Samantha From My Past - the Latex

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A sexy woman and her friend join a widower - Part 7
14.8k words

Part 7 of the 7 part series

Updated 05/16/2024
Created 01/14/2024
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Thanks to everyone who has liked and commented on my stories. These are my first attempts at putting some simple fantasies down in text form. Nothing earth-shattering, and some common tropes. The story thread is a fantasy featuring mostly heterosexual female on male sexual encounters, some FFM, mostly older participants, some latex and spandex fetish, lots of cum. Any similarities to real persons are unintentional. All characters are of age and consenting. Most of my stories are longer reads, not quickies. Slow build to, hopefully, a good payoff. Reflects the author's preferences and proclivities. Not for everyone. Enjoy. If not, thanks for giving me a try; there are many other great stories and authors to enjoy here. I hope that this series will continue for some time. Like you, I have many fantasies.

Might be good to read the previous stories for context: Samantha from my past -- the bike, the boat, the bar, the run, the bed and the nightcap.


Last night, after some cleanup (of both our bodies and my ensuite bathroom) Sam, Anne and I had once again said our goodnights with warm hugs and fragrant kisses. After her intense orgasm, propped on my ensuite vanity with her tight pussy pressed into Anne's urgent tongue, Sam was languid and sleepy. For a few moments, she stayed with me in my bathroom after Anne left. We shared a few moments of quiet intimacy. Some hugging, kissing and small murmurs of appreciation for each other. It was intoxicating being with her. She was so beautiful, sweet and cute. After just five days, I was feeling like we were establishing an emotional connection. But who knew where this would go.

It was complicated. I needed to keep my head about myself. Tomorrow, or the next day, we might be apart again, and never have the opportunity to rekindle the flame that we'd ignited together. I was still in shock. Stunned, in fact. Not in my right mind. I was in conflict about the sexual escapades. I didn't know where this was all going.

I needed some time.

Each of us ended up going to bed by ourselves. All a little too old and mature to be sleeping together, even though we had been so intimate with each other. As you age, there's something about having a bed to yourself. There were beds for all of us and we each took advantage of them. Fucking is different than sleeping together.

So, the next morning I awoke alone in my bed. I got up quietly, a little stiffly, and quietly busied myself in the kitchen, tidying up some stray glasses that were lying around, and emptying the dishwasher. I put the espresso machine on and made myself a cup, standing in my speedo with a towel over my shoulder, ready for a swim after a shot of caffeine. There wasn't a peep from the women, so I assumed they were enjoying a sleep in. It was nice having company. Strange, but I felt like it had been a long time since I'd hosted anyone here. I'd had almost no guests sleep over in my home since my wife passed away. Just a few well-meaning friends and relatives who came up to comfort me in the months after her death. This summer, two years after her passing, I finally had some friends booked to come up and stay. Driving up from the city in about a week.

This particular weekend however, Sam and Anne had been an unexpected diversion. I'd welcomed them. Surprising myself by offering them an invitation to stay. I admit that my cock was partially to blame. Sam had ignited passions in me. I seemed to be in a bit of a crush situation. I didn't know where it was going, of course. I'd had that thought numerous times this weekend. But if there was an opportunity to spend more time with her and her friend Anne, I felt like I might like the company. Maybe deserved it? I don't know. Maybe even some more sexual interactions. Who knew, indeed. I had become strangely ambivalent about the fact that Sam was cheating on her boyfriend. I didn't like infidelity -- in anyone -- felt that it wasn't an admirable trait. And I kept that in mind as I thought about Sam and any potential future with her.

After my coffee shot, I poured a glass from a homemade jug of electrolytes and drank hungrily. I put the rest of it into the fridge, thinking that they both would enjoy a recharge given the sweaty and dehydrating cum sessions we'd enjoyed. I, for one, was desiccated.

I went outside into the warm morning air. Sky blue. Sun rising across the lake. This time of year was probably my favorite. I quietly uncovered the pool, peeling back the solar cover onto its roller; conscious of the fact that the guest room windows faced the pool deck. Didn't want to wake them if they weren't already up.

I slipped softly into the pool and went about my morning laps. I was tired. It wasn't going to be a long swim. My loins still aching and buzzing from the workout I'd had with Samantha and her friend Anne. In fact, my whole body was sore. Orgasms were talking it out of me, in more than one way. I'd stayed up much later than I normally did yesterday. Exerted myself with two erotically charged sex sessions with these gorgeous and sexy vixens.

