Secret Internet Lover


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Morosely, Kathy blew her nose as "Greg" deftly manipulated the tissue.

"I know that it will be a difficult thing at first, Kathy to let the real you out of the shell you have been building around it your entire adult life, but you just took the first small steps. We are going to slowly build to intercourse, by the time you are ready for that step, the old Kathy will be long gone." "Greg" let his words sink in for a moment before he announced.

"I am going to free you from your bonds now. I am sure that you need to use the bathroom. After that we can talk over dinner. I will warn you quite severely now to make no attempt to remove your blindfolding device. First of all, part of it is fastened to your skin with surgical adhesive. I have the solvent that removes the adhesive, but I won't use it until I am ready to release you. Second and most importantly of all. If you DO manage to see what I look like, instead of releasing you to return to your dull suburban life, I will simply kill you. Understand?"

Kathy nodded her head in the affirmative as she felt "Greg's" hands upon first her wrists and then her ankles. Her release was heavenly. Kathy wanted to run but where could she go? She was blinder than a bat and Kathy had no doubt that "Greg's" threat regarding her blindfold was authentic. With no other option, Kathy slid over to right side of the bed, arrayed herself in a siting position and alternated between massaging her ankles and wrists. Kathy became acutely aware that she needed to relieve herself.

"Greg" allowed Kathy some time to reorient herself and massage her limbs for a short while before he grabbed her left hand and said gently, "I will lead you to the toilet. I won't have you messing my sheets with urine. Follow me."

Kathy rose to her feet. Unsteady for a second or two she felt the rug under her bare feet. As "Greg" urged her on Kathy followed. As Kathy walked, the fabulous aroma of a simmering meal, reached her nostrils. Kathy realized that she was famished. Her lunch on Friday had been a carton of yogurt and a banana as she had had to meet a deadline for her demanding new boss. How long had she been unconscious? How long since she had eaten? Kathy had no clue as to the answer. Her tummy rumbled in response to the succulent smell. The carpet beneath her feet became ceramic tile and the acoustics changed. "Greg" steered Kathy and helped her sit on the commode.

Kathy NEVER went when Mike was in the room but her current need for relief was so great that the presence of "Greg" was immaterial. A tidal wave of urine exited her body. Kathy was too relieved to register shame. Once she was finished, "Greg" instructed her to stand and she felt him wipe with the toilet paper. Somehow, to Kathy's mind, this violation was greater even than being stripped or shaved.

Kathy heard "Greg" wash his hands before one of them re-gripped hers and urged her out of the room.

A short time later Kathy was sitting in an upholstered chair. Deducing that she was obviously in the kitchen, she inhaled the enchanting aroma of the food.

"Most time you will be sitting on my lap as I feed you. But I know that you are quite hungry now and need to focus only upon eating. I will be feeding you tonight, and every subsequent night while you are with me."

Kathy felt "Greg" tie a bib around her neck. By now she was salivating like a Pavlovian dog in anticipation.

"The utensils I am using emit soft beeps. They are designed to teach blind children how to eat like a sighted person. Focus on the sound in relation to your lips and we should get through this meal with a minimum of mess. I am going to start with a small bowl of soup."

After the first few sips on the spoon, Kathy quickly understood the process. The soup was her favorite kind and it slid wonderfully and warmly down her throat. From time to time, "Greg" mopped her lips with a linen napkin. The cabin was silent as "Greg" and Kathy focused intently upon the task at hand. Before too much time had passed, Kathy had consumed the entire bowl.

"Now, you get a small salad, after that some Asian chicken. After you finish eating it is bath time, a nice relaxing massage and then its off to bed. I'll let you skip your exercise tonight. I'll be right next to you in the bed. We won't have to make love unless you WANT to. Just having you under the same roof is the already the denouement of many of our shared fantasies.

