Satisfaction Pt. 02: Ch. 08 to 09


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"Yes, yes, yes, yes." The volume diminished but the hardness of tone of her utterances increased. I wondered in that moment whether the 'yeses' were a sign of a revenge fulfilled or that I was now part of something that was larger. I suspected the latter, but it did not stop me rising from the kneeling position and grabbing a small foot stool used for reaching the high shelves, getting up on it, disrobing, and sliding Helga forward ramming my now solid cock into her lubricated pussy. I was not merciful. I vented my anger and pent up frustration at the situation through my aggressive thrusts and grunts. She took it and thrust back. I was sure we would both have bruised pubes from the way they met and crashed into each other, but neither of us let up the copulative rage until we both had momentous orgasms at the same time.

"Is that revenge enough?' I asked.

"To start with." The dryer stopped and pinged. "Let's go up to the bedroom."

We settled naked, side by side after Helga carefully pulled the blankets and sheets to the foot of the bed.

"When do you expect Hans home?"

"About seven. But let's say six to be on the safe side. He usually calls from the nursery before he leaves so I can have the kettle on."

"Helga." I paused. "What's really going on?"

"What I said. They're having an affair. This is revenge."

"I don't believe you. There is more."

"You saw the evidence. I do most of my coaching after school hours. I think they meet at the nursery -- Hans had a nice sofa in a back room behind the office -- between four and six. I am sure Jill has meetings at that same time. It's been easier for Jill to get out since her mum arrived to look after the children."

"What do you think of Jill?" I changed tack.

"I love her. Really."

Hastily I said, "I believe you do." Helga looked puzzled. I decided to go for broke.

"I am not blind I see how you look at her when we get together. And how she looks at you. I think you may both love each other. Or maybe it's simple lesbian lust. Tell me what is it? Be honest with me. You owe me that at least."

I was probably going somewhere that Helga had not anticipated. She probably could not bring herself to deny her feelings for Jill considering it a small betrayal, but she wasn't sure she was ready to open up to me. She thought silently for several minutes. I was well-versed in dealing with silences when counseling staff. I remained silent.

"Yes. You are right. Jill and I have something going between us. Not quite love but with a big dose of lust thrown in. She may spend time with Hans, but we also find time to be together, intimately during the day now and then. I grew gradually from friendship into what we have now over the years you have been here. We are very careful when Alan is around. Please believe that very careful. He is such a lovely boy. Now you know."

"Do you have threesomes with Hans? You know she screws him. You are there sometimes. Right?"

"I'll not answer that. Ask Jill."

"I will. Now I want to fuck you in the remaining two holes I have not yet sampled. And we will do this again."

I rolled over on her. I expected a fight, but she offered no resistance only cooperation. I left at three thirty, exhausted.

This is complicated. Helga and I had discussed how we might involve Jack. We set it up for Helga to seduce Jack, but it proved he had more backbone than I gave him credit at the time. Also, of course I had no idea we had been discovered. Helga was successful but it went nowhere really.

Once more I found myself soaking in a bath thinking about sex and how it wrings out the soul. I understood for a few moments why some religious doctrines were so hostile to anything to do with sex. What to do? The answer came to me out of the blue. The logic was simple. Extra-marital sex arose through opportunity along with co-operation. It is possible to at least reduce opportunity. I would encourage Jill to get that job she craved. That would keep her busy and perhaps sap some of her considerable sexual energy.

The family had a grand time in Toronto and both Joan and Jill were sorry I was not there to experience it with them. The whole of the next week the kids recounting the experiences in Toronto animated our dinnertime conversations.

It was the next weekend before Jill and I had a chance to be together without some activity filling our time. I broached the subject of a her finding a job. (That was a wowee moment for me.) She leaped on me and once more I was confronted with Tiger Woman. The following morning, she told me that she knew that Hans was looking for a part-time bookkeeper. My heart sank. I tried to stay positive, saying she should go for broke and get a full-time job rather than part-time, and the work at the nursery would be seasonal. Also, it could be awkward working for friends if anything went wrong. Jill told me she would think about what I had to say. All I could think about was the sofa in Hans' back office.

