Sausage and The Law Ch. 04


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Bailey: "Yes, we're running as a 'ticket' of sorts, but more importantly, we're running as a unified team. And when we're elected, we will govern as a unified team, working together at every level to stop the racism and Police brutality of Donald Troy. I don't know why Griswold and Allgood won't face us on one debate stage, but you know what they say about politics: if you're scared, get a dog. Maybe Griswold needs to get a dog."

There was a smattering of laughter at that, but the tension in the auditorium seemed to thicken, as well. And Dana McMahon piled on, asking: "Sheriff Griswold, why won't you debate three-on-three? Is Mr. Bailey right? Do you need to get a dog?"

Griswold: "I absolutely support Donald Troy's yearly Holiday campaign asking people to adopt good rescue dogs. And I support Donald Troy's work as Police Commander, protecting the innocent while arresting the guilty, especially violent offenders... and that despite Louis Bailey trying to physically stop Commander Troy from arresting a violent criminal who'd already injured a Police Officer. Bailey's actions put Commander Troy in harm's way, and if Bailey had not retired, he would have been fired for taking the criminal's side against my Police Officer."

Griswold: "As to your other question: First, a three-on-three debate takes time away from the one-on-one debates, giving the viewers less opportunity to hear each person's views, and those views are of three different offices. I wanted and demanded a one-on-one debate about the Public Safety Officer post and who is qualified to lead it."

Griswold: "And second, what Bailey and Paulson are doing is disingenuous at best, and dishonest at worst, in saying they're running as a (air quotes) 'team'. A famous football coach once said that the best way to be a team player is to do one's own job to the best of one's ability. I'm running for Sheriff, not for Mayor, not for D.A. Sure I work with those others to our mutual benefit, and the Town & County's benefit. But I'm not going to deceive the Citizens of the Town & County with this bull--- with this nonsense about running on some kind of 'team ticket'."

It only got worse from there. In the closing arguments, Bailey went first, and delivered his hardest shot: "As I've recounted, the Police brutality of Donald Troy must be challenged and stopped. I tried to stop Troy from using excessive force to arrest a peaceful black protester, and was assaulted myself. The peaceful protester and his family sued the County, needlessly costing us thousands of tax dollars."

Bailey: "Antonio Griswold will do nothing to stop Donald Troy's racist reign of terror against Minorities and our poorest residents. Antonio Griswold, Donald Troy, and Daniel Allgood have brought shame to our County with their actions, augmented by stonewalling against the US Department of Justice Civil Rights Division's badly needed investigation of them. I promise you that I will cooperate fully with the US DOJ, and if it takes a Consent Decree to stop Donald Troy and return the TCPD to a Police Department that respects Minorities as well as hardworking Undocumented Workers, then I and my team colleagues will gladly consent to that Consent Decree."

Griswold made his closing remarks: "Louis Bailey showed bad judgement in his actions that took the side of a violent criminals against a Police Officer. He's showing his true colors of appeasement to the 'woke' anarchists that want to destroy not only the TCPD, but all of America. He's said the name of Commander Donald Troy so often, and in purely negative terms, that I had to check and see if Don Troy was the one running for office."

That got some good laughter, then Griswold finished: "And I'll finish with this: I am grateful that I have Donald Troy on my Police Force. I am honored to work with him to solve crimes and to keep good Citizens of -all- ethnicities safe, while taking on violent criminals at risk to his own life and limb. I don't need appeasers like Louis Bailey, but I sure as hell am glad Donald Troy is working for and with me."

Griswold: "If you the Voters want Donald Troy gone, vote for Louis Bailey. If you want to be less safe, vote for Louis Bailey. If you want crimes to go unsolved, vote for Louis Bailey. And if you want the Police Force destroyed... and by that I mean if you want the Town & County Police Force to cease to exist... vote for Louis Bailey. I'm offering to completely support the good Law Enforcement, as well as the good Fire and EMS response to emergencies. It's up to you, ladies and gentlemen..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *


In the packed auditorium of George Floyd Elementary School, KXTC's Carl Lemay and black militant 'Point Taken' hostess Donna Roselle were moderating the Democrat primary debate for School Board Chairman between moderate Edna Carter and Radical Leftist Cori Bowman.

