Scotsman Pt. 01

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The initial encounter.
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There were only thirty minutes left in my shift. I was ready to get home. I had an 8AM lecture tomorrow morning. Sunday nights were supposed to be slow, but tonight kicked my ass. I had been dealing with assholes all night. A local men's rugby team had apparently one a big game and decided that celebrating at the local irish bar was fitting. I didn't work anywhere glamorous, Murphy's was essentially an irish version of hooters. We just wore black tank tops and plaid skirts that were too short on the average sized girls. I stood at 5'11'' which didn't make things easy on me. The only redeeming quality was that as the main bartender I had a barrier between myself and the customers. The other girls did not. The bar was roughly thirty minutes away from my apartment on campus. This made it easier to wear the degrading uniform knowing I wasn't likely to run into anyone I knew. Wake forest is a smaller private school, and the student's there don't really leave campus. I kept working here because I loved the manager Frank, and the girl's were actually some of the nicest people I had ever met. They were significantly nicer than most of the girls from my university. For someone who didn't have any family this was the closest I could get.

The night was finally slowing down, and the rugby team cleared out for the most part. I bent down while restocking the beer fridge to get a jump on my closing duties, when one of the remaining players had taken a seat at the end of the bar.

"What's that sexy piece of ass doing hiding behind the bar?" He slurred in my general direction.

I instinctively reached to fill up a glass of water.

"Drink this." I handed the glass to him.

"Hey now, don't be such a bitch."

His hand reached out to grab my wrist. The bouncers were already moving in his direction, but I grabbed the front of his hair and bashed his head on the bar. Not hard enough to hurt him, just hard enough to knock some sense into him. He must have had a little more kick left in him than I thought, as he stood up and attempted to lunge across the bar at me. The bouncers were on him in seconds. One on each side.

"Fuck you bitch! I'm going to sue the shit out of this place. My dad is a lawyer!" He screamed as he was dragged by his arms out of the bar. The rest of his friends followed, as Frank emerged from the back office.

"You do that?" Frank nodded over to the guy.

I nodded my head. Frank laughed.

"We have bouncers for a reason you know."

"I'm faster." I replied.

That pretty much ended the conversation. Frank and I had that kind of relationship where we didn't need to say much. He was the closest thing to a father and I was the closest thing he had to a daughter.

I turned around to finish my closing duties, when another man had taken a seat at the opposite end of the bar. He was dressed in a suit, and clearly did not belong with the rugby team. I walked towards that end of the bar. He was a good looking guy, just a little out of place here.

"Anything I can get for you?"

"Scotch on the rocks please." He asked in some sort of irish-scottish accent that I couldn't place.

"I gotcha." I poured the drink and placed it in front of him.

"Do you always handle guests that way?" He nodded towards the door.

"Only when they don't behave." I brazenly replied.

He chuckled under his breath.

I glanced at his face while he laughed. His hair was dark and curly but cut short enough that it wasn't messy. His jawline was defined. I could tell from his height while sitting that he was taller than me. Honestly that was kind of hard to find sometimes.

"Are you local or passing through?" I said to him over my shoulder, while I went back to stocking the fridge.

"I recently took up a job in the area." He replied.

Frank walked over after having dealt with the rugby situation. I'm sure he had to smooth things out after my stunt, but he didn't act like it was a bother.

"Close up tonight will you?" Frank said to me.

"Sure, thanks for everything Frank." I replied.

"Just don't go bashing anymore heads.'' he said in a low voice to me nodding to the lone man seated at my bar.

"No promises."

He laughed as he turned to walk away. I kept working until five minutes til. I let the other two waitresses leave, as they had already cashed out for the night. I started to close up the bar, and the man got up to leave.

"Have a good night." I called out after him.

"Aye." He replied.

The dude was quiet, but nothing to be concerned with. The bouncers left right at two in the morning. They made sure I was good to walk to my car like they always do. I walked out into the cool winter air. I locked the front door of the bar and walked around the building to where my car was parked. My heart rate picked up slightly, as I looked around to see if there was anyone nearby. The parking lot was empty and I made my way to my car. I should have been tired by now. I should be ready to collapse. I worked fifty hours this week. It was good money, so I couldn't turn it down. I turned off the music and drove to the only place I could think of.

