Second Puberty Ver 1 19

Story Info
Jayne’s period ends, gets her IUD, and has a heart to heart.
6.2k words

Part 19 of the 20 part series

Updated 06/15/2024
Created 03/26/2024
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Second Puberty V1 19


About five days passed and my red tide finally disappeared enough to where I didn't need any more pads or tampons which was music to my ears.

Actually I was so happy that I took a nice long bath now that I wasn't in school and had plenty of time before I had to be anywhere.

In those five days, because my sober graduation was on a Friday night, and I still had to work doing my 'normal' thing at work was a little bit of a challenge.  I don't know if it was the flood of hormones running through my body because of my first ever shedding of a unfertilized egg or if it was the fact that my hormones also drove up my lust but swallowing guys dicks and swallowing their semen was a little bit of a challenge.  

It was a challenge for multiple reasons because I had a migraine that wouldn't quit and all the pills I was taking was barely touching it as it would be a dull throb only to come back stronger when the pills wore off.  It was so strong I was constantly nauseous so swallowing a guys cock and cum made me want to hurl every time I did it though for some odd reason I never did.

Then there was the bloating as I constantly felt like there was a filled balloon in more than one place and that only made the cramps worse that was so indescribable I was constantly wishing I hadn't undergone my second puberty or at least I didn't change into a girl because this feeling sucked on so many levels it wasn't funny.  The bloating and cramping was so bad that my nausea was only heightened to where I had thrown up....more than once.  Though oddly my throwing up never happened while I was working...which I found extremely odd.  I had thrown up shortly after my protein shakes.  I had thrown up shortly after working out.  I had thrown up so much to where my entire abdomen was completely tight and sore.

And finally there was the constant state of my horniness that made me want to do more than swallow a guy's dick as I wanted to adjust myself under the table and let the phallic object penetrate me and blast its load into me just to cure my current predicament.

But 'sigh' I somehow managed.....if only barely.

When my nausea passed late last night and I woke up with no headache whatsoever I was so elated I started laughing for no reason.  Then when I checked my padded panties to see no blood I knew it was over.

I laid in the bath just enjoying the warm water when the bathroom door opened and I saw my mom smiling.

I grumbled, "What do you want?"

Mom smiled, "Take it your period is over?"

I squinted at her as I spoke slowly, "Yyyyeeeeessssss."

Mom nodded, "Good.  Get dressed we have a doctor's appointment to be at."

I groaned, "Can I just fucking relax?"

Mom eyed me for a moment before I peeped, "Sorry."  Mom smiled, "Now come on," her smile turned evil, "unless you want another month of my teachings so you'd be ready for sexual activity."

I nearly jumped out of the bath, "I'm coming."

Mom smiled at me, "Sure you'll be screaming that later."

I looked at mom, "Really mom?  A dad joke?"

Mom smiled as she shrugged, "Sorry couldn't help myself."  She nodded to me, "Get dressed and we'll head over to the doctor's."

With that Mom left the bathroom so I could get ready.

I dried myself off, put on some makeup and left the bathroom so I could get dressed.

I quickly got dressed and Mom drove me to the doctor's as my mom spoke, "You know honey it would be good to get you measured again."

I frowned, "What for?"

She smiled at me, "To see where you finally settled in at."

I sighed as I grumbled, "Whatever."

The rest of the drive was silent though I was both nervous and excited that I was finally getting the sign off from mom for sexual activity.  Not that I was in a rush to have sex but there were some questions that would be nice to finally get answers to.

Finally we get to the doctor's and check in.  Before I could protest Mom asked the nurse if I could get my measurements done and the nurse told my mom that was going to happen as part of their regulations.  Mom smiled and said, "No, I want a FULL measurement done."

I sighed but the nurse nodded.

I waited while thinking that there was no way mom could be any more embarrassing.

About 20 minutes later I get called back and mom 'was' about to follow but I pointed at her, "No!  I will do this myself."

Mom looked at me for a moment but saw my determination and simply nodded as she returned to being seated.

I followed the nurse back and did the whole weight and height measurement.  Found out I had dropped both my weight and height.

When I first turned, god it feels like a lifetime ago, I had shrunk from 5'10" to 5'5".  Now I was 5'3".

When I was a guy I 'was' about 178lbs.  When I first turned my weight drastically lowered to 127lbs.  Now I was 109lbs.

