Scarlet Vendetta (Book #4)


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Jones slid into the empty chair next to his desk again. It'd been three days since he'd seen her last and he'd been wondering where she was and how her investigation was going.

"Hello Lieutenant, long time no see. How's your investigation going? Am I still a suspect?"

Jones looked at him for a moment. "No. IAD is closing the file. You're clean. You're so clean everyone wonders why you don't squeak when you walk."

Howell smiled at her. "Well, that's good news. So, what brings you to my desk?"

Jones held up a red object, turning it over in her fingers. "I thought I'd buy you a cup of coffee. To say I'm sorry for being such an ass. I know this club that serves really good coffee. Even someone who likes tea will appreciate it. You up for that?"

Howell watched her flip the red card again. This wasn't about coffee. Or apologies. "Yeah, sure. I have to warn you though, I'm not much of a club kinda guy. Not my thing at all."

"I know. I read your background report, remember? You're the quiet stay-at-home type. Boring."

Howell grinned at her as he stood and pulled on his jacket. "Your car or mine?"

Jones waited until they were in the car before speaking again. She pulled out the red card, once more flipping it between her fingers. "So, what do I do about this?"

"Pamela, I can't tell you. I'm not a member. I don't know anything other than it exists. Honestly, I don't know anything. If I did, I'd tell you. Sorry."

"The weird part is that I feel ashamed about it, yet it's almost a relief that someone knows. Am I screwed up or what?

"I think, if I were in your position, that's probably how I'd feel. If it makes things any better, I don't think any less of you for it. I know quite a few people who have a similar way of life, most of them are friends of mine. If I couldn't accept them completely, even knowing about their habits, they wouldn't be my friends."

"It's just, I don't know, like stepping off a cliff or something. Going from not talking about it, to putting it right out there in the open for everyone to see. I just wish I had more information."

"I think I can help with that." Howell dug out his phone, dialing Wolfe's number while being careful not to swerve too much as he glanced from the phone to the road and back to the phone again.

"Hi, it's me. Someone would like to talk about the red card she was given. Is there anyone who could meet us for coffee? A nice quiet table like where we had lunch the other day would be perfect if it could be arranged." Howell listened before punching the end button. He had a smile on his face.


"It's personal, Jones."

"Stuff it, Howell." Her riposte was lighthearted. She returned to business. "I ran across some information that might fit into your database. You want it?"

"Everything helps. You know that." Howell was calm as he replied.

"Yeah. Ok, a Lester Alva showed up at the ER yesterday. Just a drop and drive off. He'd been beaten nearly to death. From the looks of it, it happened over several days."

"How does this fit?"

Jones felt awkward. Her investigation had been finished when she'd rifled through Howell's database. She'd gotten a new assignment from her superiors because of what she'd uncovered in Howell's case. Telling him she's working on a new case, peripherally connected to his, is a big no-no. Shrugging to herself, she explained the connection and what she'd done.

"I have a new assignment. I was on your computer to read through your database, I needed the information you have. Anyway, Lester's a member of a motorcycle gang named Los Perros. They're connected to Ernie. But, you already know that."

Howell nodded. Lester's club name was Brute.

"The interesting thing isn't that he and someone mixed it up. What caught my attention was who picked him up at the hospital after they stuck him back together again."

Howell knew he wasn't going to like the answer but he had to know. "Who?"

"Captain Peters is my new case in IAD." Jones didn't answer directly.

Howell slammed on the brakes before swerving to stop at the curb. His sudden maneuver causing Jones to slap the dash and brace with her hands to stay upright. "Hey!"

"Sorry. So you're saying Peters is a mole?"

"I don't know. We only suspect him of being involved with Ernie." Jones reached down to pick up the red card she'd dropped. "It's why I'm investigating. You know how it works."

'Let's go. I want to read your file." Howell began to pull out again, intended to head back to the station.

Jones held up her card, waving it in his face. "Coffee first my friend. Always. Coffee first, then work."

Twenty Six

Violet met them again at the entrance to the restaurant. Today she wore a gorgeous white sheath dress that left her shoulders bare except for a ruby teardrop necklace. Her hair was loose, tumbling off her shoulders and down her back in auburn waves. A stray tendril fell forward to tickle the base of her throat. She was beautiful in appearance, carriage and poise. Just like a life sized portrait painted by one of the great masters of the past. Except she was real.

