Second Puberty Ver 1 14

Story Info
Jayne learns about a site.
3.8k words

Part 14 of the 19 part series

Updated 05/26/2024
Created 03/26/2024
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Second Puberty V1 14


I awoke nearly having a heart attack as I blurted, "JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!!!"

I looked at my offender seeing her quietly watching me not moving and not doing anything.

After I got myself under control I growled, "What are you doing Taylor?"

Taylor who was sitting in my chair just watching me shrugged, "Just watching you sleep."

I got up letting my covers fall as I looked at Taylor, "Why?"

Taylor tilted her head at me, "You've really changed Jayne."

I grumbled, "No shit."

Taylor looked at me with hardly any emotion, "Can I ask you a question?'

I sighed, "Shoot."

Taylor spoke, "How do you deal with it?"

I looked at her confused as Taylor elaborated, "I mean being a girl now when you've spent all your life as a boy?"

I sighed again as I shrugged, "One day at a time I guess."

Taylor laughed when I grumbled, "Why are you here anyways?"

Taylor looked at me for a moment before she spoke, "Oh mom wanted me to bring you breakfast," she pulled out a piece of paper, "And give you this note."

I looked over to see there was a plate with a breakfast sandwich, some pills, and a tall shake sitting on my nightstand next to the door. I ignored the fact that the shake was a sickly green color.

I sighed as I held out my hand for Taylor to give me the note, "Thanks Taylor." Taylor handed me the note as I opened it to read it.

It was a printed piece of paper showing different exercises with picture examples how to do each exercise and then in my mom's handwriting were weights and reps she wanted me to do.

I sighed as Taylor spoke, "What?"

I showed Taylor the paper, "Just exercises Mom wants me to start doing."

Taylor looked at me confused, "Why is she making you do that?"

I sighed, "So I can stay in shape. She's hoping if I start doing this I will continue doing it for the rest of my life."

Taylor blinked again, "Why? I'm not doing any of that?"

I looked at Taylor, "That's because MOM has you going to gymnastics, softball, and cheerleading. She already has you busy and doing things to keep you in shape. I am not," I shrugged, "so I have to compensate for all that activity with these."

I put the paper down as I reached over and grabbed my breakfast, "I'm sure if you dropped any of those she would make you start doing what I'm doing to stay in shape."

Taylor spoke flatly, "Oh." She pointed to my breakfast, "And that?"

I spoke without thinking, "Caloric intake, vitamins, and nutrients I need seeing how I turned into a girl." I bit into the sandwich and almost orgasmed on the spot as it was a real sandwich with butter and real bacon as I mouthed, "Oh yeah."

I looked at Taylor, "This is probably the only real thing I will eat today that is fattening." I took another bite and spoke through my mouthful, "Knowing mom the rest of my meals will be healthy bullshit."

I didn't mention my other intake that I would be doing today seeing how it was Saturday. Meaning that soon I would be swallowing an untold amount of men's spunk something that I was quickly getting used to and was oddly happy to do.

Last week when I started swallowing cum at first I thought was disgusting but by the fifth or sixth load it started tasting really good to where the eighth I was trying to coax the guy out of a second load as I wouldn't stop sucking his cock.

Is it weird that I enjoy swallowing cum?

If I was still a guy I would question that thought but as a girl something about it seemed right.

Suddenly as I thought that I also thought 'Mom sure did turn me into a whore'.

I tried to not think too much about that lest me going down a rabbit hole I wasn't ready to face.

I briefly looked at Taylor as that thought lingered in my head but then quickly shook my head trying to erase the thought logic out of my head as I DID NOT want to know what 'training' mom was putting Taylor through if she was putting me through training.

Taylor caught what was going on, "What?"

I looked at Taylor not sure what to think, "Sorry just a thought entered my head that I didn't want to think."

Taylor tilted her head, "What thought was that?"

I looked at Taylor, "Just drop it ok."

Taylor shrugged, "Ok." She tilted her head, "Can I ask another question?"

I almost stuffed the remaining sandwich into my mouth but looked at her and simply nodded.

Taylor blushed a little bit, "Do you think I'll get breasts as big as yours?"

I nearly choked on my food when she dropped that bomb on me.

I coughed then chewed again and kept chewing before I grabbed the shake and pounded it to clear my throat.

Then I coughed again before I looked at Taylor, "What?"

Taylor looked at me, "Your boobs. Do you think I'll be as big?"

I pinched the bridge of my nose as Taylor continued, "I'm just wondering."

I held up my hand to stop Taylor as this conversation was getting extremely uncomfortable, "Just stop."