Then came the measurements where I was 34-25-33.  I learned those numbers meant my bust, waist and hips.  This time I was a 33-22-33.  Looks like I lost an inch in my bust, about three inches in my waist and my hips stayed about the same.

No surprise there as mom was relentlessly making me eat healthy garbage and working out almost daily.

I wasn't happy when they measured around my boobs as when I was first measured I was 37.7 inches, and that's when I learned the whole cup measurement.  First they measure just below your breasts to get your bust size, or ban, then measure at the fattest part of your breasts right at the nipple line.  For each inch meant a different cup size.  SO my bust was 34 inches and because my tits were 3.7 inches bigger meant I was a big C small D.

NOW when they measured around my breasts I was 39.6 inches meaning there was now a 6.6 inch difference meaning I was now an E cup, if not an F cup.

My ONLY plus side to this whole measurement thing was I had firmed up my boobs....and ass with my stomach.  Guess I should really thank mom for all the working out and healthy eating crap.

Still I wasn't happy to hear my breasts were that large. I wanted to complain but mom had warned me, more than once in fact, that I would grow the entire month as my body settles into being a woman.  Guess she wasn't lying about that.

Then they did a BMI, or Body Mass Index.  When I was first measured I believed I was 24.3.  Now I was at 18.4.  I had no idea what my BMI was when I was a guy.  

The nurse said I was barely at normal body weight, whatever the fuck that meant.

I kind of zonked out as the nurse did just about every test before the doctor came in.

When the doctor finally came in he looked over my charts asking what I was here for.  I replied I was here for an IUD.

Doctor asked if that was the only form of birth control I wanted and I told him how I was freshly turned and how I was taking those stupid sticker things as my form of birth control.

Doctor nodded and told the nurse what we were doing while I got undressed and put my legs in the stirrups.  I just lifted my skirt and removed my panties before I got in the chair and rested my legs in the stirrups.

When the doctor returned with the nurse they quickly wrapped a paper gown over my legs.  Doctor briefly explained what was going to happen as he does a quick uterine sound to measure my cervical length.  Then he's going to fill my entire insides with a lidocaine mixture that will numb my insides.  Once numb he'll insert the IUD.

I nodded and followed the doctor's instructions as I pushed my ass forward until I felt like I was going to fall out of the chair.  Then he inserted the apparatus that kept my vagina open, i may have exclaimed loudly that was fucking colder than ice.

He apologized before lightly pushing on my groin as the instrument that he showed me prior to insertion went into my vagina while he looked at a TV.

Once he got the measurements down he pulled out the instrument and apparatus that kept my vagina open to the world. Took a tube and pretty much smashed it as the contents invaded my vagina.  I was thankful the contents were warm and not cold as I felt it slowly leak out.

Then he waited a few minutes asking me if I could feel his finger which I could if only barely.  After the fourth time asking I answered 'What finger?' is when he went to work putting the apparatus back in and started installing the IUD.  

I should mention right now I think the doc used WAY too much of the gel because enough leaked out that my asshole went numb as hell.  He could have pushed a finger up my ass and I wouldn't have felt a fucking thing.

After about twenty minutes he inserted a camera into my vagina to make sure the IUD was soundly in place and make sure nothing was punctured.

Then he declared it was a success and pulled everything out.  He told me to give it roughly 24 hours before any activity were to resume and let his office know if I see unusual bleeding or prolonged discomfort.  Other than that he suggested a checkup in three months to ensure the device hadn't moved or anything.

With that he walked out leaving me with my ass hanging in the chair and no way to figure out how to get out of the stirrups.

Took me a minute to shift myself up before I could get my legs free and get out of the chair.  The moment I stood up I felt the warm gel leaking down the inside of my right thigh.  I reached over and grabbed some tissues as I wiped the warm gel off my leg before I hiked up my panties still unable to feel my vagina.

Then I walked back into the waiting room see mom calmly waiting there.  The moment she saw me, "So how was it?"

I grumbled, "Fine.  Can we go?"

Mom lightly chuckled but she got up and collected her purse before we exited the office and building as we walked towards her vehicle.

Mom spoke before we got to the car, "So what's your measurements now?"

I eyed mom, "Like the nurse didn't came out and tell you."

Mom stopped with a warm smile, "Humor me."

I stopped and sighed, "I'm 5'3".  109 lbs.  33-22-33 with E boobs.  Can we go now?"

Mom stayed standing, "And what were you before?"

