Sandra's Accident

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A nice guy - or not?
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One of life's great mysteries, I thought, as I sat waiting for the light to change. Why was the light here? I stopped for it an average of ten times a week and at various times of the day and night and ninety percent of the time there was never another vehicle in sight. Whatever traffic I saw the other ten- percent wasn't enough to justify a four way stop sign. So why was the light here when an inexpensive stop sign could have done the job?

The sudden shock of the hit drove all thoughts of traffic signals out of my mind and replaced them with bad thoughts; how bad was the damage, how much was my already too high insurance going to go up as a result. I was a little pissed when I got out of the van. I could understand a bumper tap when slowing and stopping, but I had been sitting still for almost a minute now. The woman who had hit me was probably wondering what the hell happened too. She was still sitting behind the wheel, face white and eyes wide open in shocked surprise and both hands gripping the steering wheel so hard that her knuckles were white. A quick glance at the back of the van showed no apparent damage, but I would need to look underneath to be sure.

The immediate problem seemed to be the woman in the car that hit me. Some of the color was returning to her face; she still had her death grip on the steering wheel, but her eyes were now closed and there were tears running down her cheeks. I walked up to her window and tapped on the glass, but she didn't move, just sat there holding the steering wheel. I tried the door and it opened, "Lady, are you all right?" My words seemed to bring her out of her trance and she looked over at me confusion on her face. I wasn't sure I should let her drive away even if there was no damage. She still hadn't answered me so I again asked her if she was all right.

"I'm okay. Just a little shook. I don't know what happened. I saw you, I was braking - I just don't know what happened."

"Well, we need to pull over to the side and stop blocking the road. Just pull through the light and park on the shoulder. I've got a cell phone so I'll call the cops and we can exchange information while we wait for them to get here."

I turned and started for the van and she cried, "Wait! Do we have to call the police? Can't we find some way to leave them out of it?"

I looked at her and wondered why she didn't want the cops involved; what did she have to hide?

"We can talk about it when we get out of the way of traffic" and I got in the van and pulled over on to the shoulder.

I took a quick look under the back of the van while I waited for her and everything looked okay. A quick look at the front end of her Expedition as she pulled up behind me showed no signs of damage and I had just about decided that it was in my best interest to say that everything was fine and just drive on. Even with no damage a police report would still be on file and the asshole insurance companies had access to those files and they could, and in fact did, use that information as an excuse to jack up your rates. That is I had decided to drive off until the woman got out of her car. She was a knockout. Tall, about 5'9'' with brown hair that fell down past her shoulders and a body to kill for. Her skirt was about six inches above her knees and as she walked toward me on four inch heels I had a hard time tearing my eyes away from those legs to look at a chest that had to be at least a 36C. I made up my mind to stall because I didn't get to see anything this nice very often. I took out my wallet and dug out my driver's license and insurance card, but she showed no sign of doing the same as she walked up to me. She glanced at the front of her vehicle and at the back of mine and said, "There doesn't seem to be any damage, can't we just forget the whole thing?"

"Well, I admit there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with the back of the van, but I have no idea what may be underneath."

I took my cell phone off my belt and made as if I was going to punch in a number and she reached out a hand and put it on my arm, "Don't, please don't."

"Lady, my insurance company requires an accident report before they pay any claim and that means I got to call the cops."

"No you don't have to call the cops. I'll settle your insurance claim right here and now."

"Oh? And how do you propose to do that?"

She opened her purse and took out a checkbook, "I might be a woman, but I do know a little bit about some things. Your rear quarters are undamaged, the glass is all fine, and your bumper is straight. At the worst you have a bent bracket or the housing on your trailer plug is cracked. Five hundred should cover it and that is being overly generous."

Bear in mind that I was all for just driving off until she stepped out of the car and the only reason I hadn't was because I liked looking at her and I also admit that I was intrigued by the extent she seemed willing to go to in order to avoid the police. I decided to string it out.

"That may be true, but you will notice that the receiver tube of the trailer hitch sticks out past the bumper. What if that was pushed back and cracked the frame or cracked the hitch mount brackets? Lady, I don't know and the only way I'm going to find out is to get it looked at. And to have it looked at is going to cost and if it is damaged it will cost to get it fixed. That's why I have insurance, but the insurance won't pay without an accident report on file. To get it on file I have to call the cops" and I flipped the cover on the cell phone, not to call, but to see what she would do next.

