Search for the Goddess Ch. 06


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"Now." The fingers left her pussy.

One Orc grabbed her head and pulled her down. The Orc holding her released her long enough to grab her hands and pull them behind her. Alexis braced herself from experience as his large green cock speared her pussy. Even so she groaned as her pussy was stretched around the length. The Orc used her arms to ram into her with each thrust. Her moans were muffled when the Orc holding her head filled her mouth with his own cock and rocked his hips.

"By the Warlord, she is tight!" The Orc growled happily as he roughly fucked her.

"Aye, the mouth is great to!" The second Orc agreed as he glided his manhood in her mouth.

Alexis moaned hotly against the cock while her pussy grew wet by the second. She already knew what was coming. The heat of lust in her body was spreading and she was soon lost in a sexual frenzy. The cock in her mouth was the largest she had ever sucked, but she still managed to work her tongue around it as it moved through her lips. The Orc jerked in surprise as the human responded willingly to him.

"Ha! The blonde slut is begging me to feed her more cock!"

The Orc in her pussy laughed, "That true, girl? Do you want us to fuck you?"

Alexis made passing noises of agreement and she sucked on the Orc eagerly. The Orc thrusting into her let of her hands and grabbed her leg. Still impaling her on his cock, he lifted her leg all the way above her until her lower body was sideways. Alexis moaned deeply at the movement and tried to keep herself on one foot. Her upper body twisted to keep the Orc in her mouth. One of her free hands grabbed the part of the Orc's cock that wasn't in her mouth. Her other hand went down and stroked her wet pussy lips as both Orcs went back to drilling her. This must have been a sight, a blonde teenager sucking one Orc while the other pumped her pussy all while she was standing sideways on one leg. Chris might have a joke for this. Alexis didn't care as her pussy was hammered by the Orc. Alexis came first in a hard orgasm then sent her juices falling down onto the wooden deck. Stroked by her tongue and hand the first Orc filled her mouth with cum. Alexis found the taste bad, but took deep gulps all the same. It wasn't long before the second Orc shot his load into her pussy. Alexis was dropped to the deck breathing for air. The Orcs sat down and grinned at each other as they watched their well-fucked victim.

"Derik had one thing going for him, he knew good looking women."

"This boat is full of fine females. Once we take the castle we can spend our days eating and fucking."

The door opened and more Orc slaves filled the deck carrying the other female guests with them. Many, including Lana, looked like Alexis did. The blonde Knight was regaining her senses as she often did after sex but still stayed down. There was no way she was killing all these Orcs with only her spells. They would bring her down while she drew the runes. And unlike all her other sexual encounters there were many innocent people here to get hurt in a fight. The magic would probably burn the ship as well, Alexis didn't even know if Lana could swim.

The Orc that had fucked her stood up and pounded his fist on his chest, "My fellow Orcs, we are free!"

The former slaves roared in triumph.

"Derik is dead, and the ship is ours!"

One of the Orcs, one that was holding a naked and sleeping Lady Cros, spoke, "We killed the guards, but there were not many. We don't have enough weapons to arm all of us."

The leader spit on the deck, "Bah, no matter. We will keep the ship here. While we are fucking the women, the castle will grow nervous and send guards after their lord. We ambush and kill them for their equipment. Then we storm the castle, free our fellows, and live well!"

Alexis shot a look at Lana, who nodded in understanding. The Orcs shouldn't know she could cast magic. When the castle sent help she would rain fire and lightning in support until she found a sword. Until then the two of them would have to go with what was coming.


Chris had tried sleeping, eating, drinking, and training but it didn't work. He was bored. This castle was boring, the town was boring, and it was all boring. The only interesting thing to happen was when a stable boy had come running out of the stables a few hours ago with his pants to his legs. While the hunter didn't want to think of what he had been doing, watching him trip several times had been a laugh. Now he sat on the walls overlooking the lake and twirled an arrow thoughtlessly. He almost regretted staying behind. Now that he thought of it, there was an appeal to fucking Alexis on a boat railing. But even his blonde Knight wasn't enough for him to stomach the others. Highborns with their titles and history. Bah, that was why Chris preferred hunting. So much simpler. And the people he usually associated with might be scum, but most of them were honest scum.