Taylor ignored me, "What size are you anyways? F?"

I spoke loudly, "TAYLOR!" As I added, "I'M NOT A FUCKING F OK!!!!" I blushed a little bit as I thought 'Though the way things are going she's not that far off as my E bras are beginning to get snug.' As I lightly reminded myself I needed to pray my tits didn't grow any fucking bigger.

Taylor blushed, "Sorry."

I took a drink of the shake this time tasting it and instantly found it weird as I tasted what I think is Kale but definitely tasted the avocado. And kiwi I think. I remembered the pills as I grabbed them and threw them in my mouth as I used the remaining shake to swallow the pills.

I decided on a different tact as I looked at Taylor, "What's your size?"

Taylor lightly blushed, "Small B."

I nodded, "You're what, 15?"

Taylor nodded before I spoke, "You still got LOTS of time to develop alright." I shrugged, "I just got an extra boost with my second puberty." I eyed her, "Remember, you're probably going to develop that much more after your second puberty too."

I got out of bed and noticed a NEW thing that instantly made me sit back down and cover back up.

Taylor blinked at me confused, "What?"

I blushed, "Nothing." I looked at her trying to avoid what just happened as I continued my speech, "So don't worry about your chest Taylor." I smiled at her, "Just enjoy what you got and not worry about it."

Taylor looked down at her much smaller chest than mine before she looked at me and nodded, "Ok."

I smiled, "Sure." Then I added, "Are we done?"

Taylor nodded, "Sure."

I smiled, "Good. Is mom home?"

Taylor shook her head, "No she took Michael to soccer practice." She stood up, "Which reminds me I better go get ready for gymnastics."

She stopped at my door, "Can you take me before you go to work?"

I nodded, "Sure."

Taylor smiled, "Thanks Jayne." Then she exited my room.

I waited a few moments before pulling the blanket aside revealing a large wet spot. I looked down at the spot and light touched it feeling the slimy residue. Then I looked down between my legs seeing the slimy substance making an almost web like pattern like it was almost trying to snap my legs back together.

I quickly realized what the substance was a spoke softly, "Grool."

I got out of bed and grabbed my phone quickly taking a picture of the wet spot and took a picture of the substance between my legs as a fat drop was hanging out.

I sent both pictures to mom with a text 'Is this normal?' before I started to get ready for my day.

I quickly got ready as I put a large amount of dry conditioner through my now long hair and quickly combed to tame it before I put on make up and slapped my birth control.

As I was putting on my clothes for the day mom finally replied.

I pulled out my phone and looked at the message.

Mom: Thats a fair amount of grool sweetie.

I felt my eye twitch as I thought 'NO SHIT!' but I decided to be diplomatic about it.

Me: again is that normal?

Mom: depends. Like I said the amount of grool a girl creates varies from girl to girl. remember I said grool is usually created when a girl is horny. but it could also mean your body is about to drop an egg meaning your period might start soon. hard to tell really.

This time I wasn't diplomatic.


Mom: language. I did say it's hard to tell, honey. More than likely its all the activity you have been doing teasing yourself and its your bodies way of telling you you're horny.

This time my eye was twitching as I ground my teeth in frustration. I decided to ignore my mom as I hoped I wasn't about to drop an egg and start my period because that was something I was beginning to become afraid of.

I tossed my phone on the bed and finished getting dressed as I hid my sexy lingerie under my pants and simple shirt making sure my shirt wasn't thin to show what was hiding underneath.

I grabbed my gym bag with my backpack purse and my phone before I exited my room. When I got downstairs I saw the usual meal bag for me before I grabbed it and yelled, "COME ON TAYLOR I'M LEAVING NOW!!!"

I briefly heard Taylor yell, "Coming!" as I exited the house towards my car.


I didn't knock on Art's door as I entered the house seeing Art's dad sitting watching TV in the living room. I paused as he looked at me before I spoke, "Hey Mr. B," I pointed towards Art's room, "Art home?"

Sean Bailey looked at me wide eyed simply nodded.

I smiled, "Perfect." I waved, "Nice seeing you." As I ran upstairs.

I barely heard Mr. B speak, "You too." as I made my way to Art's room.

I ran in and slammed the door behind me causing Art to turn and look at me as he instantly smiled, "Hey Babe."

I quickly frowned, "Babe?"

Art blinked before he realized his faux pas and quickly spoke, "I meant Jayne. Hey Jayne."

I frowned at him as I clicked my tongue, "Uh huh." I sat down on his bed, "I accidentally embarrassed myself in front of your dad."

