Second Chances Pt. 03


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"Prick tried to mark me last weekend." Richard raised his eyebrow. "It's as far as he got. I need a real man not boys."

Richard started moving inside her then stopped again.

"Before I get carried away, is this a safe time?"

Peta eyes rolled up as she counted back.

"Probably not, sorry."

"It's okay, I'll pull out, just best to know before... you know..."

"Yeah I know but now that's settled, how about you fuck the shit out of me?"

"Your wish is my command."


"Hold still Angus." Richard said as he made his third attempt to get his boots on.

"Do I really have to wear these?" Murray grumbled pointing to his long trousers.

"Yeah mate. It's a special occasion you know," Richard replied. "Okay Angus, other foot."

"Yeah but it's summer."

"You'll be only be outside for fifteen minutes. The rest of the time you'll either be in an air-conditioned car or air-conditioned restaurant so stop your whining."

Richard lifted Angus off the chair and put him next to Murray.

"Right, you two are done," Richard gave himself an internal thumbs up. "Julia? Are you ready?" He called out loudly.

"Yes," came the sullen reply from up the hallway.

"Okay get your butt down here. We're ready to go."

"Do I have to wear this?" Julia grumbled walking into the lounge room.

"Yes, it's a dress." Richard's exasperation was showing. "Enough with the fashion grumbles."

"What about our hair?" Murray asked.

Shit, Richard said to himself. He didn't think about that. Then inspiration struck.

"It's sunny outside so grab your hats on the way out and I'll meet you in the car."

The children trooped out like condemned prisoners. He hoped they'd come around before they got there. Peta attitude about it hadn't helped matters. She'd been ambivalent about his idea when he first suggested it but as the day got closer she was almost hostile. This morning they'd had a loud 'discussion'. Not just about this afternoon but a couple of other things as well. It was fifteen months since Richard had come back to Airlie and they'd hooked up. There'd been lots of good times but also a few rough patches. This morning verbal fisticuffs would rate as one of the worst. The up shot of it was Peta had got a lift into Airlie earlier and he had to pick her up from the pub.

As he got closer to Airlie his own enthusiasm waned. Still he reckoned it was important and Christmas Eve was as good a day as any to start a tradition. He pulled in at the front of the pub and luckily saw a friendly face. Not that the guy would admit to knowing him but at least he didn't want to cut his balls off.

'Hey Brian? Could you tell Peta I'm here?"

The guy nodded as he walked in but didn't stop to talk.

Five minutes later Peta came out with a couple of her girlfriends. They came over and wished all the occupants of the car Merry Christmas. Then there was hugs and kisses for Peta and she got in. She didn't speak on the way. She kept on scratching at the back of her hands which Richard knew from experience meant she was anxious. Not until he'd parked under the shade of a big old yellow box tree did she utter a word.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?"

Richard turned in his seat so he was looking more directly at her.

"Yes, I'm sure it's a good idea." He clicked the central locking so the rear doors could be opened. "Okay guys and girls, everybody out."

Richard went to the boot and got an old vegetable box out of it. He distributed the three items inside amongst the children then they walked along the rows of headstones. They stopped in front of a large red one.

Above the name and other inscriptions was a framed photo screwed into the stone. It showed a happy smiling man with an Akubra hat on his head. Beside him a young boy and a baby on his lap. Timothy Andrew "Fred" Watters. Beloved son, husband and father. They all stood quietly for a minute just staring at the headstone. Richard tried to put his arm around Peta shoulders but she shrugged him off.

"Okay Julia, you first," Richard said.

Julia stepped up to the headstone and placed some paper flowers she had made at school at the base. When she stood up she bowed her head then went back to her fathers side.

"Can I go next?" Angus piped up.

"Yeah mate. Off you go."

Angus had a little Christmas message the kids had inscribed on some plaster of paris then painted. Another end of the year class project. He placed it beside the flowers then turned to Richard again.

"Can I talk to him? Will he hear me?"

"I reckon he's up there listening to you all the time mate but if you want to say something now go ahead."

"Merry Christmas Dad." Angus said and he put his fingers on the picture on the headstone.

Murray was next. He had a truck he'd made in woodwork class. He'd got a prize for it at the end of year presentation night. He placed it on the ground in front of the flowers and Angus's message. He stood for a while just staring at the picture then he started speaking.

"We've still got the farm Dad but we've moved to Richard's house. It's bigger so we all get our own room. He's got a daughter and she lives with us and she's a great cricketer. We miss you Dad. Merry Christmas."

Richard was fighting the emotion and mostly winning. Peta lost that battle when Angus asked if he could talk to his Dad. Now tears streamed down her face. Richard gathered the children together and pointed them back to the car.