Chris had just finished yawning when his instincts nagged at him. Turning, he spied one of the Orc slaves creep into the stables. The stable boy sprang to mind and sent a shiver down his spine. Why couldn't all slaves look like Lana? Still, he wouldn't be feeling like prey right now if there was some interracial event going on. The hunter quietly left his perch and went down the stone stairs of the walls. As he neared the stables, he heard more Orc voices.

"The captain of the guard is getting nervous."

"Of course he is! Means the boss' plan is working."

Chris crept up to the stables and quietly readied his bow.

"By now Derik is a corpse, his wife is full of Orc cum, and all those fine human females are bouncing on cock."

That didn't sound good.

"Why aren't they back then?"

"Right, let me walk across water and ask them. Probably enjoying the women. If the guards go out there our brothers can just kill them too."

And that was all Chris needed. The hunter stood up and fired his arrow into the stables. An Orc dropped dead while the other five stared at him stupidly. One more went down before the remaining four roared and charged. Chris turned and ran out into the courtyard; no way could he take on four Orcs. Yells came from the walls as the guards rushed down to stop the commotion. The Orcs were lost in rage and fought back. Chris had seen minotaurs fight bare handed, but Orcs were something else. One picked up a guard and tossed him into the air while another smashed two helmed heads together. But they were outnumbered and out equipped. When the fighting ended Chris and a guard pulled a wounded Orc in front of the captain of the guard.

The old man pulled out his sword and pointed it at the Orc's neck, "Explain yourself, slave."

The green man spit blood, "I go to the Warlord not as a slave but as a warrior. Shame your lord couldn't say the same."

The captain's eyes went wide with shock, "What did you say?"

The Orc managed a low laugh, "I said he is dead. Or should be, if that ship hasn't come back by now. It's a revolt, human. Putting things back in the natural order. My brothers will toast their freedom on your corpses." Then he died.

Chris didn't wait for the news to sink in; he took off toward the town. The captain hurried after him in his armor. He was an old soldier and grasped the situation to know what needed to be done.

As they ran he yelled orders, "Round up every Orc in the castle to the cells! Kill anyone that resists! Get me some men now!"

Soon Chris, the captain, and twenty men ran down the quiet streets of Cros to the shore. The guard maintained several rowboats for patrol and they quickly piled into them. They were halfway across the lake when something hit the boat Chris and the captain were in. The captain looked down, sighed, and looked fixedly at the boat.

"Lord Derik."

This was not good at all. Besides his worry, Chris was somewhat amazed at two things. One was how these people thought they could keep Orcs enslaved for good. They might have been born into it, but an Orc was an Orc. Strong, tough, and proud. This had to have been building up for a while. The second was how Alexis managed to get caught up in trouble again. This whole situation had to be the most removed from whatever her quest was than anything yet. Even the snake poisoning related closer than this. But there she was stuck on a boat, without a doubt satisfying an Orc. It was like something out there was intentionally steering her into these horrible events.


Alexis moaned loudly as she lifted herself up and down on his cock. The lead Orc from before lay on the bed as the blonde Knight bounced lustfully. He knew from fucking her on the deck that she just needed some help lot 'get in the mood' as he called it. Soon and sure enough Alexis was willingly impaling herself against him like a good slut. Lady Cros was straddling his face while the Orc held her with on hand and ate her pussy out. Lana lay next to them with the Orc's other hand working her pussy.