"Greg" fed Kathy a fresh salad topped with her favorite dressing and some of the best chicken she had ever enjoyed. "At least I won't starve." thought Kathy as her captor touched the napkin to her lips between bites of the chicken. Since she did not need her hands for eating, they explored her universe. Often she stroked her shaven sex. It felt so strange. Kathy wished that she could see what it looked like. Other times her hands went to her blindfold. "Greg" allowed her to touch but sternly warned her to not try and remove the object.

Finally, Kathy deduced that over many layers of gauze, a pair of ski goggles was firmly glued to her face. Aside from an overwhelming desire to rub her eyes, it was not uncomfortable. However, the desire for the return of vision was downright painful.

"Greg, if you give me my eyes back, I won't turn you in."

"You must think that I am an idiot, Kathy. This way is best. I don't have to keep you bound and you can never learn any details about me. Keeping you blind means I can release you later. I KNOW that you don't want to die, sweetheart, you have a husband and daughter to return to. Of course by the time you see them again, I will be well seared into your soul."

"What do you want from me, Greg?"

"Oh, don't be stupid, Kathy. 'Together we will burn away the debris of our old boring lives and be made a new creature of pure passion'"

Kathy felt the impact of her own words quoted back to her like a knife in the gut.

"I wrote a lot of things, Greg. That doesn't mean I wanted THIS." replied Kathy softly.

"On your deepest most intimate of levels you most assuredly did. Princess. Life was getting you down, Mike seemed distant, you were not connecting with Amy like you wanted and your job ... No you not only want you NEED the out I am giving you. You can be the wildcat you were born to be, Kathy. All those fantasies can come to life. And when it is over and we have given each other the succor of our souls, you can return to the life you knew. Think of this as a little honeymoon with the invisible man."

"Oh, Greg. Please let me go. I will give you whatever you want, just let me go."

"Of course you will give me what I want, Kathy. I DON'T have to take anything from you, however. You will give it to me and in the end you will thank me for taking you to this love nest,"

"Greg, I am NEVER going to thank you for kidnapping me and assaulting me!"

"So you say now. But enough talk, its bath time."

Kathy realized that in her state of blindness she was helpless. She could not strike back. Unless she got off a phenomenally lucky blow, there was no chance that she could cripple "Greg." She had no idea what her captor looked like but, since he was strong enough to incapacitate her and carry her off, he had to be at least as large as her husband Mike.

"Greg" pulled out Kathy's chair as she stood and took her hand. Beneath her feet, the flooring changed until she was once again upon the ceramic title. "Greg" began to sing one of Kathy's favorite love songs in a very nice voice. "Greg's" hand fell away and Kathy heard the water running in the tub. Kathy also noticed a new scent in the air. As if reading her thoughts "Greg" began to speak.

"The scent IS your favorite scent, Honey. There are several of your preferred candles in the room and I have just lit them all. Now you can relax during your bath with something familiar from home."

"Greg" returned to singing as he waited for the tub to fill. Kathy did not know how to respond. The scented candles has always reminder her in the past of relaxation and peace. Kathy's bathtub was her "Fortress of Isolation" the place she went to decompress, recharge her batteries and, afterwards be better adjusted to face the world. Now she was not sure what the aroma meant but her mind kept dragging her back against her will to previous happy places.

Kathy was caught up in that train of thought before she heard the taps shut off followed by "Greg" saying. "Let me help you into the tub, Sweetie."

Kathy felt numb as her captor lifted her foot and positioned her to step into the tub. The water was hot as she liked it, but not too hot. Goosebumps momentarily broke out all over Kathy's skin before the hot water caused them to vanish. Behind her head "Greg" placed a soft bath pillow. From out of the darkness came the sound of recorded music. The sound of Kathy's favorite male singer should have been comforting but it was not. And then, most consternating of all, his hands were upon her.

Kathy could have handled it had "Greg" been a simple groper. Instead he was tender, almost loving as gently daubed Kathy flesh with soap and ran the washcloth over her body. Not knowing how to react and what to do, Kathy ended up doing nothing. She sat, an inert, emotionally troubled lump as her kidnapper calmly bathed her. From the scent, Kathy realized that the soap was her brand as was the shampoo. Kathy felt as though she had been reduced to infancy as "Greg" rinsed ever millimeter of her skin.

