Second Puberty Ver 1 16

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Jayne goes on her first date.
4.6k words

Part 16 of the 20 part series

Updated 06/15/2024
Created 03/26/2024
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Second Puberty V1 16


Art got out of my car, "I'm still surprised you actually wanted to go out with me, JAYNE."

I got out blushing, "Yeah yeah yeah. I was cornered by my co-worker and what she proposed sounded fun." I looked at Art, "Sure as hell sounds funner than sitting around your room as you try to convince me to fuck you all the damn time."

Art smiled as he shrugged, "Can't blame a guy for trying."

I squinted at him, "Just be happy I invited you, ok."

Art sighed as he turned, "So where IS your co-worker anyways?"

I briefly looked around the lot as we agreed during my second job to actually go miniature golfing and would meet each other in the parking lot.

I spoke, "I think she said parking lot," as I started moving, "but I'll go check the front entrance see if they're waiting for us there."

Art quickly spoke, "Wait!"

I turned to look at Art as he spoke, "I don't know which one to look for."

I smirked, "Yes you do. The one with the tats and piercings."

Art immediately smiled at me, "Oh!" His smile turned mischievous, "Her."

I rose my eyebrow momentarily at THAT comment before I turned and started walking towards the entrance, "Just be on the look out for her."

The moment I was out of ear shot I hissed 'ass!'

I got a full row away when a bike came around and started heading towards the bike parking near the entrance. I didn't pay much attention to the bike other than seeing that it had a driver and passenger.

I barely made it around the bike and the two hunched over the crotch rocket before the passenger got off in leather as I heard a muffled, "Jayne!"

I stopped and looked at the leather clad woman a little confused as I heard the muffled, "Jayne."

I blinked, "Yes."

The rider pulled off the helmet revealing it was Jenny as she quickly shook her head trying to get her helmet hair under control before smiling at me, "How's it going Jayne?"

I blinked looking at Jenny seeing her in leather pants, high heels, and a full leather jacket.

She unzipped her jacket revealing a fishnet top void of any clothing underneath.

I smiled at Jenny, "Why is it every time I see you you're wearing fishnet?"

Jenny looked down at her outfit before looking at me with a smirk, "Because I know it drives men crazy." She put her hand on her hip, "Besides it actually comfortable."

Just then the biker got off his bike as the man revealed himself. He walked up and spoke in a timber voice, "Hey babe," he looked at me, "this the girl you were telling me about?"

The man stood about 6'. He, like Jenny, was wearing a leather outfit that was equally tight forming showing off his broad chest and frame. He had a rugged look as he was sporting a decent scruff that wasn't exactly a beard. He had short semi stylized brown hair and brown eyes.

Jenny smiled at the man, "That she is. She's our little freak."

I felt my face blush deeply as she told him I was her little freak.

Jenny turned to me, "Jayne this is my beau, Dean."

Dean reached out his gloved hand, "Nice to meet you, Jayne."

Just then Art walked up as I heard him speak, "This them." Then heard him speak, "Jenny, right?"

Both Dean and Jenny rose their eyebrows as I quickly spoke, "And this lughead is MY boyfriend Art."

Dean shifted his eyes but I could see his smile was face as he let go of my hand and shifted his hand towards Art, "Dean."

I looked at Jenny and mouthed 'Sorry.'

Jenny looked from me to Art and checked him out before mouthing to me 'He's cute!' causing me to blush more.

Art spoke, "Art," though I could tell his pronunciation of his name to Dean was a little off before I looked down seeing Dean had Art's hand in a vice grip as it was changing colors. I quickly looked at Art to see a semi pained expression on his face though he was smiling.

I looked at Dean to see his smile was also forced though it looked maniacal like he was enjoying putting Art through pain as he showed his dominance.

I looked at Jenny and motioned to Dean and Art. Jenny looked at the situation before rolling her eyes as she quickly slapped Dean's arm, "Quit being an idiot. You're already with me. Like she said Art is with her."

Dean looked over as Jenny raised her helmet eyeing him, "I just hit you with this as I say it's over."

Dean frowned as he let go of Art's hand and bowed his head, "Sorry."

Jenny smirked as she winked at me, "Now let's go putt putt." She poked Dean in the chest, "And you're buying me a beer."

Jenny looked at me, "Want one?"

I quickly shook my head, "No thanks." I smiled, "Besides I'm not old enough."

Jenny chuckled as she waved, "Come on." As she looped her arm in mine as she led me towards entrance as I blurted 'Woah!'. Jenny called behind her, "Try to keep up."

