Savage Isle

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Shipwrecked man on an island of primitive natives.
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Tales of the lands of the savages had been a thrill when I was a boy. When it happened to me, I was near dead from the deprivations of my voyage. My poor vessel was scarcely afloat, and I had become too weak to bail. Only providential rains had kept me from dying of thirst. The gull I had eaten a week ago gave me hope, being not only food but promise of land. I was the sole survivor.

Would they eat me? Perhaps. I hardly cared, but thought they would have little satisfaction from my spare body after all this time.

I had paddled a little, but was too exhausted to disembark. The half-naked savages waved spears at me, but eventually, seeing me no threat, lifted me out and I went unconscious.

When I awoke I was in some crude hut, with a rope around one ankle, tied to a post. But all that I cared about was the water offered to me in a shell. Seeing my recovery, the savage made sounds in what passed for their language. It was hopeless for me to try to communicate, but I made signs to indicate my hunger and was brought a little broth. For me it was a feast!

It was a slow process, interrupted by fever, but I gradually regained my strength, and was allowed out under guard, with a rope attached, to exercise. I learnt the name of my jailer, and a few words for water and foodstuffs in their language. They were generally smaller than me, and very backward. Everything they had had been fashioned in the crudest way, except for a few implements which were obviously far beyond their technology, and which I supposed had been got by trade, which gave me a faint hope of rescue.

However, they were fortunate in the bounty of their land, and the sea around it, though their agriculture was as primitive as the rest of their society.

Many came to touch my skin and feel my hair, which was so different from theirs. I had been told of the different colours of mankind, but had never really believed it till now. How could they be so pale, and their hair so lank?

After some months I awoke to find my cock stiff. I rejoiced that my health had returned, and began to massage it for relief. My jailer came in and I nodded at him companionably, one man to another, but he stared, and rushed out. By the time he came back, I had finished and covered myself with the native skirt I now wore.

He came back with an old woman, to whom he deferred, and she demanded that he remove my skirt. She looked at my genitals, and I feared that they might decide to cut them off. Had I performed some great sin in their culture or religion?

They had a rapid discussion which finished with the old woman slapping the man hard in the face, and him cowering as she left. I was sorry if I had caused him to suffer, and made what signs of apology I could, while saying his name, Jack.

The next morning, I was shaken awake, and the rough blanket pulled off to show my morning stiffness. I was dragged outside. I indicated that I needed to piss, but was just hurried along, and forced to stand embarrassed in front of what appeared to be their ruler. It was a woman of about thirty in a long but ragged dress, obviously of good quality but very, very old. Though her face was disfigured by some white mud, making her even paler, her lips were painted like blood, and the area above her eyes looked as if it had ash smeared on it, in some way I think she was beautiful (or could be if the clothes and paint were removed). But what held me was her eyes. They showed more intelligence than I had seen before.

She gabbled and Jack made signs at me, which I did not understand. Eventually he lifted his skirt and began to massage his cock, though it was small and did not respond.

I shook my head in the way I had learned meant refusal, and a spear was pressed to my face.

There was nothing for it. It was the most abject humiliation as I wanked myself in full view. The old woman stood close and deftly caught my seed in her hand. She showed it to the queen, then tasted it herself and smiled, showing what few teeth she had left.

I was taken back to my prison while heated discussions were taking place.

In a while I was taken to stream and ordered to wash, then (blessed relief!) given a set of my own clothes salvaged from my vessel and evidently cleaned. Then I was given a generous breakfast.

It became clear that I was still a prisoner, but to be treated well.


It was a week later that the old woman came in with a much younger one, who promptly disrobed. They signalled that I should do the same. Though her pale colour was strange to me, her shape was most welcoming, and as she hugged me her breasts were a delight to feel against me after so long without. My cock was good and stiff as she motioned me to the sleeping mat.

