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Instantly I felt my cock begin to surge and before I knew it I was erect and throbbing. I managed to hide it from Mum, because despite our recent intimacy I was still scared of having sex with her. That wasn't because she wasn't sexy enough but because it still felt wrong, however exciting it may have been. Whatever, I managed to slip off to the toilet during a break and having peed my cock lost its immediate stiffness and I saw out the rest of the film without a problem.

Eventually it was over and Mum stood up.

"Ohhh dear," she yawned, "Sitting here doing nothing has made me tired -- I'm going to have an early night, I think."

"Don't blame you," I offered, "Oh well, sleep well."

Mum came and kissed me goodnight, her lips on mine warm, soft and delicious and I almost held her down, now desiring more but somehow I missed the opportunity and then Mum was leaving the room just as I realised that my erection had returned.

I wondered what to do -- to head to my room for some hands-on sex or to continue watching the TV, then I discovered a program that I'd enjoy so I settled down again. It was a wildlife film -- a subject that always appealed to me...

It was about halfway through the film when the front door slammed open and Bry appeared, throwing her bag onto a chair in anger. It bounced once and as it did so some odds and ends spilled from it onto the chair seat. With a grunt of annoyance she stuffed everything back then she disappeared immediately into the kitchen and returned a few moments later with a big glass of wine. She moved her bag and slumped into the chair, her face twisted and angry and I knew that things had gone badly.

"No good?" I asked carefully, "Anything I can do to help?"

"Fuckin' stupid sod!" she exclaimed, downing half her wine in one go, "Thought he could just fuck me right outside the back of the pub! With people and cameras around -- what kind of person did he think I was?"

"Stupid twat," I answered in sympathy as I tried to describe the guy.

"Yeah, I think he thought I was some sort of a tart or something!" she added, "I mean, I love sex, don't get me wrong, but not in public -- there are limits!"

I reached over and rested my hand on hers sympathetically and rather to my surprise she turned her hand over and took hold of mine too.

"Oh Chris, I'll never find a decent guy at this rate!" she said, her eyes seemingly full of tears, "Where the hell are they all?"

"Staying home I guess," I suggested innocently and at that she perked up.

"You're probably right," she said, "So why am I out there looking around."

It wasn't a question but a statement but I kept it to myself because right now wasn't the time to suggest that we get together... but apparently Bry thought otherwise.

"Ummm, Chris," she began, "I don't want you to take this the wrong way but what if I suggested that we get more friendly?"

"Like how?" I asked as her hand began to move around in mine, "We're pretty good friends already, aren't we?"

"No, I mean -- oh, I don't know what I mean," she exclaimed and then, a moment later she jumped up, turned around and dropped onto my lap.

Automatically my arms surrounded her and as they met, she took hold of my hands and lifted them until they were cupping her breasts.

"Like this," she said softly as I felt my cock quickly rising, "More loving -- I mean, real loving!"

She twisted around until she could kiss me and as she did so her lips were almost hot, deliciously wet and slippery and amazingly sexy!

For reasons better known to my mind I tried to pull away after a few moments but Bry's hand pulled us together again. Sure, I wasn't complaining, she was a lovely kisser but I was just shocked by her sudden actions. For long moments we kissed, our lips sliding around, our tongues probing and meeting, our pulses rising, but then Bry pulled away and looked at me.

"Oh Chris, I loved that," she breathed, her tongue exploring her lips, "Do you want to carry on -- you know, go further?"

I found myself nodding furiously and as I did so Bry found my hand again and pulled me tightly against her, our lips meeting once again. This time though she didn't hold back and now used her body as well, her jeans-clad arse sliding deliciously over my, by now, rigid cock until she once again pushed us apart.

"Come on Chris, let's do it!" she panted as she pulled me towards the hall and her bedroom, "You've got to -- I really need you!"

It had never been in my mind to object and the thought of making love to her, sister or not, was thrilling to say the least so I eagerly followed her into her room, after which she locked the door.

"Come on," she repeated, "Let's get undressed -- hurry up, please!"

I tore off my t-shirt but since it was Bry who was egging me on I let her get ahead of me and I was able to watch as she wriggled out of her jeans, pulled off her jumper and then stood there in her underwear, looking simply perfect. She paused in the process of removing her bra and looked at me.