Jenny led me into the building as we saw various arcades that Jenny quickly ignored as she walked up to the security handing off her helmet, "Could you hold onto this until I leave."

The kid behind the counter quickly nodded, "Sure!"

Jenny spoke, "And can I get a voucher or something for it, Please?"

The kid nodded again as he wrote something on a piece of paper before handing it to Jenny. She smiled at the boy as she turned and led me somewhere else as I exclaimed an 'Offf' feeling like a rag doll.

When we got to the concessions where food and drink were is where Jenny finally let me go as she looked up at the menu.

Jenny mused, "I'm feeling a pina colada sounds good. Oh and onion rings."

She looked at me, "Want anything?"

I blushed as I shook my head, "No thanks. I'm still kind of full from my second job if I'm honest."

I was semi lying as I did intake A LOT of cum though I was sure most of it I had already digested though I wanted to stick to mom's stupid diet. Though my loudly growling stomach told me otherwise. And the smells of the carny food wasn't fucking helping.

Still I kept my smile on my face hoping Jenny didn't hear my stomach growl in protest.

Jenny shrugged, "Suit yourself." She turned to the person ready to take our order as she spoke, "What's the BIGGEST cup you have?"

The person behind the counter quickly spoke, "For regular drinks or alcoholic drinks, ma'am?"

Jenny smiled, "What do you think?"

The person behind the counter answered, "I'd have to ask for ID if it's for alcohol ma'am."

Jenny smiled as she reached into her leather coat and pulled out her ID while I lightly tried to go back to when I met Jenny.

I thought Sarah told me Shaye and Jenny were roughly about my age. Meaning Jenny was either 18 or 19.

I didn't say anything as Jenny gave her ID to the person as he looked at her ID before looking at her then at the ID. He eyed Jenny, "You're really 22?"

Jenny smiled, "That's what it says, right?"

The man sighed before handing the ID back, "We have the 32 oz FUN souvenir cup ma'am. It's $50."

Jenny spoke, "Perfect. I'll take that with a Pina Colada with extra extra rum in it. And a order of onion rings."

The man looked at her for a moment before ringing her up, "Anything else, ma'am?"

She smirked, "Yes," she thumbed behind her, "Whatever jughead wants since he's paying."

She turned and smiled at Dean, "Isn't that right, BABY?"

I turned to see a vein in Dean's forehead had bulged out but he obviously didn't say anything as he stepped forward and grumbled, "A large coke with a dog."

I stepped back to see Art was looking at the menu not paying attention.

I whispered, "I need you to do me a favor?"

Art spoke, "Yeah yeah I'll pay for your food."

I hissed, "No, it's not that."

Art eyed me with a smile, "Want to disappear into the bathroom for a quickie?"

I eyed him showing my huge displeasure as I growled, "You can walk home after we're done and back to being single if you keep this crap up."

Art held up his hands, "It was a joke!" Then he sighed, "Fine. What do you want?"

I reached into my pocket and retrieved my keys before giving it to him, "In my back seat is my lunch bag. You'll find a protein shake unopened. Grab it and bring it back."

Art looked at the keys before me, "But I was going to get some food."

I sighed, "I'll get your food. Just get the shake."

Art nodded, "Alright. Get me a bacon chili cheese burger extra fritos if they have them and a large coke."

Then he ran off as I sighed.

I walked back up to Jenny and Dean as Jenny spoke, "Where'd your boyfriend go? Already tired of us?"

I sighed, "To get something for me."

Jenny looked at me quizzically but let the matter drop.

I waited for Dean to pay for their food and drinks before I walked up to the register and ordered Art's order as I paid $28 for his chili cheese burger with extra fritos and his large coke.

I was about to wait for the food with Jenny and Dean but Jenny looped her arm with mine as she spoke, "Come on, let's get our putters and balls. I'm hoping they have a pink and black ball." She turned her attention to Dean, "Bring out the food once it's ready, yeah?"

I barely protested as I was now getting accustomed to Jenny literally dragging me around like a doll as she led my outside to the mini golf booth.

Jenny quickly spoke as soon as we were next in line, "Excuse me do you happen to have multi colored balls, say a pink and black one?"

The boy behind the counter looked at Jenny quizzically before he spoke in a voice that told me he was going through his first puberty, "No, ma'am we only have solid colored balls. But we do have a pink one."

Jenny frowned for a moment, "Four players. I'll take a pink ball." She looked at me, "What color do you want?"

I blushed a little bit not familiar with taking charge like Jenny was doing. I semi mumbled out, "Blue."

Jenny rose her eyebrow at me as I looked at her, "What?"