Joan was most supportive of Jill going to work full time. That was blessing and probably swung the argument in my favor. I smiled to myself as I thought that Hans would be less than happy at the outcome. Jill entered the job market and found herself a nice job as a bookkeeper with a new Toyota dealership. She was happy. Joan was delighted to be in charge of the household. I was happy it was not Hans' nursery.

The logistics took a while to work out. I had to make some adjustments, and Jill was able to negotiate some flexibility in her hours to deal with the kids when needed. We arranged for a part-time housekeeper to come in and do the cleaning twice a week to unburden Joan somewhat. My work was going well and was bang on the original plan I had developed originally.

I should mention here that Alan's literary skills improved remarkably under Helga's tutoring, and Brenda reached a point whereby Helga told us she no longer needed help. Carol was fine at school (apart from her desire to give blow jobs to anything in trousers) and David was still doing his thirty-years-old's trick and doing brilliantly at everything he touched at school.

We negotiated our way through the hot summer days with the kids having free access to Hans and Helga's swimming pool. We all took a week's road trip to Ottawa, Montreal and Quebec City, and another weeklong trip down to Pennsylvania.

That summer, by an unstated agreement, we did not get together with Hans and Helga as foursome through the holiday months. We did not actively avoid each other, and we occasionally met at the curb but there were no dinners or outings together. That said, I think Helga and Jill got together reasonably regularly. (True. Only alone.) Whether Jill saw her with Hans, or Hans alone I had no idea and did not wish to know. I never got together with just Helga again. Alan continued his tutoring and the kids were always welcome in the pool.

There was a touch of irony for me. I was working a bit less and Jill was putting in all hours at the dealership.

Joan stepped up to the plate and became my domestic companion.

I noticed Jill was getting a few white hairs, and a few character lines around her eyes. She was beginning to look like her mother, while her mother was not aging at all. They were more and more like sisters.

Jill passed her CA exams and the documentation of the internship she had with her father was accepted. There was a big party that included Helga and Hans my work colleagues and Jill's friends from the dealership.

There was little drama over the next twelve months. The big news then was that Jill was made the dealership accountant. My work was also going well, and we were into prototype manufacturing.

Jack never knew about how my promotion came about. The senior accountant fell sick with stomach cancer. He was away a lot for chemotherapy. I had to hold the fort together in his absence. With my CA designation, I could sign all the papers, but nominally I was still just the bookkeeper and paid as such. When the old man died, I heard nothing for a while, I constantly asked what was happening. I was given vague replies and often blown off with no reply at all. Then the job was posted in the local paper. I went to the general manager to ask why I had not simply been promoted. He tried to sound as if he knew what he was talking about when he spoke of Toyota policies that forced his hand. I asked simply what I could do to ensure I got the job. His answer was simple and to the point, "Fuck me."

At that time for some reason I cannot now explain, I agreed to an arrangement. I did not trust him. We met at a hotel and we fucked for a couple of hours. I kept what he thought was my phone on the bedside table but was one of the latest electronic recording machines. I recorded the whole event.

When the interviews were over the general manager called me in, as a courtesy, to be told I did not get the job. I pulled out the recording of him promising me the job for the session at the hotel. I basically blackmailed him into giving me the job. He threatened to tell my family and everyone else what I did in the hotel. I said I did not care, and he would lose a lot more than I. I won the bluff. He had a problem reversing the decision to bring in his friend, but I did not care.

I was good at my job. I brought in new software for the computers and once the horror of the transition was over the accounting was much easier all around. The salesmen and maintenance staff loved the fact their paperwork was simplified, and it was even better for the salesmen that they saw their commissions three weeks earlier than under the old system. The staff loved me, except the general manager.

I created sufficient free time though accounting efficiencies, except at month and year-ends, to spend three afternoon sessions a week on the sales floor. I discovered I had a gift for selling cars. I later learned that my achievements were noticed at head office. I should perhaps add, in view of my past history you have learned about, I did not respond to one of the many staff that flirted with me in the dealership.