The moderators quickly made it clear whose side they were on. One early question Donna Roselle asked was: "Ms. Carter, you worked with the worst racist in this County, Donald Troy, on the Charter Commission, creating a Charter that disenfranchises Blacks and favors White Supremacists. Why should -any- Black person vote for you?"

Half the audience erupted into huge applause at that. Unfazed, Edna Carter answered: "First of all, Donald Troy is not a racist." The people that had been applauding began loudly booing.

Carl Lemay said "Ladies and gentlemen, no matter how much we all despise Donald Troy, let's please let the candidates answer our questions. Ms. Carter?"

Edna Carter: "I reassert that Donald Troy is not a racist. He strongly supported my goals for the Charter to make sure that black children's education not be shoved aside in favor of the County High system's attempts to siphon off money for their children's education. Donald Troy is our friend. Bill Redmond will do everything he can to make sure only white children in the County High system get the tax dollars and the educational benefits. Bill Redmond is the one that must be stopped."

Edna Carter: "And that's why I'm running for School Board Chairman... to ensure -all- our children have access to a good public education. More than 75% of black children in the 8th grade are reading at a first grade level... if they're able to read at all. We -must- fix that!"

The crowd there in support of her broke out in strong applause, but were quickly called down by Carl Lemay, who then said "Ms. Bowman, would you like to respond to that?"

"I sure would." said Cori Bowman. "For Ms. Carter to stand here and say Donald Troy is anything but a White Nationalist and a vicious racist that uses the Power of Police to physically brutalize Blacks and keep them down is both dishonest and is pure treason against People of Color. From the murder of Jasmine Nix, to the murders of Jacquez Wilson and Lester Holder, to violently crushing peaceful protests pleading for Justice, and to rigging the system to put a wonderful young lady like Breonna Bryant in prison, Donald Troy's actions are nothing short of brutality and racism on behalf of his White masters!"

Half the audience erupted into applause again. Donna Roselle stood and applauded with them. Carl Lemay let them carry on for over three minutes.

The only other point of interest were the responses to Lemay's question about the involvement of parents in school curriculums. Edna Carter said "Of course parents must be included in the education process, if only to encourage their children to study, make good grades, and have future opportunities. And parental support of teachers is crucial to our children."

Cori Bowman said "Parents need to know their place, and it is not in the classroom. They don't know what our children need. Teachers do, and the Teacher's Union know better than the parents. It is up to the teachers and the Teacher's Union to educate our children, not the parents!"

Cori Bowman: "And more importantly, I will work closely with Attorney General Derrick B. Harland and the FBI to investigate White Nationalist parents and throw them in prison if they try to interfere or intimidate the School Board in any way. We are going to destroy the influence of racist, White Nationalist parents!..."

Part 22 - Debatable, Redux

"This is Bettina Wurtzburg, KXTC Channel Two News!" shouted the redheaded MILF reporterette at 7:00am, Thursday, March 17th. "Utter disaster for Sheriff Antonio Griswold in last night's debate!"

After the hard-charging intro music, Bettina began: "We will have full coverage of the disastrous Sheriff's debate in a moment, but first: in the Democrat debate for School Board Chairman, Assemblywoman Cori Bowman scored what political experts are calling a knockout blow against former Charter Commission member Edna Carter."

Bettina: "Ms. Bowman strongly tied Ms. Carter to the brutality and racism of Commander Donald Troy and the badly flawed Town & County Charter, and also said this, to strong applause. Roll tape." Tape rolled, showing Cori Bowman's vicious diatribe defending criminals while attacking the Iron Crowbar's good name, then made sure to show several seconds of the applause.

Back to Bettina live: "And in the most important story of the current political season, Candidate for Sheriff Louis Bailey did an excellent job of holding Sheriff Griswold accountable for Griswold's shameful record of support of the brutal actions of Commander Donald Troy over the years. Let's look at a few excerpts. Roll tape."

Tape rolled. In the upper left hand corner it said 'courtesy KFXU'. Just about every time Your Iron Crowbar's name was mentioned in negative terms by Bailey was included in the clips.

Back to Bettina live: "Political experts tell Channel Two News that Louis Bailey crushed Sheriff Griswold in the debate, and KXTC's early spot-polling bears that out, as Mr. Bailey has surged to a 60%-40% lead. And Channel Two News has learned that Commander Donald Troy, whose actions are costing Sheriff Griswold the Republican nomination for Sheriff, didn't even have the courtesy of attending the debate! As usual, Commander Troy was a 'no show'..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The Usual Suspects were sitting in the Chief's Conference Room, drinking coffee. It was a gloomy room, despite it being St. Patrick's Day. Everyone except the Sheriff was wearing a collared green polo/golf shirt with his/her TCPD Badge embroidered over the heart, and khaki pants.