And then Kathy was standing as instructed and felt herself being rinsed off one last time. She managed to exit the tub without stumbling. Her feet on a bath mat, Kathy felt a huge terrycloth towel surround her body. She assisted "Greg" in the drying off. Kathy felt the gentle tug of a comb as it smoothed out her hair. Not for the first time Kathy wished for a view of her tormentor,

"Your beauty is incandescent, Kathy. I have never encountered a more stunning woman. "

After a moment, during which, "Greg" expressed more appreciation of Kathy's loveliness he stated very matter of factually,

"Now it is time for one of my fabulous massages. Have no fear I will use your preferred brand of moisturizer as I work on you. I want you totally relaxed for bed. If you are not tired we can talk for awhile, unless of course you decide, we could do OTHER things!"

With that "Greg" slightly guffawed and tugged Kathy's arm until she followed his urging an left the bathroom. The massage table felt just like the one at Kathy's spa. Her desire that "Greg" be ham-handed and awkward were thwarted once again as he proved to be amongst the most skilled massage therapist she had ever encountered. Despite every part of her mind wanted to rebel, her body kept relaxing and sending messages to her brain to turn itself off. In the tug of war between her body and soul, "Greg's" hands worked her flesh as though he were an elite violinist stroking a Stradivarius. Even as she uttered them, Kathy despised her sounds of pleasure. It was beyond awful, her favorite music in the background, her favorite scent in the air while someone preformed a most favored massage upon her. It was all divine and it was all hell.

For reasons that Kathy could not understand, she rolled over with no resistance upon the word of "Greg." Beginning at her toes, he performed a most satisfying massage. At times , Kathy actually felt herself dropping off as he head sagged. Working from both ends until only Kathy' s sex remained untouched, "Greg" at last began to work on her womanhood. Her her captor excelled even his previous superlative work. Through manipulation of his hands on Kathy's pussy he extracted three orgasms in rapid succession out of his victim.

Hating herself, Kathy lay supine upon the massage table and tried to relax her pounding heart and even her breathing. Her tormentor gushed, "See what wonderful gifts I can give you my pet? If you think this is something wait until I am inside of you."

"Please Greg," Kathy begged, "have mercy upon me. I'm just a wife and a mother, I am nothing special. There must be other women, more willing..."

"Oh Kathy, have you learned NOTHING as yet? You are so much more than a simple wife and mother, you are also an exotic, alluring, and VERY sexual creature. I will prove to you what an amazing minx you can be in the sack. I will make you so much more than you currently are, Kathy."

"I don't want to be that Greg. I just want to e returned to my house where I can cook for my husband, assist my daughter with homework and yes, bitch about work."

"That is NOT what yo really want, Kathy. We both know that. Now lets march to the bathroom to get ready for bed. You have no idea how stressful my day has been."

"YOUR day? I'm a fucking naked prisoner!"

Kathy felt a sudden slap across her face.

"Do not criticize me or my motives, Kathy. I seek only the best for you, for both of us."

Kathy gently touched her face where Greg had struck her.

"Please don't hurt me, Greg. I'm sorry I upset you."

After a long pause, "Greg" spoke again, contrition obvious in his voice."No, dearest, Kathy, the fault is my own. I apologize to you. However, you must start acting as expected. This place is going to be your home for at least a week. I will feed you, bathe you, wipe your butt as well as taking you as often as I wish. This experience will only be as pleasant as you allow it to be. I know what makes you tick though, Kathy. I will not need to force you, though I am certainly capable of that. I want your love and appreciation Kathy, not your anger and antipathy."

"Well you certainly are going about it a strange way, Greg."

"No, Kathy, I am doing this the only way I can. Now I'm sure you have to use the bathroom again, follow me."

