Scientific Pet Ch. 01


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"M-more. . . please," she whimpered reluctantly. She cried as she was defeated in her effort to keep any dignity.

"Don't worry, Ana, more is coming."

Using another metal device he pulled back her hood to reveal a vulnerable clitoral bud. He continued to rub, twirl, and play with the now bare pink clitoris until it was well erect and swollen to the point of being sore. Ana stopped struggling and settled to whimpering and moaning. The doctor then took another black wire from the joystick. He placed it around her clit and it literally clung to her flesh. Like a tiny snake it began to burrow around and behind her clit and slither its way in.

She struggled at first but then gave a long exhale as she felt the wormlike thing squirm deep within her genitals. It reached the furthest ends of the clitoral body and wrapped itself around the whole. The rest of the wire now coiled around her clitoral head. The doctor released her hood covering the wired, engorged clit. Wires stuck out of it connecting to the joystick.

"Okay Ana, I have guided some nano-wires around the whole your clitoral body. Next I will place electric specialized pads inside your vagina around your Grafenburg Spot."

The doctor took a pad from the table which had a wire sticking out of it. Ana could feel his fingers feeling around inside her.

"mMMMmmmmh" was all she could say as he found her G-spot. He placed the pad around area where she reacted to his touch. It clung without furling or creasing.

Now the doctor took two large, round, clear thin pads, he placed these on her breast where they wrapped skin tight leaving no creases at all. The transparent pads had a wires attached to each and a hole cut out in both of them for the areoles of her breasts. Then he took yet two more wires from the joystick. He placed each end on the tips of her nipples and pressed a button.

Instantly the wires found the tiny openings and began to burrow their way in. Ana moaned again at the sensation, and the nano-wires began to split into dozens of smaller wires as they burrowed and spread into her inner breasts. Her breasts itched slightly like her pubic hair before, but somehow it felt good that the wires were going into her.

Inside her breasts the wires looked like the roots of a plant, tiny ends deep inside converging into one large trunk which stuck out of her nipples. Once finished, the wires wrapped themselves around her nipples, covering them in a skintight seal.

The doctor then took another small transparent pad with two long, thin, sticky wires dangling from it. He placed the pad on top of her mons pubis, and then slowly stuck the thin sticky wires up her body like tape.

She shuddered in disgust as his slowly fingers made their way from her pelvic area, up her stomach, to her breasts. He attached the metal ends of the tape to each wire sticking out of her nipple. The nano-bots molded over the ends, creating an insulated seal. She looked like her breasts were glazed with a thin plastic, and thin plastic lines ran down on her body from her nipples to the clear pad on her mons pubis.

"The clear padding insulated on the outside, while the inner is conductive. The elastic padding has special cohesive; they will not come off your skin without taking a part of it, or if I apply an anti-cohesive. As you can see it's incredibly thin and does not even feel like it's there."

The doctor fondled her breasts, to her chagrin, and indeed she couldn't feel the plastic. He traced the clear wiring up and down her body, causing her to shudder again.

"Current will dissipate equally from the pads across the surface of your breasts and travel into the wires deep within, where they will flow out through your nipples."

He pinched them and she groaned.

"From there the current routes through the insulated elastic wires."

He traced the wires, and she couldn't help but shiver again.

"The wires and pad are made of the same material as ones on your breasts. The current will travel into the pad where it will engulf your entire clitoral body and exit out the clitoral glans. Within all the wiring are even tinier hollow tubes. These allow special aphrodisiacs and drugs to be applied to all your sensitive areas, increasing your sensitivity."

After a while he finished molesting her body and returned to the controller. "Now I will apply the current and inject the drugs. Relax and try to enjoy yourself Ana."

Unable to look away, Ana could only whine as she saw him placed his hands on a dial. He rotated it, and there was a click.

Several things happened at once.

All throughout and deep inside her genitals a mild current buzzed. Electricity was dispersed from all around her vagina and G-spot, which was funneled through her bud where the hot concentrated current coiled and leapt through her bud like a tiny continuous lightning bolt.

Her breasts were smothered in a tingling sensation while deep within was warm and warmer the closer to the nipples, where the hot current too leapt out and flowed through the wiring back into her clitoris. Ana strained even more on her bonds.