"Steven; Lieutenant. How are you today?" Violet gave them a full smile as they approached the entry.

"Good afternoon Violet." Howell greeted her warmly. "You look lovely."

Jones nodded her agreement with his assessment, the tiny woman was gorgeous.

"Why, thank you Steven!" Violet gave them an even brighter smile than her original, her demeanor lighting up from the complement. "If you'll both follow me, I'll show you the way. It's a bit different than the last time you were here."

Violet unhooked the red rope barrier and let them through. "We're on tier three today. It's more private and we can close off access so no one will wander through uninvited or accidentally."


Violet nodded as she continued up the sloping ramp past where they'd turned off before. "They asked me."

"They asked you? Both of them?"

Violet reached the top of the ramp and turned around to face them. She motioned with her arms to usher them from the ramp to a secluded nook surrounded by leafy plants. "Actually, all three of them asked me if I would help."

Howell turned the corner to see Wolfe, Karen and Callie already seated at a table set for six, Callie was sitting beside Karen, holding her hand. There was no one else in the nook.

"Lieutenant, you've already met Karen and Maria so let me quickly introduce you to Callie. Callie, this is Lieutenant Pamela Jones." Violet touched Jones' arm lightly and lead her to a seat at the table leaving Howell to find his own chair next to Wolfe who smiled pleasantly at him as he sat.

"Tea? Or Coffee? The tea is a single estate Darjeeling first flush, very light and fruity. The coffee is a single origin Sumatran Mandheling. It has chocolate tones and is full bodied. They are equally pleasant, though different in taste and character." Violet picked up one of the carafes on a cart positioned nearby and poured tea for both Karen and Wolfe. "Lieutenant?"

"Uh," Jones didn't know what to say. She'd expected to just meet with someone who would answer some of her questions. She didn't expect this pageantry. Though after seeing Howell's delivery girl in action, maybe she should have.

Violet smiled at her and set the tea carafe back on the cart. Lifting the other she poured a half cup and set it on the table for Jones. "Here, see if you like it. If you do, there's more. If not, we can switch to tea. Cream?"

Jones nodded. Violet set a small pitcher of fresh cream on the table near her cup and then set a full cup in front of Howell. The chocolate aroma of the Mandheling swirled and he sniffed appreciatively as Jones added a drop of cream, stirred and took a sip.

"Well?" Karen asked her politely.

Jones looked across the table at her hostess. "It's ok. It'd probably be better with a hazelnut or amaretto flavored creamer but I'm not really the one to ask. I'm crazy for hazelnut anything."

Karen's smile was beautiful. "Anyone who likes hazelnut is ok with me."

Violet set a tiny plate on the table in front of Jones. On the plate were some star-shaped cookies dusted in cocoa. Each cookie was just the right size for one tasty bite. Finished, Violet poured herself a cup of the coffee, added cream and seated herself next to Jones.

"The cookies go great with the coffee. Alaska Confections makes them special just for us." Violet took a cookie and nibbled.

Jones looked at each of them in turn. "Why do all this? Why are you showing off?"

"We're not. Not really." Violet nibbled on her cookie some more. "I mean, ok we are. But, just a little bit. We want to impress you enough that you'll say yes." Violet turned her big green eyes on Jones. "Please say yes."

Callie sharpened her gaze and looked at Violet.

"What?" Violet asked her casually.

"You tell me that too. And I do it. How come? Why do I like you so much? Especially when you say that?"

Karen laughed. "She's playing you. She knows how to manipulate your feelings, so she's stirring up your desire to protect her. If she really wants you to do something, she'll hold Daniel in her arms as she does it. Even if you know she's doing it you can't resist. Even I can't resist her sometimes."

Violet stuck just the tip of her tongue out at Karen. "Spoilsport."



"Ladies," Wolfe chided them both before they could really get started. "We have a guest."

"Sorry." Both Violet and Karen voiced the apology at the same time. They grinned at each other.

"Forgive them. They're literally lifelong friends who really shouldn't be allowed near each other without a muzzle. On each of them." Wolfe apologized to Jones. At the word muzzle Violet sat up straight and raised a tiny hand.

"I'm not asking for volunteers," Wolfe told her. "Be good and eat your cookie."

