Second Born


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"Edward, you've led an adventurous life. Surely you must have one story you can tell in mixed company!" The cock of her head and the persuasive swaying of her tendrils were impossible to resist.

"Well, there's one from my first cruise in the Navy.

"To the Fleet, there are few things as useless as a class of midshipmen who have just completed their first academic year. So to get us some experience in space but keep us out from under the Navy's feet, the Admiralty warms up a superannuated battleship from the reserve fleet and sends the lot of us, plus about a third of the upperclassmen and enough chief petty officers to keep us in hand, on a training cruise. We go out for about three months, call at a number of planets to show the flag and give us middies shore leave on worlds new to us, and learn what shipboard life is all about. We rotate through every department 'to round out our educations.' The real purpose is to sort the young gentlemen into various professional tracks when we return from the cruise.

"We had just called at Strine, an Empire world settled by humans who originated on a continent called Australia on Old Home Terra. The Admiral commanding the Royal Navy squadron based there was P.W. Roberts, who spent most of his career shuffling paper on the staff rather than sailing with the Fleet. The officers maintained his initials stood for 'Pencil Whipper,' a derogatory term we use for those who spend their time covering their backs by writing reports that cast them in the best possible light while making their subordinates look bad.

"He exercised his privilege of inspecting a visiting ship after we arrived. My section had just been assigned to the hangar where the ship's landing shuttles were kept. We had only taken over the compartment the day before, and none of us knew where anything was or even what everything was.

"When the Pencil Whipper inspected us, he spotted a puddle on the deck under a spherical piece of equipment in my section. He singled me out to receive his wrath


" 'Mister, where is that puddle coming from?' he demanded. I broke ranks, got down on the deck and made a show of examining the equipment before I got up and reported to him.

" 'It's coming from the BRT, sir,' I said.

"Admirals can't admit they don't know everything about everything. 'See that it's repaired first thing after the inspection,' he growled, and moved quickly on to the next compartment.

"After he had gone, the Chief Petty Officer who ran the hangar bay came and stood in front of me, hands on hips. 'It's coming from the BRT?' he parroted.

"Aye, Chief. The Big Round Thing."

The table dissolved in laughter.

When we had finished our dessert, the King looked significantly at his maensolto. Queen Emera gathered her two daughters by eye, and we stood. The Queen moved toward another door and the princesses followed, Kinthia passing behind my chair and trailing her fingers along my neck and cheek, a motion that did not pass unnoticed by her father. As the door closed behind the ladies, he said, "Take the cheese and a couple of plates and knives from the sideboard, and let us repair to my study. There are some things I would like to discuss with you."

After we had settled in comfortable leather chairs that formed a conversation nook, he poured a viscous wine into short-stemmed, tapering glasses. He cut a piece of cheese from the block I had brought in, transferred it to his plate, cut a bit and transferred it on the knife to his mouth, following it up with a sip of the wine. He smiled appreciatively and motioned for me to try it. I did so. The cheese and the dark red wine, similar to a port, blended in a symphony of flavors that delighted the palate and sharpened the focus of everything in the room. I mentally cautioned myself to go easy on this stuff; like zulac, this wine had the ability to sneak up on a drinker and knock the legs right out from under him.

"Douro and well aged aldenery cheese are proof positive that the gods love us," said the King. I signed agreement as I swallowed the gift of the gods.

"But I did not ask you here to discuss food and drink," he went on. "Edward, as someone who has traveled the galaxy, I would appreciate your perception and advice."

"Have I it to give, it is yours, Sire."

"Berit, please, when we are en famille, Edward. As Kinthia's kaerasti, you're considered part of the family while you retain that status. That may take some getting used to, for both of us."

"I would sooner cut off my arm than hurt her, Si -- Berit. Just don't be surprised if the occasional honorific slips out. You are still the King."

"Consider yourself forgiven in advance," he smiled. "But I do need an outsider's perspective.

"What do you know about the Alphans?" I frowned and swirled the douro in my glass before taking a healthy swallow of it.

"Much more than I wish I did.