We'd had a good evening of dinner, wine and martinis. Sandwiched between two incredible threesomes that had seen each of us covered in one another's cum spray and ejaculations. Again, I didn't know what I'd done to deserve the attentions of these insane cougars. Although since I was within a decade of their ages, I'm not sure they were technically cougars.

My mind told me for the hundredth time: nothing like this had happened to me before, and I expected it probably wouldn't again. My cock had been worked over. I had liberally doused both women inside and out with my massive loads of semen. Their heady pussy juices had been smeared everywhere. On me. On them. In my mouth. I'd buried my face and tongue inside the lithe and beautiful Sam. Had tasted the enormous gushes that had sprayed from her friend Anne's generous and meaty pussy. They had seemingly worshipped my long and very thick cock and weighty balls. They'd both licked up my pearly essence after I hosed them down with it. Said they liked my taste. Clearly enjoying themselves with me. Definitely ego-boosting

Shocking really. I hadn't so much as kissed a woman on the lips in the past two years. Hadn't been on a date. Hadn't even been on a dating site. Despite many people suggesting that I should. The whole experience of the past days had been surreal. If I hadn't been able to look out the side kitchen window and see Sam's car in the driveway, her roadbike hanging off the rack, I could have convinced myself it had never happened.

Today I expected them to be leaving for their four-hour journey back to Seattle from my lakeview house located in the interior of Washington State. They might be headed somewhere else together. With both being retired, like me, they had a lot of freedom. They were clearly more than friends.

I didn't know what time they wanted to leave, but I felt I should have some breakfast ready for them. Part of me wanted my privacy back. The other big fleshy part of me, stuffed in my speedo, wanted them to stay. Enjoy more play time. And, I had to face it, it was more than the sex. I liked to have smart, attractive, intelligent, funny and worldly women around. They were good company all round. But of course, that was up to them. I didn't want to push anything.

As I made my way into the house from the bright pool deck, my eyes adjusted, and I found the two of them standing at the kitchen island, cutting fruit and putting out yoghurt and other breakfast items from the fridge. Like they were at home.

They looked like they'd just got out of bed. Tousled hair. T-shirts over panties. Bra-less. Firm, round, bare butt cheeks showing pertly under the tails of their shirts. Buzzing around the kitchen as they prepped. Hot and sexy.

"Morning, sunshine," Anne grinned at me.

"Hey there." I toweled at my hair, conscious of my wet feet on the carpet. "Sleep well?"

"Like the dead," said Sam. She put her knife down and rubbed at her eye with the back of her wrist. "A little foggy this morning, I can't lie." Cute smile. White teeth. Nipples showing through her shirt. Sexy, gorgeous. "That espresso martini." She rolled her eyes. "That was the death of me."

They both looked amazing to me. Make-up free and stunningly beautiful. Sam's small breasts firm under her tight shirt. Her face warm. Hair askew but still cute. Anne's huge tits mounding her top. Round and artificially upstanding. She wasn't wearing the care-bear t-shirt. Probably since it was still stained from Sam's surprise gusher climax last night. Her spiky bob a little more spiky, pointing up, down and sideways.

"I would have made you breakfast," I said.

"Ah, we wanted you to enjoy your swim" said Anne, peeling a mango and adding slices to the fruit plate she was preparing.

"I'll just go change." Making my way toward my ensuite.

"Don't slip out of those speedos on our account," giggled Sam. "Everything looks good from here."

I looked down. My fat cock and balls were pressed up and out together, bulging crudely in the front of my tight shiny trunks.

"Ha. Well, that's a matter of opinion. Normally I don't have guests around to catch me right out of the pool."

Anne set her knife and fruit down, walked over to me, firmly cupped my cock through my wet swimsuit, startling me. "We like you just like this, big fella." Gave me a peck on the cheek and a hard squeeze of my shaft lying sideways in my speedo, pointed at my hip. She giggled and walked back to the butcher-block countertop where Sam was prepping coffee cups.

"Another espresso?" Sam looked at my bemused face.

"Please. And, help yourself."

"Already have." Sam raised a mug, frothing at the top with milk foam.

"Ah, well-done on figuring that foam wand out. It can be a pain."


We ate breakfast at the counter, standing up. Picking up the fruit with our fingers and spooning yoghurt out of our bowls. Them in their sleep wear and me almost naked, except for my revealing speedo. Comfortable with each other. How could we not be? After sharing such intimacy.