Kneeling down, she felt my cock, with what I took to be appreciation, though perhaps surprise, and exchanged words with the old woman who lay on her side beside us. Was she to watch our copulation? For that was what seemed to be intended.

"I really want to fuck you now!" I said, knowing my words would not be understood, but my meaning might. She nodded in the way I understood meant yes, and looked at the old woman.

Horror of horrors! The old woman lay back and raised her skirt, motioning me towards her cunt, which I could see had been oiled.

The young woman stroked my face and looked regretful, but tugged my cock towards the old woman.

There was nothing for it but to penetrate the crone!

Though her face was old her cunt was actually all right, helped by the oil, of course (and my lack of sex for so long!) It was quite tight and she grimaced, I think being unused to the sensation, but both of them clearly urged me on.

The young woman lay close, so I could look at her face instead of the crone. However, in truth I was glad of a fuck, and the old cunt was entirely satisfactory, so I think I would have managed anyway. All three of us seemed pleased when I entered my seed inside.

I later understood that the old woman was an important one in their society, and her judgement had been critical.


An old man came to see me and began to teach me their strange language. They had sounds we do not use which were hard for me, but I understood a little that same day. We ate together, much better than my previous fare, including some delicious bread. The savages had some skills after all!

That evening the young woman came back and it was made clear to me that she was to lie with me that night. I was a little dismayed to discover that she was a virgin, as I would be sorry to hurt her. She was somewhat confused and a little frightened, and the old woman was trying to reassure her, before leaving us.

I tried to tell her that I would do nothing that she did not want, so we just lay there naked for a while. However, the nearness of her young body could not be resisted. She began to stroke my face and hair. My black skin continued to fascinate them.

Soon my cock was stiff, and she began to hold it. She seemed to be looking at in wonder as if she had never seen such a thing before, but perhaps it was just because it was black and larger than those of the savages, which I think it was.

Then she lay back, parted her legs, and made it clear that she was ready. I expect she had been instructed by the old woman.

I tried to be gentle, but I had to break through, and it obviously hurt, and her cunt was tremendously tight due to her youth and nervousness, but in a little, she gradually relaxed. It was wonderful to pump my seed inside her. It was so sweet to have her body lying against me that night. I could not understand my good fortune, though feared there might be some penalty to pay. Was I perhaps to be sacrificed after being treated royally, as I had once heard that certain savages did?

In the morning, I fucked her again. She was now ready and eager, so her enjoyment added to my own in prolonged and so pleasurable congress.

The next day I learned two really important words "please" and "thankyou", though the latter was difficult for me to say.

The young woman returned to me that evening. I could not have been happier when she used the word "please" in indicating that I should fuck her. I was sure that I did please her, as she said "thankyou" afterwards. Sadly, in the morning I could not get my stiffness, but as I had not been used to such frequent sex, it was perhaps no wonder!

The next afternoon I was brought to the house of the queen. From the way they acted, I began to suspect that the old woman was her mother. It was made clear that I was to fuck the queen!

I suppose she was in her late thirties, but still a fine woman. I was amazed to discover that she was also a virgin! Her name was Lilibet.

So it was that I deflowered another savage. If it hurt, she made no sign. She also did little to indicate her pleasure, but afterward said "thankyou", at which I was much pleased. However, it was clear that she would not be my companion at night.

I was brought to her the next afternoon, and fucked her to her satisfaction and mine. I simply could not understand their society.

The following afternoon I was brought to her, but could not manage to keep stiff enough. I reflected that I was no longer a young man and had been without a woman for a long time, so used the word "sorry" which I had learned. The queen was angry, but seemed to be mollified by her mother, who also stroked my face, and I guess was telling me not to worry.


The savages had a religion which meant every seventh day they carried out some ceremonies in front of a large cross. On the next occasion, I was taken to observe it, with the old man making me kneel and stand when required. He and a few of the other savages also had on some tattered and ancient but fine clothes instead of their usual rough skirts. There was some singing, which was strange but not unpleasant to my ears. Afterwards he took me to a hut behind the cross and showed me some pictures.