Her heart rate dancing to the pleasure and drugs, she couldn't help but let out a guttural moan of pleasure, dearly appreciated by her subconscious after all she had been through in the last hour. She was edging closer and closer to orgasm. She could feel her body tensing and leaning over the edge.

And yet, she did not. This was the best she ever felt in her life and yet she had not climaxed.

"Mmmmmm. Why? Why won't I cummmm?" she moaned.

"I can't let you orgasm for now Ana, this is supposed to be a distraction. The nanobots will be preventing any signal for orgasm escaping the brain."

The pleasure continued, it was soon becoming somewhat uncomfortable. Had she not been strapped down Ana would be bucking her hips in the air. A normal person would have passed out by now, had the adrenaline being injected to her not taken effect. All the meanwhile she had forgotten about the pain inside her.

"Do you like it Ana? If not, I will turn it off."

Now she remembered that pain was still great inside the one ovary.

"I d-don't want it to turn off," she said, defeated. Here she was being violated by a stranger and she was giving in to his methods. Her face was red with embarrassment and arousal as she was trying to get to an orgasm she desperately needed.

The doctor pressed a button and another part of the monitor came to life showing her womb once more.

"The nanobots have split the wire into two leads inside the uterus. I will now proceed to enter the other the fallopian tube and the ovary."

Ana again felt the pressure build inside her as another wire slid up the fallopian tube. She braced herself as it entered the Ovary. She screamed again from the stinging sensation and the electric current to her clit increased, she was in incredible pain and arousal.

"Good. The wires are now in both ovaries and by the time I finish this sentence they will have extracted a sufficient supply of eggs."

He paused.

"Now I will proceed to electrically sterilize the remaining eggs. This process I have been told is quite painful, but I have routed the current to run back to the electrodes around your clitoris to ease the ordeal. We will begin on my mark."

She put all her effort into shutting her eyes, which would not budge. All she could do was stare at the sight of her reflection. Strapped to a chair, metal expanding her exposed pussy, pads and wires protruding out of her, and all the while a madman was working at the controls. She was in a heightened state of arousal due to the current but her fear was no less as great. She began to sob.

"10. . . 9 . . .8 . . ."

"I don't want to be s-sterilized."

". . .5. . . 4 . . . 3"

"No! Wait!"

"2. . . 1 . . ." *click* ------- Instantly millions of tiny needles were stinging two sensitive points deep within her, and her clitoris and breasts were buzzing with current.

It was as though five tiny lightning bolts were striking her continuously: two of pure hot pain deep within striking her ovaries, two of pleasure leaping out of her nipples, and the strongest one -where all the other four gathered- leaped out of her poor burning clit, like a dragon's forked tongue. Ana never knew such levels of pain and pleasure were even possible.

She screamed bloody murder as each minute passed by until her voice became hoarse. Her EKG line beeped in staccato as her breathing came in quick gasps of air.

A streak of drool dripped from her mouth, and she writhed and strained in despair and ecstasy against her bonds till she had not even the energy for that.

The extreme pain and pleasure mingling in her pelvic religion, coupled with the drugs, sent her into a perpetual state of near orgasm.

Even though pain racked her whole body, she was still able to realize just how close she was to release, which was one of the few things she could recognize as her mind was being fried.

All control of the body was lost. She peed and the doctor was quick to anticipate and avoid. As each second passed her mind, which was slowly overcome by the vortex of sensations bombarding it, began to lose its cohesiveness.

Her thought process was washed away like a sand castle is by ocean waves, and her vision began to fade leaving only pain and pleasure.


Finally after what seemed an eternity and just before the brink of fainting, the power died down. It was over. Phantom pain and pleasure still remained and her hair was still standing up on her skin.

Despite the retreating pain she knew only one thing which didn't fade. Even through all the pleasure sent to her every weakness, she had still not come. It left her with an incredible feeling of disappointment and longing.

"The sterilization process is complete. Well done Ana, you've just finished today's session. I must say you've been very compliant. Much more so than other pets I have previously owned. I will clean you up, attach a stimulator, and you can return to your room."

Ana, still reeling from the experience could barely comprehend what he said. Tears and drool dripping down her face, she felt the long wire that brought so much pain and pleasure slowly slip out of her. The doctor took a rag and began to clean her.