The gym was my happy place. I paid extra for a 24 hour gym because I often found myself on an odd schedule. I parked and walked around to my trunk, grabbing my gym bag out of my old honda prelude and putting on a jacket. I swiped my pass at the front of the gym, and walked into the locker room without looking up from my phone. I changed quickly, opting for just running shorts and a sports bra. I grabbed my favorite treadmill and warmed up quickly and found a good pace. I looked up from my phone which was playing a podcast to see the scottish guy from the bar at a squat rack. He was staring at me in the mirror in front of him. He saw that I noticed, but he didn't look away. Seeing him under the bright lights of the gym made me realize how he was even more attractive now than he was earlier. He was wearing a black athletic shirt that clung to his apparently very fit chest and back and basic black workout shorts. I was openly checking him out at this point. I finally broke the stare to continue my run. I did six miles in total. I cooled down, and decided to call it a night. I threw on the jacket from earlier and grabbed my bag from the locker room. I nodded my head to the guy at the desk as I swiped out for the night/morning. As I was walking to my car I physically ran into the scottish guy from earlier smoking a cigarette outside. The smell normally would have bothered me, but somehow it made him even more attractive. He grabbed both sides of my arms to steady me.

"Sorry, my bad." I looked up at him. He stood a good six inches taller than me.

"No worries." He cooly replied. He still hadn't taken his hands from my arms, but at this point I was in no rush.

"Small town, strikes again."

He nodded, as he finally dropped his hands from my triceps, dragging his fingers on the way down.

"Do you frequently workout after working a shift that long?"

"Uh I don't really keep track. I just wasn't tired." I replied.

"You need to sleep and eat."

"I appreciate the concern."

He reached up to my face to grab my chin between his thumb and forefinger.

"I didn't ask." He curtly responded.

My breathing hitched. He noticed my response. I felt electricity crackling between us.

"I should go." I finally stated.

"When was the last time you slept?"

"It's been a while but I'm fine." I replied.

"Fuck that, you can't drive you'll injure someone else tonight."

I quickly looked up at him, wondering if he somehow knew what I did. I quickly dismissed the thought as I realized he must have been talking about me bashing the guy's forehead into my bar.

"I don't just get into stranger's cars." I finally said.

"Then we can drive yours." He stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"I, I, I don't know if that's..." I stuttered.

He walked over to the only other car in the main parking lot that wasn't the jaguar f-type that I assumed was his.

"Keys." He commanded.

"Fine." I reached down into my gym bag retrieving the keys and palming the knife I kept in there for situations like these. I decided against it. I handed him the keys. I don't know when I suddenly became so submissive but apparently this guy knew something I didn't. He unlocked my car using the key and climbed into the driver's seat. He didn't seem surprised by the manual transmission. I sat in the passenger's seat with my gym bag on my lap.

"Where do you live?" He asked.

"It's about thirty minutes from here."

"What?!" He sounded genuinely concerned and angry at the same time.

"I can drive myself, I told you. I'm fine."

"You can sleep at my place, I'm staying at the Hyatt regency in the city."

"Dude, if it wasn't clear earlier, I am not interested in creepy dudes from the bar. I am not going to your hotel."

"You are a danger to everyone else on the road. I have been to the bar three nights in a row, and you looked worse and worse each day. You will go to the hotel."

"Asshole." I muttered under my breath.

"Watch it." He calmly replied.

He started driving to what I assume would be the location I would be murdered at, but I was mildly surprised when I realized we were actually driving to the city. He pulled into the valet loop, which I'm sure looked ridiculous to everyone else. I drove a 1990 Honda Prelude. It was in good condition for it's age, but it wasn't something that gets valeted. The valet came out of the hotel, and took the keys. I followed the Scotsman to the elevator. He never looked back to see if I was following. I think he just assumed I would, and well, I did. The elevator doors closed behind me, and I stood next to him. I felt him staring out of the corner of my eyes. I chose not to look. There was too much physical tension already. I barely knew this dude, but here he was barking orders having me obey like a damn dog. The doors opened after what felt like an eternity. I stepped out of the elevator first, but I suddenly felt light headed. I'm hypoglycemic, which means I am supposed to eat or drink something with sugar in it every couple of hours. I didn't eat my entire shift. Then I worked out. My knees buckled underneath me, and I put my hands out to stop the fall, as my vision blacked out from behind my eyes. I never felt my head hit the ground. Then I was weightless. My eyesight came in and out, but I was looking at the ceiling, but it was moving. I felt warmth behind my knees and on my back. I was being carried. The fucking Scot was carrying me. I let out a groan but it was unrecognizable.