"Berit, in the course of my naval and sales careers I have dealt with Terran-descended cultures that have revived customs I consider barbaric. Suttee and thugee on Timurid; ritual suicide on Wakoku and Nihon; female circumcision that amounts to genital mutilation on some of the Afric worlds; honor killings; reduction of women to chattel-slavery, and more. Compared to the Alphans, those cultures are civilized.

"Human worlds have many stories of evil supernatural beings who do nothing save harm people. Such creatures are called 'demons.' It says much of how we view them that all human worlds use the epithet 'Demon' interchangeably with the word 'Alphan' when speaking of the natives of the Alpha System. It is not just that the Alphans happen to resemble the devils of several human religions; the epithet seems fitting because of they way they interact with each other, with other species, and by the way they fight.

"They believe themselves destined to rule any world they choose to target. When they attack, they fight without mercy. The concept of surrender does not exist in their minds save that other species submit to them. Their treatment of worlds and ship's crews they have taken is savage. Submission to the Demons marks a species as inferior, to be enslaved, used, or exterminated, sometimes for sport. The current policy of their government is to probe constantly looking for a planet's weak spots. When one is found, the Alphans attack and take it if they can.

"Alphans will make alliances with other species if it serves their purpose or if terms can be agreed upon. For instance, the Junkers agreed to give certain systems to the Demons when they won the war against Novalbion and her Empire. They fought alongside humans of Ostdeutschen descent while Novalbion's Royal Navy, manned by humans of British extraction, fought them both and eventually defeated them. The Alphans had to cede three systems to Novalbion, two rich in mineral resources and one with habitable planets from which they had to evacuate their people. They weren't at all pleased with that outcome and are looking to recoup their losses.

"My friend Colonel Andrews is the military attaché at the Embassy. As you might guess, it's his job to keep his eyes and ears open. What he has been hearing ties in with what I heard before I left Novalbion, Berit; and I don't like it at all.

"Your Majesty -- "

"Edward, we talked about this."

"I'm sorry, but this is a matter concerning your planet, not your daughter. Your Majesty, I believe the Alphans intend to seize Medusa."

The King frowned and leaned toward me. His tendrils twisted in a way I knew meant he was disturbed. "You have been on this world less than a week, and as far as I know have encountered the Alphans only once, at the Ambassadors Ball. That is a very short time to decide an alien race whose home system is even farther away than yours has foul designs on my planet. What brought you to that conclusion, Edward?"

"NBCA has excellent connections with the government at home, especially the Foreign Ministry and the Ministry of War. Many of the executives are, like me, retired naval or military officers with friends still in the service; and we talk at clubs, balls, dinner parties and the like. It helps the company decide where to send its representatives. I am here partly as a result of such conversations.

"I spent most of my career fighting the Demons. I know how they think. Take Captain Sonellion, the attaché at the Alphan embassy. He's not some staff-wallah like the admiral I spoke of over dinner; he is a line officer who commanded a cruiser during the Junker War. The decorations he was wearing at the ball were earned in combat. He must be adept at diplomacy, at least by Demon standards. Presumably he is cross-trained in intelligence work as well.

"The only reason an officer with his record would be seconded to their foreign ministry is to gather information about your world's resources and its military capabilities, with an eye toward determining how much effort would be required to capture Medusa; and how likely it would be that the galactic community would or would not respond.

"I added most of a week to my travel time from Novalbion to Medusa simply to avoid a system on the direct route where the Royal Navy has reported Demon pirate activity. One thing you need to understand is that these 'pirate ships' are private ventures by Alphan citizens with the tacit approval of their government. The officers all hold commissions in their equivalent of the Royal Navy Reserve. The ships themselves are either warships stricken from their navy list, then refitted as raiders; or captured and repurposed merchant ships, many of them built by humans. Alphan 'pirates' could more properly be called privateers, as they serve their government by carrying out missions for which it cannot employ navy ships. Their actions are deniable by the government if something they try causes outrage among other species. There is no downside to piracy for the Alphans' purposes, it is the same old Demon aggression, just in a different suit of clothes."

"And you think those pirate ships are going to attack us here?"

"I don't know, Sire, but I doubt it. At least, not immediately. The information Colonel Andrews and the Royal Navy have accumulated indicates that while they are targeting merchant ships trading here, yours and others, the pirates don't have enough strength at present to launch an invasion of Medusa.