"Aren't you getting undressed too?" she enquired, "You'd better!"

"Yeah, I was just watching you," I admitted, as I slid my shorts down, stepped out of them and dumped them on the chair, "You look so amazing."

"Can't wait to see you too!" she panted as she let the cups of her bra fall into her hands, "Hurry up will you, please."

"Wow!" I gasped as her perfect breasts were exposed to me, "They look fucking gorgeous!"

"Not bad, aren't they!" she answered, "Quite proud of these babies -- but come on Chris, get stripped off!"

Eager now to catch up I pushed my underwear down over my arse and down my legs, then let them to join my shorts on the chair. I stood upright again and this time it was Bry's turn to gasp happily.

"Hey, now that's what I call a cock!" she laughed quietly, "Do you know how to use it?"

I laughed back at her and made my rigid penis bounce several times before looking at her.

"Hope so," I commented, "All depends on the woman, of course."

"I think you'll find me hot enough to keep you interested," Bry added as she stepped closer, "Can I have a feel, Chris?"

"Be my guest!" I said as I thrust my pelvis forward and a moment later her hand was around me, gripping my eager shaft firmly.

"Damn, that feels good!" I said breathlessly, which caused Bry to giggle.

"I was going to say that!" she added brightly, "Come on, don't want to waste it."

She pulled me towards the big comfy-looking queen-size bed then released me as she threw herself down on her back, her head now resting on the pillow.

"What would I like?" she asked herself, "Ahh, yes, you any good at oral?"

I waggled my tongue at her then climbed between her legs and inhaled deeply. The amazing and delicious aroma of her hot pussy filled my senses and I lowered myself closer and closer until I was poised right above her slit. I extended my tongue, stiffened it and swiped all the way up her still-closed slit -- a move that made Bry gasp.

"Ohhh yesss," she cried, "Fuck me, that was nice! Don't stop -- please don't stop!"

No way was I intending to stop and now that I'd tasted her I wanted more and more. I repeated the action, but now her lips had begun to part and my tongue quickly penetrated deeply between her lips.

"Fuckin' hell, I love that!" she said as her hips began to squirm, "Go deeper, all the way in!"

Her pussy was now wide open for me, her tidy lips wide-spread; her little clit already prominent as it guarded her opening. I brushed my tongue over it and another louder gasp was forthcoming and this time her hands moved to hold my head in place.

"Ohhh, that's brilliant!" she oozed, "You certainly know what to do, don't you?"

"Hope so," I offered, as I thought how nice it would be to do this to Mum's pussy too, "Do you want me to work on your pussy or on your clit?"

"Stay where you are for now," Bry breathed, "Save my clit for later."

I didn't answer but instead I simply pressed my tongue into her depths, forming a fine tip to flick it over her skin then making my tongue into a wide brush to slide it up gently and down her lips. Gradually Bry's pussy seemed to heat up and as it did so it quickly became a whole lot wetter as her slippery juices began pouring from her. They tasted perfect and I slurped them up as fast as they arrived until they simply overwhelmed my ability to do so, then I lifted my face away from her.

"I think you're enjoying this, aren't you?" I suggested and Bry giggled back happily.

"Fuck Chris, you definitely know what you're doing, don't you?" she commented, "You want to work on my clit now?"

"Sure," I said since that was my next target anyway, "Just coming!"

I bent my head and having quickly located the position of her clit itself I extended my tongue and closed in.

"Ahhhh!" gasped Bry as I made contact, "Yeahhhh, just there!"

Unlike when I'd explored the depths of her pussy, Bry's hands now softly held me in place which I understood for her to mean that I should stay there and be gentle, so I did. Light swipes over and around her clit; gentle suction applied with my lips and slow strokes over it, each of which was greeted by a gasp or spasm -- or both. I could feel her starting to tense up as her arousal grew and grew and now, each stroke of my tongue brought another jerk of her hips until, some several minutes into my actions Bry pushed me away.

"No more, please!" she gasped, her body jerking occasionally, "Come on, up here, I want to feel you inside me!"

It was the work of a moment to rearrange myself above her, my weight supported on my knees and hands, then I bent and kissed her eager lips.

"Mmmm, you taste so sexy!" she giggled as she swiped her tongue all around my lips, "Come on then, get inside me, please!"