"Now would be the time when you realize I was right." The Scotsman smartly replied.

I came to a few minutes later. I was on a bed. The Scotsman stood there staring at me from a lounger chair positioned near the bed. I tried to sit up, and he stood up immediately.

"Slower." He commanded.

"Fuck off." I grumpily replied.

"Drink this." He pushed what looked like an orange juice in front of my face. I drank, realizing passing out again wasn't the best option at this point.


"Name." I demanded between sips.

"Arran Wilson."

I nodded. He moved the glass to the bedside table. I moved to swing my legs off the side of the bed. He placed his hand on my thigh and held me there. I felt electricity shoot up my thigh to a much more sensitive area.

"You need to move slower. You will pass out again."

"I think I know my body better than you do."

"Clearly not as well as you think, or was the nose dive intentional?"

"Fuck off, I'm not running a marathon I just need to use the bathroom." He moved his hand from my thigh. I stood and slowly took in my surroundings. This was a really nice hotel room, inside what was already a really nice hotel. I felt out of place. I trudged over to the bathroom. Feeling Arran's presence behind me.

"I need a shower, is that acceptable? Or do you plan on following me in there as well?" I quipped at him.

"I will be right outside the door. If you feel faint say something." He passed through the other side of the hotel room, to what I assume was a foyer of some sort. I closed the door to the bathroom and took in the size of the bathroom. The shower was the size of a small room, encased in glass doors. I reached in to turn on the water. I looked at myself in the mirror while the water warmed up. Maybe he was right, I looked tired. School started back up tomorrow, which meant I had to start slowing down. I took off my clothes and stepped into the shower, using the hotel provided amenities to wash myself. I put my head under the flow of the water and closed my eyes. The pressure and the heat of the water was fantastic, much better than anything I had at my apartment. I took my time enjoying the privilege. I turned around and saw a figure sitting outside of the shower leaning against the counter.

"Dude get the fuck out!"

He didn't say a thing. I grabbed the towel that was hung over the shower door and quickly wrapped it around myself. I was thankful for the fog on the shower doors. The towel did very little to cover me up. I also realized my clothes were gone.

"Where are my clothes?" I did my best to cover both my breasts and lower regions. I was failing miserably. His eyes raked over me, and he neglected to provide a response. He looked hungry, and apparently I looked like a snack. I walked out of the bathroom, and started going through the dresser drawers, hoping for a semblance of clothing. I found a t-shirt and a pair of boxers. Arran sat on the bed and watched me struggle to maintain composure. I walked back over to the bathroom and closed the door behind me again, putting the stolen clothes on. I attempted to finger comb my hair, and used the mouthwash and hotel provided toothbrush and paste. I stepped back out of the bathroom. Arran hadn't moved but he continued to stare at me.

"Can you do anything besides fucking stare at me?"

His eyes flashed angrily and he closed the distance between us effectively pinning me to the wall. He was a lot stronger than I expected, I was also weaker than normal. He held my arms at my sides and pushed his face close to mine. I moved my face to the side to provide some sort of relief. He was hard. I felt how big he was against my stomach.

"Say that again, I dare you." He said it in such a low tone I almost didn't hear him, but I felt the gravel in his voice against my cheek as he said it.

One of his hands reached up to turn my face to his again. I let him. His lips came so close to mine, but I didn't move. His tongue reached out and tasted my lips. I started to melt. I opened my mouth for him, and he started kissing me. He consumed me with his mouth, keeping me pinned to the wall and him. I felt myself getting wet. He took his hand and held it to my throat. Cutting off just enough air, while he continued to kiss me. With one of my hands free I used it to reach to his waist line and tease him. His grip on my neck tightened as I stuck two fingers into the elastic of his waistband. I found the tip of his cock and grazed my finger tips over it. I felt him shiver against me. He broke the kiss and grabbed me under my ass and lifted so my legs wrapped around his waist. He walked us over to the bed laying me on it, and pinning me yet again with his body weight. This time his cock was dangerously close. He still had shorts on, and I was wearing his boxers, but I shivered at the thought of it. He started biting and sucking on my neck. The friction caused by his erection made me moan. His hand worked its way to the top of my shorts. My breathing hitched in his ear making him let out a slow sexy laugh. He brushed over my clit and reached down into the wetness of my entrance.