One was horrifying. It seemed to show a man nailed to the cross! From a mixture of signs and our few words, he indicated that there would be a special ceremony in 3 months, pointing to the picture and to me.

I tried not to show my fear, but I was terrified. So I was to be sacrificed after all! And this sex and good food was all in preparation, presumably to make me worthy for their gods. If I escaped, I doubted I could hide for long on their island, and even if I could get my boat back, I would probably be speared or starve, but I would look for chances, and enjoy what life I could should I fail.

He showed me another picture of a pale-skinned savage woman with a baby. I realised that I had seen no children since I arrived and asked where they were. He seemed to say there were no children, which I could not understand.

In the next week I deflowered three more virgins. It seemed if I fucked on alternate days then my vigour was enough, and all seemed satisfied. The following week I fucked the queen three times, and we were both well pleased.

However, I began to understand a little of their society, though it was hard to comprehend. The old woman was the only one not a virgin, as all the men were unable to fuck, and this had been the case for many years. The first young woman was her daughter, called Mary, and the youngest person on the island. Mary had never seen men and women together in this way, so had naturally been apprehensive with only her mother's description. Now she had been able to report to the other young women, they were all eager to experience it, and hoped to be mothers. The queen was also the old woman's daughter.

As I had not fucked all the young women, it puzzled me that they would kill me before then, and I began to have a little hope. I asked to see the old woman and old man, and realised they were wife and husband. Their names were Martha (with the sound I could not pronounce properly) and Patrick, but they indicated I could call them Ma and Pa, for which I was grateful.

I tried to ask them if I was to be killed, holding myself like the man on the cross, and they laughed, showing me the picture of the woman and baby, pointing at me and saying 'fuck'. It seemed that my task was to make babies.

However, what caused the men to be incapable? I realised that the island must be close to the grey lands where nothing grows. I had never been anywhere near, but I was told that in villages close by there is some sickness in the air, so people and animals do not prosper and grow infertile. The grey lands themselves spread slowly, and it must have reached some place nearby, close enough for the wind to bring the sickness.

This sickness would surely come to me as was already evident by my loss of virility, but I did not know how long. All I could do was make the best of my time and give what happiness I could to these people. Perhaps I could persuade them to seek a new home before it was too late.


As I learned more of the language, we could communicate better. However, they did not understand what I told them of the world beyond, and in turn I did not understand their religion.

Their agriculture was as backward as their technology, and I tried to tell them what little I knew of the science, such as drainage and crop rotation, but was generally not understood nor believed. My view that we must be near the grey lands was confirmed by some of the plants being strange to me. The grain which produced their bread was small and sickly, not giving enough to be a staple, and other plants gave poor yields.

It was agreed that I could lie with Mary each night, providing I fucked three other women each week. This was one of the best times in my life. Even without sex, to hold her lovely body was a delight. Now I was used to the colour, I could see that the women in general were very fine looking. (And in my biased opinion, she was the loveliest.) What was even better was that by the time of their special ceremony, she was pregnant!

After the ceremony, I was not sacrificed, but all the people together said "thankyou" to me. I was very touched. Afterwards I fucked the queen, whom I was coming to appreciate as a beautiful woman and a very responsive one.

By the time of the ceremony the following year, three babies had been born, and there were no female virgins in the community. I was relieved that the babies were all healthy, and a colour between that of me and the savages, which all thought was beautiful. I had the delight of being a father in the sense of sharing a baby with Mary, as did the husbands of the other two women I had got with child. Others were pregnant and hopeful.

However, my vigour had declined so that I could only fuck once a week. The people hoped that the babies would be fertile. I doubted this, but as they did not understand (or perhaps did not wish to believe) what I had told them about the sickness of the grey lands. All too soon, I thought, I would be equally incapable.