"Can you tell me what Sonellion has been up to since he has been here?"

"He visits the spaceport a couple of times a week. He also fancies himself something of a sportsman; he has ranged the planet hunting dangerous game with everything from spears to shotguns, or so Colonel Vamana tells me."

"Vamana is more than a simple equerry, then?"

"As you surmise, yes. He is a colonel of cavalry whose specialty is intelligence. Vamana has noted that Sonellion's hunting trips always seem to take him near towns that have some sort of military presence. He has been known to drink with officers of those garrisons in the town, though whether that is intentional or coincidental Vamana has not determined."

The part of my mind that dealt with military intelligence, which had been more or less dormant since retirement was forced on me, began to spin up to operating speed. "Does Vamana have a list of whom our Demonic non-friend has talked to, and when?"

"Sonellion is not the only Alphan who has played tourist from time to time. Vamana is not sure how long they had been at it before the intelligence service picked up on their activities, so we don't know how much time is left in the game. That is why I need your experience, Edward. Medusans aren't used to dealing with off-world threats."

The King leaned forward in entreaty, his hair tendrils spreading and turning inward, a sign of tension. "Will you help me? Will you help my people and my planet?"

My response was instant and instinctive. "Of course, Majesty. Even if I were not Kinthia's kaerasti, I would be at your service."

"What do you need from Us?" asked the King.

"All the files you have on all the Alphans' travels outside the capitol and whatever biographical information you have on the travelers. A carte blanche from you authorizing me access to any and all facilities and requiring anyone of whom I request assistance to provide it without question will also be useful.

"I would also like your permission to discuss this matter with Colonel Andrews. I can assure you he has no more love for the Demons than I do, and I believe he might be willing to assist us for -- personal reasons."

For the first time since the discussion turned serious, Berit leaned back in his chair and took a sip of douro. "Would Colonel Vamana be of any use to you?"

"I wouldn't want to attempt this mission without him. I was trying to think of a way to ask if I might borrow him. I'll also bring Thia in on it. A female perspective may prove valuable, and as a Princess she can persuade people to speak who might otherwise be reluctant to talk."

I could tell that Berit did not like the idea of his younger daughter playing secret agent one little bit, but as the Sovereign he had to place the welfare of his planet first. "Of course. I'll tell Emera and Derica that Thia is taking you on a tour of the planet; it's the sort of thing kaerasta and kaerasti of your rank and means would do. I presume you will use your ship as your private coach?"

"Plus a communications center. That is another reason to talk to Andrews. The embassy has equipment in advance of anything your military has. It means we can keep you informed, and Colonel Andrews also, without all and sundry listening. We will be able to consult with you and have action taken as needed."

"Very well." The King drained his douro. "Let us join the ladies and bring them up to date on how you and my younger daughter will be spending the next six weeks or so."

Thia received the information that we were about to tour the planet with delight. I had the feeling she'd have been happy to go on a tour of Hades provided A) I was at her side and B) her parents were somewhere else. Emera and Derica's reaction was more restrained. Derica seemed a little jealous of her sister, while the Queen looked at her maensolti with her tendrils partly wrapping around her head and partly flipping at the ends. It was clear she was not happy with Berit's announcement. I had the feeling there were going to be words exchanged between the Royal Couple when they retired for the evening.

Derica bade us all good night, probably heading to her quarters to fume at not being asked to make this tour, though as the Heir she had to understand she could not be risked. Thia made her respects to her parents, took my hand and led me to her apartment.

"I will need your advice on what to bring with me, and how much luggage I am allowed, my kaerasti," she said, dismissing her servants. They bowed and departed, though her majordomo left with a look I interpreted as a warning that were I to do anything to hurt their Princess, he'd feed me to the local equivalent of the crocodiles.

As soon as they were gone, Thia walked to the door, locked it, then ran across the room and leaped into my arms, showering my face with kisses. Her hands worked at the fastenings of my shirt.

"Come, darling, let's get naked! I want to feel your skin against mine, your hands on me, and your proud sword in my sheath! Let's get these clothes off and repair to my bed!"