Toyota at that time built an assembly line near-by in Cambridge, about twenty minutes away. To get me out of the building the dealership GM volunteered me to sit on an implementation committee that looked at distribution Canada-wide from the new plant. My French skills, although rusty, came in useful for the first time in my life, although I did have some problems with the Quebecoise vocabulary at first. Our committee work went well, and we came out with a good report that was implemented. I must confess that the success helped me understand and appreciate Jack's joy when things went well for him at work.

I gathered I so impressed Toyota head office people they offered me the senior accounting position in the plant, the third most important accounting position after the two tops guys in the Canada head office. I had special responsibilities relating to the Quebec dealerships. I learned about this time the GM of the dealership tried his 'fuck me' with the wrong woman in the office and was fired.

But I am getting ahead of Jack's story.

Jill impressed and surprised the socks off me. Over the course of eighteen months she had moved from being a bookkeeper to a senior accountant within the Toyota organization. We celebrated Jill's successes with a big party at a hotel in town. Jill and I celebrated in the bedroom. On a day-to-day basis our couplings had diminished considerably, but we demonstrated to each other that we still had the old multi-orgasmic spark.

My project was coming to a conclusion with the unveiling of our new line of computer-operated machines. I was off at trade shows and at sales conferences. Jill was busy in her new role. Joan stepped up to the plate magnificently. She loved every minute of it. A new plant was proposed, and I was designated general manager. This was not as demanding as it sounds as we had a professional engineering and project management company retained on a turnkey basis. All I had to do was oversee that we were getting what we needed, and staff up, mainly from the existing plant for the new operation.

Matters became even more complicated when Toyota asked Jill to consider learning Japanese. She had a proven ear for languages and had picked up a lot of spoken language but no written because of the kanji script. The problem with this was she would be expected to spend between three to six months in Japan. It was dilemma. If she took the opportunity it left her open for more promotion, otherwise she would be plateaued and unlikely to move upwards before retirement.

We were given a week to decide. In common with our move to Canada we sat down to a pro-con sheet of possibilities. We spoke more frankly than we ever had before about sex and agreed we would have an open arrangement until she returned. More difficult were the children. Jill was loath to leave them for such an extended period of time. We spoke with Joan and gained confidence she could cope in Jill's absence. (I was a little perturbed by the enthusiasm Joan showed when she declared she easily cope with and would look after all the family's needs. I had a clear idea what her coping skills included.) We set conditions about Jill coming home for five free days every three weeks. Toyota agreed with the arrangement. Jill went off.

As usual Jack makes it sound so easy. I was torn apart by the decision, particularly my concern at abandoning the children. The free-pass arrangement for sex excited me. Joan and I spoke about it and suggested Jack's needs could be covered "on campus". I reluctantly agreed it was better he play at home than away, although my jealousy rose as I accepted the possible arrangement. It was at this time I told Jack all about my relationship with Helga and Hans, and he told me about his discovery of our threesome.

In retrospect, taking advantage of the opportunity it offered was the right thing to do, but any free time I had in Japan I constantly worried about what the kids were doing and the mischief they had in hand. I was particularly worried about Carol. It is ironic that I never got used to all the open-minded planning we had put in place. That was a surprise particularly for me. I am not sure Jack believed me when I first told him, so I had to make up some stories, so it sounded genuine -- isn't that a laugh?

The fact of the matter I was determined to keep my stay in Japan as short as possible to get home to the kids at least, and Jack and my now familiar home. Also, I did not like Japanese food very much. I could add I did not come across one man (or woman!) that attracted me in any serious way. I concentrated on my studies in the evenings as well as through the day and after a slow ponderous start started to get the whole construct of the language fairly quickly. I am sure my hosts were quite surprised. I came home every three weeks as agreed. I was quite competent in Japanese in four months of complete immersion.

On her first visit home Jill talked to us all non-stop for two straight evenings about her experiences in Japan. She covered her first impressions of the culture and her dislike of the food, particularly an incident when at a formal dinner the centerpiece lobster (or crayfish) started walking away!

