Saturday's Aren't All That Bad


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Kathy stepped back for a moment, then murmured something about let's try that again, and stepped right up to me, her head tilted back. I kissed her slowly, and started to put my arms around her when she suddenly stepped back.

"I will not get involved with a married man. I won't stoop to Gayle's standards. If you are still interested when your divorce is final, then we can see whether we want this to go anywhere."

She then turned, and told me to come on into the kitchen; she still had some things to do to get ready for dinner. The rest of the night, Kathy acted as though nothing had happened, although I did catch her looking at me a little oddly when she thought I wasn't looking.

We continued taking the kids out places, seeing each other every day, although I noticed that when Kathy kissed me hello, she was very careful about how she did it, as though she were making sure that nothing happened.

Finally, I got the call from my attorney. Gayle had finally given up trying to get part of the company I had started before we got married, and agreed to take what I had originally given her.

The only catch was that she wanted me to pay $15,000 for her attorney's fees. I initially told my attorney that hell would freeze over before I would do that, but when my attorney told me that it would probably wind up costing that much to take the case to trial, and because I made so much more than Gayle I would probably be ordered to pay at least some of her attorney's fees anyway.

Reluctantly, I agreed, and was asked to come down to her office and sign the last of the papers for the divorce.

Three days later I got the call I had been waiting for. My divorce was final; everything was signed off, and as of about 10:00a.m. I was no longer married.

I hung up the phone, and just sat and thought for a few minutes. Then I picked up the phone, called the restaurant at the Hilton, and made reservations for two for dinner at 8:00. I then called my next door neighbor, Susan, who had a teenage daughter, and asked if Carol could baby sit that night, and also told her that I thought that Caitlin would be staying at the house that night as well.

Susan laughed, and said that if Carol couldn't do it, she would. She thought that it was about time that Kathy and I started formally dating. Then she absolutely floored me by telling me that if we weren't home by midnight, she would come over and sleep there, so we could stay out as long as we wanted, but that she had to be home by 8:00am to get ready to go to work. I was more than a little flustered, but thanked her profusely, and hung up.

It was already 3:00, so I knew that Kathy had already picked up the kids from school. I told my secretary that I was leaving for the day, then got in my car. I got home, parked in the garage and without even going inside, I walked down to Kathy's and rang the doorbell.

Kathy seemed a bit puzzled when she answered the door, and asked if anything was wrong.

"Not a thing, in fact everything couldn't be better. I just thought that I would like to ask you out to dinner. I have arraigned for a baby sitter for all three kids, and I have reservations at the Hilton for dinner at 8:00. I hope you won't make all those arraignments go for naught by telling me that you have other plans for this evening. "

"Aren't you forgetting something? I won't date a married man."

"You wouldn't be. I'm not married anymore. The divorce was final about six hours ago."

Kathy laughed, and stepped closer to me, giving me a kiss that was as electric as the one she had given me a couple of months ago.

"If I have anything going tonight, it will just have to wait. Of course, I would be honored to go with you."

We talked for a few more minutes, then I went out in back and told the kids that they had to come home now, but that Caitlin was welcome to come also, and she should bring her pajamas because she was going to spend the night at our house. The kids were ecstatic, and couldn't wait for Caitlin to get her things.

When we left, Kathy gave me another kiss, the first time she had done this. As we walked up the street, Caitlin was looking at me a little funny, finally saying, "My mommy must really like you a lot, I've never seen her give anyone a kiss like that."

"I certainly hope she does. If she does, would that bother you?"

"Oh no, I think you are really neat, and Mommy has been so lonely for a long time. Does that mean that you will be my daddy?"

"Oh sugar, that will depend on a whole lot of things, things that none of us have a lot of control over."

Erin piped up with, "Oh that would be wonderful, then you could be my sister, and Kathy could be my mother, and I wouldn't have to wonder if my mother wants me."

I winced inside, and wondered for the thousandth time what I could do to take that fear away from her. The psychologist had worked with Erin for weeks now, and thought that she was pretty much over most everything, but the last issue she really had was that her mother just didn't seem to want to spend any time with her, and it was really hurting her.