It wasn't easy stripping down while we continued necking, but we managed. Our clothes scattered haphazardly on the floor, I moved us towards the bed, kissing and fondling Thia as we went. We bumped into it, and Thia slid down my body, her skin hot against mine.

"I'm thirsty," she whispered, "thirsty for your sweet cock juice. Let me have it! Let me drink your spunk! I want it! I want all of it! Give it to me!"

Holding on to my ass with one hand, the other stroking my rigid penis, she pulled the head into her mouth and began to suck. With each movement of her hand, she drew more of it into her mouth until at last she was deep-throating me. Her eyes smiled as I grew thicker and longer under her ministrations, her head moving back and forth as she sucked and licked my member. My hands went to her head, guiding her as she picked up the tempo. She may not have had a large number of lovers, but she had a natural instinct for what pleases a man. My cock felt larger and bigger than usual as she worked it, the pressure in my balls building and building as she worked it, until at last I could take no more and --

"Oh god, I'm c-u-m-m-i-n-g!"

As I started to shoot, Thia pulled back so only the head was in her mouth. My spunk rocketed out and splashed onto her tongue, filling her mouth. As I pulled away, she smiled and swallowed, accepting my seed as proof she was mine. She resumed jacking my rod, feeling it harden in her hand. As it stiffened, I gave her a gentle push. She fell backwards onto her bed, spreading her long, lovely legs.

"I want you inside me, my kaerasti," she whispered, her voice thickened by lust. "I want your proud rod in my vault, pillaging my womb, my miliqalb. Sink it deep and give me what I want, what I need! Take me!"

I took a hank of her hair of her hair and began teasing her nipples with them, watching them swell with eager blood, growing hard, begging for a man's mouth on them. I knelt and began to suckle them, hearing her gasp and feeling her back arch to press them into my mouth, purring. She liked what I was doing, her hands pulling my head to her boobs as I lashed her nips with my tongue even as I moved my hand down to her slit and brushed her clit-lips with her vibrating hair. She moaned as her pussy-flower opened, ready to receive me. Climbing between her legs I slapped her parted petals with my prick, hearing her groan, a mixture of horniness and frustration in her voice.

"Don't tease me, my kaerasti! Take me!" she pleaded.

I pulled back and entered her, pushing slowly into her hot wetness, hearing my lover cry out as my cock slid deep into her, questing for her deepest depths until it could go no farther. She wriggled under me, crying out happily as her labia-clitorises were brushed by my pubic hair, sending currents of pleasure down her neural pathways. I began to stroke in and out of her, slowly at first, but gradually increasing speed until I was moving at a steady speed of sixty strokes per minute. It did not that Thia long to approach her first orgasm.

"Oh, so good! Don't stop! Please! Oh yes! Yes! Yes! Oh -- I'm -- I'm -- I'm -- "

Her back arched, driving her pelvis into me as she screamed her orgasm for me to hear, proof that she was well and truly conquered. I felt her spasm under me as she came again, her nails digging into me as she sought to pull all of me into her wanton, grasping pussy. At this moment, the fact she was a princess of the blood royal didn't matter a damn. She was a woman in heat, wanting nothing so much as to be filled with her lover's man-meat until she squealed like a pig and spurted her juices all over herself, her lover, and the bed. I didn't allow her to fall from her peak. I twisted her around without uncoupling, winding up on our left sides with her right leg up on my right shoulder and me behind her with a hand on each breast so I could squeeze them and work her nips as I continued to pump her pussy. Thia cried out at the changed sensations.

"Oh, my sultingas, what you're doing to me! I'm cumming again and again! They aren't stopping, they just keep on! Don't stop! Please don't stop! Use me hard! Give me your long, hard dick! Give it to me! Oh -- oh -- oh -- oh yes -- yes -- yes -- AIEEEEHH!"

Once more she convulsed on my lady-pleaser, gasping, her cunt muscles grabbing and loosing my cock as I continued to pound her. Between my ramrod driving in and out of her and my carefully trimmed pubic hair, cut to sharpen rather than soften contact with her clit-lips, I sensed she was on the verge of a powerful, mind-blowing orgasm. I felt her hands brushing mine as she used her nails on her nipples, freeing me to fondle the breasts. That was enough to set her off.