I sighed, "127lbs, 34-25-33 with C breasts."

Mom smiled, "And that's because....?"

I groaned, "Yes I know I followed ALL your eating suggestions and fucking work out routine.  CAN...WE...GO?"

Mom ignored my cursing as she eyed me, "And are you going to CONTINUE following my instructions?"

I squinted at her, "You MADE your POINT.  I'll continue eating healthy junk and continue working out."

Mom nodded, "Now we can go."  She turned and finished the walk to her vehicle.

I lightly grumbled, "Bitch."

Mom spoke, "I heard that.  That'll cost you five extra sets on crunches."

I blinked as I proclaimed, "Really?"

Mom turned at me as she stood next to her vehicle, "Yes really.  You WILL continue doing EVERY exercise I outline.  I want you to REMAIN healthy.  The more I can pound that into your THICK skull the better."  She smiled at me, "Lucky you I feel like working out with you today.  I hope you can keep up."

I blinked, "Wait what?"

I quickly got into the car as I looked at mom, "We're gonna do what?"

She smiled at me, "You heard me.  We're going to work out."

She put the vehicle in reverse as I spoke, "I'm not too sure about that mom.  I'm much younger than you."

My mom laughed as we backed out of the parking space before putting in drive.  She looked at me, "I think I'll handle myself."  She paid attention to the road as she maneuvered out of the parking lot and onto the road.  She spoke, "Besides I know you have PLENTY of time between now and work."

I frowned, "Yeah but.."

Mom smiled, "But now that you have your IUD you had 'plans'?"

I nodded, "Well yeah."

Mom chuckled as she spoke, "I think Art can wait another day before you all have sex."

I blinked as I looked her astonished, "Excuse me?"

Mom scoffed, "Please, dear, I know you and Art have 'plans' the moment I gave you the clear to officially have sex."

I quickly accused her, "Have you been sneaking into my phone."

Mom chuckled, "No honey.  You and Art have been friends for so long," she shrugged, "it was simple to deduce that he'd be your first."

She winked at me, "I'm not naive honey."

I pouted before I sighed, "Fine, when do you want to do this?"

She smirked at me, "As soon as we get home we're changing into our gear and immediately heading out."

I huffed, "Fine," I pointed at her, "but if I hurt you I'm not apologizing."

Mom laughed, "Fair enough."

Mom drove faster showing her excitement as she weaved through traffic barely breaking the speed limit until we got home.  She barely turned off the car before she hopped out and spoke, "Quick get your gear."

I didn't have far to go as I left my gym bag in my car that she conveniently parked right next to.

I simply pulled the keys out of my backpack purse and unlocked the car to retrieve my 'gear'.  I walked into the house with my gym bag and closed the door.

From there it was a simple switch as I stood inside at the door.  I dropped my backpack purse.  Kicked off my sandals.  Pulled off the skirt.  Took off my shirt and pulled off my bra.

I pulled out my yoga pants from the bag first and slipped into them.  Ok 'slipped' is a broad statement.  More like a lot of jumping pulling to get the skin tight fuckers on.

I know girls in yoga pants look amazing to men and make our asses look great but they are a literal bitch to get on.  And even a bigger bitch to get out of safely when they are wet.  

I know we as women can make it look sexy pulling those damn things down but do you have any idea the irritation it causes feeling the wet sound as it detaches from our skin.  God forbid if we do something stupid like not wear underwear and girls like me leak grool out as that feeling is intensified when they come off.

With the skin constricting tight nylon pants on I reached into my bag and grabbed my new favorite work out bra.  It holds my tatas in place without squishing them to my body.  Though I might have to get a new one as this one is a little snug because when I bought it I was a DDD....I think.

With my bullet proof tit holding work out bra on I pulled out a simple white tank and put it on.

Then I pulled out a pair of socks and my work out shoes before slipping those on.

The entire process took about five or six minutes.

I yelled into the house, "OK I'M READY!!!"

I heard mom yell back, "JUST A MINUTE!"

It sounded like she was upstairs, which is about right as the Master Bedroom (aka Mom and Dad's room) was there.  But the sound sounded where my room was at.

I squinted at the stairs before mom came down with her bag strapped over her shoulder smiling at me.  The moment she was on the floor she waltz up to holding something as she held out her hand, "Here."

I held out my hand already dreading what she was holding as she dropped my butt plug into my hand.  I looked up at her, "You're kidding, right?"