Kathy had become a good substitute, in some sense, but Erin wanted a mother that cared about her, and I just couldn't overcome that hurdle.

I diverted the kids with questions about what they wanted for dinner, and found that the vote was three to zero for hotdogs with macaroni and cheese.

I let the kids play for a bit while I went upstairs to shave, shower, and get ready for a real date.

I had the kids fed, and the kitchen cleaned up by 6:30, and by 6:45 I was ready to go, just waiting for the baby sitter to arrive. The doorbell rang, and it was Susan, with a small bag in her hand.

"Carol has an exam tomorrow, so I volunteered to baby sit. I brought my things so I will just sleep on your couch if need be. You go and have all the fun you can have, you deserve it."

"Are you sure you are okay with this?"

"Of course I am, and my husband is also. His only comment to me has been why the hell did you ever wait so long to get rid of the woman; although he didn't use the word woman. We saw her down at the restaurant months ago, and figured out what was going on. We just couldn't bring ourselves to be the ones who told you."

"Now go have a wonderful night, with a really wonderful woman. You don't know it, but she has spent a lot of time at my house, crying, because she thought this would never happen, so you go make her happy."

I was a bit taken aback, but collected myself, and started out the door, and started to walk down to Kathy's, when I realized that I should be taking the car. When I pulled up in front of Kathy's, I realized that I was feeling like a teenager on his first real date. I sat there for a few minutes to collect my thoughts, then walked up and rang the doorbell.

Kathy seemed to answer the door almost before the chimes had quit ringing. She was absolutely beautiful, at least to me. Kathy is a little taller than Gayle, quite slim, but with enough curves to be able to tell she was definitely a woman. She had on a cocktail dress that set off her coloration beautifully, and emphasized her figure.

"Good evening beautiful. Are you ready for a night out without children?"

"I'm ready for anything as long as it is with you."

We got in the car, and talked about everything and nothing in particular on the way down to the Hilton. The restaurant was quiet, and we were seated at a table for two off to one side, where we could look out the window at the city lights, and see the fog starting to roll in. We had had a drink, and were just starting on the salad when I heard a familiar voice behind me.

"Well, I see that you and Ms. Prissy here certainly didn't wait long, I don't think the ink is dry on the final decree yet."

It was Gayle, and from her voice, she had already had a fair amount to drink.

I started to say something, but Kathy just put her hand on mine, then turned to Gayle. "I wouldn't stoop to your level and date a married man, let alone sleep with one. Of course you haven't dated a married man - you have just spread your legs for every one you could find that was low enough to crawl between your legs. Tell me, have any of your boyfriends complained about calluses?"

Gayle went white with anger, and I thought it was possible she might just have a stroke there on the spot. I stood up, and put myself between her and the table.

"Just leave Gayle. The restraining orders are still in effect, as you will recall, and if I have to I will make scene, and call the police."

Gayle managed to control herself, and finally stomped off, although I could hear her swearing under her breath.

"I'm sorry, but I just couldn't resist. She has put you and the kids through enough hell, I thought that she needed a bit of payback."

Dinner went well, and by dessert, we had both pretty much forgotten the incident with Gayle.

While we were enjoying a last glass of wine, I told her what Caitlin and Erin had said on the way over to my house.

Kathy blushed a bit, and seemed like she didn't know quite what to say.

Very softly I said: "I know this is coming very soon, but would you like to be Erin and Ian's mother? I know that I love you, and I would like it very, very much."

Kathy was silent for a minute, and as I looked at her, I could see tears shimmering in her eyes. Finally she said; "I would like that very much. I can't tell you how much."

I started to order a bottle of champagne to celebrate, but Kathy shook her head, and told me that she wanted to go before she really started crying.

We talked on the way home, and although neither of us was particularly religious, we thought that we should get married in a church, rather than just a civil ceremony, if for no other reason than the children would remember that better.

When we got to Kathy's, she invited me in, and as soon as the door was shut she was in my arms, her arms wrapped around my neck. We stood like that for quite awhile, and she was kissing me as though there would never be another kiss.

