Seduced and Broken In Ch. 02

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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 11/28/2023
Created 11/16/2023
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Chapter Two

I stole a sideways glance into the large antique mirror in St. John Jones' elegantly furnished bedroom. It reflected my slender, naked back, shoulders, and invitingly rounded bottom, as my head bobbed back and forth on his thick, long cock. My own penis, considerably smaller but nicely shaped, was intensely erect, pointing horizontally.

When he took me anally, Jones would usually reach around me and manipulate my phallus to a delightful climax. But this was not usually permitted when I fellated him; he said he preferred to keep me on edge and as enthusiastic as possible for our longer encounters. Naturally, as with everything he dictated, I complied, being utterly in awe of him.

I could tell from his guttural sounds and the swelling of his cock in my mouth that he was close to climax, so I increased my tempo, sucking and licking him as lasciviously as possible. The muffled moans I emitted were partly to excite him, but also provoked by my own genuine arousal. Anticipating his gush of seed, I took him as deeply as possible, and he obliged with a fountain of warm come, which I swallowed gratefully. I was able to drink almost all of it -- he hated getting it on his clothes and he obligingly scooped the residue from my chin into my waiting mouth.

This was only the second time I had been invited to accompany Jones to stay at his palatial estate, but although I first set foot there as an inexperienced virgin, a flurry of passionate encounters had already transformed me. His repeated use of my mouth and bottom had made me less of an equal and more of a devoted slave.

I acceded to his every wish - which now included passionately licking his anus, and submitting to regular bare bottom spankings -- and concentrated on learning to please him. This close relationship was entirely new to me, a shy, pretty and reserved younger man. Jones was handsome, confident, athletic, and very wealthy. I could not resist his powerful, dominating personality, and in return he treated me kindly and sometimes affectionately; provided however that I always sought enthusiastically to satisfy him. But then it seldom occurred to me not to do so.

I had had his cock between my lips half a dozen times by now: never before had I been intimate with another. At first my aim was simply to please him, and that still applied. But my natural submissiveness was stimulated when Jones' thick cock ploughed my obedient mouth. It was a combination of the soft skin and rigid state, as well as the sounds Jones made as I fellated him. From them I was able to judge the progress of his pleasure, and adjust as needed.

The degree of enjoyment he was experiencing from my lips and tongue felt to me like an achievement, and if he chose to come in my mouth, I was further fulfilled. Submitting to him naked was, frankly, most stimulating; the feeling that I was his slave was gratifying and made my cock hard. His spurting into my mouth was an epiphany; to be blasphemous, almost a baptism, and I swallowed gratefully.

Having licked him clean, I put his softening cock (still substantial) back in his smallclothes and buttoned his trousers. A respectful knock came at the bedroom door and he waved me into the bathroom, murmuring for me to remain naked. I complied, and heard his butler announce the arrival of a Miss Lucy.

Sex between males was a criminal offence in Queen Victoria's England. But the law posed no risk to someone as wealthy and important as Jones. His servants certainly posed no threat of exposure. For any reason, or no reason at all, he could dismiss them without a "character."

The absence of a positive reference from an employer meant that they could not obtain a position anywhere else. Without manual skills, they would quickly be reduced to utter destitution. Consequently the servants were always extremely circumspect and discreet, affecting to notice nothing and treating me as respectfully as they did their master.

The butler departed, and I emerged, still nude to find a handsome woman of middle age speaking to Jones. Oddly, though expensively dressed her accent was far from aristocratic. She had reddish gold hair, perhaps dyed, a fine figure, and what seemed rather cold pale blue eyes. As I cringed in embarrassment, standing naked before a female old enough to be my mother, she gave me a quick glance and appeared to smile approvingly.

"This is Miss Lucy Chambers, and this is my friend Henry Heseltine. Lucy is an old friend and associate. She's come to measure you for some new clothes."

Jones' tailor had already called, and Jones had ordered me a generous wardrobe. I was not clear whom this lady represented, but despite my chagrin at my nudity she reached out and ran her fingers down my bare back to caress my buttocks. I flinched and tried to cover my bottom and genitals, but she brushed away my hands and continued her explorations.