Art blinked confused, "How'd you do that?"

I smirked, "Don't think he's used to seeing me as a girl."

Art laughed, "Oh!" Then he laughed harder before he spoke, "He'll get over it quickly."

He turned as he spoke, "He's probably not used to a girl coming to see me." As he held up a controller, "Feel like playing."

I looked at the screen, "Whatcha playing?"

Art spoke, "Hitman's Guild IX."

I leaned forward, "Oooo, what's this one about?"

Art answered, "Russia during Rasputin's era."

I quickly grabbed the controller, "Cool," as I started playing the game.

The story was pretty interesting. I was playing as a non-fictional family member of the Russian royal family that was removed. I had to uncover the secret plot to kill my family, a family that didn't know I existed other than the king. I had to remain in the dark as I slowly uncovered Rasputin was after the throne and had to kill him.

I didn't get very far into the game but from the small section in my history I knew Rasputin would be the bad guy from what history told me.

Still it was fun to play before I noticed it was getting dark.

I looked around, "Shit where'd the time go?"

Art laughed, "Where it usually goes when playing video games."

Art stretched as he stood, "Think mom should be making dinner. Want me to grab you a plate?"

I grabbed my phone to see if mom had text me more than what she did earlier.

I wanted to say yes but knew mom had me on a diet plan.

I sighed, "I better not." I stood, "I better get home and eat what mom cooked."

Art looked at me, "Come on, one meal isn't going to fuck up your diet."

I looked at Art, "I know but mom has me a pretty strict diet."

Art frowned, "Well that sucks."

I smirked at Art, "Yeah well it does have it's benefits." As I lifted my shirt showing off my flat stomach but completely forgot the lingerie set I was wearing as it peaked through.

I quickly pulled my shirt down blushing, "Oops, didn't mean for you to see that."

Art smirked at me, "I didn't mind." He folded his arms, "Would have loved to see the rest."

I rolled my eyes still blushing, "Please you've already seen my assets," I pointed to the cups, "as witnessed from those."

Art looked at the cups before looking at me, "That was LAST week Jayne. I hadn't shown up to your work since."

I blinked at him, "Really?"

Art smirked as he nodded, "Yep."

He stepped up to me, "You know Jayne, you could make it up to me and give me a show for being good."

I looked up at Art, "Please." As I pushed him away, "Stop."

Art smirked at me, "Stop what? Paying you compliments?"

I looked at him, "You're just doing it so you can get into my pants."

Art laughed, "Yeah, so?" He shrugged, "It just shows that I want you."

I spoke, "You just want anyone with a pussy."

Art walked up to me and put his hand on his chin as he lightly pulled up forcing me to look up at him, "I just want you."

Then he leaned down and kissed me as his hand that was on my chin somehow started cupping the side of my face.

This time I didn't fight him as I naturally accepted the kiss and the butterflies in my stomach somehow flew around it though there was still a lot of cum in it.

The kiss lasted a good moment before he pulled away, "Why does your mouth taste like vanilla?"

I held there for a moment before my brain rebooted as I remembered how my mouth tasted like Vanilla. I immediately blushed but didn't say anything.

Art smiled, "How about I get a private show for being good."

I smirked, "And how do you define being 'good'?"

Art kept his smile, "I haven't pushed anything on you."

I scoffed, "That's because I've been busy all week."

Art wiggled his eyebrows, "Still haven't done anything."

I looked at him, "Until now."

Art continued, "I haven't done anything to you. Haven't forced any issue. I've let you be."

I looked up at Art scowling as Art smiled, "Come on Jayne." He stepped back and moved all the way to his desk as he leaned against it, "I'll even sit here and not do anything to you."

I scowled more as Art smiled, "Please!"

I broke as I sighed, "Fine." I was about to reach for my shirt when I saw Art pull up his phone forcing me to stop as I scowled, "What do you fucking thing you're doing?"

Art smiled, "To take a photo."

I squinted as Art added, "It's just for me."

I looked at him, "Phone on the bed or I'm not doing it."

Art blink, "Come on dude!"

I scowled at him, "Dude nothing. I'm not ready to have my photo taken."

Art looked at me, "But you're ok to have other dudes take photos of your body?"

I frowned, "What do you mean?"

Art spoke flatly, "All the other dudes who have taken your photo and blasted it on the internet."

I blinked, "I'm on the internet."

Art nodded and sarcastically spoke, "Uh yeah!"

I scowled, "Show me."

Art spoke, "Ok but don't shoot the messenger."

Art turned and opened his laptop. He waited for it to wake up before logging in. Then he pulled up a website before he stepped away, "See for yourself."

