Sandy 23

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Sisterly love.
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Sandy 23 - Sisterly Love

Sandy felt like a guy that can't control his orgasms. The triple dipper stimulated her so much that she felt like she would orgasm at any moment. And not just any orgasm, an orgasm that would put her out of commission.

Sandy got Lisa up on her hands and knees and started fingering Lisa's clitoris. She justified it in her own mind that she needed to check on Lisa's readiness for another fuck. But really, Sandy was just delaying the inevitable, the unbelievable pleasure that she would get from fucking Lisa while wearing the triple dipper. As Sandy fingered Lisa, Lisa moaned. "Put it in."

Sandy could no longer delay. She positioned herself behind Lisa and aimed the dildo at Lisa's pussy. Lisa just said, "Please."

Sandy pushed slowly and steadily until the dildo was fully inserted in Lisa's vagina. As the dildo went in, Lisa let out a low, throaty groan. Once in, Sandy pulled out slowly and pushed slowly back in again. Sandy pulled slowly out again and was starting to enter slowly once more but Lisa was having none of that. Lisa pushed back forcefully onto the dildo. Both women gasped.

Sandy pulled back again, and Lisa threw herself back into the dildo. They both screamed. The next time Sandy pulled out, she thrust forcefully into Lisa. Lisa rocked on her hands and knees, thrusting hard back onto the dildo.

The two women fucked wildly. Lisa rocked back and forth on her hands and knees while Sandy thrust her hips forward and back faster and faster. They screamed after they thrust into one another and groaned as they separated. Soon both women were orgasming and lost bodily control. They fell apart and lay motionless on the bed.

* * * *

After a few minutes, Lisa said, "How about spring rolls?"

Sandy laughed, "After that I am ready for almost anything. Thank you."

They got up from the bed and Lisa laughed as she looked at the dildo poking out from Sandy's groin. Lisa suggested that Sandy take out the toy while they ate. Sandy took it out, cleaned and disinfected it.

When Sandy got to the kitchen Lisa had already taken out the ingredients and started cooking ground pork.

As Lisa cooked, Sandy julienned carrots, jalapeño, and green onion. Lisa also started a sauce with garlic, soy sauce, red onion, and Thai chili.

They worked together to assemble the spring rolls and Lisa started cooking. As Lisa tended the spring rolls in a sauté pan, Sandy snuggled up behind her and kissed her neck. "Stop!" Lisa cried.

"No chance," Sandy whispered in Lisa's ear as she started tweaking Lisa's nipples.

Lisa leaned back into Sandy and said, "If you want these spring rolls to burn, keep doing that."

Sandy let go of Lisa's nipples like they were stinging wasps. But she wasn't gone for long. Sandy started squeezing Lisa's butt cheeks, and kissing Lisa's back.

"Ok," Lisa said. "These spring rolls are almost done. Get to work. I need some paper towels to let them drain."

Lisa poured the dipping sauce into a bowl and put the spring rolls onto a plate.

They each ate a spring roll with relish. 'Yum,' 'delicious,' and 'heavenly' were the only words spoken. Once they had each had finished a spring roll and had picked up a second, Sandy asked, "So you want to fuck John. He is a great choice for a first fuck. Also second, third, fourth, and so on. When do you want to fuck him?"

Lisa took a bite of spring roll and chewed before saying, "I hadn't thought that far ahead. I just thought that since I had already licked his cum out of you and Julie and off him, that he would be a good candidate. What do you think?" They each chewed on a couple bites of spring roll as Sandy pondered.

"As I said, excellent choice of man. He is a great lover, not that I have anyone else to really compare him with. He is sensitive and strong. Do you want your first time to be just with John only, with John and Julie, John and me, or with all of us?"

Lisa chewed on another bite of spring roll, "I hadn't thought about that. Do you and John ever fuck just the two of you?"

"Not really. John ate my pussy the first time when Julie was taking a shower. And you watched me suck John's dick just before Julie got home. Other than that, the three of us have been together."

"Then maybe it would be best if you and Julie are there when he fucks me."

They both finished a second spring roll and started a third. Sandy said, "Ok. Let's assume that John agrees to fuck you, but that is not a given until you ask him and he agrees. He also would have a say in whether anyone else is present. But we can set things up in your favor if you like.

"When do you want to fuck him?"

"I never thought that it would be this complicated."

"It isn't really complicated, but you do want to approach this in the best way possible. There are lots of options.

"I will see John and Julie tomorrow evening. If you like I can tell John that you want to have sex with him, but that doesn't seem to be the best option to me.