Once she was cleaned by the doctor, he removed the two wires which brought so much pain to her womb, and finally the speculum departed from her gaping hole. The pads and wires on her pelvis, breasts and, unbeknownst to her, her g spot, remained.

The doctor held in his hands what looked like a belt with a small black pack attached to it. He wrapped it around her waist, and attached the all the wires into the device.

"The device attached to the belt I have placed on you is an electric stimulator and drug injection unit. It will use constant pulsing to keep you at various levels of arousal at all times, even when sleeping. Do not attempt to remove or detach the wires, or severe damage to yourself could occur, even death."

The doctor attached the wires to the pack, and pressed a button. Immediately a pulsing, tingling sensation fluttered throughout her genitals and breasts. Her clit and nipples were again licked by tiny tongues of lightning, to which she could only whimper.

"Now I will return you to your room, where your mate will return shortly."

"Mate?" she thought. It was a miracle she even had the capacity for rational thought . The doctor took a vial of clear liquid and put it to her mouth.

"Drink," he commanded, as he offered her the vial.

She obeyed , unable to resist, and found her throat felt much better.

"I. . . have. . . mate?" she repeated between sobs, her voice still cracking.

"Oh yes, you will be meeting your breeding partner shortly. His session has been going on much earlier than yours and is almost over. I've had him just a little longer than you. His session is particularly difficult and will still be going on when he returns. Try to stay in good terms with him when he joins you. If he feels he needs to relieve himself by using you, try not to resist too much else he harm you. Okay Ana, I will now shut down the nanobots giving you free control over your body. Until tomorrow then."

The doctor pressed a button and she realized she could shut her eyes, which she did with all her might and would not open them for anything. The doctor looked up, nodded his head, and Ana heard footsteps and felt the same hands from before gripping her and hauling her back on her feet and to her room.

They laid her on her bed where she covered herself with the sheets and curled into a fetal position, sobbing, sore, and still very aroused.


She felt violated. No, she felt like she was still being violated. She remained there, crying and moaning for an hour. Though she desperately wanted it, sleep did not overcome her. This was in part due to the device around her constantly stimulating her now oversensitive clitoris and breasts and the drugs taking effect.

Lying there, she indulged on the control she had over her body; she savored something she had taken for granted all her life. It had only been less than one day, and already she felt like she was losing her humanity.

Half an hour later, still tired but fully awake the door opened; she heard heavy footsteps and deep breathing. The bed gave way to something heavy, warm, and taking deep breaths. Eyes still shut, aroused, too weak to resist, and utterly vulnerable all she could do lay there.

"Please," she whimpered, ". . .be gentle."

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Sadistic not sexy. If the rating could give a minus zero I'd rate it that.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

This is so scary... :( I CRIED

RunsAmokRunsAmokover 7 years ago

This is some deeply, DEEPLY dark stuff. I don't know how I feel about it. The pleasure parts of it are arousing... but... It's so very extreme.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Story ended too soon

THIS IS A GRATE STORY BUT IT is incomplete, where do I find the rest of this story?

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
I need more!

Where can I find similar stories? I prefer a focus on female sexual anatomy. I especially like when a female's cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries are toyed with.

ThrallKnightThrallKnightalmost 11 years ago
Get outta my braaain~!

...actually, no, go ahead and stay there, I like what you've done with the place. This is almost exactly the kind of story I've been looking for. I mean like crazy-exact, down to the sadistic (though deceptively genteel) doctor, the secret research facility, the freaking *nanotech*... Forcing the protagonist to watch as serious modifications happen to her body, to listen as the doctor detachedly describes the process...that is scary stuff! How awesome are you? Really super-awesome. High five for bleeding-edge kinky perfection.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Love the pleasure parts, but the pain parts seem to outweigh them heavily.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Hope this encouragages this effort

Do believe that this is a potentially good story line. I like it so far. Wonder how much explaination you plan to use concerning the possible altering of males used in this experiment, especially any of the nano robot mods. Take your time and develop things. It seems to be a better more flexible SF plot than usual. Look forward to the next chapters.

QzapQzapover 11 years ago
Needs work

It's a good start, but needs work. It seems rushed and conversations seem unreal. I do like the premise and would like to see it when it is refined more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Great Start

Like the direction that this one is going. Can't wait for the next part

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