"Yes Ma'am." Violet's quiet acquiescence reached Jones' ears.

"Since the charade is uncovered, perhaps you'd like to ask your questions? I assure you we will answer them as best we can, though there are some things we will not tell you." Wolfe was calm as she spoke. This candidate was important enough to take the extra time to do it right.

"Ask. They don't ever lie. They might tell you they won't answer your question, but they won't lie to you." Violet nudged Jones lightly with her shoulder as she leaned close. "We really would like you to accept."

"Why should I?" Jones asked her first question.

The three women, Violet, Karen and Wolfe, took turns explaining. In a limited fashion, they outlined what the club was, how it functioned and why they wanted Jones as a member. They listed some of the member benefits and obligations. That listing of obligations showed Jones it wasn't just a free ride. However, everything which Scarlet demanded of her members was easily something Jones could willingly do.

"So, what's in it for me? Besides the obvious."

"Safety." Karen told her. "Security and freedom. No one here will hurt you, use you, or abuse you or Nicholas. No one here will use any information they learn about you to harm you in any way. Should they, let me know. I will take care of it."

The way she said it sent a barely suppressed shiver down Jones' spine. Because what was left unsaid was the fact that she would be under the same obligation and restriction. And that Karen wouldn't hesitate to punish her either. The way everyone at the table tacitly acknowledged her power to do it sparked a tiny smouldering heat low down in her belly.

"She's in." Violet told everyone. "I can tell."

Jones nodded. Holding up the card she handed it to Violet. "Yes. I accept the invitation. Both for myself and for my partner."

"You accept on behalf of Nicholas?" Wolfe asked her carefully.

"He is mine. He is my responsibility."

"I knew you'd fit." Karen's smile was the most beautiful smile Jones had ever seen. "We could really use someone with your experience and knowledge in security."

"Speaking of security, we should be going."

"Oh?" Wolfe looked at Howell.

"I need to read her investigation file on her current case. Lester Alva was brought into the hospital the other day. He'd been beaten to a bloody pulp. There's some things she knows that I need to know." Howell explained why they needed to get back to work.

As he explained, both Karen's and Wolfe's faces paled. Howell looked at both of them in turn. Even Callie's face had hardened.

"What?" He asked them. "What do you know?"

Karen's eyes flickered to Jones. Howell caught the tiny movement.


"Yeah?" She replied carefully.

"You need to go get some coffee or something." Howell told her the code words just about every cop used to tell his partner to get lost for a few minutes. So she wouldn't hear something she shouldn't hear.

Jones looked at her freshly filled cup on the table. Reaching, she picked it up and took a sip. The hot liquid slid into her mouth like silk. "Either I'm in, or I'm not. If I am, then I don't need to go find what I already have."

There it was. Either trust went both ways, or it didn't. If not, then she would withdraw her application.

Karen smiled at her. Turning her head she looked at the security camera mounted in a black plastic bulb on the ceiling.

"By my Word and Seal, she is accepted. I intervene on her behalf for the good of Scarlet." Karen turned back to Jones, she dropped her voice to nearly a whisper which vibrated with power.

"Orientation begins Saturday. Be here, with Nicholas, or I will have you punished. Severely. You will like it when I do."

At the low voiced words, the tiny heat tickling Jones' loins flared white hot. So hot, she had to press her thighs together to contain it and keep her fingers on the table. Violet nodded, she could read Jones' excitement. Jones looked at Karen briefly before dropping her eyes.

"Yes Ma'am."

Karen smiled. "Welcome, Pamela. You have a lot to learn. Learn quickly and be obedient. That is all I require."

"Yes Ma'am." Jones said again. She already knew her place. There was no asking involved, Scarlet didn't ask. She didn't need to.

"What do you know? About Brute?"

At the name, Callie growled. Literally growled. Jones looked at her and knew she didn't want to be on the receiving end of whatever Callie would do if she got her hands on him. Karen touched Callie's arm lightly.

"Be still." Karen's words were soft.

Jones outlined what she'd learned. About Peters and his connection to Los Perros and their connection to Ernie Rusk. At the name, Callie stiffened. When Jones looked at her, Callie's eyes had become rock hard and brittle. She really didn't want to be on the end of whatever this woman was ready to dish out.