They discussed what their plans were. Neither had any pressing urgency to be back in the city. Anne mentioned that she had some volunteer work coming up at a hospital later in the week. Turns out she was a former physiotherapist, having retired a few years earlier. I had no idea. I'd had my cock in her pussy. Watched her slip her finger into her friend's ass. Shameful that I didn't even know how she led her life.

She had an adult daughter across the country who had followed Anne into the same profession. Daughter had got Anne involved in a national volunteer organization that worked with people who had suffered debilitating workplace and military injuries. Interesting. Honorable. I asked her questions about it. Anne was passionate about her work there. Looking forward to getting back with her clients, but still had several days to spare.

Sam had nothing going on for the week. They discussed the possibility of continuing to explore this part of Washington. Both knew my town quite well, having spent several birthday celebrations here over the past few years. A group of mature women turning sixty in succession. A bit of a tradition for the friends to come up together and stay at the resort across the lake from my house. But neither of them knew this part of the state very well. There were some picturesque little towns up and down the valleys. Highways 20, 153 and 97 were all worth exploring.

"Well, you know," I said between bites, "you're welcome to use me as a home-base and do some more exploring." They looked at me. "Lots of great places within an hour-or-two drive."

"We couldn't impose." Anne looked at me smiling. Knowing we'd been through this same conversation before. Just yesterday.

"Ha." I sipped the last of my espresso and set the cup down. "My next guests don't arrive for a week or so. Stay until then. I told you. You're both welcome. Whatever you like."

"That's a generous offer." Sam licked some fruit juice from her fingers.

A pause, then: "You just want more blowjobs," laughed Anne, cheekily. Sam joining in.

My cheeks flushed. "Well, I wouldn't say no..." More laughter. "Seriously, that's not my motive, here." I put up my hands in mock protest.

"Just kidding, there... Mr. Speedo." Sam blushed even as she said it. Giggled, wide-eyed at her own impudence.

"I admit," I sighed. "I haven't experienced anything like this in my whole life. I mean," I paused. "... I can't complain about my ... My sex life." That was a lie. I knew that my sex life had been on pause for many years. Sam knew it too. "But you two gals take things to a whole new level." I flushed again, embarrassed to be talking about this with two relative strangers.

"What kind of level is that?" Anne with a raised eyebrow. Opening her sexy mouth wide again and slipping in a slice of cantaloupe.

I looked away shyly. Leaning on the counter. Thinking about how much to share. It had been an intense few days. We knew each other's bodies intimately. We were relative strangers, and yet we'd been living on a virtual porn set for the weekend. It was hard to put everything together.

"Well," I struggled to come out with it. "I've done things with you that have opened my eyes to new possibilities. I looked down at the countertop. Paused. Trying to put my thoughts together. "New and fun things..." I trailed off. Suddenly tongue-tied. Hungover. Swim. Breakfast. Sex-talk. Too much for my head.

Sam came around the counter and stood beside me, one hand over mine on the counter. Her bare hip touching mine. "Are there new things you'd like to try that..." she paused and looked up at me. Blue eyes lovely. "...maybe you haven't tried before?" She smelled great.


"Come on, loverboy," said Anne brashly, popping another slice of fruit in her mouth. Then, with her mouth almost full: "Share your fantasies with us."

"No!" Shyly. "This is so embarrassing." I chuckled nervously. Sam's small hand gently kneading the back of mine. "You share yours!" Mock indignance.

We were eating breakfast for God's sake. Where did this all come from?

"You've had your big dick buried in both our pussies. Pumped your jizz into us. All over us." Anne swallowed her food, cheeky again. "What's so embarrassing all of a sudden?" The two women chuckling at me, gently teasing. Looking at each other. Back at me. I was shocked, abashed, and they knew it.

"Yeah, tell us your deepest darkest desires." Sam, softly now. "We'll tell you ours."

I looked up at them. "You're both so," I paused. Inhaled: "Fucking sexy!" I took in their firm bodies that I'd got to know so well. "I love you in your bathing suits." I waved my hand in circles at their bodies. "I love you, you know... dressed up. I love your sexy underwear." I paused again. "Of course, I love seeing you both naked too." More giggles. Me laughing too, now.