"I also spend most Thursday evenings with Julie and John. You could either invite yourself to their place then or invite them here and raise the topic of sex. You could do the same on Friday evening. What are your thoughts?"

"Would you feel bad if I ask them to come here on Thursday? You would lose your night with them?"

"Not at all. Thursday is probably the best option. That way, if John agrees, you and I can celebrate Friday."

Lisa went to get her phone. She started to dial but stopped. "Oh shit. Do I just ask him to come over to fuck me?"

"Why don't you invite them to dinner. I'll help with that. We can discuss sex with them during or after dinner. Would that be ok for you?"

"What about birth control?"

"I have condoms that you can use."

* * * * *

After cleaning up the kitchen, Sandy and Lisa went back to the bedroom.

Sandy asked, "What did you think about missionary and doggy style?"

"They were great. I'm looking forward to the next chapter."

"Ok. But let's change things up. How about if you wear the triple dipper and I demonstrate cowgirl and squat fucking?"

Lisa looked dubious. "But wouldn't I learn more if I do the cowgirl and squat fucking?"

"Nope. In fact, you will learn much more with the switch. Are you ready?"

Sandy retrieved the sanitized triple dipper and brought it to the bedroom. She coated the butt plug portion with lube and asked, "Do you want to insert this yourself?"

Lisa took to toy and said, "Maybe I should."

"Ok. But first let me apply some lube on you and loosen you up a bit." Sandy applied lube to Lisa's anus and probed with her index finger. She finger-fucked Lisa's asshole for a minute with one finger, then added a second. Sandy rotated her hand as she pushed in and pulled out. After another minute, Sandy added a third finger and Lisa groaned, "Oh damn. I guess this is what you meant by butt play."

When Sandy thought that Lisa was ready, she said, "Ok. Insert the butt plug."

Lisa muttered to herself the whole time that she inserted the plug. "Oh my. What am I thinking. Oh. This feels pretty good." Then, slurp, Lisa's anus sucked in the butt plug. "Damn. That feels good."

"Are you ready for the next part?" Sandy asked as she started fingering Lisa's pussy. Lisa's pussy was soaking, "Yes you are."

Sandy bent back the g-spot simulator so that it pointed at the entrance of Lisa's vagina, then pushed it in just a bit. Slurp. Once the end got past Lisa's pubic bone the g-spot stimulator sprung into position, pulling the toy into Lisa's vagina and resting on her g-spot. "Oooh. That is fantastic."

"You ain't seen nothin' yet," Sandy sang as she straddled Lisa's hips with her knees on the bed. She positioned her pussy over the dildo. "Are you ready?"

Lisa nodded and Sandy sank onto the dildo of the triple dipper. As Sandy impaled herself, Lisa groaned. It was the first time that she had felt the effects of the triple dipper.

Sandy pumped up and down on the dildo a few times and stopped. Lisa was already quivering. Sandy asked, "How is that so far?"

Lisa giggled, "Oh that is so intense. I feel like I'm an enormous orgasm waiting to happen."

"Good. That is the old in-out-in-out. Not bad, but not the best. Let's me give it a few more pumps and then try a different motion." Sandy's hands were on the bed next to Lisa's chest. She pumped up and down 5 or 6 more times as Lisa groaned.

Sandy kept the dildo fully inserted and slid her hips forward and backward. Lisa panted and screamed, "Oh fuck."

Sandy said, "I call that the bell ringer. It seems that John really likes it and I do too." Sandy rang Lisa's bell a few more times before she started to swirl her hips in a circle with the dildo still to its full depth. Then Sandy reversed the cycle. Lisa had never felt such intense sexual pleasure. She huffed and puffed and exclaimed, "Oh wow. I feel like I've already come ten times."

Sandy said, "I call that the washing machine. But that was just the warmup. I am going to do the same three movements, but from a squatting position. Are you ready?"

Sandy got up on her feet and squatted over Lisa. She guided the dildo into her pussy and immediately dropped, groaning as the dildo reach its full depth in her.

Lisa said, "Ooo. Be gentle. Please."

"Sorry, I am not going to be gentle. I am going to fuck you wildly for a bit. If it hurts, just say 'banana' and I will stop."

Sandy was squatting over Lisa with her back straight up. Using just the muscles in her legs, she lifted herself 4 or 5 inches and dropped back onto Lisa, driving Lisa's butt into the mattress. Lisa felt like she was being hit by a pleasure pile driver. The triple dipper rattled her insides and her clitoris all at the same time. Lisa twisted her head back and forth, left and right. Her black hair flipped back and forth over her face.