Finally we came up for air, and Kathy whispered for me to undo her zipper. I did, not taking my arms from around her, and her dress slipped to the floor. I unhooked her bra, and as she stepped back a bit, letting it slid to the floor also, I got my first look at her wondrous breasts. They were small, but pert, and her nipples were standing out.

Kathy took my hand, and led me toward her bedroom. When we got there, I started to take my coat and tie off, but she grabbed my hands, and pulled them away. "Let me unwrap you, the best present I have ever had."

I didn't take her long, and as she slipped my shorts off, she caressed my penis with her hand, her thumb spreading the pre-cum over the head, then licked me very gently.

Although I could have had her do that forever, I pulled her to her feet, and told her it was my turn. I slid her nylons off, then her panties, and was a bit surprised when I found that she was almost completely shaven, with only a little patch left just above her vagina.

"I did that this afternoon while I was getting ready. I didn't know if we would get this far tonight, but just in case I prepared myself."

I picked her up, and laid her on the bed, then lay down beside her, holding her in my arms and kissing her.

Eventually, I started kissing down her body, exploring her entire body, her breasts, her stomach, and finally that wonderful junction of her thighs. I was reveling in her taste, her smell, just everything about her. Kathy started to come as I sucked on her clit, and the two fingers I had slid into her stroked her from the inside. When she came, her head whipped back and forth on the pillow, as she cried out, "Oh God yes, yes. I've waited so long for this."

When she came back down a little, she wanted me to enter her, but I laughed and refused. I told her that I was going to give her a bit of a rest, then bring her up again. With that, I started on her breasts again, remembering to pay attention to her mouth and her neck while I did, and eventually I worked my way back down to that lovely pubis, and Kathy was crying and begging me to take her. I knelt between her legs, and Kathy raised her knees, giving me free access to her most private parts. When I entered her, she hissed, and the tears started. I stopped, thinking that something was wrong.

"Oh God don't stop now, I'm crying for happy."

I slid the rest of the way into her, and to my dismay, found that I was going to climax almost immediately. I tried to stop moving, but Kathy kept her hips moving as she pulled me down to kiss me. I was lost, and within seconds I was exploding within her, her slick, moist vagina sucking every last drop out of me.

We lay together for quite awhile, finally winding up spoon fashion with my arm over her, my hand cupping her breast, and we drifted off to sleep. A little after 5:00 I felt Kathy stir, and before I knew quite what was happening, I could feel her taking me into her mouth, stirring me, bringing me to full attention. When she had me fully hard, she stopped her attentions with her mouth, kissed me, then laid down and pulled me on top of her.

I lasted longer this time, and we both climaxed at almost the same time, falling back together in a tangle of sheets.

"Oh God, it is almost 6:00, and we need to get up and get over to your house before the kids wake up."

We jumped up, quickly showered together, with Kathy slapping my hand in a playful manner when I tried to get a bit more familiar, and got dressed.

We got in the car and drove the two blocks to my house, leaving the car in the driveway, rather that opening the garage, and chancing waking the kids up. I let us in, and we could see Susan asleep on the couch. I went into the kitchen, and started coffee, and boiling water for tea, while Kathy woke Susan up.

I could hear Susan and Kathy talking quietly in the living room while the coffee brewed, then Susan came into the kitchen, a broad smile on her face, followed by Kathy.

"I am so happy for you. Congratulations on finally getting it right," Susan said, giving me a hug.

"I am going to steal one of your coffee mugs, and get home so I can get breakfast for Paul and Carol. If you need a baby sitter for another night, you are welcome to call me. If Carol can't, I certainly can."

We both thanked Susan, and she quickly left.

I went upstairs, to wake the kids, while Kathy started breakfast. After I woke them, I went into my room, shaved, and changed into a pair of slacks and a shirt. No point in giving the kids questions to ask.

The children were a bit surprised to find Kathy there, making breakfast, and Caitlin asked; "Did you spend the night here also Mommy?"

"No dear, I spent the night in my own bed."