Cindy was authorized to wear a green shirt any day of the year (when she wasn't required to wear more of a uniform). I was normally the only Police Officer allowed to wear a red shirt as part of a 'casual' uniform. Today, and today only, Police Officers were authorized to wear green shirts. And many did. I was wearing a green shirt and orange t-shirt under it

Teresa asked me "Don, can you subpoena the raw data for that polling for your libel lawsuit against KXTC?"

"I just texted Mike G. Todd and asked him to subpoena the data." I said. "Chances are that we won't be able to use it. They probably oversampled Leftwing Democrats 10 to 1 to get those numbers, but they're accurately reporting the rigged, skewed results, so it won't help our libel case."

"So why bother with the subpoena?" Cindy Ross asked.

I replied: "Just the act of subpoenaing the data may spook them into not rigging their results quite so badly going forward."

"Well, we know what KXTC thinks of their competitor's debate." Tanya said wickedly. "That's all they covered. They didn't give even half the time they talked about the Sheriff's debate to the debate on their own network." Then she asked "How do -you- think you did, Sheriff?"

"Badly." said Sheriff Griswold. "First of all, that Dana McMahon is an idiot, and she was practically taking Bailey's side. But beyond that... I don't think I defended very well against Bailey's really harsh attacks, especially on Crowbar, here. Bailey was well coached; he couched everything in terms that if I directly rebutted him, it would sound racist. I fell in the trap when I used the 'woke' term. I'm surprised Bettina didn't harp on that a lot more."

"We-ellll," drawled the Chief, "one thing is for surrrrrre... they are go-inngggg to run against the Iron Crowbar, no matter who is really run-ninnnggg."

"With respect, Sheriff," I said, "did you make a mistake hitching yourself to my wagon last night?"

"Hell no, son." Griswold growled, though softly. "I realized that that is what this Election is really all about: do the People of this County want good, competent law enforcement, or not? Do they want a Police Force led by Don Troy, that will protect and serve them? Do they want a Police leader like Donald Troy, who has done more for Blacks in this County than just about anyone?"

Griswold: "Or do they want to go back to the days of Harold Malone, ADA Sanders, and Judge J.B. Stone? Do they want riots, looting, and burned-down buildings? They need to realize that a Police Force with Crowbar and all of you in here now is a blessing that shitholes like Wilmington, Delaware and San Francisco, California only wished they could have. So yeah, Crowbar, I'll tether my campaign to you, any day."

Cindy said "Sounds like you have a good political ad line, there, Sheriff."

"Har." barked the Sheriff. He and I fist-bumped. We knew what he was getting at, and that he was right.

"By the way, Sheriff," I said, "Bowser thanks you for your support of the Holiday Rescue-Dog Adoption Drive."

"My pleasure." the Sheriff replied. "By the way, did anyone see the School Board debate?"

I said "I DVR'd it, then watched it after I watched the Sheriff's debate live. We all know how hatred-filled and racist Cori Bowman is. And listening to her made me realize just how Leftist Louis Bailey sounded in the Sheriff debate. I realized that he might as well have run as a Democrat. And similar talking points: Cori Bowman was doing all she could to fasten Edna to me like velcro... and that may not be a good thing for Edna in that race."

Teresa said "Does Edna Carter have a chance to win? The primary, that is?"

"I hope so." I said, my voice becoming introspective and thoughtful. "For the sake of all our children, I hope so..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Just before 7:30pm, Teresa and I arrived at the Civic Center for the Republican Mayoral Debate. We were still wearing our green shirts and khaki pants, and had black windbreakers with "POLICE" in white on the back.

As we came in, rude subhumans that most people call 'reporters' tried to encircle us. A contingent of Deputy Sheriffs quickly intervened. I heard Bettina Wurtzburg yell "Commander Troy, why weren't you at the Sheriff's Debate last night?" then jam her microphone at my face.

"I was busy, protecting and serving the People of the County." I replied.

"You don't support Sheriff Griswold?" Bettina yelled. "If you supported him, you would have been there!"