Sandy shifted to the bell ringer, again keeping her back straight up. She drove her hips forward and back keeping the dildo at its full depth. The sensation of her labia rubbing on Lisa's pubic area felt exquisite. It also brought Sandy close to orgasm.

Lisa moaned. "Aaah. I don't know if I can take much more."

Sandy stopped briefly, giving Lisa a chance to catch her breath. Lisa looked up at Sandy and smiled. "I hope you are enjoying this half as much as I am."

"Oh yeah. Here we go again."

Sandy swirled her hips in a circle doing what she called the washing machine. Five cycles clockwise, five counterclockwise. Lisa was going wild thrashing below Sandy. Sandy was on the verge of orgasm herself.

As Sandy started the next clockwise cycle, Lisa yelled, "I don't know if I can take any more."

Sandy replied, "I'm going to cum. I can't stop." Sandy kept her hips moving in a circle as the rest of her body quivered in orgasm.

Lisa shouted, "Banana," and Sandy collapsed on Lisa's chest. The two women remained motionless. They were both covered with sweat and breathed heavily. After a bit, Sandy got up on her elbows and looked at Lisa. They smiled at one another and kissed, gently at first, then with increasing vigor.

"How do you feel?" Sandy asked.

"What did Julie call it" Dangerously delightful or delightfully dangerous? I feel like everything inside my abdomen has been rearranged. The intensity of pleasure and orgasms were indescribable."

Sandy kissed Lisa again and dismounted. "Let me remove the toy for you?" Sandy pulled slowly to get the toy out of Lisa's vagina and anus, then took it into the bathroom to clean it. When Sandy got back to the bedroom, Lisa was asleep. Sandy turned off the lights and spooned behind Lisa. The next thing Sandy knew, the apartment was filled with the scent of brewing coffee and Lisa walked into the bedroom with two steaming cups.

Sandy and Lisa sat cross-legged on the bed facing one another as they drank the coffee.

Lisa smiled and said, "Thank you for last night. I never imagined sex could be so wonderful. And I can't imagine a more wonderful lover."

"Thanks. We sure made a mess of your bed last night, but it didn't seem to stop either of us from sleeping. I'm glad that you invited me to coffee that morning weeks ago, but I must say that I far prefer having coffee with you in bed and naked to sitting in a coffee shop."

They chatted as they finished their coffee, then moved to shower to wash each other. As they showered, they kissed, they rubbed soapy bellies and backs, they stroked each other's breasts, and pussies, and both pushed a finger into the other's ass. They weren't trying to give each other orgasms, they were just enjoying the sensations of each other's body. They rinsed and dried and kissed one more time before getting dressed.

When Sandy got home her mom was having breakfast.

"Good morning," they said in unison, which brought out a small laugh from each of them.

As Sandy made herself a piece of toast she and her mom chatted lightly. When Sandy sat down, her mom looked at her and said, "We haven't had much chance to talk since dinner on Sunday. I wanted to ask you opinion of Tom."

"He seems very nice, but I've only met him a couple of times. I can also say that if TJ is any indication, Tom has been an excellent father. Are you and he getting serious? Do you want to spend more time with him?"

"I think so. We get together several evenings each week. We both work downtown so occasionally we get together for lunch. Tom works most Saturdays too, but sometimes TJ takes care of the store for him. There isn't a lot more time that we could actually spend with one another."

"I'm not the best person to give relationship advice, having never had a boyfriend or anything, but if you like spending time with Tom, and he with you, then enjoy that time. If you are happy with your relationship as it is, then let it evolve. I really enjoy the time I spend with my friends, but I also enjoy the time that I can be alone. You and I are probably alike in that way."

Cheryl pondered a while before saying, "I do enjoy reading a good book in the evening. Lately, I've only had a couple days each week to read in the evening."

"You might talk with Tom about that. Maybe he likes to read too. Or maybe he likes to solve crossword puzzles. It might be good to spend time together when you aren't eating or going to a movie."

"Maybe, but like you said, I do like my alone time. Speaking of time, it is time for me to head for work."

Sandy went upstairs to study a bit before class. As had become her habit, she studied nude, but with her mom off to work, she left her door open. She liked to read ahead so that by the time it came to lectures she was already familiar with the material.

* * * * *

The math lecture was pretty much as expected. But at the end of the class the professor said, "Ms. Bowman, do you have a few minutes after class today."