Jenny smiled as I added, "It's my favorite color, ok?"

Jenny rose her hand placating me as she spoke to the boy behind the booth, "Make Dean's a red ball."

Again Jenny looked at me wondering what Art would like as I sighed, "I don't care. Yellow I guess."

The boy spoke, "That'll be $40 please."

Jenny looked at me as she smiled, "Sorry honey, I don't have my purse with me." She opened her jacket again flashing her fishnet top at me which was void of a bra as her pierced nipples poked out and twirled a little bit before speaking, "And I'm void of any pockets."

I noticed the boy behind the booth eye's bulged as Jenny made a show for me.

And I knew she had pockets because she pulled out her flipping ID from her jacket pocket.

I sighed as I pulled my backpack purse forward and fished out two twenty bills for the lad.

The boy hardly paid attention to me as his eyes were fixed on Jenny but still accepted the money and retrieved the putters and balls like we asked for.

We were barely handed the putters when Dean walked up with two trays trying to balance everything.

Jenny smiled, "Yes please." As she grabbed the big souvenir cup nearly causing Dean to drop the drinks before he recovered. Jenny took a long sip before exclaiming out loud, "OH yeah! That's the stuff."

I heard Dean lightly growl at Jenny for nearly making him drop everything which didn't go unnoticed by Jenny as she eyed him and whatever fight he had quickly evaporated.

Jenny spoke, "Let's find a table and quickly scarf down our food before we start."

Dean simply turned around and walked towards one of the table nears the entrance for the mini golf to start and set down all the food and drinks.

I lightly wondered where Art was as he should have been back by now before I heard him speak, "Here."

I nearly jumped as Art had snuck up behind me and had to pause for a moment before I looked behind me to see Art holding my protein shake in it's shaker bottle. Art continued, "You didn't have one pre made but found the powder and coconut water so I had to make one before coming back."

I blinked lightly wondering where all my pre made went. I know mom packed three and had a couple of baggies ready just in case.

Let's see here I had one this morning. I went to work and collected my paycheck before going to the bank and coming back. Talked with Jenny as we made these plans. Went to my second job. Swallowed six guys before lunch. Had my second protein shake for lunch with some carrots and peanut butter celery. Swallowed seven more guys. Made nearly $9,000 from all the sword swallowing. Then I picked up Art and came here.

Meaning I 'should' have ONE more protein shake ready.

Did I drink one and forget about it? Or did mom not pack three?

I sighed as it was a stupid thing to think about.

I smiled at Art, "Thanks."

I opened the container as I walked up to the trio as Art had already sat down and was scarfing his food.

Jenny spoke, "I thought you said you weren't hungry?"

I looked at her, "No, I said I'm on a diet." I took a drink and instantly hated it as the coconut water was the obvious wrong choice for the protein powder flavor which was cookies and cream.

I looked at the drink before saying 'Fuck it' as other guys cum has been equally horrible tasting, not all of them taste amazing, but I still swallowed that.

I ignored the flavor mashing disgusting concoction and simply pounded the drink trying to get all the liquid past my tastebuds before I could gag. Then I slammed the container on the bench.

Jenny lightly chuckled, "Take it you were hungry?"

I gasped for a moment still trying to fight the urge to vomit as the residual flavors played on my tongue. Took a minute before I finally answered, "Hungry yes. But this diet sucks."

Jenny laughed, "Whatever," as she bit into her onion rings and made a satisfying sound loudly in front of me.

I growled at her, "Bitch."

Jenny laughed more before shoveling more food into her mouth.

Eventually everyone finished eating as Jenny spoke, "Well we ready to do some putt putt?"

We walked up to the putt putt beginning at the first hole now that everyone's stomachs were full of food.  Well mostly full I had a protein shake in mine. And Jenny was sipping at her drink clearly enjoying herself.

Dean went first on putt on the first hole, then Jenny, then Art, and finally myself.

Dean, of course, took the hole followed by Art, then me, and lastly Jenny.

Each hole us three were kind of being competitive as Art started talking smack with Dean while I kept my head down and heard, on more than one occasion, from Jenny how great my ass looked making me blush.

I may have looked back to see all three of them were checking out my ass.

By the sixth hole it was clear that Jenny was definitely tipsy but she was having fun and wasn't being too over dramatic.

By the eleventh hole Jenny was being frisky with myself as she started rubbing my ass telling me things like, 'God this ass is so tight!'

By the fourteenth hole Jenny had bitten my ass, groped my tits, and was giving Dean a show as she tossed her jacket to Dean letting her girls be on full display including her piercings.  I may have looked at Art who I caught staring before I punched him in the arm and kindly reminded him of Dean.