"Callie, be still, or go meditate. This is not good for you." Karen kissed her lightly on the cheek. "Or do I have to call Fox to lock you in a room? By yourself."

"Hurt you." Callie turned her eyes toward Karen, forcing the two words past clenched teeth.

"Yes, I know. I was there. It's done. It's past. I survived." Karen's words were still gentle. She didn't forgive what happened, but for Callie's sake she was willing to put aside her feelings.

"What is setting her off like this?" Jones wanted to know the back story.

"I, we were nearly raped." Karen indicated Wolfe. "Maria was beaten severely. By someone acting on orders from someone else who wanted to take over the Club and GreenWood and use both companies for dealing drugs and laundering drug money. Rusk was behind the man who did it. The man who set it up. Callie doesn't like the fact that it happened."

Jones nodded. She'd probably feel the same way if it happened to someone she knew.

"Drugs fit right into what's going on. Peters is helping him get away from us by tipping him off whenever we get too close to something. Now, we think he's trying to import some new type of heroin. From what information we've gathered together, it's supposed to happen today. It has something to do with Los Perros and some little poppy they've been watching."

At the word, Callie exploded up from the table. Instinctively, Jones stood and reached behind her waist for her pistol. Howell caught her wrist.

"Leave it alone Lieutenant. She'll take it away from you and stick it someplace you don't want it to go. And no one here can stop her before it's over. Believe me, I've seen the video of her in action for real and helped clean up the carnage. Just leave the gun alone. She's not going to hurt you. You aren't who she wants."

"Who the hell is she?" Jones was shocked at the speed and anger she felt coming off of the small Asian woman. Callie's eyes were brittle glass, her pupils so large her eyes were black instead of brown. She was shaking with the need to REALLY HURT someone.

"She's my bodyguard." Karen replied as she also stood to enfold Callie in her arms, crooning softly to her.

Wolfe picked up her phone and dialed while Karen and Callie huddled together. Before Jones could ask what she was doing, Wolfe listened to her phone a moment before speaking to the recipient of the call.

"Rose? I need to borrow Devon for the afternoon. Will you loan him to me? I promise I will return him as soon as possible. Unharmed. Thank you sweety." Wolfe hung up her phone and turned to Jones.

"Her littlest sister's name is Poppy. Rusk is going to hurt an innocent twelve year old little girl in revenge for us breaking up his drug empire plans."

"Unless we stop him." Jones could feel her own anger building.

"Unless we stop him." Karen agreed. Callie just growled low and long.

"Paul!" Wolfe almost shouted. "Your punishment is rescinded. Call your friends. All of them. Meet us at Callie's parent's house. Have Erik bring the car around. MOVE!"

Karen looked at the two police officers. "I would appreciate it if you both happened to pay an urgent visit to Poppy's school. Just in case she's still in school today. We'll head straight to her parent's house and you can meet us there."

Howell got the message. They could call for some backup on the way. "C'mon Jones. We have a little girl to see. Time to jump."

Jones gathered her things and jumped. She caught up with Howell on the ramp headed toward the car.

"That certainly explains the little poppy texts. Know anything about the ones involving planting tulips?"

Howell slammed to a halt. "What?"

"Planting tulips. There were several texts in Peters' phone search results about planting tulips. From over a year ago. Why?"

Howell was torn. If he went back and told them, Callie was sure to lose it. Yet, she should be told.

"Detective!" Jones poked him with a finger. "Spill it!"

Howell began walking to the car again. They could tell Callie later. The timing wasn't that important now.

"Tulip is her other sister. She was involved in a hit and run accident about a year ago. She lived but she has brain damage. She was only sixteen."

"Oh shit." Jones cursed as she realized what was happening; a vendetta. "He's trying to kill all of them one by one."

"Starting with the most defenseless and helpless first. To make them suffer the most before he starts on them."

"Over my dead body." Her growl sounded a lot like Callie's.

"Protect and serve, Lieutenant. Though I think you took the serve part too literally."

"Stuff it Howell." Jones began to jog toward the car. "Move your ass. Or I'll tell your girlfriend you're getting fat from sneaking packaged brownies at work."

"Oh, that's low Jones. Really low." Howell sped up as he ran behind the car. By the time he got behind the wheel, Jones was already buckled in. "You know I only buy the freshly made ones. And I share, with friends."