"Frankly, I just am feeling really fortunate to have you both here. I don't...." I sighed. "I don't really feel like I deserve all this." I waved my hand hopelessly in a circle again at the three of us. "You're both amazing." I was looking at the countertop. "And not just because you're so ... hot." I was baring my soul a little bit. I felt strangely vulnerable. Like the two of them were working hard to get me out of my shell. I felt safe with them. But still nervous. "Like, I really enjoy having you around." I swallowed. "It's... nice." I looked at each of them. My hangover and workout were keeping me shaky. Not at my best.

Sam squeezed my hand and gently nudged me with her hip. Looking up at me with her beautiful blue eyes.

"Bathing suits, huh?" said Anne. Ignoring everything else I'd said. She put her yoghurt bowl down and gently smoothed both hands up from her hips and over her huge breasts, softly running her fingers around her firm nipples. "You like those tight outfits, do you?"

Jesus. I swallowed. Nodded. Nervously: "I guess I have a thing for tight bathing suits, especially..." I looked down at Sam beside me. "Especially on you two." I was surprised at myself. Admitting private thoughts.

"Tight and shiny, hey?" Sam grinning. Back in the game. "I knew you liked me in my one-piece. I saw you ogling Anne too. I saw you staring down at her shiny ass as you pounded her." Pumping her hips slowly and suggestively against the counter. My eyes widened. She had me dead-to-rights. They were laughing openly now.

"Guilty as charged."

Were we mature adults? Or three twenty-year-olds acting out awkwardly at spring break.

"Well mister," Sam released my hand and suddenly cupped my fat testicles, crammed in my speedo. Making me flinch. Gently kneading. "Can't say I blame you." They kept grabbing me. What the hell. Felt good. Nothing that I was used to, however.

"Careful there," as I watched her hands. "I'm a little sore." My cock made a liar out of me, as it fattened and throbbed under her soft hand.

"Mmmmmm," Sam moaned. "Someone's ready for a post-breakfast hummer." Laughter from the two of them again.

"No, no ..." I gently moved her hand away, chuckling. "I need to be a gentleman here. I..." Lost for words amid Sam's brazen words and gestures.

"OK, OK. We'll stop bugging you," grinned Anne. Sounding like she didn't plan to stop at all.

We finished our breakfast standing at the butcher block counter. Then cleared up our plates and utensils. Chatted a bit about their intended travel plans for the day. No further mention of sex. The girls giving me a break.

Jesus. What next. They got my heart pounding.

Both women made their way to their guest rooms while I wiped down counters, loaded and started the dishwasher again and ran a mop over the floor. Soon I heard their showers going.

I went and had my own shower and got dressed for the day. As I came out of my bedroom, I saw them both standing at the counter, fully dressed in summer wear. Hair dried. Flawless makeup applied. Anne in tight white short-shorts that showed off her shapely rear end and long lithe legs, and a black sleeveless tank top, painted on her sexy body and mounded with her giant breasts, round orbs peeking out through the deep neckline. She wasn't dressed like a sixty-something health care worker, that's for sure. Sam in a slinky white little sleeveless summer dress, tight to her curves and accentuating her firm heart-shaped rear end. Her breasts high and firm below a modest neckline. White sandals hanging from her fingertips. Hair and lips looking perfect.

As I approached:

"Is there anywhere we can go shopping up here?" Sam turned to me.

"Depends. What are you looking for?"

"Well, I need to replace my sunglasses." Brief chuckle from them both.

"I could use a better swimsuit." Anne looked up from her phone. A flash memory sprung into my head. Her big tits bulging out of her tight black swimsuit as she lay in the sun. Her pulling the crotch of the spandex aside and fingering her wet lips, spreading them for my cock to enter her hot depths. Her sprouts of thick of bush spilling out from under her ass cheeks. Beckoning. Pinky brown lips, meaty and moist, clasped around my shaft. Watching her tits ripple as I pounded her. Taking my thickness. My come dripping out of her mouth. Her lapping up the taste of Sam's pussy and my semen off the thick flesh of my cockhead.

I shook my head.

"There's a beach shop in town, but there are better stores about an hour away." I gave them the name of a nearby town that was large enough to have a Costco, and even a couple of malls. I held out my phone to Sam, showing the map app. "You could also take these routes and see some great scenery on the way there. Or back. Couple of little towns there, worth visiting."

They chatted a little bit and then:

"If your offer still stands, maybe we'll stay one more night," said Anne. "Honestly, I say it again: we don't want to impose. But some of these places," she indicated the map on her phone, "look kind of cool."