"Fucking hell you are wet." He growled into my ear.

I whimpered. Like a fucking desperate slut, but I couldn't help it.

His finger dipped inside me and my back arched desperate to gain more friction. He swirled his finger inside of me. I clawed at his back attempting to gain some sort of stability. His other hand pulled the boxers I was wearing the rest of the way off. I was exposed to him, and he took his finger out of me and brought it to my mouth. He forced his finger in between my lips.

"Clean it off." I did. I was a little surprised by my own obedience.

He watched as I greedily sucked on his finger. Something flashed in his eyes.

"Fuck it." He pulled his finger from my mouth and reached down to pull the shirt over my head. He stood from the bed and then took the rest of his clothes off. This revealed a ripped chest and abdomen full of muscle. His black chest hair led down in a perfect happy trail to his scary large cock. I wasn't sure if it was even going to feel good. The width was the most concerning aspect. He reached down and grabbed my ankles, pulling me so my ass was on the edge of the bed. He positioned himself between my legs. No warning, no hesitation, he plunged inside of me. He brought himself down on top of me. I brought my legs around him and held on for dear life. He grabbed the back of my neck and held me there, while he continued a rhythmic assault. He held my gaze, but there was a darkness in his eyes, a primitive look. I felt myself getting dangerously close to an orgasm, I sunk my nails into his back while I came closer and closer to my own edge. Arran must have felt me tightening around him and he tightly grabbed my cheeks with one of his hands forcing me to look at him.

"Cum." He commanded. And on command I shattered. I cried out, and felt my release. I squirted around him. Something I had only recently discovered I was capable of. This only made his pace quicken.

"Fucking hell. Fucking bloody hell." He growled against my lips as I came down from my orgasm. He grabbed both of my legs, holding each above my head. The angle was too much. My legs started to shake. I wrapped my hands around his neck lacing my fingers together. He pumped into me over and over again. It was happening again, I felt myself nearing another orgasm.

"Arran, I'm going to cum again." I cried out.

I watched his face tighten as he held back his own orgasm. A few strokes later and I tightened in my core. I screamed. I fucking screamed as he brought me to another fucking planet with his cock. His orgasm chased mine, as he emptied inside of me. My legs, still suspended by his hands, shook with fatigue. He pulled out of me a few moments later. I rolled onto my side as he allowed my legs to fall to the bed. He stood and walked to the bathroom. I heard the shower turn on. I waited a few moments before I realized he wasn't coming back out immediately. I grabbed my clothes which were sitting folded over a chair next to my gym bag and threw them on. I left the hotel room as quickly as possible.

After fleeing the hotel I drove back to my apartment. I showered as soon as I got in. I felt dirty. Everything from the last couple hours felt like a fever dream. The rest of my shower was mindless. I fell into a sleep deprived trance. A few minutes later I finally laid down to go to sleep. I made sure my alarm was set for class in a few hours. This was my last semester of college and I couldn't fucking wait to be done.

The next morning...

My alarm had been going off for ten minutes which meant I was ten minutes behind. Except I apparently snoozed the alarm twice already which meant I was thirty minutes behind. Fuck. I rolled out of bed, my hair still wet from my shower only a few hours before. I threw on a t-shirt and some leggings and brushed my teeth. I threw my backpack over my shoulder and ran out the door. My reliable prelude sat in its designated parking spot same as usual, no evidence of the scottish mystery man from the night prior. The drive to campus was quick. I found a parking spot close to my building and made a quick jog to the door. I was five minutes late which drove me crazy. I slipped into my lecture hall, but the door was louder than I had hoped. The entire class turned to look at the idiot who dared to walk in late. I kept my head down and sat in the first seat in the back I came across.