By the seventeenth hole Jenny and Dean were making out so hot and heavy it was beginning to effect me.  Art whispered into my ear, "We could be doing that too if you want?"

I scowled at Art, "Yeah and I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to stop you from doing anything stupid."

Art smiled at me, "Are you saying you'd stop?"

I blushed as I quickly punched him in the arm, "Shut up."  I didn't tell him that watching Jenny and Dean make out that I was seriously wet downstairs that I could literally feel my panties getting moist.

When we got done with the 17th hole it was clear that Dean no longer cared about his score as walked up to the 18th hole and toss his ball and Jenny's directly into the hole and tossed his and her putters towards Art as he dragged Jenny towards the bathroom as Jenny was giggling.

Art walked up to me and before he could say anything I spoke, "If you say ANYTHING like we could be doing that too, be very aware that I'm still holding a putter."

Art laughed, "I 'was' going to say looks like I win the round."

I looked at Art, "How the fuck do you think that?"

Art smiled as he held up the score card with a smirk, "Because I have the lowest score!"  He shrugged, "Well next to Dean anyways."

I spoke, "Don't you think that means Dean WON?"

Art shook his head, "Nope I'm taking that as a forfeit.  Meaning this hole I'm giving him the most strokes possible."

I rolled my eyes, "Whatever if Jenny wasn't teasing Dean he'd have kicked your ass."

Art scoffed, "Please he was only leading by ONE stroke."

I moved my putter, "Just play."

Art nodded as he dropped the extra putters that Dean threw at him.  He put down his ball and smacked the ball hitting the back wall as it dropped to a different hole as he smiled at me, "Actually the hole in one is against the wall."

I squinted, "Bullshit!"

Art wiggled his eyebrows as he pointed to the green, "See for yourself."

I walked over to the hole and saw my ball no where near the cup.  Actually I couldn't find my ball but I saw Art's ball that was indeed in the cup as I spoke, "What the fuck?"

Art wiggled his finger to me as he pointed to the 18th sign.

I read the sign "Hole in lane is water hazard - AUTOMATIC LOSS."

I spoke, "Who the fuck puts that there?"

Art smirked as he shrugged, "People who don't read the signs like I have been doing."

I squinted at him, "Was there a sign at each hole?"

Art nodded, "Yep."

I blinked as I quickly walked to the 17th sign as I pointed to the sign as it showed the hole location on the sign, "This one doesn't have it."

Art smiled, "No but the 15th hole did."

I squinted as I walked back to the 15th and actually saw on the sign what hole did what.

Well son of a bitch.

I walked back to Art at the 18th as I spoke, "Fine you win."

I walked off not giving Art a chance but heard him speak, "Hey!"

He caught up as I handed in my putter.  Art handed in the remaining putters with a smirk, "So should we wait by the bathroom and hold up signs giving Jenny and Dean a score of how they did?"

I laughed but answered, "If you did that me I'd kill you."  I turned as I started exiting the place.

Art quickly caught up, "Wait!"

I looked at Art, "Yes?"

Art smiled, "You're my ride."

I blinked, "Oh right!"  I turned, "Come on."

I walked up to my car and unlocked it, "Get in."

Art hopped in as I started my car and started heading to Art's house.

We drove in silence for a moment before Art spoke, "So Jenny seems fun."

I scoffed, "Yeah."

Art spoke, "You sound like you didn't have fun?"

I shrugged, "I guess," I looked at him momentarily, "I could have done without Jenny spanking my ass or biting it."

Art smiled, "You know I could always do that now that we're dating."

I eyed him seeing his wolfish smile making me smirk before I paid attention to the road again, "Don't push your luck buster.  You should be happy I invited you."

Art nodded, "Oh I am."

Art continued, "But you know we could always finish the night like Jenny and Dean were doing."

I spoke, "I'm not fucking in a bathroom, Art."

Art laughed, "Ok not in a bathroom."

I eyed him, "Yeah not happening."

Art shrugged, "Can't blame a guy for trying."

He reached over and squeezed my thigh, "But I do appreciate the invite.  I had fun."

I smiled, "Good.  Me too I guess."

We went back to being quiet until we arrived at Art's house.  I put the car in park, "This is you."

Art looked at his house for a moment before he turned to me and leaned in.  He grabbed my chin and planted his lips on mine.

At first I was surprised by the kiss and wasn't sure what to do but eventually I accepted the kiss and I don't know why but I opened my mouth.  Art sensed my mouth opening and he gently moved his tongue in and started massaging my tongue with his.