The lead Orc had claimed the three females as his after the victory feast. Lady Cros was his new 'wife' and the Orc decided to call himself the new Lord Cros. Alexis and Lana were his pleasure girls. They were in the dead Derik's room, one of many now filled with the noises of sex as the Orcs ravaged every woman from the rich to the servants. The Knight had lost count of how many times they had done this in the hours since the revolt. She would lose herself in lust, regain her senses after sex, then lose herself again when the next round started. Thankfully he seemed more interested in violating his former mistress then the two strangers. Alexis panted as she pushed herself down again, his whole cock filling her pussy. Lady Cros and Lana were moaning as well with a small puddle growing under Lana as three green fingers pumped her. Lady Cros screamed the loudest as an orgasm rocked her. Lord Cros spent a few moments sucking up her juices before letting her slump onto the rich bed. His hand cupped Alexis' ass and squeezed as his hip thrust up to meet her movement. As she continued Alexis heard Lana climax as well. Lord Cros stabbed into her a few more times before firmly bringing her down on his cock and cumming. Alexis' mouth opened wide in pleasure as he shot is load into her. The Orc Lord pushed her off him and tossed her next to him. His arm pulled her close and she could hear the Lady groan as he did the same on the other side. Alexis looked down to see Lana dutifully worshiping his cock back to hardness with her tongue and breasts. Alexis had managed to bring her into the room by mentioning to Cros that she was a former Sabacc slave. The Orc leader had only been too pleased to add her to his bed. It was cruel to Lana, but she needed to be close to the Knight when the fighting started.

Cros held them close and licked and sucked alternatively at their breasts while his hands groped their asses. Alexis hadn't had a chance to discover this during her first encounter with Orcs, but according to Lana they had a lot of stamina in the bed. Alexis had learned that tonight as Cros fucked them over and over. Once he was at full hardness again Lana climbed up and lowered herself on his cock. Cros grunted as his manhood vanished into her pussy bit by bit.

The hand on Alexis' ass spanked her, "Face her."

Alexis knew the drill. The blonde sat her pussy on his face. It didn't take long for his tongue to lap at her lower lips. Lady Cros gasped weakly, a green finger and entered her ass. If nothing else, she was thankful that Lord Cros hadn't shown an interest in that part of her body. He had fucked Lady Cros in the ass several times, but not them. The poor noble barely resisted now she was so worn out from the back to back sex. She didn't have the Knight's training in endurance or Lana's experience with Orc sex. Lana cried out when she finally buried his cock in her and started moving up it.

Alexis was moaning from the tongue teasing her own pussy when he stopped to speak, "Kiss her!"

Alexis blushed deeply as Lana obediently bent forward. Alexis did the same and the former slave pressed her lips against the Knight's. They had done this before in private, so Lana quickly fell into the motions as her tongue played with Alexis'. Alexis moaned into the kiss, and then moaned louder as Cros' tongue entered her pussy and writhed. Lady Cros came first yet again after the new lord had pumped her ass several times. Lana and Alexis, panting between kisses, were not far off. So close...

"My Lord!" The door slammed open and one of the Orc put on guard duty burst in.

Alexis yelped as Lord Cros sat up, sending her against Lana. The impact pushed Lana off the Orc cock and both of them rolled on the bed together.

"What? I'm busy!"

"Boats are coming!"

Lord Cros barked a laugh and stood up. Ignoring the three women he tossed on one of the dead Derik's cloaks and took up a sword, "Finally! Get everyone ready for battle. Let the Warlord smile on us!"

Both Orcs hurried out, but not before closing and locking the door. Alexis was about to get up when Lana grabbed her and rolled until she was on top.


The former slave pressed her body against Alexis, "I need it! I was so close, please just let me cum!"

Alexis' protest was cut off by a deep kiss. Lana rubbed her body against her and moaned as their breasts touched. Alexis moaned into the kiss when Lana began grinding her pussy against her own. Still turned on, Alexis kissed back and ran her hands across Lana's body. Soon enough the pressure built in both of them and they came near the same time.

Alexis pushed the tired Lana off her and sat up, "Better?"

Lana nodded wordlessly. Alexis looked around but found no other weapons. The magic way, then. Trusting Lana to watch Lady Cros, Alexis quickly pulled on some of the noble's underwear, which only somewhat fit Alexis' more full body, and a sleeping robe. Better then running around naked. The now clothed Knight faced the door and drew the rune of lightning. The bolt broke apart the door and she ran.


Chris had fired the first shot before the boats reached the taken ship. The arrow had struck an Orc guard and sent him into the water before anyone noticed. He had managed to pick off two more before others became away. Once they got closer other archers helped Chris rain arrows down as the boats neared the ship. Next was the chaos of battle as the castle guard climbed up onto the deck to meet the Orcs. Chris moved through the fighting, his sword swinging only at those that tried to kill him. He honestly had no interest in this small slave revolt. He wanted to find his companions. Alexis could decide what to do from there. He had a fairly good idea she would choose violence.