"Is mum okay?" Angus asked. Richard could see it was distressing for the boys to see their mother like that.

"Yeah mate. We should just give her a minute. Let's go back to the shade."

Richard walked the kids back then went to check on Peta. He stood beside her and this time she pushed against him so he put his arm around her.

"Sorry. I didn't think it would be that emotional. I should have known but... yeah... maybe you were right about this." Richard said pulling her closer.

Peta wiped her face against Richard's shirt and cleared her throat.

"It's okay. They haven't been here since the funeral. I've only braved it for Fred's birthdays. His mother comes here and keeps it tidy." Peta paused to look at the headstone again. "The boys need to be here now. I still cry for him privately at home or on the farm sometimes. I can't keep pretending that Fred isn't a part of their... our lives."

Peta eased herself away from Richard. She took a couple of steps and placed her own hand on Fred's picture and bowed her head. After a short while she shuffled back to Richard. He placed his arm around her again and they headed back to the car. The boys looked uneasy as they got closer. Once she was in the shade Peta squatted down with her arms open. Both boys went her and they hugged each other tightly.

"Come on Julia, we'll get the car started." Richard steered his daughter away to give the Watter's some space.

A couple of minutes later they were all back in the car. Peta put her hand on Richard's leg.

"Let's just go home now." She said.

"Sorry, Marci and Jim are coming as well so we'd better go to the restaurant. I don't feel like cooking and reckon you don't either."

"Don't you think we'll get enough of them tomorrow?"

Richard gave her a lopsided grin as he turned onto the road at the cemetery exit.

"They aren't that bad and we won't be there that long. They are pretty quick getting the meals out if you're there early."

Richard struggled to find a parking spot in the Golf club car park. His plans for a quick getaway seemed remote until they entered the Chinese restaurant. It had a seperate door from the main club and was largely empty. The noise coming from the bar area next door suggested that was the reason for the crowded car park.

"Can we go out to the playground?" Murray asked.

"Yeah sure," Peta said and the three children made haste back towards the door. "But come back when Nan gets here." She called after them.

"All the way to town they whined about how hot it was going to be and now they are rushing outside of their own free will." Richard complained as they shot out the door.

Peta smiled and patted his arm.

"Do you want something to drink?" She asked.

"Just a lemonade. Better get a jug of water for the kids as well. They'll work up a thirst out there really quick."

The lady who owned the restaurant appeared and greeted them. She showed Richard to a table while Peta pushed through an adjoining door into the club. It was crowded and she recognised quite a few people on her way through the throng. While the bar maid was getting her order Peta saw Tony Smith standing at the other end bar. He was surrounded by a group of farmers who were hanging on his every word. He turned around to indicate he wanted a refill and he locked eyes with Peta.

She could easily see the malevolence barely concealed behind his painted on smile. A year on he still hadn't gotten over ending the lease. His solicitor had phoned from Airlie on the Friday of Richard's deadline. The document wasn't ready but would be by Monday morning. She'd gone in and signed it Monday lunchtime. Tony had signed earlier so he wasn't around. Later as she'd come out of the grocery store she spied him on the steps of the Post Office. Peta had been unable to hide the smirk when she saw the scabby red line dissected his forehead. Since then she'd only seen him in his truck. He'd harvested the crops he planted but after that Tony was persona non grata on the Watter's farm.

Collecting her drinks Peta pushed through the crowd back to the restaurant. Sitting down opposite Richard she opened her half bottle of Pinot Gris and poured a glass. Richard took a sip of the lemonade as he watched the children climbing on the playground equipment through the window.

"Cheers," Peta said raising her glass to touch his. "When is mum supposed to be here?"

"I told her six thirty so another ten minutes."

"That will be twenty knowing her."

"Maybe Jim will get her organised. All that police efficiency."

"Not Marci." Peta replied with a rueful smile.

"They get on well together don't they?" Richard said nodding towards the children.

"Yeah. Angus really loves her and Murray is a bit threatened by her but he respects her." She took another drink. "Shame about Micheal."

Richard looked down at the table.

"So there's no chance?" Peta continued.

"No. It doesn't matter about shared custody I can't force him to come here."

Peta could see the sadness. Richard's son had been to Airlie twice. Both times he'd left early. Ringing his mother to come and get him. Julia was with them most of the time and went to school in Airlie but Peta could tell Richard's sons rejection had cut deep.

"Don't worry," Peta placed her hand on his arm. "He'll come around down the track." Richard smiled at her with sadness in his eyes. "Of course we could try for one of our own..."

"We've already got two each."

Richard's curt response made Peta pull her hand back, roll her eyes and look away. Richard sighed.


