Schrödinger's Mittens


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One of Nina's eyebrows raised.

"And no-one has ever made me come like that," continued Samantha, talking a little faster than strictly necessary. "And you know I've only had three boyfriends and when my underwear came off they all did a double-take and thought I didn't notice but I did, Nina, I totally did! And I also noticed that you didn't," she finished, trailing off and frowning to herself.

But did I notice that I noticed that she didn't?

"Sam," said Nina, and all of a sudden her fingers were stroking Samantha's cheek - "So many things."

Oh God.

"First thing, you've had three crappy boyfriends. You've told me all about them. They probably thought that all vulvas look like they do in pornos, because hell, Sam, you told me that two of them were virgins when you met. Shaved Barbie dolls, right?"

Samantha felt a weak grin forming. I do tend to date inside a particular field. "You're neither crappy nor a boyfriend, so there's that."

Nina nodded, grinning. "So there's that. Second, if we were all - I mean, I just think that -" she paused. "Look, I saw your labia for the first time just a minute ago, and fuck, Sam, you're beautiful. Every inch of you, and your pussy especially."

Samantha smiled. Still, she felt uneasiness in her stomach.

"And I know you probably think I'm just saying that," continued Nina. "And I could carry on reassuring you all afternoon and you'd still have a nagging doubt. But I know of a damn good way to prove it, if you'd like me to."

"I would like you to," murmured Samantha.

"Should I?" asked Nina.


"Yes," breathed Samantha, not meeting Nina's eye.

"Will I, Sam? Mistress?"

Samantha's eyes closed, and she laid her head back on the pillow. "Yes. Please."

The mistress thing kinda helps, somehow...

"Lick me, little rabbit," whispered Samantha, blushing. "Make me come."

She felt Nina's weight shift, a kiss beginning on her neck. Breath, hot and damp, raised goosebumps. Touches on her collarbone, a hand gently cupping her left breast. Light, feathery kisses descending in a line - beneath her collarbone, the swell of her right breast, the tip of her nipple; kiss, kiss, kiss, lick. A soft, hot, moving tongue swirling around her right areola, lips pressing to her breast, a gentle suckling as Nina began to knead her left breast.

Samantha gasped, shivered, opened her eyes. Nina took her right breast in hand, squeezed gently, and Samantha felt hard teeth contact her nipple and tease it, followed by the writhing of a soft, wet tongue. Nina's eyes were closed and her eyebrows arched in the center, contentment and joy.

The seal broke with a wet pop, and Nina opened her eyes and looked down at what she'd accomplished. Samantha's left nipple stood erect and wet, a droplet of Nina's saliva rolling down the swell of Samantha's breast.

"I could do that all day," murmured Nina. "Your boobs are gorgeous."

Samantha smiled. "I actually made a mental note to suck on yours for half an hour or so."

Nina grinned. "Are you making a to-do list?"

Oh, right. Lists aren't sexy to other people.

"Not out loud," said Samantha.

"Okay then," said Nina, descending to Samantha's tummy.

Ah! She's heading downstairs! Don't freak out, Sam!

Nina's hands drew softly over Samantha's breasts, her middle fingers stroking over tingling nipples, as her kisses descended past Samantha's navel. Before Samantha had much time to start worrying, Nina's lips were tickling the edges of her pubic hair, her hands slowly catching up, settling on Samantha's hips.

Samantha watched Nina look up at her, as she descended. Saw a grin forming. Heard the words - felt them, hot breath between her legs, sending a shiver up her spine.

"May I, mistress?" asked Nina, slowly, coy.

Samantha opened her mouth, and only a squeak emerged.

Oh God.

She settled for nodding. She watched Nina's eyes close, and her jaw disappeared out of view. The grip on Samantha's hips tightened, and her labia were pushed apart by something soft, warm and squirming.