I wasn't unaccustomed to the butt plug as I had used it a couple of times though if I'm honest it's not really my thing. I understood it's purpose but I wasn't into it as I didn't see the point of even if mom told me it'll make things like masturbating and sex amazing. I only had the masturbation to reference to and didn't feel any different with it in when I masturbated.

She smirked as she slowly shook her head, "Nope."

I instantly spoke, "I'm NOT putting a BUTT PLUG into my asshole when we're about to go work out!"

Mom smiled at me as she turned and pulled down her own yoga pants and thong revealing a big bright jeweled item firmly shoved in her own asshole.

I even got to see my mom's fucking vag.

I instantly turned my head closing my eyes as I exclaimed, "JESUS FUCKING CHRIST MOM!!!" As I did not want to see ANY of that but the damage was already done.

Mom spoke, "Trust me honey it'll make your work out much better."

I groaned as I spit on it to give it a little bit of line seeing how she didn't give me lube to put the fucker in. I reached into my yoga pants and did a little dance as I pulled my ass cheeks apart before slowly inserting the butt plug until my asshole reflexively sucked it in. 

I swear after the first time putting a fucking butt plug into my asshole, which hurt like a son of a bitch, no matter how many times I've done it since, which has only been a handful of times, it still amazes me the feeling when my asshole sucks in the rest of the plug as it gets passed the fat part and seals around the small metal bar.

At first I thought the fat flat part would cut into my ass cheeks somehow but it never did.

And I'll admit, after the first time, having the plug in did somehow feel good. How still plagued me but I never dwelled on it too much.

Feeling full I was done I frowned at her happy she had pulled up her yoga pants and was facing me, "Happy?"

My mom held up a finger, "Just ONE more thing."  She turned and walked towards the kitchen.

I walked into the kitchen to see her pull out two water jugs.  Then she quickly made two protein shakes.  And finally she pulled out a bottle of vodka and poured some in a glass.

I eyed her, "Really, you're going to drink BEFORE we work out?"  I smirked, "That's not a good idea mom."

Mom smirked at me before she pulled a prework out and put in two heaping scoops before quickly mixing it.  Then she grabbed two shot glasses and poured the mixture into the two shot glasses.

Is this bitch insane?

She pushed the shot to me as I eyed her, "Are you insane?"

Mom smirked at me, "Trust me you're gonna need it."

I blurted out, "With ALCOHOL!"

Mom smirked, "Relax you're not going to get drunk after one shot." As she grabbed the shot glass and quickly tilted her head back and took the shot as she lightly winced.  She eyed the shot, "Come on, it'll hit harder."

I sighed as I shrugged, "At least you're letting me drink."

Mom chuckled, "Trust me that isn't drinking.  That's getting the pre in your system faster."

She grabbed the protein shake and water as she walked, "Come on slow poke."

I blinked realizing she was serious as I quickly shot the mixture back and winced then wheezed as the mixture was watermelon.  I grabbed the shake and water before I jogged to catch up as mom was already in the car.

I quickly closed the door and locked it before jogging to the car trying to catch up.

I barely closed the door on the car before mom pulled out and was already driving to the gym.

I looked at her, "You're fucking nuts, you know that right?"

Mom shrugged with a smile, "Maybe."

I watched as she quickly pounded the protein shake as she drove forcing me to follow suit as I hadn't had shit in my stomach all day yet.

Before we got to the gym I started feeling that pre-workout itch.

Then we made it to gym and just about every part of my body was itching.  I blinked when I realized it wasn't my usual gym.  It looked like a cross fit gym.

Mom got out of the vehicle carrying her gym back and water as I followed her as I spoke, "This isn't the gym I normally go to."

Mom turned her head to me smiling, "I know."

She walked in as I followed her, "Is there any reason why we're at a cross fit gym?  And not a girl gym like you had me start with?"

Mom gave me a shit eating grin.

She checked in and paid the extra $5 for me to work out in the gym.

I followed her into the locker room as both of us put our bags in the same locker as I put on my work out gloves and put my hair in a ponytail then put in my earbuds.

I followed her out as she smiled at me, "Ready?"

I looked at her still confused, "Ready for what?"  I shrugged, "Lifting some weights?"

Mom scoffed as she walked over to a machine called 'The Jacobs Ladder.'

I blinked in confusion as I avoided this machine at the girl gym because I knew it was a fucking workout that would kick anyone's ass.