"Don't be shy, I've seen many naked men." Jones gave a chortle. "My, you are a pretty one. St. John, you have excellent taste as always." Slipping her fingers into my bottom, to my extreme embarrassment, she stroked my anal entrance and circled the small muscular extrusion that his penetrations had created. "I see he's already had you there. He likes to do that to all my girls; he even had me in the rear. But I can certainly see your appeal for him. St. John, perhaps you'll loan him to me so I can explore him there too; I have a rubber item I like to use on pretty, delicate young men's behinds... If you'll leave him with me for a week, I know many of my clients will wish to meet him."

My astonishment at her words was extreme, in spite of her fine clothes and delicious scent. Previously in my world such language would have occurred only in a dream. Jones however was impatient. "Not now, Lucy. Get on with your work." She took a tape measure and applied it to my chest, waist, arms. "With the open back, as you requested? A soft green crushed velvet, perhaps?" Jones nodded.

To my further astonishment, Ms. Lucy pressed her lips briefly against mine and simultaneously tweaked my penis, which despite my embarrassment was standing erect. "Goodbye, St. John, I should have the costume tomorrow afternoon. And goodbye, young Henry, I have a feeling we will be getting to know each other better."

She departed, and I looked to Jones for help understanding this extraordinary encounter. He explained, "Tomorrow evening some very dear friends are coming here to drink wine and play cards. I very much need your help in entertaining them. Lucy is an old acquaintance who also owns a tailoring business. I have ordered an outfit for you to wear at the party. It's most important that you be on your best form."

It had become important above all things to me that I retained Jones' goodwill. I greatly admired him, his strength and status, and he was often very affectionate, kissing and caressing me and giving tokens of his esteem. He did not however tolerate resistance to his desires, and I was very careful to honor his wishes. Consequently when he used my mouth and behind, I worked hard to please him.

To be truthful, after my initial surprise I was coming to enjoy his ministrations very much, delighting in his probings and penetrations. I was increasingly conscious of a fairly constant glowing sensation in my back passage, and eagerly awaited his thrusting cock, whose domination sent me into near ecstasies of sensation.

My sexual skills were steadily growing, so that he would sometimes gasp when I caressed him with my tongue tip, or squeezed his cock with my anal sphincter. And my enthusiasm was clearly very arousing to him, so that he took me repeatedly when I was a guest at his home, pleasing us both.

The following afternoon was a relaxing one. As five o'clock chimed, Jones opened a bottle of champagne - I had never drunk it before meeting him -- and we drank a couple of glasses of the invigorating brew. He also produced a small, dark, sticky pellet, which he said was a sovereign aid to relaxation. At his suggestion I consumed it, then - in anticipation of the guests -- went to take my bath in the magnificent guest bathroom.

In the bath I was conscious of a heightened sensual awareness, which added to my usual enjoyment of the hot water, huge warm towels, and fragrant essences. I felt warm and happy, and washed myself thoroughly, using the clyster (a metal syringe) extensively, since I anticipated that Jones would want me at the end of the evening's entertainment.

It was in something of a pleasant daze that I tied one of the thick fluffy bathrobes around my nude, scrubbed self, and almost floated out into the bedroom, which was a large and palatially furnished suite.

To my slightly drugged surprise, I found both Jones and Miss Lucy waiting there for me. The latter greeted me with an intimate kiss and hug, and gestured to the bed, where lay, amidst a mass of delicate tissue, a long and beautifully detailed dress of green crushed velvet. Puzzled, I looked questioningly at Jones, but it was Miss Lucy who stepped forward to explain.

"Darling, St. John and I feel you would make such a pretty girl. You're so beautifully shaped, your soft hair, perfect skin, bright eyes; you need a beautiful dress for tonight. Here, I'll help you." With that she gently removed my towel, leaving me naked and pink.

The wine and whatever had been in the dark pellet Jones had given me conspired to render me in a dreamy, detached state. Unprotestingly I allowed Miss Lucy to work me into a soft cotton bodice, embroidered beautifully with small flowers. I gazed into the mirror as she pulled hard on the laces; although my waist was already very slim. Following Jones' suggestions, I had allowed my soft fair hair to grow to shoulder length, and regularly shaved what little body hair I had. In spite of my genitals -- now standing tight and erect -- I thought, in my hazy condition, that indeed I looked remarkably feminine.