After the other students paraded out, the professor picked up his notes and asked Sandy to come to his office. Once there he said, "You have applied for the graduate program in Math. You have been in a couple of my classes and always performed at the top. I would be happy to write a letter of recommendation if you like."

Sandy was surprised. She had only submitted her application last week. She just said, "I would very much appreciate that."

"Excellent. I look forward to having you in our graduate program." He extended a hand, which Sandy shook with grace.

* * * * *

Sandy got to the art lab early. She poked her head into Professor Bowman's office and said, "Hi, Sister. I'm going to get ready."

Sandy undressed behind the screen and started to stretch. After stretching Sandy sat in a lotus position and meditated. She had a hard time clearing her mind. Her thoughts swirled around her application to the graduate school, sex last night with Lisa, sex Sunday afternoon with TJ, more sex with TJ later today, and sex and discussion with Julie and John.

Sandy felt that she had barely started to meditate with Professor Brown came around the edge of the screen, "Are you ready, Sandra?"

Sandy looked up and smiled, "I am." She stood and faced the professor.

"You looked like you were meditating deeply. If you like, let's start with a lotus pose today."


They walked to the model's platform together. Professor Brown had had the lab assistant put two cubes on the platform so that they touched. There was a cushion in each cube.

Professor Brown addressed the class. "Normally, in life drawing art models pose nude, as Sandra will do. Today I will pose with Sandra, but I will remain clothed. In some cases, we will adopt the same poses, or we might have a pose that is more interactive. Let's see how it goes. For all poses, you need to complete your drawings within 20 minutes."

The professor and Sandy sat back-to-back on the cubes. Both held their spines as straight as possible. Professor Brown was wearing a flowing, maxi dress that easily accommodated and covered her legs in the lotus position. She also wore a loose, long-sleeved blouse that was unbuttoned to a point about nipple level.

With their spines and heads touching, Sandy closed her eyes and felt an instant connection with the professor. Sandy had heard of chakras, or energy centers of the body. In their back-to-back position Sandy and the professor had several chakras nearly touching. Sandy imagined that the energy wheels of their bodies merged so that the two women exchanged or shared body energy. Suddenly, Sandy pictured Professor Brown's naked vulva. The vision surprised Sandy. She had not thought about Professor Brown's vulva since their Saturday session.

Sandy's vagina moistened, her labia and clitoris swelled. Sandy imagined that Professor Brown was also becoming aroused. The two women sat motionless, yet energy swirled through both their bodies. Before they knew it, the lab assistant called time.

Sandy and the professor both stood slowly. Sandy reached down to touch her toes. She clasped her arms around her legs and pulled her head to her knees.

While Sandy stretched, Professor Brown walked among the students to see how they had done. Not surprisingly, most students struggled drawing the professor wearing clothes than drawing Sandy nude. Of course they had already drawn Sandy multiple times. One student's work stood out for their remarkable drawing of the professor's dress. She asked, "Are you perhaps a student of fashion design?"

"Is it that obvious?"

Professor Brown chuckled and said, "It is. And very flattering. Thanks."

During the break, the lab assistant rotated the cubes 90 degrees. The next pose had the two women sitting side-by-side facing in opposite directions. Professor Brown reached around Sandy's waist and held her side, while Sandy mirrored the move. Then the two women arched their backs and leaned gently into the others arm. They opened their legs wide with their feet on the platform.

Sandy rued that they might not be in the best position for energy sharing, but it was nice to have her arm around her sister. With their backs arched, Sandy found herself staring at the bare, white wall and ceiling. It was like a big movie screen folded horizontally. An enormous image of Professor Brown's vulva popped into Sandy's mind. Even with her eyes open, she could imagine the vulva as if it were in front of her again.

Sandy realized that her hip touched Professor Brown's hip and with their legs spread wide, each had a thigh touching the other's buttocks. Plus, they held an arm around each other's back. They were clearly able to share energy thought Sandy as her arousal grew. Again, her vagina moistened, and labia and clitoris engorged.

The lab assistant called time just as Sandy felt the initial shudders presaging orgasm. The two women lifted each other into an upright position and stood to stretch. Sandy whirled her arms in large circles, then swung them horizontally so that they crossed over her chest and the backs of her hands slapped behind her. She did a forward bend, then a back bend, then twists and side bends. Next, she did side lunges. Last, she did another forward bend, then rose slowly, feeling each vertebra as it stacked on the one below it. She stood straight, pulling her shoulders back slightly and reveled in the feelings that her body gave her. She stepped off the platform to get a drink of water from her hydro-flask and climbed right back up.