"No condom or lube?" I asked but Bry shook her head firmly.

"No way," she said, "I want to feel the real you -- I want you to fill me up -- I want to feel you shooting off inside me!"

Going on what Mum had said I reminded Bry to make sure to take her daily pill and then, after her affirmative answer I settled above her, using my hand to line up my cock with her opening.

"Ok?" I asked.

Bry nodded quickly then added, "As ready as I'll ever be!"

We made contact and it was as if a huge torrent of power engulfed us -- that unique feeling of forbidden sex being about to happen. Wild electric shocks seemed to travel all through me, bursting in pulses from where our bodies interacted, right down to my toes and up into my head. For a moment I felt as if I could explode -- as if I was flying and then reality returned and I paused where I was.

And that place was totally embedded inside my sister's pussy, my stiff penis held gently by the confining shape of her vagina.

In a moment of clarity we looked at each other and as we did so huge smiles broke out as we both realised how happy and comfy we were with the situation.

"Wow, talk about a shock!" said Bry with an accompanying chuckle, "I'd kind of dreamed of this but never expected it to happen."

"And me," I nodded back, "Oh Bry, you're so amazing -- I love you!"

We kissed, our lips meeting quickly and easily, our tongues intertwining deliciously, our hearts beating fast but as one, our hands caressing, stroking and soothing each other and it was incredible! Nothing had really prepared me for this moment and yet, as our faculties returned, it all made sense. We'd been forever-friends really and this was the culmination of our feelings.

I thrust, slowly, experimentally and deeply and was rewarded by Bry's lips sucking hard at me and her fingers squirming against my back.

"Yessss!" she hissed happily, "Do it lover, do it -- gently in and out."

Slowly I let the rhythm of life take over, its urges making me move and as I did so I felt Bry start to respond, her vagina gripping me in waves that did little for my composure. I slid in and out of her tightening vagina a little faster now, creating the wonderful friction that would culminate in an eruption -- hopefully in both of us and as I did so, Bry began making those lovely feminine gasping noises and cries that turn me on so much.

"Ahhh, uhhhh Chris, yesss!" she sighed as her body responded to our actions, "Ooooh, ooooh, ahhhh -- yes, like that -- oh Chris!"

I pounded her harder now, feeling my own tension rising as our bodies writhed together with Bry's legs now wrapping themselves around my waist. I felt the way her hole was sucking at me, clutching my cock deliciously and I could swear that the temperature inside her was rising too.

"You ok? I asked solicitously, "Shall I keep going?"

"Don't stop, don't you dare stop!" she panted by return.

"And why's that?" I teased despite having no intention of stopping yet.

"Cos I'm gonna... gonna cum any minute!" she gasped urgently, "Pleeeeese don't stop!"

So far as that was concerned, I had no alternative now because my own orgasm was suddenly approaching. I'd thought that I was good for several more minutes of firm pounding but I was wrong!

"Yeah, so am I," I answered quickly, as I began to lose control of my body, "Ohhh fuck, it's cumming, I know it is!"

"Let it go, do it!" demanded Bry as she squeezed my cock with her internal muscles, "Come on and I'll cum with you, I know it."

There was no stopping my orgasm now -- not that I wanted to anyway -- but suddenly huge spasms were jerking my body around, slamming my penis into my sister's hole, driving me quickly towards the edge. Suddenly I felt everything seize up inside and I knew that the moment had arrived.

"Cumming!" I grunted as I felt the first spasms driving my spunk from my penis, "Uhhh, oh fuck, uhhhh!"

"Oh Chris -- me too!" cried Bry loudly, "Ohhh Chris -- I'm cumming!"

The next few moments were lost as we both threw ourselves into powerful climaxes. I felt Bry's body opening up for me, devouring my cock and my cum. I felt her body pulsating all around me and felt her legs tighten around my hips, pulling my cock deeper into her. I felt the blood rushing through my veins as everything came to a delightful climax until finally we both slumped, Bry's legs falling from around me; my body resting hotly and heavily on hers, our lungs working overtime.

Eventually I regained my senses and pushed myself up from her slightly, then looked down at her sweaty, smiling, wonderful face.

"Are you ok?" I asked and she nodded furiously at me, a massive smile covering her face.

