Seamus Ch. 03


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I frantically scratched around his back trying to find the end to unravel his towel. Neill started to laugh against my mouth. His rocking hips shook against mine, the lump of his hard-on providing friction to my straining cock. The naughty clammy hands that had found their way under my shirt dug into my back muscles. As he pressed against me, they got squashed against the wall. We spun over to the other wall, slamming Neill against it, bodies ramming against each other, every part touching, so hot and sweaty. I kissed him hard, probing his hot mouth with my tongue. He giggled and bit me.

"Ouch, shit, man," I swore, though it really didn't hurt. Bloody towel. I abandoned trying to find the end of it (How thick do you have to be to not be able to find the end of a towel?) "What's up with the laughing?"

Neill gave me a big, tonguey kiss before replying. I loved the way his soft lips manipulated my skin, sending shockwaves to my hard cock. "Ticklish," he smirked. He pushed away from me. "Come on, man, you gotta get some of your gear off before I take anything else off."

"Are you going to help me?" I whispered, then licked my lips.

"Nah, I'm sure a big boy like you can manage," he said, nonchalantly. "You can start with the shoes... You're so fucking hot, you know that?"

His last words would have scared the shit out of me one day ago, but now they only made me hornier. I couldn't believe that my best mate- Well, it was weird. He found me just as hot as I found him. I wrenched at the laces of my sneakers, discarded them and my soaked socks. "You're not so bad yourself," I told him, smiling back. I noticed that he was stroking the patch of towel concealing his cock. "Do you want a hand with that?"

"There'll be plenty of time for that later, bitch," Neill said. He frowned a little in response to my worried look. "Did you find that creepy..? I don't think I'll say that again." He laughed, but his laughter didn't show in his eyes. His skin seemed quite white all of a sudden, although it could have been the fluorescent lighting. Suddenly, he grabbed me aggressively, fingers grasping handfuls of my shirt. "Course I'll give you a hand."

He stripped me of my shirt very quickly (though it did get stuck over my head for a bit), and proceeded to run his fingers down my chest, following with his hot tongue. My smell clearly didn't bother him as terribly as he said, since he managed to lick the salt and sweat from my skin. His fervent tongue traced a whisper over my chest, around my pecs, my armpits, orbiting each chiselled muscle on my abdomen. I was on fire. My skin burnt and tingled, shivering as the little muscles that would normally erect hairs contracted in a wave beneath his scorching, wet tongue. He reached my waist band and stroked his fingers over the skin above it, but did not try to remove my shorts. When I tried to, he flicked my hands away. "Just you wait," Neill said, savagely, and smirked at me. His blue eyes lit up, his cheeks glowed with happiness. He flicked his pink tongue-tip over his lips then ground them against his teeth.

Neill nibbled his way back up my chest, fingers reaching before him like a climber on a wall. I couldn't help but cry out "Shit, man- That feels so good- Oh, man- Shit- Fuck- Neill- Arrgh-" and gurgle noises that made no sense. His teeth felt great, just pinching, drawing my skin into his mouth and getting it warm and wet. He prodded and poked me with his hot tongue then licked on. He seemed to avoid any power points that would usually turn me on, like the skin above my cock, my bellybutton and nipples. Still, I hardly wanted anything else. It just felt so fucking amazing. Finally, we were eye-to-eye (Neill's only a few inches shorter than me).

I tried to kiss Neill, but he tilted his head away. "Just wait," he whispered in my ear, then sucked the earlobe. He thumbed my nipples causing them to stiffen and burn. Jolts of pleasure shot over my skin in a wave of heat. I wondered why no-one had done this to me before; do girls just not know this stuff, even though we do it to them? My cock burned and swelled, stretching my shorts and briefs even more. He started to pinch the tips with his nails, plucking them outwards until they hardened, then rubbing them gently. More heat, mingled with slight pain. His lips suckled my neck. My moans were muffled by his hair. My pelvis trembled and I tried to rub my burning bulge against his. He pushed me away.

"Now the shorts," Neill whispered. I felt his fingers slip inside my waistband, tugging the elastic downwards, and causing my cock to be pressed down as well. He left the waistband pushing down my cock, so it tried to stick out on a horizontal angle. The pressure caused by both the band and the stretched fabric of briefs and shorts was excruciating; not exactly painful, but the sort of force that made me feel like I was just about to cum, but somehow couldn't burst over the edge. My hands reached down to release my aching cock, but he batted them away. "Leave it," he snapped. "Just wait." I growled in frustration.