I walked up to the laptop and sat down as I saw there were multiple photos of myself and even videos of just about every girl. In fact there was a tab for each girl who worked at the barista with their own photos and videos.

I exclaimed loudly, "WHAT THE FUCK!!!"

I quickly looked at Art, "How long have you known about this?"

Art shrugged, "A couple of days maybe." He pointed to the screen, "There's even videos of you from yesterday."

I quickly navigated to the tab with my name and pulled up the video of me walking around inside the barista confines.

There was only ONE clear answer as to who could have done this if there were videos from INSIDE the building....Sarah Dewey.

I exclaimed, "THAT BITCH!!!"

I blinked as I spoke, "Wait where do all the other photos come from?"

Art shrugged, "No idea. I just found the site a couple of days ago." He smirked at me, "You know all you girls in there are HOT."

I scowled, "Pig!" Before I looked back at the photos and videos.

I quickly pulled out my phone and messaged Jennifer and Shaye asking if they knew about the site.

I only had to wait a moment before Jennifer AND Shaye admitted they knew about the site.

I added to the text 'Well do you know it's Sarah doing all this to us?'

Then Shaye replied 'Well talk Monday about that.'

I yelled at the phone using the voice to text option so they could hear my voice through the text "NO WE'RE GOING TO TALK ABOUT IT NOW!!!" as I hit send.

It only took a moment before my phone rang as Shaye's contact information pulled up showing me she was calling.

I picked up the phone and growled, "Please tell me this site isn't you!"

I heard Shaye sigh before she spoke, "No, the site isn't me."

I growled, "Then I'm going to SUE that BITCH!"

Shaye spoke calmly, "No you can't."

I blinked and yelled, "WHY THE FUCK CAN'T I?"

Shaye spoke calmly, "You know that NDA paperwork you signed?"

I growled, "Yes."

Shaye continued, "Part of that NDA is for the website. The moment you signed it means you can't sue Sarah nor the company for the website."

I growled, "That Bitch!!!"

Shaye spoke, "But there is an upside."


Shaye spoke, "You know that 'Donations' we contribute to?"

I sighed, "Yeah, what about it?"

Shaye spoke, "Well those contributions goes towards keeping the website up AND into a crypto currency. Plus at the end of the year Sarah gives us ALL a bonus for the website."

I blinked, "Which crypto and what bonus?"

Shaye spoke, "I'm not too sure on which Crypto it is just that ALL of us are in it for as long as we contribute. And the usual bonus at the end of the year is about $75,000."

I blinked again, "So you're telling me Sarah is buying us ALL crypto currency?"

Shaye spoke flatly, "Yes."

I spoke, "For our entire employment."

Shaye spoke, "Yes." Before she continued, "You done freaking out?"

I spoke, "No."

Shaye sighed, "Enough to where we can continue this conversation Monday?"

I sighed, "Yes." Then I added, "But you better bet your ass we will be talking about this Monday."

Shaye spoke, "Looking forward to it."

Then she hung up.

I looked at the phone, "Bitch."

Then it rang as Jennifer popped up.

I answered it, "Please tell me you didn't know about this?"

Jennifer quickly spoke, "I know it was wrong Jayne but it was better if you didn't know until after you got your bonus."

I scowled, "How the fuck am I supposed to know about it if I didn't plan on working there for very long?"

Jennifer spoke, "Wait. You don't plan on working with us for very long?"

I growled, "No this was meant to be a part time job until I started college in a different state Jennifer."

Jennifer spoke, "Oh, well I guess that changes things."

I spoke, "How does my part time employment change things?"

Jennifer spoke, "Well at the end of your employment Sarah would just hand you a small bonus and a slip with your portion of the crypto when you left and would have never known about the site. And send you on your merry way."

I spoke, "Wait! No matter if I had known about the site I would still be paid?"

Jennifer laughed, "Well yeah! Sarah may be a bitch but she's also a nice bitch."

I blinked, "How is she a nice bitch?"

Jennifer sighed, "Well no matter how much you feel betrayed. The site does bring a lot of revenue and allows Sarah to buy more crypto for all of us. With that and the donations I know I have at least a few hundred thousand in crypto since I started and I've only been working for six months prior to your working."

I blinked, "Wait, it's HOW much?"

Jennifer added, "Plus if you want you can hand over all your tips for Sarah to buy more crypto for you. I personally do a 50 50 split. At the end of the week when I pick up my schedule I also hand her half of my tips of the week for her to buy me more crypto. She notates it and gives us reports of the crypto and how well it's doing."