Between us Jill told me she had worked so hard at learning the new language she devoted all her spare time to it. I probed deeper and she stuck to her story. I almost believed her based on the level of lust she brought home with her, but I also thought maybe she was being stoked up to high level and needed to maintain the level of sexual activity.

On later trips home she reluctantly told me how she had fallen in with a crowd of young guys and a couple of young women who were in Japan to teach English. Jill had some great stories how they did shots using Saki and fell into an eight-person -- six guys, another of the women and her -- all-night orgy. She gave a stroke-by-stroke account of the event, including her first triple penetration. We had our own ferocious highlight after that story. On each of her home visits she had similar stories including one at the hands (mouths, feet, and many toys and an octopus!!) of a lesbian coven (or maybe it was some sort of convent) that lasted for a full two days. [On reading Jill's added notes to my original understanding, I am really disappointed to now learn that all these deliciously erotic stories were made up for my benefit. I tip my hat to Jill -- she had me believing and hot as hell.]

As for myself, I was relatively celibate. I have to say I fell for Helga's charms precisely once for each of the three-week periods Jill was away, although I refused to go ahead with her when Hans was present as she constantly proposed. There was nothing fancy in our couplings. A few kisses, bit of mutual oral and then a good fuck.

I had arranged with Helga to look out for Jack in my absence. I gave her the green light, not that she needed it, to do whatever they liked together, based on my home-rather-than-away principle. I also asked her to keep an eye on Joan. I was worried Joan would be overstretched for such a long period. Turns out I was completely wrong on this score: I later learned that Joan had enough energy left over to play around with Helga more times than Helga got together with Jack. Who knew!

Joan was good as her word. She looked after the family very well. She loved them all deeply and ensured they ate well, slept enough, had clean clothes and arrived at school on time. On random occasions she would visit me late at night. There must have been a dozen times when I was woken in the small hours of the morning by soft lips initially kissing me on the lips and then moving down to suck my cock and bring me off leaving no trace of my sperm on the sheets. Joan was always gone before morning.

Jill was welcomed home by the CEO of Toyota and was a celebrity in their in-house magazine. A new position was created for Jill that was a combination of internal consultant for the establishment of new dealerships and a functional and financial auditor of the existing ones. Jill also was the go-to person for Japanese translations and was on hand when corporate executives from Japan visited. She acquired a staff of three who were responsible for most of the audits, with Jill taking on most of the largest dealerships. She was left pretty much alone and could program her own schedules, except for a monthly presentation to the board. The job involved some travel and Jill was away on average about a day and half per week.

At this point many of you who read this will assume I took the opportunity when I was away to have a few one-night stands with distant staff and other hotel guests. You'd be wrong. When I first started the audits, I consciously dressed a little bit provocatively, wearing semi-see-through blouses with colored bras, short skirts or long skirts with high slits up the side, and fuck-me very high-heeled shoes. I flirted with the staff to get them to open up.

After a few months of this approach I found that it was alienating the people I was supposed to deal with and reverted to normal business clothes. I later learned that I acquired a reputation with my honest, but take no prisoners, reports to be a ball buster. I was more circumspect after that, and matters settled down into a professional routine.

I was so busy after hours writing up my findings and the draft report that I ate in my room and fell asleep exhausted after typically twelve to fourteen-hour days. Going home was a rest.

At the same time my contract was up for renewal. I had the good fortune that one of my curling buddies, Mike, was a corporate lawyer specializing in the personnel side of the business. I was ready to sign what seemed a generous contract to me (and Jill when she looked over it). On impulse I had Mike look at it. He wanted to throw the whole thing out. I hired him and let him negotiate on my behalf. My salary as general manager of the plant went up by almost a third. I was on the executive board, my already good benefits became richer; a company car was thrown in, my pension was ramped up and a parachute section was added in case they wanted to let me go. Mike more than earned his fee. I was the Company golden boy (right!). To be honest I was good at my job and had brought the company into the latter part of the twentieth century in good shape.