Second Puberty Ver 1 05

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Jayne continues her understanding with a b.o.b.
5.3k words

Part 5 of the 21 part series

Updated 06/15/2024
Created 03/26/2024
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Second Puberty 05



And my ass was right there with it.

I woke up this morning feeling everything I did yesterday already hating everything.

My mom didn't wait long as soon as I woke as she briskly walked in and set a tall glass on my night stand and spoke cheerfully, "How's my sweetie doing today?"

I squinted at her, "Hating life!"

My mom smirked as I added, "And my nipples are fucking throbbing!"

My mom blinked before smiling, "Did we keep those clamps on the entire day?"

I nodded, "Uhhh...yeah!!!"

My mom ignored me, "And how did they feel wearing?"

I blushed as I rather didn't say anything.

My mom smiled, "So it felt good?"

I looked down again not saying anything as mom spoke, "Good we're on the right track."

I looked up at her, "But they still fucking hurt!"

I growled at my mom before she defended herself, "I wasn't expecting you to wear them the entire day sweetie. Maybe a few hours at most."

I spoke trying to hide my ire, "You told me I had to wear it."

My mom spoke cheerfully, "That you forgot to send me photos on. When you didn't send any I figured you took them off soon after leaving."

I completely forgot that little tidbit but didn't say anything.

My mom chuckled lightly, "Your nipples will be fine in a little bit." She playfully spoke, "You can wear them again if you want."

I squinted at mom not sure which way I wanted to hurt her.

My mom clapped her hands, "Well now you know." She turned and walked into my closet as I heard her shuffling around for a few moments that was long enough to give up on hurting my mom. Instead of immediately drinking the protein shake I rubbed the cold glass against my throbbing nipples hoping the coldness would soothe some of the throbbing as they reported their pain after being pinched all damn day.

Mom walked out seeing me rub the glass against my hard nipples as she cheerfully spoke, "You know to drink it right?"

I grumbled, "Screw you my nipples hurt too much to drink this."

My mom laughed as she walked up to my bed tossing clothes onto it and the new adult item on top causing me to stop what I was doing as I looked up at her, "You're kidding right?"

My mom smiled almost wickedly as she slowly shook her head side to side.

The item mom had selected was a wireless vibrator.

I set the glass aside before grabbing the box and waggled it, "You want me to wear this?" As I tossed the box on the clothes in front of me.

My mom was still smiling as she slowly nodded her head.

I growled, "Why?"

My mom smiled, "To see how you react to being teased and get used to that." She leaned forward as she pulled out her phone and dangled it, "That I will be sending random vibrations the entire day."

I complained, "Please don't!" I pointed to my nipples, "It's bad enough they hurt," as pointed towards the box, "and now you want me to do that?"

Mom rolled her eyes as she spoke, "Just do it honey. You'll thank me later." She turned and walked towards my door, "Oh and get ready before you're late."

I sighed as she walked out the door briefly looking at the box and grabbing the protein shake. I took a sip before speaking, "This is going to suck!"

I proceeded to eat the thick protein shake as fast as possible as mom yelled, "HURRY!!!"

I semi slammed the now empty glass cup on my night stand before I got out of bed and ran into the bathroom to pee and doing my make up.

As I walked into the bathroom I stopped semi shocked seeing my hair had grown since yesterday....and seeing my makeup was all smeared from not taking it off last night like my mom had instructed me to do.

I groaned briefly before sitting down and killed two birds with one stone as I reached over the counter grabbing the wet wipes for makeup removal. I removed my makeup before tossing it and the other wipe down the toilet and quickly doing the same thing as yesterday by putting on mascara, eye shadow, and some lipstick (this time doing the right technique).

I briefly ran a comb through my short hair that was long enough to style looking somewhat similar to my hair cut, before I buzzed it (when I was still a guy).

I looked in the mirror thinking the comb over style looked better than my poofy hair of yesterday ready to believe my mom on the whole 'Your body going to continuously change like crazy during your first 28 days' speech.

I looked down at my boobs seeing my nipples were sticking out hard like crazy as they still throbbed.

Then I remembered my stupid patch as I removed the old one throwing it in the trash as I pulled out the next one lightly mumbling, "Such a pain." I put the new patch exactly where the last one was and slapped it into place finding the pain more manageable but still hurt like a bitch.

I sighed before walking out of the bathroom and back into my bedroom to quickly get dressed. This time I had to start with the new device doing the whole quick set up on my phone as I pulled out the instructions.