Peta didn't respond. Richard wanted desperately to move on, forget he'd said anything. That's what he'd always done. Avoided conflict until it bubbled up and exploded. Lately he'd been thinking this strategy was only going to led to the same shit he'd had in other relationships. It was time to try another way.

"Peta?" this time she looked back at his face. "We need to talk about this."

"Why? You've already made the decision haven't you?"

Richard didn't rise to the bait. He wanted to keep the conversation constructive.

"I'll admit I've been negative about the idea. I'm just not sure I could handle going back to sleepless nights, nappies and all the other stuff that comes with another kid. We've got three pretty special ones out there."

Peta softened her posture and her tone.

"They are great kids. But Julia is yours and your ex's. Angus and Murray and mine and Fred's. I want one that's Richard and Peta's. I want to have our child and my baby time is running out."

"Kids are expensive."

"Uh, uh. Not a reason. Having or not having children can't be about money, it's about love."

"We aren't getting any younger."

"Are you saying I'm old!" Peta snapped.

"No, but I'll be sixty by the time it's are twenty one."

"So what? It's not unusual nowadays. There's lots of guys starting second families in their sixties."

"Yeah with their new younger partners."

"Which is exactly what you have."

Richard was quiet as he contemplated what Peta had said. It was easy to think up more reasons why they shouldn't but in the end he surrendered to the idea. Maybe he could do a better job if he had another go. Spend more time with them, not be so career focused.

"Okay," he mumbled.

"Did you just say okay."Peta lent forward across the table in expectation.


"So I can throw the pills away?"


Peta jumped up and moved around the table. She gestured for a Richard to move his chair back and she sat in his lap. She kissed him on the lips and hugged him tightly.

"Thank you. It's going to be great, we should go home and start working on it right now."

"Before you get too excited I have one condition."

"Name it." Peta said with a broad smile.

"Any baby will have my last name. We have to be hitched before he or she is born."

Peta stiffened in his lap. Richard had already asked her two times before but she'd said no. What was the point? They'd both been married before and it wasn't a fairytale. Why go there again? Peta didn't know what to say so now she stayed silent.

"A very wise person once said to me and I quote. Stop think of reasons why we shouldn't... come on, take a chance on an old bastard."

Peta thought about her words being used against her. He had a point, that didn't make it any easier to say the word.


"Sorry I might have missed that. Can you repeat it?" Richard was enjoying himself and teasing her.

"Yes, but that's not it. You've still got to ask me properly with a ring and everything." Peta didn't want it to be a complete capitulation but the way Richard's face lit up made her wish she'd said yes earlier.

They kissed again and looked outside. Marci and Jim where talking to the children. Jim was still in his uniform so he must have come straight from the police station.

"I'd better get back to my seat" Peta said.

Richard let his arms drop so Peta could stand up. She waved to the children indicating they should come inside. As she sat down Richard stood up then got down on one knee beside the table.

"No fucking way," Peta said. "No ring, no engagement."

Richard looked downcast then his face broke into a broad smile. He reached into his top pocket and pulled out a small velvet bag with a drawstring on the top. He opened it and pulled out a gold and diamond ring. Holding the delicate ring in his thick fingers he held it up towards Peta.

"Peta Watter's would you do me the honour of becoming my wife?"

Richard heard the door to the restaurant open behind him. Julia started to say something and Marci shushed her. Richard kept looking at Peta. It wasn't going quite like he'd planned. For a horrible moment he thought she was going to say no again. Then he saw the tears start and he reckoned he was on a winner.

"Yes, yes of course I will."

Peta took the ring from him then pulled him forward for a kiss. Their lips parted and Peta hugged him tightly and whispered in his ear.

"I'm going to get you for this... you old bastard."

Then Marci and the children descended on them. There was more hugs, Richard shook hands with Jim and the Superintendent surprised him by pulling into a man hug. Marci fussed over the ring.

"It's a perfect fit." Marci said holding Peta's hand. "How ever did you manage that?" She asked Richard.

"Well do you remember a couple of months back when Peta thought she'd lost her wedding band?" Marci nodded. "She didn't. It was at the jewellers."

"I knew I'd searched the drawer you 'found' it in before." Peta said trying to reprimand Richard but you could see her heart wasn't in it.

The meal turned into a celebration. Richard even had his first alcoholic drink since he'd had his conviction overturned. Later that evening Peta and Richard lay side by side in bed. The cool night breeze drying the sweat on their bodies. Peta rolled towards him, her hand reached down and the fingers closed around his limp dick.

"Make-up sex is the best." She whispered, her voice husky.

Richard grunted his agreement.

"Although its just as well the kids were so tired. It's the only way they could have slept through the noises you were making." Richard said with a chuckle.

Peta pushed herself up onto her elbow so she was looking down on Richard's face.