It was then that something occurred to me. Their annual ceremony was followed by a feast, but preceded by a month what they called a fast in which they only ate the plainest basic food. It seemed to me that some of my sexual vigour had returned on both occasions. I had also found out that during my imprisonment my jailer had taken the delicious bread intended for me, and eaten it himself. Could it be that it was the bread which was robbing men of their capability? It did not seem to have affected the women, who were as eager as any I had known, and able to get pregnant.

I stopped eating the bread and within three months my vigour had returned and I was providing a service to the women six nights a week, including Mary whom I now thought of as my wife, and the queen (less often than I would like as she did not wish to rob her subjects.) Pa asked me please to fuck Ma again, and I could not refuse, doing it as well as I could. I noted that her breasts were those of a mother who had suckled several, but still retained some plumpness, and her cunt was still good, though not as juicy as my Mary. It was a shame that such women should be denied the joy of sex and children, which I hoped to give to them all. With my lessoned vigour, I had learned other ways of giving women enjoyment, so now used these in conjunction with fucking. Seeing the satisfaction of so many women was as much as pleasure as the fucking itself.

The queen called on Ma and Pa to explain my idea, and it was agreed to reduce the harvesting of the plants which produced the seeds for the bread. There was some grumbling, and while men were encouraged to give it up for the sake of their religion and the society, bread would continue to be available for women and men who wished. Pa said that in his boyhood what they called bread of heaven had been eaten at their religious ceremonies but was otherwise a rare treat. The plant did not yield well, but they had eventually expanded their fields until at least one small loaf could be enjoyed every day by all.

The months went by. I have to say I enjoyed pleasing so many women so often, but was aware that many of them had husbands who loved them as well as they could without fucking, and would naturally be jealous of another man. After several months without the bread and seeing no change, many of these began to grumble, and some became quite actively hostile to me. What was even worse, there was even some talk of me as a devil having come in to destroy their society: taking the affection of the women and depriving them of their favourite food.

I still did not understand their religion, but attended their meetings and took part as well as I could without causing offence. However, I was getting increasingly unwelcome, and began to fear for my safety. There were fewer women coming to be fucked by me, such was the enmity of the husbands.

Was I wrong? It seemed to have worked for me. On the other hand, perhaps after so many years they had been rendered permanently impotent. I began to despair, both for myself and these strange white people I had come to love. Perhaps my children would go on to have children of their own, but it would seem wrong for me to be the father of all. More than likely they would also be infertile and this tribe would inevitably die after I did.

Then Pa came to see me. One of the younger men claimed to have emitted seed in the night! He did not know what it was, but it had felt different from urine. All were informed that should it happen again, someone needed to be called who would recognise it as seed.

Gradually more men reported the happy event. They were advised to wank, or have their wives do it, to practise until they could get stiff enough to fuck.

By the time of the next annual ceremony there were four men besides me fucking, though not very often. And once again the whole tribe thanked me!

The next year was a happy one for us all as I got both Mary and the queen pregnant! Nearly half the men were now able to fuck at least occasionally. Some were not, but still enjoying the bread, having gone without fucking all of their adult lives, and not missing it. The first pregnancies not caused by me for nearly thirty years caused great celebration, and we looked forward to some white children at last.

There are more women eager to be fucked than men who are capable, so a few men have taken on another wife. However, the first wives are not always happy about this, so it is somewhat limited. On the other hand, it seems acceptable for me to fuck them, since it is not part of a close relationship, so I do what I can, and Mary consented as she was less eager when pregnant or suckling, she said. She also wants to share the pleasure with all the others, and remarked that they had all been yearning but did not know for what till now.

Surprisingly, a few husbands who were now able to fuck their wives asked me to fuck them as well occasionally, so that they could enjoy my larger cock. I think everyone is eager for babies of any colour. Unsurprisingly, Pa has not been able, since he is quite old, so I fuck Ma occasionally to please him and Ma's daughters.