After a second visit to the toilet, Greg presented Kathy a toothbrush and centered her over the sink. The room still bore the scent of her favorite candles even though they had been extinguished. With help she washed her hands and face. Kathy took stock of her options. She certainly didn't want to be sharing a bed with this man. On the other hand, he did say that he was very tired. if she gave him what he wanted perhaps he would fall into deep slumber and Kathy could make her escape. Odious as the prospect was it seemed her only option. Kathy began to psych herself up for the task. Her only resource was her body. Giving an ogre a bit of what he sought so that you could escape said ogre was no sin. Mike was sure to understand.

Later Kathy sat on the bed and listened in fear as "Greg" disrobed. The familiar sound of trousers hitting the floor, the rattle of keys. It reminded Kathy of Mike undressing n the dark after coming home from the second shift. The thought of her captor nude actually made him a bit more terrifying. His sword was now unsheathed. In her blindness Kathy could never hope to strike a disabling blow. Even if she were to manage to kick him in the balls or squeeze his nuts, would she be amble to fully incapacitate him? Would that just end up enraging him? Could she handle his anger? There was so much Kathy didn't know. All she had been able to deduce was that he was tall and probably muscular. The voice was flat and uninflected, almost as though it was not his natural speaking voice, which Kathy now realized was probably the case. "Terrific, I've been abducted by a tall strong guy who is possibly white. That narrows down the suspect pool to several billion!" She thought to herself bitterly. She knew what she had to do.

"Greg" ordered her to lie down and he slid into bed next to her. Kathy felt him warm, large and not especially hairy. Gently he began stroking Kathy's face.

"Would you like a kiss, Love?" asked the stranger solicitously.

Stifling her discomfort Kathy managed to emit a barely audible, "Yes."

His lips were hot, full and demanding. There was nothing tentative about the kisses, they were deep and pleading, those of a lover of long standing. Kathy was overwhelmed. Finally the suburban housewife was able to slow Greg down. But then he began to focus his attentions on the rest of Kathy's body, his large cock pressed flat against his victim's leg. Kathy tried to react as though she was enjoying this treatment to lull and disarm "Greg." The problem was part of her WAS enjoying this. Being spirited away by a stranger was her oldest and deepest fantasy and it was not one she could simply turn off. Still, Kathy stayed focused.

His talented tongue began to eat her out again. Her now hairless pussy responded with a mind of its own. Kathy felt her body respond and cursed herself. Then "Greg" reared up said "Forgive me, Kathy." and plunged his penis deep into her vagina. Kathy tried to push him away or crawl out from under him but he was too strong and to determined to remain inside her. Kathy felt him quickly establish a rhythm. His penis was larger and thicker than Mike's. With escape impossible, Kathy hope that her assailant would wear himself out. He lasted for quite a while before erupting inside her with volcanic force. As "Greg" pulled away he said,

"Oh, Kathy, I've been holding that in for months. I would not even permit myself to jerk off until I was with you, the perfect woman. Sorry that I was so insistent but you have NO idea what you do to me."

Kathy absorbed those words as she felt "Greg's" semen oozing out of her body. To stunned to respond Kathy waited for her captor to lie down, perhaps she could soothe him off to sleep. Maybe if she gave him a blow job...

Kathy's thoughts were interrupted by "Greg's." firm voice. "Well, I need sleep desperately, but you are not trustworthy yet."

Kathy felt a shifting of the mattress as "Greg" sprang from the bed. There was the sound of movement and an alarming, instant tightness around Kathy's neck. In a nonce, "Greg" had trapped both of Kathy's hands and wrists with all of his weight.

"This collar will keep you from trying to leave the bed tonight and these," Kathy felt something fur lined sliding over each hand in turn, "Are locking mittens that will prevent you from doing anything stupid like trying to injure me or attempting to remove your blindfold."

To her horror, Kathy realized that she was chained in place and more helpless than ever. While "Greg" said, "Tomorrow I am taking that magnificent ass of yours." all Kathy could do was repeat the word "No." over and over again as she realized that her nightmare had only just begun.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I wish you would finish his story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Great start

This is a great start, and I hope you choose to continue the story.

Would be fantastic if the abductor turns out to be her husband.

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