"Are you complaining?" She squeezed his flaccid shaft.

"Not for a minute." Richard replied hastily.

"Good," Peta dipped her head and they kissed. "I really didn't have much choice. It was like you were trying to nail me to the floor through the mattress."

"Are you complaining," Richard threw her words back at her.

"Not for a second," Peta felt some signs of life returning to Richard's member. She began slowly stroking it. "I still haven't forgotten your little ambush earlier. In fact I intend to get my revenge."

Throwing her leg over Richard's body she straddled him. Her pussy still slick from their previous activity pressed against his shaft. Seizing Richard's wrists she pushed them up, trapping them above his head. Peta worked her hips so she was sliding up and down the length of Richard cock, being careful not to go to close to the tip.

"How long had you been planning that?"

"I've been carrying the ring around for the best part of... ohhh... two months trying to find the right time... You've got no idea how many times it's nearly gone through the washing machine."

"You really should have warned me."

"Argh," Richard gasped. He'd tried to manoeuvre his hips so he achieved penetration but Peta moved away and dug her fingernails into the soft flesh inside his wrists as punishment.

"I'm in charge here," she warned. "So why didn't you warn me?"

"It wouldn't have been a surprise if I warned you."

"I don't like surprises." Peta said then she gasped. "Ohhhhh shit."

Richard had zigged when she thought he was going to zag and his cock slipped inside.

"You like that surprise though didn't you."

Peta surrendered. She let his wrists go and collapsed onto his chest.

"You can never leave me. You know that right? No matter what happens." Peta lifted her head enough to look into a Richard eyes. "I can't go through that again."

Richard rolled Peta onto her back. He pinned her wrists above her head and pressed himself balls deep inside. Lowering his head so it was almost touching hers he whispered.

"I'm not going anywhere Mrs Douglas. We are going to have a baby together and grow old together. You gave me a second chance. I know I won't get a third."

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AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Great story. Sadly it sounds like his ex for away with her machinations. Her lover got all the blame. Not sure why his son refuses to see him. I know he is older. But what gives? And Julia is with him all the time (primarily)? Still the author's best work at 5 wonderful stars!!!

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Good story, although it would have better to have heard some justice in the cheaters and some significant karma land on Tony.

dgfergiedgfergiealmost 3 years ago

Yeah, nice, 5 stars easy

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Best story on...

...the website, spelling, absent words and syntax notwithstanding. Five easy stars.

steeltiger01steeltiger01over 4 years ago

That was a wild ride and one hell of an incredible story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Dude, you’re seriously underrated. Wish there were more stories with this kind of feel. Great stuff.

jezzazjezzazabout 5 years ago
I gotta say...

...there aren’t many writers who can make teaching how to run a combine harvester interesting, but you did it.

Great story. Thanks for that.

More, please.

bigdnc13bigdnc13over 5 years ago
Wonderful Story!!!

You're one of the best Lit writers, even though I have to, at times, fire up my Aussie to American English translator. :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Peta wasnt nuanced

She was judgementsl, bitter, and threw Richard away. I loved the first two parts, but this forced reconciliation was cartoonish. Try getting falsely called a pedo and see how forgiving you are. You took Richard and made him into a lovesick schoolboy. Blech!!!

ausfetausfetover 5 years ago

Apologies in advance if you receive comments from me twice. I wrote and submitted one but it seems to have disappeared (which would tend to suggest I fucked it up but y'know - another comment may appear).

I loved the part about the leg cramp. I was literally lying in bed the other week, trying to uncramp my foot, while wondering why no one in Literotica stories ever gets a leg cramp mid-coitus. Now someone's written about it. Finally.

Marci was a tricky one. I was waiting to dislike her, but she came through. She's an opinionated old bird, but she really seemed to have Peta and the boys' best interests at heart.

Richard... shit, I thought the poor bastard who ended up in Goulburn Supermax on fake terrorism charges had it as bad as one can get it, but being falsely accused of molesting kids gives that a good run for it's money.

Peta, however, was someone I probably identified a bit too strongly with her at parts, though - being a single mother, learning a job that is a complete 180 from what you've done before and having everyone waiting for you to fail, and balancing a need for assistance with a determination just to do it on your own, are all 'not fun things I have done in my life'. I reckon she crossed a pretty big line hitting Richard, but the rest of her actions, batshit crazy though they might appear, seem fairly understandable for someone who is under a lot of stress.

I did a quick count and realised you must've hit about 60k words with this. Helluva effort, and it flows really smoothly. Unless I knew how long it took you to write it, I never would have guessed it was done over so long a period. You kept everything neat, tight and concise.

God fucking help you getting inspired by anything I wrote though ;)

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