Samantha cried out, her back arching off the bed. Nina squeezed hard on her hips, pulling her forward - Samantha felt Nina's upper lip press against the naked, sensitive point of her clitoris, Nina's nose brushing her mons, and Nina's mouth opening wider, lips pressing around Samantha's crotch. The tongue between her labia curled in a complicated fashion, the firm tip pushing at the entrance to Samantha's vagina, the softer base sliding against her clitoris.

"Oh God!" cried Samantha, head pushing back into the pillow, taking in the view of the ceiling through widened eyes.

"Mmm," said Nina, a tingling, vibrating frequency that seemed to thrill through Samantha's pelvis and flutter happily in her stomach.

Samantha felt her left labia sucked into Nina's mouth - her lips pressing and releasing in a no-teeth chew.

"How can you think these are crazy, Sam?" came a muffled voice. "Crazy awesome, maybe. Can't do this with mine." Another brief suck on Samantha's labia - she felt her buttocks clench, her hips writhe, not quite voluntarily. "Can't really do this too well either," said Nina, and ran her tongue along the slippery valley between Samantha's inner and outer labia. "Many fun features, see? And this, too..." Samantha felt Nina close her mouth and bury the lower half of her face in Samantha's pussy, shifting around and slithering against her insides, a nose briefly enveloped by her labia. Samantha cried out.

This feels so good.

She looked down at Nina - saw closed eyes, a wet nose.

It must feel so good for her, too, to be so enveloped by my flavor, my scent, my softness, my intimacy...

An image suddenly appeared unbidden in Samantha's head. A fighter pilot, wearing an oxygen mask that covered her face below the eyes - but in coral pink, with a little nubbin at the top.

She began to giggle.

"Whmf?" said Nina, her tongue sliding inside Samantha, pushing through the ring of muscle and into her vagina. Samantha at once cried out in ecstasy, and began to laugh in earnest.

"Hrmph? Whurmiphih?"

Samantha hurriedly cupped a hand to her mouth, her chest heaving, breasts shaking, belly trembling. She felt Nina's hands leave her hips, her mouth leave her pussy.

Oh dear...

She looked down. She was relieved to see Nina smiling.

"What? What did I miss?" asked Nina, grinning. Her hair was dishevelled and her entire face, from cheekbones down, shone with Samantha's wetness.

Samantha's eyes crinkled up. She laughed in quiet hysterics behind her hand, and it was all she could do to shake her head.

"Okay, I'll wait," said Nina.

Samantha fought for control. Long seconds passed. Her sternum began to ache. Finally, she managed to sputter two words.

"F-face hugger," she said, and dissolved into laughter again.

Nina cocked her head to the side. "What?"

"Like - heh - like in Alien!"

Nina shrugged as Samantha giggled. "I'll take laughing at your own crotch over feeling bad about it. That's an improvement."


Samantha's laughter redoubled. Her arms crossed over her abdomen. Tears began to form in the corners of her eyes.

"Sam, you tits jiggle wonderfully when you laugh."

You're not helping, Nina!

Samantha fought for breath. Finally she settled down.

"Nina," she said, breathlessly, "I think I'm the one who needs a ball gag."

Nina's eyes sparkled. "I could put something else in your mouth."

Samantha felt warmth rush to her abdomen. "Are you talking about..." she hesitated. "What I think you're talking about?"

Nina grinned. "Think of a number."

"Seventy-seven," said Samantha, immediately.

Nina frowned. "Not the number I was thinking of..."

"It's like a sixty-nine, but you get eight more!" giggled Samantha.

Nina stared.

"Geddit?" asked Samantha, grinning. "Eight more?"

"I get it," said Nina, shifting and turning around. Samantha watched her butt, pale and squeezable, as it shifted up her torso and close to her face. "Let's just give that gorgeous mouth of yours something to do that isn't dispensing awful math puns, hmm?" Supporting herself on her elbows, she leaned forward, parting her buttocks and exposing herself to Samantha.

Samantha stared.

That's Nina's butthole.

She shivered as she felt Nina kiss up her inner thighs.

My God, it's my best friend's butthole.

Samantha slid her hands up the outside of Nina's thighs, and gently gripped her buttocks.