I suddenly stopped, causing almost everyone else to collide with each other. I turned to Bettina and said "If I -had- been there, you filthy scumbags of the Press would've whined that I was not out on the job or something. No matter what I say or do, you filthy shit eaters of the Media will say it was the wrong thing, and attack me for it."

"Commander!" yelled Priya Ajmani, "who are you supporting in the Mayor's race?"

"Ask me when I'm not in uniform like I am now." I said, avoiding that trap. I was then hustled forward with the Deputies into the Auditorium...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Teresa and I stood with other Deputies and Police Officers to the side of the stage. They were all in normal uniforms and armored vests. The moderators came in; they were Greg Wallace and Lisa Fillmore.

Mayor Daniel Allgood had demanded Dana McMahon be replaced after, quote, "her insulting treatment of Sheriff Griswold", close quote, the night before; otherwise, he would pull out of the debate. When KFXU agreed, Ryan Paulson protested and demanded Dana McMahon be restored as a moderator. Efforts by KFXU to broker a deal where there would be three moderators, McMahon, Fillmore, and Wallace, were soundly rebuffed by Allgood. KFXU conceded.

Ryan Paulson did not make good on his threat to withdraw from the debate, but the animosity in the room was clear when the two candidates walked onto the stage. Neither candidate made an effort to shake the other's hand.

The tone of the moderators was a lot less hostile towards Daniel Allgood than Dana McMahon would've been, and they were fairly tough on both candidates. Lisa Fillmore asked Ryan Paulson: "Last night, Louis Bailey, who claims to be running on a 'team ticket' with -you-, said that he would work with the US DOJ Civil Rights Division to force a Consent Decree on the TCPD. If you are elected Mayor, will you also help the US DOJ force a Consent Decree on our Police Force?"

The audience had booed mildly at the mention of the USDOJ. Ryan Paulson said "Of course not. When I am Mayor, I will strongly oppose Derrick B. Harland's weaponization of the USDOJ and the FBI to suppress the voices of parents at School Board meetings as well as trying to stop our Police from doing their jobs. That is one area where Louis Bailey and I don't agree." The audience cheered.

Greg Wallace: "What about you, Mr. Mayor? Donald Troy may be your relative, but many say his tactics are excessive at best and Police brutality at worst. Will you continue to support his excessive behavior?"

Daniel Allgood said "First of all, I know that neither of you are going to ask a 'get a dog' question like your idiot colleague did last night---"

"HURRAY!" came a huge cheer as the entire audience, supporters of both candidates, stood and cheered in an ovation that lasted a full minute. Lisa Fillmore turned and looked at them, shock on her face. Greg Wallace also looked stunned... but with a tinge of anger. How DARE people cheer an insult to a reporter, I knew he was thinking.

When the cheering stopped, Daniel Allgood said "As I was going to say... I'm related to Don Troy by marriage; our wives are blood sisters. And we're also related by dogs: we have a dog, Dorothy, and she is the daughter of the Troy family's highly decorated Police dog, Bowser. And we love Dorothy and are proud to have her with us."

There was laughter in the audience, and some applause among the Allgood fans in the audience. And Teresa and I had high-fived at the mention of our great Police dog, the Redoubtable Bowser.

And nobody but me seemed to realize that Daniel had -not- answered the question pertaining to me...

There was one other interesting exchange, and it was near the end of the debate. Ryan Paulson had been railing about the Public Health Department and his desire to defund the Free Clinics, saying multiple times in multiple ways: "the Public Health Department should remain part of the Public Safety Department, its mission should be the safety of our Citizens... not residents, but Citizens... and these Free Clinics, which are nothing but a Socialist welfare programs, should be eliminated."

"And the Mayor, -this- man," Paulson continued, rudely pointing and jabbing his (index) finger at Allgood, "he supported and led an effort by the Council to diminish the Public Health Department's mission of our Citizens's safety by transferring the HAZMAT and its related emergency unit to the EMS Department?... which -should- be part of the Fire Department like it used to be!" The Ryan Paulson supporters stood and cheered lustily.

"What do you say to that, Mayor Allgood?" Lisa Fillmore softballed to the Mayor.

Allgood replied: "I'm standing here wondering if Mr. Paulson is at the right debate. Since defunding the Free Clinics is all he talks about, why isn't he running for Sheriff?" The Allgood supporters in the audience cheered loudly.