I held up the pink egg like before I walked back to my, now, cabinet of toys to retrieve a bottle of lube as I wasn't going to stick a new toy into my vag without something to help slide it in because I was pretty sure it wasn't going to simply slide in without help.

I held the bottle before pouring a good amount onto the pink toy before squatting down a little bit and taking a deep breath. I lowered the toy down to my no no as I was about to take my own.....virginity? Well not my true virginity but my metaphorical virginity.

I touched the slimy toy to my vagina finding the sensation completely weird....and icky. Still I pushed the toy in making both a grunt and, surprisingly, a moan as my eyes fluttered at the simple sensation.

I angled the leash on the toy inside my lips before straightening as I heard mom, "JAYNE!!"

I ran out of the closet wiping the liquid along my body as I threw the bottle of lube onto my bed and quickly dressed not paying attention to the clothes mom picked as I put on my undies, bra, skirt, shirt and socks before tossing the workout clothes into the gym bag.

I grabbed my backpack purse and gym bag and ran downstairs grabbing the lunch bag mom had prepared as I ran out the door.

As I was driving I received a text from mom causing me to pull over so I can read it.

MOM: What's your profile on your new toy?

I sighed and replied back with my profile before continuing to drive.

I made it less than another mile before I had to pull over again as I felt the toy inside me vibrate causing me to moan as it did things to my body that I wasn't expecting.

I stopped as the toy continued to vibrate inside my body as I moaned again this time enjoying the sensation not sure what was happening as my brain wasn't functioning correctly only knowing one thing....enjoyment.

Then the vibrations stopped causing me to pant as I heard my phone chime again.

I looked at my phone.

MOM: I just sent a test vibe. Did you get it?

I growled wanting to chew her out but instead replied in the positive and added 'next time wait until I'm not driving I almost crashed mom!' to which I received a laughing face with only one word 'Sorry'.

I breathed out 'Bitch' before I resumed driving.

I made it to school this time with less time than I gave myself yesterday before I exited my vehicle and stuffed my phone and keys into my bag.

Art immediately ran up to me as he waited by his car in his assigned parking space while mine was in general.

Art smiled at me, "How's it going sweetie?"

I rose my eyebrow at Art as I replied, "Sweetie?"

He nodded, "After calling me 'Daddy' I figured I could call you sweetie."

I rolled my eyes, "That's something the girls told me to say when I got tips idiot."

Art frowned before smiling, "Didn't seem like that to me when you pretty much showed me your pussy."

I looked at him, "It was only the beginning and that was a show because I thought I'd throw you a bone after making you pay me $50." I slapped his chest, "Your welcome by the way."

I walked passed him forcing Art to run up, "Hey wait!"

I had to stop as the vibrator in my vagina went off causing me to moan before I almost fell as this time the vibrations increased....and went on for longer than a moment.

Art spoke quizzically, "You ok, dude?"

I bit my lip as the vibrations increased to where I was sure Art could hear the damn thing buzz and tried to not whimper. Still the vibrations were so intoxicating as the amount of pleasure it was giving my body was hard to describe. I felt my legs were quickly turning to jello as it was getting hard to stand.

When the vibrations were too strong I was forced to squat down that all girls somehow know to do as I tried to not make any sounds as the vibrations continued as soon as it felt like it hits strength.

Art spoke still quizzically, "Is this a girl thing?"

I nodded just to get him to shut up as he continued his line of questioning, "Are you starting your period dude?"

The moment his question came out the vibration stopped and the enjoyment my body was giving me stopped at the same time and for the first time ever I suddenly understood what teasing a girl truly meant as I growled, "THAT BITCH!!!"

I stood up feeling the rage in getting teasing like I had just experienced as Art looked at me confused.

I breathed in and out a few times before I looked at Art, "No it's not my period." I scowled at him, "You really think I would start my period after only a few fucking days?"

Art held up his hands, "Woah dude. I was only asking because it looked like you were cramping or something!"

Another first as I suddenly understood the stupidity of men as he automatically assumed I was on my period when nothing made sense.....just like I had done.....more than once.

I squinted as I breathed in deeply before exhaling out slowly as I turned and walked away as I spoke, "Forget about it."

Again Art caught up, "Ok."

I spoke quickly, "And next time you come by my work it's going to be $100 for bothering me."

Art smiled, "If I do that will I at least see your FULL pussy?"