She raised her head from the pillow.

It's actually cute. Buttholes aren't supposed to be cute! They're supposed to be buttholes!

A droplet of fluid was running in a long, slow descent from Nina's pussy. Samantha tore her eyes from Nina's anus and watched the strand fall, achingly slowly, towards her lips.

It's like a little asterisk. I almost expect to see "Void where prohibited" or "Must be 18" written next to it.

She grinned - and the line broke, a droplet of Nina's juices landing just below Samantha's nose.

Samantha licked her lips, feeling hot breath on her cunt.


Nina's thighs pressed against Samantha's ears, and Samantha pulled downwards gently on Nina's bottom.

"Yes," she breathed, "come here." Nina's hips descended - the glistening line of her pussy filled Samantha's field of vision, pink and puffy and saturated with excitement.

Samantha opened her mouth as Nina opened hers, and the two began to taste. Samantha stuck her tongue out and felt coarse pubic hair, then soft flesh - the tiny bump of Nina's clitoral hood, and the twin lines of her inner labia. She flattened her tongue and ran it in a slow, languorous line upwards between the juicy, fragrant folds of Nina's pussy, pressing deeply when she reached Nina's vagina, where the flavor was darker and the temperature higher.

"God, Sam," whispered Nina, in between planting delicate little kisses on the clefts of Samantha's inner thighs.

"Mmm," said Samantha, pulling her tongue back slowly, swallowing. "I want to just..." she blushed. "Just... rub my face in your pussy."

Nina chuckled. "It's right there. You want me to rub back?"

"Wait..." Samantha suddenly realised how hard she was breathing. She reached up a hand, and pushed her glasses onto her forehead. "Okay."

"All right, Sam," said Nina - "here it comes."

Samantha watched Nina's pussy descend until she could no longer focus - her nose wettened as it dipped into the silken flesh between Nina's labia. She moaned softly as Nina stroked her face, downwards over her lips, leaving a slick trail, welcoming Samantha to a world of Nina's most intimate scent. Samantha opened her mouth, stuck out her tongue - Nina moved with her, guiding Samantha's tongue to her slippery, pulsing opening. Samantha slid her tongue through the twitching threshold and inside Nina's body, feeling her pulse, her heat, tasting her rich, hot flavor. Nina moved her hips upwards, and Samantha's tongue found itself in sweet, soft folds. A gentle bump on the tip of Samantha's nose, and then Nina's cunt was sliding up between her eyes, bumping Samantha's glasses further up her forehead.

"Do you like that?" asked Nina.

"Yes," whispered Samantha, her eyes closed, her breathing ragged, drowning in the heat, the smell, the flavor, the intimacy. She gripped Nina's breasts - soft, pendulous weight in her hands - and closed her thumbs and forefingers around firm, pert nipples. She tugged, gently, hearing a gasp from Nina, feeling the little expulsion of air against her own crotch, followed by an appreciative, fluttering tongue.

God, she's good at this. Samantha's clitoris sparked under Nina's considered ministrations - Samantha felt the beginnings of her orgasm swelling...

Never before. Never before, from someone's tongue.

Samantha buried her face between Nina's legs, rubbing unashamedly, animalistically, marking herself with Nina's scent. She leaned back to take a breath, saw the glistening cleft, cried out as Nina's tongue flickered across her clitoris. Breathing hard, she released Nina's left nipple and brought her finger upwards, sliding it gently between Nina's labia, hunting down her opening, pushing deeply into Nina's vagina. She watched the slick, soft labia fold inwards around her finger, felt Nina clench down and tighten around her, felt slippery and intimate warmth up to her third knuckle, a racing heartbeat.

Nina cried out, muffled between her thighs, and Samantha felt Nina grip her bottom tightly, her pleasure building, approaching a peak.

God. How did I go so long, without knowing what it's like to be inside someone like this?

Nina's asshole twitched, tightening and relaxing.

...would she like it if I...