He passed his hand lightly over the fabric encasing my cock, giving only enough pressure for me to know that the fabric was moving. It wasn't nearly enough. I lost control. I couldn't help it. My hands ripped at his towel, fingers roughly gripping his hard package through his slippery, soaked boxers. I pulled Neill to me, loving the hot trembling flesh in my fist. We kissed hard and fast, sweaty muscles slipping against each other, creating a heat that seemed only destined for our cocks. Neill's fingers reached inside my shorts and pressed against the fabric of my briefs. I was shuddering like crazy, head tilted away from his hot mouth, moaning to him to fuck me.

Neill dropped to his knees, dragging my shorts down to my ankles. He let me kick them off whilst he sucked the tensed inside of my thighs. He moved up to my briefs, which were transparent with precum and nearly ripping from the stress my hard cock was placing on them. His hot breath felt comparatively cold to my sizzling groin. He flicked his sweat-sticky fingers down the backs of my legs, working on muscle knots as well as any physio. His face was right against my briefs, but all he did was blow on me. I prickled and shook some more. My hands guided his face further forwards.

I gasped as he licked the steamy fabric over my cockhead. When I tried to take the briefs off, Neill swatted my hands away. He continued to lick and suck the soaked fabric and the bulges beneath, drawing precum out of the fabric and breathing it into his mouth. "Shit-" I gasped. "Shite- Please- Neill, God- Fuck me-" I had to lean against the wall again; there was no way my knees would support me.

Neill's feverish fingers scraped down my wet briefs, and flung them to the side, so that they slapped the wall. Those few seconds gave me a little relief. Not for long, though. He gripped my shaft, directing me to his hot mouth. He licked and nibbled all the way around bulging red head, drinking in the strings of precum that would otherwise run over his fingers. I looked down, and he did something really dirty. Withdrawing my cock from just inside his lips, along with a thread of clear saliva, he rubbed the sensitive head first across his lips, then over each cheek.

His face was- Well, it was his face-! My best friend was rubbing my cock all over his face, getting all shiny with spit and precum. I couldn't believe it. My eyes must've been on stalks. The rest of my body was shaking like it had electricity running over the skin. All my trembling hands could do was hold onto his sweaty blonde head. His breathing seemed all fucked up like mine. After a few seconds he groaned, "Do you like this... or is it freaking you out?"

Neill's hand tightened fractionally around my cock, but it felt like I was getting squeezed. I moaned a little, liking the extra pressure. "Hell... yeah," was all I could get out.

He laughed. "Cool, we're on the same wavelength." He nuzzled my cock a little harder, smearing me over his lips to get wet, then grazing me across his skin. I now have in memory the image of my best mate with my cock mashed into his face with precum dribbling down his cheeks (something that I'll never stop dreaming about).. I could feel the prickle of his stubble, the padding of flesh on his cheeks, the slightly greasy, sweaty texture of his skin brush against my hypersensitive tip. My body was exploding with heat. Every muscle in my body was tensing in preparation to blow cum all over that hot face of his. I tried to hold back, but couldn't keep it up much longer.

"Please-" I moaned. "I don't want to cum yet- Please- Neill, shit-"

It hurt, trying to hold off orgasm; it made me even more aroused, on edge, under tough pressure. I survived a gentle lick as he released me. Then I just slid down the shower wall, gasping and convulsing as my muscles relaxed. It felt like I had cum, but there was no spunk, and my cock was still hard. It was wet with precum and spittle, with a bulging plum coloured head and a burning red shaft. Not as super-sized as the night before, more it's usual size - quite thick and long by most standards. I had to change position. I stretched my legs in front of me and leant back a little, since I couldn't bear anything touching my tingling, sore cock.

Neill sank down beside me. He lightly stroked my shoulder as I lolled against him. When he was satisfied that I was breathing normally, he spoke. "Hurts, doesn't it?"

"What?" I murmured.

"Thinking your coming and then stopping it," Neil said. He laughed and shoved me away. "That's for what you did last night, when you did whatever fucked up thing you did to stop me coming."

"Ow, man, that hurt," I replied, in semi-mock pain. "Sorry."

"Still felt bloody good though, didn't it?"

"Yeah. Fucking amazing. But you- You are so bloody dirty or kinky or something."

Neill flopped his face back, head hitting the vinyled shower wall. His brown-blonde hair was pushed back off his face, except one strand, which he blew away. "I hope that's a fucking compliment," he snorted.

"I think it is," I said.