"That was -- wonderful!" she said, "That must have been the best fuck I've ever, ever had!"

Her pussy was still gripping my cock but it wasn't the same grip; now she was caressing me internally -- a kind of post-cum smoothing. I jerked my cock by way of response, then felt it beginning to deflate and start to slide from her.

"There's a towel here," I said, "Do you want to use it?"

Bry nodded and having taken the towel from me she slid it between her legs in place of my cock which had now slipped from her.

"I put it there on purpose," she said with a wink, "I didn't actually know we were going to make love but I hoped we would!"

"Cheeky devil!" I laughed back, "Really glad we did."

"So am I," she answered as she lifted her head and kissed me, "Anyway, after you had Mum, there was no way that she was going to have you all to herself!"

"What -- you knew?" I answered, shocked to the core and Bry grinned at me.

"Of course I knew -- Mum told me!" she explained, "But that wasn't going to stop me going out to look for some cock, was it?"

I remained silent with no suitable answer in mind.

"So what happened?" added Bry as she lifted the juice-soaked towel from between her legs, "I found a dickhead instead."

I laughed gently, not sure of the correct response but Bry carried on.

"But I should have listened to Mum actually," she said, "Cos Mum told me how good you were -- and now I've found out, you're going to awfully busy!"

"So you'll be sharing me with Mum?" I asked realising the implications and Bry nodded.

"Yeah, I guess so," she said, "Of course, I'd rather have you all to myself but I can't really complain if I have to share you, can I?"

"Wowwww!" I said, "It's all hard to believe, to be honest."

Bry sat up and having patted her pussy one last time she dumped the towel on a chair and smiled at me.

"What if I tell you that it was all planned?" she said with a wink which left me gobsmacked and unable to answer.

"Yeah, well, Mum and I both got talking about not getting fucked properly," she began, "Mum's on her own so she doesn't get any and I always end up with losers so we decided to make use of you! I mean, we hoped you'd be worth the effort and now you've just proven it so this is the start of a whole new adventure, isn't it!"

"Definitely!" I said, finally able to speak again, "Fancy another round then?"

"Not right now," said Bry, "Anyway, knowing Mum she was listening to us fucking and I bet that she'll want a go tonight."

"Sure will!" said Mum's voice and at that moment she opened the door.

She was naked and looked amazingly hot and eager as she stood there, one hand on a hip and the other between her legs.

"Hi Mum!" said Bry cheerfully, "He was fucking good tonight -- gave me such a great time!"

"Hope you didn't wear him out then," said Mum as she stepped closer to me.

She reached out and found my hand and began tugging me towards her.

"Come on darling boy!" she said lustfully, "My turn!"

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Didn't enjoy the protag at all before the sex started. Sex scenes were good though.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago
" amazing housewife (ahhh, scrub the 'wife' bit since she's divorced"

So she's now just a "house".

Radomir1Radomir1almost 3 years ago

Had a lot of fun.

The story is super.

They love each other. Mom confessed that she dreamed of him when he started growing up.

My sister dreamed about him for years, too. Watched the incest videos. But they were held back by morality. Only failures to find worthwhile partners made a difference.

I think next and children will come from the brother-sister connection. And my mom will be there to support them and cover for them.

But there were inconsistencies in the text. Chris is three years older than his sister. And she asks him if he's grown, his dick? Does he know how to use it?

Thank you.

I wish you good health.

I look forward to hearing more stories.

LegallySaneLegallySanealmost 4 years ago
Chris loved them...

but they didn't love him. He was just a 'boy toy' to them.

rightbankrightbankabout 4 years ago
that was fun

at first it sounded like mum and sis just wanted to use him for their own pleasure,

but it worked out well for all of them.

and a good time was had by all

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Great Story Telling

By-passing the obvious, your story telling ability is wonderful. Great syntax and grammar, too!

Lust4heragainLust4heragainabout 4 years ago
Great story!

I loved reading, the whole story was great.

goducks111goducks111about 4 years ago
5 stars

well written fun sexy story

handyman200handyman200about 4 years ago
Very nice

You always write a good story.

The mother must have lock picking skills, she opened the door the sister had locked.

Still very enjoyable.


CroonyCroonyabout 4 years ago

A very good and erotic story that was well written.

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