I stopped as I blinked at him, "Excuse me?"

Art smirked as he shrugged, "Well you showed me the top of it for $50. I figured for a $100 I'd see ALL of it."

I blinked at his level of stupidity as I just turned and walked to class and said, "BYE!"

And that's how the rest of my day went.

Mom kept sending me vibrations as I quickly learned how a girl gets teased as mom kept teasing me as I was on the brink of understanding what an orgasm was.

Each time it went off I wildly looked around making sure no one heard the toy bouncing around in my vagina as I continuously bit my lip trying to not give myself away. A couple of times I had to lift myself off my chair as the vibrator went off because the chair began to WHRRRR right when it went off.

Each time I blushed hoping to god no one knew.

I was thankful my senior year I didn't have gym or that would have been hard to explain when I changed with a noticeable pink outline in my panties.

I may have sent mom a text or two basically saying 'STOPPPP!' but she didn't listen as she quickly answered with a LONGER vibration. Not enough for me to experience an orgasm but it definitely pushed me close.

By the end of ALL my classes I was officially hot and bothered.

It wasn't until I got to the gym that I fully understood exactly what that vibrator was doing to me.

When I changed from my skirt and shirt to change into my work out clothes I noticed my panties were extremely moist.

I was confused for a moment but still pulled my panties aside to inspect myself seeing my pussy was completely wet.

What the fuck?

I used my finger and glided it lightly along my exposed lips feeling the leash to my vibrator. As I pulled my finger back I noticed the wetness clung to my finger as a sticky almost clear substance was keeping itself together.

The moment my finger was about an inch away is when the substance broke while my finger was coated in the stuff.

What the Fuck is this?"

I brought my finger close to my face as I inspected the substance not sure what it was.

I did the only thing I could think of....I texted mom.

Me: What is this?

As I included a photo of my wet finger.

I waited a moment before mom replied.

Mom: looks like a wet finger

I grumbled thinking 'No shit! I figured that out!'

I sighed before replying.

Me: It came from my pussy

Mom: sounds like your wet. Probably from all the vibes I've been sending you.

I grumbled again.

Me: is it supposed to be sticky?

Mom: sticky? Pic please

I sighed as I took a pic of my vagina before sending it.

Mom: looks pretty wet meaning you're probably very horny

I yelled at the phone NO SHIT SHERLOCK!!!

I breathed in and out before I took a different tactic as I glided my finger along my lips again and pulling my finger back.

I took the picture showing the substance was sticking to my finger as it was connected to my pussy and sent the photo.

Mom: That's called 'Grool' honey.

Grool? What the fuck is 'Grool'?


Mom: short answer it's a way to show when you're sexually aroused. Is it supposed to be sticky like that? Again varies from woman to woman. Some it's just clear almost watery lubrication meant for intercourse. Other's it's a sticky substance yet equally slippery like what you have. It's just your natural lubrication honey.

I looked down at my wet pussy before sighing and immediately freezing as the vibrator started up as I moaned.

I tilted my head back way passed caring if anyone saw me enjoying the sensation as I was simply frustrated.

The vibration felt like it was going to last long enough as I felt my pent up orgasm speeding up ready to crash into me.

Then the vibration stopped and I didn't care as I yelled, "GOD DAMN IT!!!"

I quickly picked up the phone and text mom.

Me: either let me fucking orgasm or stop teasing me god damn it!!!!

I put the phone down frustrated as all hell not caring if my little out burst got me in trouble or not.

I heard my phone chime.

I growled as I looked at my phone.

Mom: nope :) you're at the gym correct?

I looked at the phone lightly wondering how she knew that before I connected the dots as mom was probably tracking my phone's location.

Me: Yes. Why?

Mom: Video call me I want to watch

Me: That sounds pervy. No.

Mom: Do it. I want to make sure you do your exercises correctly.

Me: I watched the how-to video's mom. I think I know how to do it. Plus I'd rather listen to music not listen to you. And I'd drain my phone's battery.

Mom: Jayne! Now!

I grumbled.

Me: Fine. Let me change first.

I set my phone down and put my panties back over my pussy before I put on my yoga pants and changed out of my bra for my shorts bra.

Then I walked out of the locker room onto the gym floor as I called mom.

When the line picked and saw her face I immediately spoke, "Happy?"

My mom smiled on my phone, "Yes."

I rolled my eyes before putting my phone at my waist and walked over to the first torture station...the leg split squat.