"Please don't do that. What do you want to settle this between us right now?"

I looked at her and was trying to think of something to say when she said, "I saw the way you were looking at me when I was walking over here. I'll give you a check for five hundred and the best head you've ever had. In exchange - no cops."

To say I was stunned would be an understatement. I looked at her like she'd lost her mind and once again I wondered what she had to hide. I'm not a fool and my chance at something as nice as she was might never come again so I took a chance, "The five, the head, and a piece of ass plus I get to eat your pussy."

She looked at me for a moment and said, "Okay, but on the condition that you eat me after you fuck me."

I smiled and said, "Before and after."

She stuck out her hand and said, "Deal" just let me check on my kids and make sure they are still sleeping" and she turned and went back to her car. She had kids in her car and she was willing to fuck me here and now? What was she? One of the ten most wanted?

"I hope you have padding in the back of your van."

I smiled as I opened the sliding side door, "Padding, carpet and an air mattress."

She looked at me and said, "You do this often?"

"Not with anybody that looks near as good as you do."

She gave me a dazzling smile, "Thank you." She climbed in the van and looked around.

"If you want more comfort I only live half a mile from here."

"This is nice, I think it will work just fine" and she pulled her sweater off.

I had to revise my estimate of her bust size - closer to 38 than 36. She watched me watch her and she gave me a wicked grin, "Come on lover, show me what I have to work with."

We watched each other undress and I saw her eyebrows go up as my hard on came out and I wondered what it meant; was I big to her or too small. What the hell, it didn't matter to me. What mattered to me was that for once in my life I was going to make love to a genuine sex goddess. Yes, I said make love. Looking at the perfection in front of me I knew that just fucking her would be sacrilege. Suddenly I thought of something and I pulled my pants back on. "What are you doing?"

I grabbed a box off one of the shelves attached to the side of the van and said, "Don't go away, I'll be right back." Two minutes later I was back in the van taking my pants off.

"What was that all about?"

I put a small box on the floor next to where we would be; "I'm an electronics salesman. That is a wireless baby monitor. If your kids wake up you will hear them."

She gave me a strange look and then shrugged, "How do you want to do this?"

I looked at her and thought about my answer - god, but she was nice, no, she was superb - and then I said, "Given that the kids may wake up and you may have to leave before our deal is completely consummated, I want to go for what I want most right up front." She cocked her head and I could see a questioning look forming on her face. "I want to eat you first."

"Why not go sixty-nine?" she asked, "That way you get to eat me and you get the head."

"No. In a sixty-nine half of my attention would be on what you were doing to me. I want all my attention on what I'm doing to you."

Again she gave me a strange look and then she shrugged and laid down on the air mattress. I have never, ever, before or since, tasted a sweeter pussy than hers. I nibbled, licked and sucked and made love to that hot hole for a good ten minutes and it must have been good for her too because she had two orgasms and that was a first for me. I'd eaten a lot of pussy, but I'd never before had a woman cum because of it. I'd had plenty moan and say "oh yeah, like that" but not one bucking, screaming orgasm like this woman went through.

When she had stopped shaking I rolled over and said, "Your turn." She got up on her knees, bent over and when her mouth closed on me I actually groaned - it felt like feathers, hot wet feathers caressing my cock. She used her hands on my balls, teased my ass with her fingers, and made me want to cry over the fact that I'd never in my life had something that great and probably never would again. It didn't take her near as long to get me to the point of orgasm as it had taken me to get her to hers and when I warned her I was about to cum she took her mouth off me and said, "So?" and went back to sucking me. I mumbled something about some girls not wanting you to cum in their mouth, but she was already back at work and she didn't stop until my cock was limp.

She didn't even hesitate; she swung over me into a position for some sixty-nine and went to work on me again as I slid my tongue into her pussy. It took her two minutes to get me up again and then she moved again and mounted me. She no sooner had me all the way in her than the baby monitor started making noises. She looked at it and then back at me. I shrugged, "Go."

"Are you sure? It will be a little bit before they are fully awake."

"Kids come first," I said.

She gave me another strange look, the same as she had given me before, and then got off me and dressed. She got out her checkbook and said, "Who do I make it out to?"