The hunter was nearing the doors when a bolt of lightning shattered it for him and rained splinters on the two sides. Alexis leapt onto the deck wearing a silken robe and a sword she had taken off an Orc left to guard the women. The Knight turned and cut down an Orc before noticing him. Chris waved, ducked as a human was tossed above him, and sprinted to her side.

"Have a good party, Sir Knight?"

Alexis glared at him, "You took your time."

Chris shrugged and cut at the legs of an Orc while Alexis slashed his stomach, "I don't know shit about boats. Well, let's go."

"Not until their leader is dead."

Chris sighed. Knew it. So the boss had indeed played with the blonde.

"Very well...behind!"

Both of them jumped backward as a sword swung by. Lord Cros charged, a sword in both hands. He had no real skill with two blades, but Orcs relied more on brute strength anyway. Alexis and Chris were in as much danger trying to block the heavy blows as they were trying to dodge it. They moved backward and up to the wheel of the boat. Chris was planning to send the Orc into the water, he hoped Alexis meant the same. Then Cros swung at him with both swords at once. Chris raised his sword on impulse. The blow sent him skidding across the floor into the railing.

Alexis watched in shock as Chris went down. He didn't look dead, but the attack had left him out of commission for sure. Then Cros swung at her. The shield rune flared to life as the blade hit and was knocked out of his hand. But his second sword swung at her the next moment, after the rune died. With no time to make another rune, Alexis parried the attack. The impact knocked her own sword away. Cros landed a savage kick that sent her to the ground.

"Ha! Guess getting fucked good for a few hours did you in, human bitch." Lord Cros walked up to her, "You have a tight pussy, but you are no good. I'll just find another girl to suck my cock."

Alexis watched as the sword came down. The realization of death hit her. Then hit the realization that she would not die. Her empty hands reached out and caught the blade between them. Cros and Chris watched in shock as the blonde girl stood up, and snapped the blade in half like a stick. Cros stared at his broken sword for a moment before the rage came to him. Throwing his weapon aside he roared and swung his fist. Her arm came up to meet it almost carelessly. The human's skin felt as soft as it had in the bedroom, but the impact broke his hand so hard it was like he could feel his finger bones shatter. Howling in pain, Cros glared into her eyes. Her green eyes were now glowing a light pink, what magic was this.

Alexis herself didn't know why this power came out. She had faced certain death before with no reaction. But when she saw the sword come down, she felt the energy surge in her. The power itself was no mystery. She was the God-Born, the daughter of Alexandra. Though it varied from God-Born to God-Born, all such people had power from their divine parents. She didn't know why it came out now, but she also did not know how long it would last. So Alexis ended it fast. Her fist clenched as she stepped forward. In an instant she was in front of Lord Cros and driving her fist into his stomach. The Orc died right then, unable to take the blow from a demi-goddess. The whole ship seemed to shake from impact; the lake itself seemed to tremble. Then the false lord toppled down.

Chris' mouth was wide open as he watched the fight. He snapped out of it when the Orc fell down. Rising gingerly he walked up to Alexis and grabbed her shoulder.

"Rosecruise! Are you alright, what was that?"

Alexis turned her head to look at him. Glowing pink eyes met him as a small shiver went down his spine. Then the light went out and Alexis closed her green eyes and fainted. Chris caught her before she hit the wood and lifted her up. Below, the guards cheered as the last Orcs either died or surrendered. He should go look for Lana and get off this boat. But he couldn't seem to do anything else but stare at the girl in his arms and wonder what the hell was going on.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Amazing job!

Didn't rate or comment on the previous chapters, saving it for this last one. This series just made number 1 favorite in my list. My only complaint is that there are no more chapters!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

I really enjoy the monster sex in your stories, especially in this chapter. As well, I hope to see more of Alexis and Lana and their relationship in the future. Great series! Keep it up!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Really liking this story! I can't wait to see the next chapter!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Please continue this story. It's was one of the greatest stories I have read.

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