It was a simple bench with kettle balls. You grab the kettle balls and rest one leg on the bench as you squat down.

I set the phone up so mom could see before I began.

I spoke, "Good enough?"

Mom answered, "No. I need a side view so I can see you form."

I groaned but grabbed the bench turning it sideways and setting it down as I spoke, "There!"

I grumbled as I grabbed the 20lb kettle balls and rested my leg before I started squatting.

Mom quickly spoke, "Remember to keep your back straight and your shoulders back honey."

I grunted, "I know how to squat mom," but I subconsciously straightened my back more as my shoulders rolled back.

I did a few more before mom spoke, "You know honey if you go lower you'll get a better burn."

I grunted as I went lower nearly having my knee touch the ground as I hissed, "Better?"

Mom added, "And hold it longer. Try to flex your ass while you do that."

I groaned as I tried by flexing my 'ass muscle' was a foreign concept to me.

Still I tried.

When I got to 15, I switched legs.

I waited a few moments before redoing it until I did a set of 3. Then I moved onto the next torture device.

And that's how it went.

I did an exercise. Mom corrected my form.

By the time I was done my legs were shaking from the exertion, my ass felt extremely sore, and my core felt tight.

I ended my video call as my phone's battery was drained down to 11%.

Before I left the gym I changed into my bikini for work and put my regular clothes back on.

Then I went to work and changed out of my skirt and shirt in the car before I knocked on the door to be let in.

Jenny opened the door smiling at me, "Hey clamps, you ready to show those beauties again?"

I blushed, "Sorry I'm not wearing them today."

Jenny frowned, "Why not?"

I mumbled, "Because."

Jenny sighed, "Fine come in." She stepped aside as I walked in as I put on my visor and set my backpack purse up.

I walked into the shack as I saw Shaye as she smiled at me, "Hey new girl. You got your toy on today?"

Jenny spoke behind me, "No, she forgot it."

Shaye blinked, "Why? You helped us get so much more tips with it."

I shrugged, "Just didn't think it helped that much."

Shaye tilted her head to her side, "You really don't think so?"

I shook my head, "No, guys are going to tip us anyways. Right?"

I watched as Shaye and Jenny looked at each other before they smiled and laughed.

Jenny chuckled, "You're funny girl."

Shaye sighed, "Well if you don't have any toys on you I guess you can clean in between orders while Jenny makes the drinks and I'll do the window."

I blushed as I didn't want to tell them that I did indeed have a toy in me but I sure as fuck didn't want to clean anything.

I mumbled, "Well I do have a toy."

Shaye spoke, "What was that?"

I sighed though I felt my face turn crimson but I squatted a little bit and almost regretted the small action as my legs shook showing their fatigue from just being worked hard.

Still I managed as I pulled the bikini bottoms to the side and looped my finger between my lower lips hooking my finger onto the vibrator's leash before tugging exposing the leash.

I spoke more clearly, "I do have a toy."

Jenny spoke, "My my my. You do seem to impress little girlie. I'm beginning to like you."

Shaye looked at my leash momentarily before looking at Jenny, "You thinking what I'm thinking?"

I looked between the two seeing Jenny nod with a wide smile, "Sure am!"

Shaye spoke, "You got a pair of crotchless panties with you?"

Jenny ran as Shaye yelled, "Get your tablet!"

Jenny yelled, "ON IT!!!" Before we heard the door close.

I blinked, "What's going on?"

Shaye turned around grabbing a white board and was quickly writing as she spoke, "You up to making more money?"

I blinked, "Uh yeah!"

Shaye was writing on the board but still answered me, "Enough to where you're comfortable letting tippers send you vibes to that toy?"

Uh oh! I wasn't liking where this was going.

Jenny walked back in as she tossed me a pair of frilly black underwear, "Here put these on."

She walked up to Shaye, "I got my tablet and these."

I looked at Jenny's hand as she held a pair of leather cuff's.

Yeah definitely not liking where this was going.

Shaye looked at the cuff's before looking at Jenny as Jenny motioned her attention to me before motioning to the roof where I decent sized hook was and returning her attention to Shaye.

Shaye followed Jenny's eye line before returning her attention to Jenny with a evil smile, "I like it."

I spoke confused, "What?"

Shaye looked at me as she held up the white board with her clear circular writing that all girls seem to have as she spoke, "So what'll be new girl? You in or are you out?"