Samantha slid her finger backwards and out - it felt cold and wet, outside of the happily sighing Nina - and with infinite tenderness and reverence, and a warm thrill of intimate excitement, touched it very gently to the opening of Nina's anus.

Nina moaned.

That's a yes, then.

"My goodness..." breathed Samantha, barely noticing she was doing so, as Nina's hips descended, the soft wetness of her vulva pressing against Samantha's lips.

Should I...

Samantha pressed, just a little. Nina bucked her hips, pressing back against Samantha's fingertip. Samantha, opening her mouth and slithering her tongue greedily through the valley of Nina's pussy, watched the very tip of her finger slide into her best friend's tight, clenching ass.

Nina trembled and cried out, her taste intensifying in Samantha's mouth. Samantha moaned into Nina's pussy, pushing her tongue forward and into Nina's body, feeling her hot, squelching vagina tighten around her tongue, Nina's juices flowing freely into her mouth.

Samantha felt herself rise to a precipice, Nina's tongue flickering and fluttering across her body's most sensitive point, Nina's scent strong and heavy, Nina's asshole tightening around her fingertip - and then the waves broke and crashed down upon her, throwing her about, forcing muffled screams from her mouth, electricity arcing from her clitoris to her toes and nose.

She rode the waves, one after the other, each one brightening the room, as Nina screamed into her pussy, feeling her muscles tighten and release. Their waves bounced off each other, synchronized, bounced again, faded, left them breathless and glowing.

Samantha sighed happily into the hot, sopping cleft of flesh that sat on her face. Slowly, gently, she withdrew her finger, and gave Nina's ass a little pat.

Nina fought for breath between her legs. "Holy balls," she mumbled, and rolled off to the side. She panted on the bed, facing Samantha, her face shining from the nose down.

Shining with my pussy-juice, noted Samantha. She shuffled around so that they were both facing the same way, and pressed her lips to Nina's. They kissed, as forcefully as they had energy for - so a soft, tender affair, followed by an exhausted flop onto the bed.

"Don't fall asleep again," breathed Samantha.

Nina grinned, her hair ruffled, her cheeks red, her lips wet. "Okay." She flopped an arm around Samantha, chuckling softly under her breath.

The two stared at each other, grinning and with sparkling eyes, for a moment.

Just a moment.

Samantha's stomach growled, loud in the breathy quiet.

Nina looked down and giggled. "You too, huh?"

Samantha kissed Nina gently on the nose. "Starving."

"Pancakes," said Nina, decisively.

A thousand images rushed through Samantha's mind. Hot coffee and maple syrup, the loud chatter of Penny's diner, the conversations they'd had in that place, the laughter. Some of her best memories.

Now, they'd all be different. Now, Nina would hold her hand beneath the table, squeeze her knee, maybe lean over to kiss her. Now, they'd walk into the diner as lovers, not just best friends. A couple.

Now, all those memories would be placed carefully in the "Before we made love" folder.

Things were good, then. Samantha had looked back over those memories and marked many of them as "Perfect."

Now, things would be even better.

Better than perfect.

"Pancakes," agreed Samantha, and pressed her lips to Nina's.

They lay for a moment in each others' warmth.

Outside, birds sang. A car went past. The world continued with its business, unaware of their love.

For now.

Samantha and Nina went out for pancakes.


Samantha: That was a great day.

Samantha: And a very, very short story.

Nina: Well, High-Voltage Mittens is twenty-four thousand words and change, Sam. This is just to let people know there's more coming.

Samantha: How long will our poor readers have to wait, while we throw them these little six-thousand-word scraps from the dinner table?

Nina: Oh, not long now. I'm just writing the butt stuff, and then we're done.

Samantha: So you saved the best for last, then.

Nina: You know it.

Nina: Remember to comment, rate and review, folks!

Nina: 0.6% of people who read Mittens on Literotica rated it, and fewer than one in ten thousand readers commented!

Samantha: To be fair, probably at least half of those people weren't actually people, just indexing robots and so forth.