We just sat there, naked, erections reaching to the ceiling. If we had clothes on, this would pretty much be our position in our room if we were tired, talking shit or drinking. I couldn't think of anything to say or do; I felt smashed.

Neill suddenly said, "Anyone ever complain you cum too soon?"

"I do not!" I snapped.

He laughed. "Yeah, you do."

"You didn't complain last night- and at least I warned you that I was on the edge."

"You just changed the subject," Neill said.

"I did not!" I saw that he was about to laugh, probably because my protests all sounded the same. "Geez, if you were under the same fucking pressure, you would too." I grabbed his hair, forcing his lips to mine. Of course, Neill didn't object. His fingers played my shoulders, our hips sort of turned over each other. I flinched as our cocks brushed. Then I pushed him away. "Just you wait," I whispered and smiled evilly.

"Oh come on, Seamus!" Neill protested as I got up. I don't know what he thought I was doing, but I certainly did. I turned the shower on. Of course, it was cold, as all showers are until they heat up. In fact, because they use artesian water in the Hall, it was bloody fucking freezing. "Oh, fuck! Seamus, you shit!" Neill swore, as he was drenched. His hair, now looking brown, was all forward across his face. I nearly pissed myself with laughter. He got up, nearly slipped, and dragged me under the water with him.

"Shite," I moaned. Even though the water-pressure sucked, there was still enough water to saturate me. Neill shoved me under the shower-rose. Stupidly, I was swearing at the time, and my eyes were open. It was so cold, like bottled water from the fridge. I struggled to get out of the stream. My hands and body slid easily over Neill's, every part feeling oiled. I forced him over against the wall, so that the spray was only on our feet. "That was fucking mean," I gasped.

Neill flicked water in my face from the tips of his fingers. "And who started it?"

I decided not to reply. I didn't have a come-back to that. Luckily, the water seemed to be heating up; steam was rising, making the lights look hazy. I looked down. We were both still rock hard. If anything, that cold splash would slow us down a little, which might be a good thing. We moved under the stream again.

Neill wrapped his arms behind my back, enveloping me in a hot, slick hug. There was no friction at all between our bodies. I loved how I could feel his muscles tense and release beneath the skin. The way his thorax pushed outwards when he breathed. Even his rapid, pounding heartbeat (although, that could have been mine and I just got confused). It felt as though my skin was much more sensitive to anything that touched it. "Mmmm," I heard Neill moan. Our cocks touched, slippery and hot, pressed in against our abs. Shockwaves were already shooting through me again.

We clashed against each other, bodies straining hard, lips, tongues, teeth, everything, contacting each other's flesh. I slammed Neill into the wall and grabbed his veiny cock, stroking as hard as I could. "Uh-" I heard him splutter. "Uh, oh God-" I could hear his breathing hiss in and out in small puffs. "Shit." His head rocked backwards, eyes to the ceiling, then dropped over my right shoulder. His mouth pulled hard on the little bit of flesh above my shoulder bone. He bit down a little, then harder, still sucking and tonguing the skin in his mouth. It was enough to make me release his shaft, as I fought the waves of pleasure rippling through me.

"That hurt?" Neill asked. He looked a little worried.

I shook my head. "Nah." I bent my head and sucked his nipple into my mouth. I lightly chewed the hard nub. Neill moaned.

"That hurt?" I asked him.

"God, no," he whispered.

I smiled through the water streaming down my face. My hands stroked his cock a little more gently, mimicking the way he was treating my meat. I got a bit of a shock when I looked down. He was so long, probably two inches longer than me. What did that make him? 9, even perhaps 10 inches. Fucking freakish porn-star shit.

"Shit," I whispered. I hadn't actually thought about his length at all, other than comparing it to mine. I'd swallowed it all right, but how would it go in my arse? Also, the split mushroom of his head looked to be 2 inches across, although he narrowed further down. I kept rubbing his head between my thumb and forefinger, the other hand around his meaty base. He was so wet and hot. I fiddled with his foreskin, stretching it out and pulling it back. My fingertips manipulated the underside of his cock, where there's this bit where the head joins shaft, that makes my whole body jolt when I play with it.

Neill took me, and I was thicker than that, I realized. Plus the added length of his cock would mean that there was more inside me being touched... Just thinking about it drove me mad.

We were both groaning by then. The water supplied a steady hot stream rippling onto our bodies, bouncing and dripping off onto other parts. The water smoothed our skins, lubricated our bodies. It made me completely hot and wet all over, like it was a sex organ itself. I went back to nibbling Neill's hairy chest, which took some of my attention away from his cock. But not for long.

