly she leaned forward and let the straps of her bra slip off her shoulders and down her arms. The cups fell forward and she felt the touch of cool fresh air on her rapidly hardening nipples.

Tony leaned forward in anticipation, hardly able to control himself as the bra fell free. Once the bra dropped to the floor he was rewarded with the erotic sight of Darlene's large breasts with silver dollar-sized nipples that were crinkly with excitement. Excellent, Tony thought.

A few moments later Darlene was startled by the chime of the front doorbell. She immediately moved to cover herself by reaching down and grabbing her blouse from where it had fallen on the floor.

She was startled when Tony exclaimed, "No!"

Eyes wide with surprise and shock, Darlene clutched the blouse to her chest and looked at Tony aghast.

"Darlene, you need to understand. I give the orders and you do what you're told. Drop the blouse and go answer the door."

"But I can't answer the door with my tits exposed. I don't even know who it might be. Please, Tony. I can't do this."

"You can and you will. Drop the blouse and answer the damn door. I don't want to have to tell you again."

Tony watched as Darlene slowly lowered the blouse. As she stood before him, there was resignation written all over her face. When she finally dropped the blouse to the floor Tony simply pointed and she headed to the door.

The doorbell rang again more insistently this time. Tony held his breath as he watched Darlene reach to unlatch the door. He still wasn't sure that she would do it but she did. Sort of. She only pulled the door slightly open but it was enough. My brother Lloyd pushed past her and he was quickly followed by her husband, Sam.

Now, completely flustered, Darlene gesticulated wildly as she tried to explain to her husband why he had walked in on her as she brazenly displayed her tits to a black man.

Meanwhile, Tony and Lloyd enjoyed watching Darlene's big tits as they jounced and bounced swaying back and forth. It seems like she had completely forgotten her nudity.

"Wait a minute," Sam said. It was as if he hadn't even spoken as Darlene continued to explain and gesticulate wildly.

"WAIT A MINUTE," Sam said much more forcefully.

Darlene finally stuttered and wound down dropping her arms to her side in frustration. Sam continued, "You're telling me that Tony forced his way into our house and then threatened you if you did not do what he told you to?"

"Oh Sam," Darlene whined. "Tony is one of those ruthless black thugs that you read about. They can't be trusted and they are always trying to have sex with white married women. You won't let him touch me will you?"

"Well sweetheart, I wouldn't want anyone to hurt you but I don't think that it's up to me. After all, there are two of them and I don't think that I could stop them even if I wanted to."

Darlene roared back into full-blown fury mode once again. "Sam, you bastard. You've been hounding me for a long time to have sex with a black man so that you could watch. You think that this is your opportunity, don't you? Did you set this up?"

"No honey I didn't set this up. You did."

"What do you mean I did?" Darlene shouted.

Sam smiled benignly. "You went to that porn store. You went into the booth with the glory hole. You sucked off three strangers and then finished your visit by sucking a black dick. You let all four of those men cum in your mouth, something you never let me do. I would appreciate it if you would explain to me exactly how this is my fault?"

"What do you mean? I never did any such thing. Tony did this to me," Darlene mumbled.

"I saw the pictures, Darlene."

She turned on Tony. "You liar."

Tony was just about to defend himself when she continued, "You said that you wouldn't show the pictures to my husband."

Sam smiled. "He didn't show them to me. Lloyd showed them to me after Tony sent them to him. No one lied to you. Lloyd told me that Tony was coming over here this morning and that's why we took the day off."

Darlene looked at her husband in amazement. "You knew that Tony was going to come over here and use those pictures to make me expose myself to him? Sam, how could you do this to me? I'm your wife."

Seeing the befuddled look on his wife's face made Sam chuckle. "Sweetheart you are my wife and if you would just relax for a moment you'd probably remember my favorite fantasy. You know. The one where you get used by a couple of black men. You have continued to refuse for some time now but your little escapade to the porn store tells me that you've been holding back. Besides, you've already sucked a black cock so I think that it's time for you to take the next step."

"What better opportunity? Here you are with two viral young, black, bucks and your beautiful huge tits hanging out for us all to admire. And believe me, both of them have been admiring those tits of yours. So, Tony, I'd appreciate it if you'd get the hell out of my chair because I intend to sit there and enjoy the show."

"Noooo," Darlene moaned. "You can't mean this."

"Oh but I can and I do. Tony, Lloyd, she's all yours." Sam said as he reclaimed his chair.

Darlene had been so intent on arguing with Tony and her husband that she didn't realize that Lloyd had moved behind her so she was startled when she felt him step in close behind her and cup her tits. Of course, she responded by jerking backward which only made her situation worse because, as she jerked back Lloyd tightened his grip, pulling her back against him. That's when Darlene felt his rigid cock thrusting against her behind.

"Stop that!" she shouted. "Get your hands off me." She was unable to move pinned against Lloyd as she was. His hands continued to massage her breasts and pinch her nipples. She was completely embarrassed and humiliated having this black thug manhandling her like he was. Darlene looked over to Sam for help and knew that she was lost. The look of rapture on his face as he watched her being fondled by a stranger and a black stranger at that sealed her fate. He was in a state of bliss.

Sam finally tore his eyes away from his wife's tits and realized that she was looking at him, pleading with her eyes. "Damn, Darlene. Your tits always look great but I love the contrast of Lloyds black hands as they fondle your milk-white tits. I can't help but wonder how it would look with Lloyd and Tony each sucking on a nipple. Wait a minute. I've got to get my phone so that I can video this to watch again later."

Darlene moaned as she listened to her husband. It was clear that he was enjoying watching his fantasy come to life too much to stop them. She was going to get well and truly fucked by these two blacks and she knew it. Once she accepted the situation she discovered that she was able to relax a little.

As suggested by Darlene's husband, Tony had joined Lloyd, and Darlene now had the men's greedy lips attached to each nipple. Despite fighting the feelings that had begun to flow in her she could not help the soft moan that escaped from her lips at the sheer joy she was feeling as both tits were pleasured at the same time.

Sam was in heaven as he took video of his wife and her two new black friends. His mind was running several steps ahead because he knew that his wife might never let this happen again. They said that once you've gone black you never go back but Sam wasn't willing to take that chance. Besides, that was a question that could be answered another time. For now, he needed to get everything he could on video.

Sam took the initiative suggesting, "Why don't the two of you take your cocks out of your pants. That way she can hold one in each hand and stroke them while you enjoy those tits of hers." As if by magic, zippers were lowered and two large black cocks appeared. While Sam continued to take video he watched as his wife reached for and grasped a cock in each hand without encouragement from anyone.

On a roll now, Sam suggested, "I think that she would look great on her knees. What do you guys think? She's got full soft lips and we already know that those lips of hers look great engulfing a black cock."