Samantha: I hope indexing robots like reading about me being all naked and squirmy.

Samantha: *blushes* Hi, robot. What's your name?

Nina: Does he have antennae? And a shiny metal smile?

Samantha: *nodnod*

Nina: ...Sam, do you want me to wrap myself up in tinfoil and ask you to help me find my recharging port?

Samantha: *squees uncharacteristically*

Nina: Do you want me to put a metal pot on my head and say "BEEP BEEP WHAT IS LOVE"

Samantha: omfg yes

Samantha: Finish this bit so we can do that

Nina: Okay

Nina: Even a lot of the people who marked it as a "Favorite" didn't rate it. Help us out here, folks!

Nina: If you liked this story or Mittens, it only takes a second to click five stars!

Nina: And if you hated it, it only takes a second to go fuck yourseOW!

Samantha: NINA!

Nina: What! OW

Samantha: Some people won't like it! That's fine!


Samantha: I'm pretty sure that's, like, top of the list of rules for being an author.


Samantha: Not telling people to go fuck themselves.

Samantha: On a porn story website.

Nina: Sam, I hope that our readers are fucking themselves while reading this story. That's the whole point of this exercise!

Samantha: So... if you liked the story, go fuck yourself?

Nina: No, if you liked the story you were probably already fucking yourself.

Samantha: So... just, like... "Everyone: go fuck yourselves, and have a great time with it?"

Nina: "We mean this in the friendliest possible way."

Samantha: How come that's an insult, anyway. You're suggesting to someone to indulge in self-love. Go on, light a candle or whatever, pamper yourself, you're worth it. You deserve an amazing orgasm or three. You're awesome. Go fuck yourself.

Nina: I think it's time to end.

Nina: See you soon, folks! Go fuck yourselves, one and all! :D

Samantha: See you very soon, gentle readers.

Nina: Not too gentle, I hope.

Samantha: Hey, that's my job. ;)


Samantha: ...

Samantha: Are they gone?

Nina: Yeah, we'll cut it there.

Samantha: Go get the tinfoil. :D


The Mittens saga continues in Cyber Mittens, right here on Literotica!

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THBGatoTHBGatoabout 1 month ago

Hilarious and sexy! I have voted twice, once as anon, once as myself, in a bid to escape punishment. Love how meta this is. x

CoffeeNClovesCoffeeNCloves12 months ago

Brilliant..........Beautiful...........Breathless..........Beyond belief!!!!

OxidaOxidaabout 4 years ago

Short and sweet, good job!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Loved it


RebeccaERebeccaEalmost 5 years ago

Such a great and clever story. Totally cute, funny, smart and so very very sexy

CaughtthedragonCaughtthedragonabout 5 years ago
Again wow

Could not stop laughing at 8 more... Love Samantha

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

This is series is my favorite by far. It's so real. It's filled with humor, true love, and intimacy.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
perfect mix ......

I found this to be the perfect mix of eroticism, story telling and humour!!!

Please keep up the good work

TrueMortTrueMortalmost 6 years ago

By quantum mechanics

My kind of girl :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Okay so, uh, lemme just say I enjoyed this too much. I'm really invested in these two, and it's rare that you find a lesbian sex story with this much/good of a background. I can't wait to see what shenanigans these two lovebirds get up to next!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Thank you for this

Thank you thank you so much. This is just an amazing read and I love the authors and the characters so much, oh thank god! I could read this for days on end!

FransassFransassabout 7 years ago
Lol oh my

This is wonderful. Love the humor and the couple learning together. Brilliant!

SashaPozaSashaPozaover 7 years ago
Amazing.. Fast becoming my favorite!

I love the inner dialog! This is fast becoming my favorite series!


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago


LovingHannahLovingHannahalmost 8 years ago
So hot!

Oh wow I'm loving this story! The level of detail just lets me conpletely put myself into both ladies' places, depending on my mood at the moment, and I just can't read without my hand sliding down into my panties....

Please keep it up!! I need my dose of Sam/Nina time!

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