Soon I was down on my knees, avoiding his cock and probing his crack with my tongue. He still tasted like musk and cum, a flavor which I drank in the water that ran off his buttocks. From the way he was standing, even though his legs were quite far apart, I couldn't get my mouth to his shithole. The fingers of my left hand could, though. I allowed my wet fingertips to massage the rim of his tight anus, whilst my tongue retreated to his balls. I nibbled his sack a little. At the same time, I could feel myself growing hotter and harder. My cockhead burnt against my wet abs. I was so caught up in what I was doing that Neill's groans of, "Shit," and "Fuck," and "Oh yeah..." didn't really sink in. Still, I did feel his hands on my head, pulling my hair and directing my hand and mouth to his dripping, scorching cock.

I expected to be able to take him all at once, as I had before, but that didn't happen straight away. It took a lot of gagging and coughing. I pulled back after a few attempts and mouthed down each side of his cock, plucking him hard with my lips. The hot water ensured that he was always warm and wet. "Suck my cock, man," Neill gasped. "Please- Ahhh yeah..." My mouth slurped his head. I sucked a little of him in, then bobbed back, each time taking a further inch. When I was about half way along, he forced my mouth along his extra length as far as I could go. I choked, I thought I couldn't breathe. He was so thick that I felt like my throat was being closed off by his throbbing cockhead. I tried to spit out, but Neill wouldn't let me. The air that was coming through my nose wasn't enough. I was scared that I'd breathe water into my lungs. Why was this so hard, when last night it was easy?

"It's okay, it's okay," Neill whispered. He didn't try to press in any further, but didn't let me move back either. "Just keep swallowing. It'll be fine."

Hot, dilute spit had pooled in my mouth and started to dribble over my lips. It was thicker than the shower water and seemed to stick to my skin. I took Neill's advice and swallowed, clearing some of the fluid from my mouth, but not really moving him. My tongue pressed his shaft hard against the roof of my mouth in rhythmic waves. I sucked in, swallowed some more. His head was completely slippery. I forced my mouth forward and felt him curve over the soft, then hard back of my tight, hot throat. My moans caused his cock to vibrate in my mouth. I can only imagine how good that felt.

I pulled away a little, then pressed my nose back against his slick, sweaty pubes. I'd stopped gagging. I loved his hot, huge cock, and the noises of appreciation he made as he fucked my face, faster and faster. His balls slapped against my chin, his shaft burnt friction against my lips. At the same time, I forced two wet fingers into his tight arsehole, fucking him back in an erratic motion.

We didn't keep it up long. I didn't want Neill to cum before he'd fucked my arse. I was sure I'd be missing out on something if he did.

I spat him from my mouth. "You've gotta fuck me, man," I growled. Shit, it felt surreal that we were doing any of this. All those sweaty nights, half awake, just wondering what it would be like, but not thinking that it would ever, ever happen. I guess I didn't think that I would really be able to do it, that it would really turn me on like this. I thought fucking Neill was just one of those things in your mind that you think, 'shit, that sounds hot,' but the actual practice of it would be completely horrible, and definitely not arousing. Goddamn it, I was wrong. Now that I knew what it was like to fuck him, there was no way anything he did to me could turn me off.

Neill's reply was a feral sounding grunt. He wrenched me from me knees and rammed me against the wall under the shower-rose, thrusting at me with his hips, so our hard-ons clashed in shots of heat. All I could do was moan into his mouth, no even able to kiss him back.

"Just wait a sec," Neill told me. He left me heaving for air whilst he stepped out of the shower. I slumped against the cold corner. My slick hair dripped water into my eyes. The sight of his hot body was slightly obscured as I blinked the water away. Still, what I saw was just as arousing as the first time I saw him naked after a shower, months back. His hair, dark with water, reached just to the knobbly joint where the neck joins the shoulders. The locks beaded, sending small rivulets of water to join those already flowing down the furrow of his back. His shoulder and upper-back muscles flexed powerfully beneath his tanned skin, smoothing into the longer, streamlined muscles of his back. His butt was muscular, and sort of rounded, pale in comparison to his tan. It dimpled and stretched as he walked. As he leant over to pull something from the handful of clothing he had brought, I saw his balls bob between his legs. His cheeks parted, exposing his tiny pink hole to my eyes. I still couldn't believe that my fat cock had fitted in there. I made me worry a little about what he had in store for me.