I noticed that she did not exactly explain that I had been sharing that bed with her.

We got the kids off to school, and when I came back from depositing them at their institution of learning, Kathy had the kitchen cleaned and was sitting at the dining room table, drinking her tea.

"I thought you had to teach a class today."

"Nope. While you were gone, I called my teaching assistant, and told him that I would not be in today, and that he could hand out the assignments and tell the students that they had a free hour."

"Then I think we have something to take care of. I really didn't ask you properly last night, because I didn't have an engagement ring. I think that we ought to go down, pick out one, and we can tell the children tonight that we are getting married."

We talked a bit more while we waited for the stores to open, and I called the office, telling them I would not be in today, then at 10:00 sharp we were standing in front of the best jewelry store in town.

I tried to steer Kathy over to the big diamond engagement/wedding ring sets, but she was adamant. There was never going to be another time she did this, and she wanted to see everything.

Finally she told me she knew what she wanted. It wasn't an engagement ring at all, but a rose gold ring, set with one relatively small diamond, and a band of lapis lazuli, the deep blue set off beautifully by the rose gold.

"An engagement ring I really don't need, we know, and that is all that is important. There is a matching ring for you, and this is really all I want."

I was a little surprised, as I had been willing, no eager, to spend as much as was necessary, but these rings were not particularly expensive, although they surely stood out.

"Are you sure?"

"As sure as I am that I want to marry you."

Nothing else could be said, and I just wrote out the check. It was as though the rings had been made for us. No sizing was necessary, they fit perfectly.

We walked around the downtown area for quite awhile, had lunch, then drove over to the school to pick the kids up.

The kids, of course, were expecting Kathy to pick them up, and were a bit surprised that both of us were there. We didn't say anything about the wedding, just asked them how their day had gone, and how they wanted to spend the weekend, as today was Friday.

We then announced that there was going to be a BBQ at my house, and they were all invited. The menu was going to be steak, corn on the cob, and baked potatoes. The girls thought this was just fine, but Ian wanted macaroni and cheese.

I told him that it was perfectly okay, and that he could have macaroni and cheese instead of a baked potato. That made Ian perfectly happy, and we made a stop at the local supermarket on the way home.

After picking up the steaks and all the other fixings, I went next door to the liquor store, and bought a bottle of champagne. When I came out, Erin asked what the champagne was for.

"Well, we have a little celebration for tonight, and I thought that champagne would just fit right in."

"What kind of celebration, Daddy?"

"Now that you will just have to wait and see, it's a secret until we tell you."

Dinner was over, and we had put the dishes away into the dishwasher. I then got out five champagne glasses, put just a little tiny bit into three of them and filled the other two up.

"Okay kids, now is the time for the big secret to be let out. Is anybody interested?"

The clamor was almost deafening, and I could see Kathy smiling at me, her eyes misting over.

"Caitlin, last night your mother agreed to marry me. Do I have your permission to marry your mother?"

Caitlin's eyes got very big. "Oh Mother, really?" Kathy just nodded, her eyes shining.

"Erin and Ian, I need your permission also. Can I marry Kathy?"

There was absolute silence, and I thought for a minute that I had misjudged the feelings the kids had for Kathy. Then absolute bedlam broke out.

"Of course you can Daddy, When are you getting married? Can we come? Where will we live? Can I invite my friends to the wedding? Will I have to change my name?"

Then the last question; "Will you leave us like Mommy Gayle did?"

I thought that my heart would break as I told Erin that I would never leave her, under any circumstances.

I lifted my glass and instructed the children on how to do a toast. They all, very solemnly, raised their glasses, and I said: "To Kathy and to our marriage. To our children, and their children. To our lives together, for now, and for as long as we all shall live."

The kids very solemnly took a sip of their wine, and Kathy almost couldn't do it, the tears running down her face. I stepped over to her, helped her out of her chair, and kissed her very gently, as I wiped away the tears.

I wanted to have Kathy move in immediately, but she absolutely refused.

"I will not have my children see me in bed with a man that is not my husband, and I will not get in bed where your children can see me with you when we are not married."