I just shook my head and said, "You don't. It would have your name and address on it and I'd end up driving past your house two or three nights a week, staring at it and cursing my luck. Tell you what. Give me your panties and we will call it even."

Another one of her strange looks and then she said, "Are you from here? This planet I mean? First you worry about my kids, and then you chose to satisfy me before letting me take care of you. You warn me when your are ready to cum in my mouth. You stop me from fucking you because one of my kids cries out in his sleep and now you want my undies instead of five hundred dollars. You are not a normal man."

I explained to her that I never intended to take her money or call the cops, but that I wasn't so stupid that I would turn down a chance at her. "Inside I'm crying my heart out. Just go, I don't want you to see a grown man cry."

Another long look and then she took off her panties and gave them too me. She bent down and kissed me and then she was gone.


Three weeks later I was sitting at a table at Sidney's, a fairly upscale restaurant, having lunch with a prospective client. He had called me and had asked me for a bid on a very large order. A very, very large order - one that would all by itself triple all the business I had done so far that year. I'd met Jack at his office and had made my pitch and then he had invited me to lunch. We sat down and ordered a cocktail and he said, "My wife is downtown shopping today and I asked her to join us. I hope you don't mind," and then he smiled, "Here she is now."

I turned my head and looked and she looked every bit as magnificent as she had the day she had run into me. I stood up as she approached and tried to behave as if I had never seen her before. Jack introduced me to Sandra and I pulled out a chair for her. The three of us made small talk until the waiter took our order and then Jack excused himself to go and make a phone call. Sandra looked at me with an unsmiling face and said, "Is this where you tell me to find someway to make him give you his business or you'll make sure he finds out about me?"

I just shook my head and gave her a sad smile, "I don't know who it was that fucked over you so bad that you have to think all men are assholes, but some of us are really not all that bad. We made a deal. That deal bought my silence, not from just the cops, but from everybody. My best friend for over twenty years and I have no secrets from each other except one - you!"

She started to say something, but Jack was coming back so she just took a sip of her white wine. The rest of lunch was pleasant even though I had a very hard time keeping my eyes off of Sandra. As we were leaving the restaurant Jack shook my hand, said he would review my bid and give me a call in a few days. I watched Sandra and Jack walk away and I just could not take my eyes off her until she was out of sight.


Two days later Jack called me and asked me to meet him for a drink at Mario's. I found him sitting in a corner booth and I joined him. As soon as the waitress had brought me my drink Jack said, "You were not the low bidder, but cost is not the only thing important to me. I prefer to do business with people that I trust and I trust you. You know why?" Before I had a chance to ask he went on, "I trust you because Sandra trusts you. You impressed her the day she hit you and not many men can do that to Sandra."

He saw the alarm show on my face and he smiled, "Yes, I know the whole story. Sandra and I have a rather unique relationship. I can't keep up with her in bed and so I let her seek what ever she needs as long as there are no secrets between us and she comes home to me. Sandra needed to avoid the police because she does not have a driver's license. She has been in front of the judge twice for driving without one and the last time he told her if her saw her again she was going to be his guest for sixty days. I try to get her to take cabs, but she is a very headstrong woman. She believes that driving is a right and not a privilege and neither the judge nor I have able to convince her otherwise. My calling you for a bid wasn't an accident. I didn't just pick up a phone book and pull your name out of it. Sandra took down your license plate number and I used some contacts to find out who you were. I'll fax you the signed contracts in the morning. Now if you will excuse me I have some place else I need to be."

I stood up, we shook hands and he left. I sat down and was taking a sip of my drink when a voice behind me said, "A man shouldn't have to drink alone. May I join you?"

I turned and saw Sandra standing there and I stood up and asked her to have a seat. She sat down and said, "I suspect that Jack has already filled you in on our relationship?"

I nodded a yes.

"I'm here for two reasons. One is that I always pay my debts and I seem to recall that we never finished our agreement. The second reason is just a bit touchier. Jack is marvelous in bed, but he can't give me as much sex as I need. I don't need herds of men to do what two good men can do, and I'm tired of using the shotgun approach to find my other lovers. I've decided that what I need is a steady boyfriend to help out Jack. Think you could handle sharing me with him?"

My smile gave her the answer to that one and she smiled back at me, "I'm dying to see your place, shall we go?"

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