I lifted each foot in turn and Miss Lucy helped me draw on expensive stockings of white silk, which were clipped to the bodice. On my shaved legs they felt extremely smooth and sensual. I wondered vaguely why there was no underclothing for my lower parts as she slipped my arms into the green dress, which fitted me perfectly and fell to my ankles.

It was as she fastened it behind me that I realized that there was no lower back, and that my bare bottom and the backs of my legs were entirely exposed. I gasped in surprise, and turned in confusion, but Jones intervened.

"Now Henry, you have a beautiful behind. It's a small and select group of my best friends that is coming tonight, and I want to show you off. I'll be very pleased if you help me entertain them. You look lovely, and you must be as obliging as possible." His voice hardened. "And indeed, I expect it."

As he spoke Miss Lucy was quickly and skillfully making up my eyes, reddening my lips, and powdering my naked shoulders. She clipped precious earrings to my small ears, and closed a valuable necklace around my throat. As I stepped away from the mirror, I was intensely aware of my nakedness in the rear, and flushed in embarrassment, looking shyly at the carpet. Miss Lucy lifted each foot and slipped on a pair of satin high heeled evening shoes that fit my small feet perfectly.

The two stepped back and surveyed the result of their work. A young woman, beautifully dressed and made up, stood before them. When she turned, there appeared an exquisitely rounded, flawless pair of buttocks and two shapely legs garbed in gleaming silk. I had to say that I was very taken with this new image, and resolved to go through with whatever the evening would bring.

Seeing my acceptance, Jones smiled charmingly and approvingly. He seized my bottom and squeezed it passionately; I arched my back and smiling, pressed against his hands. I shuddered sensually, looking forward to being impaled on his mighty cock after the party. My back passage convulsed in excitement as I pictured his slow deep entry inside me. I resolved to be as excellent a host -- or hostess -- as he evidently expected.

Miss Lucy was taking her leave; not invited to the party. She kissed me passionately on the lips, stroked my bottom, and told me she expected she would see me soon. The significance of this remark did not become apparent to me till later.

Jones, with much warmth and affection, was instructing me in my role for the evening. There were only three guests, but they were very prominent men with whom he had important business dealings. I was to be welcoming and attentive to their every need. There would be no servants present, so I must assist in serving the drinks and canapes; it was not a dinner party. I rushed to check my appearance and heard the front door opening. Picking up a tray of drinks, I tripped rapidly into the living room to greet the new arrivals.

Three expensively dressed males looked hard at me as I entered. Smiling in welcome, I hastened to offer each one a glass of wine. Two were of Jones' ilk: tall, strongly built, expensively dressed young men of privilege. The third was the same, but a few years older. I could feel lustful gazes on my bare bottom as I presented the tray to each in turn.

Jones introduced me as his dear friend Miss Heseltine; the guests nodded to me, patted my hand gently, then sat down around a long, magnificently carved table and chatted as they drank. The glances they directed at me seemed appreciative. I refreshed their glasses but shy, stayed at a distance.

The atmosphere in the room grew warm and the talk more active as the drinks were passed. I could see Jones in close conversation with the older man. He looked up and beckoned me over.

"Lord Lucan is telling me how much he admires you. Go kneel under the table and show him how much you appreciate the compliment."

Needless to say, this demand flustered me and I hesitated. Thrusting a strong forefinger into my mouth, he hissed to me not to embarrass him in front of his friends and to do as he said. His displays of temper towards me were rare but the more frightening when they occurred; I flinched and dropped down obediently. Ducking my head under the table top, I knee walked across the thick carpet and positioned myself, pressed double by the underside of the table top, in front of the Lord's lap.

His trousers were already unbuttoned and a short stubby cock, fully erect, protruded. Shyly I grasped his cock in my slim fingers and caressed it. He grunted with pleasure. Bowing my head, I opened my lips and kissed the head, then took it into my mouth. The conversation had stopped. I began to suck him slowly, grateful for the concealment under the table, and he moaned again.

It was clear from his sounds and swelling that he was close to coming. I accelerated my oral caresses, and was shortly met with a fountain of semen that filled my mouth. The lord leaned back in satisfaction; I quickly swallowed the warm liquid and wiped my chin to remove any residue. Then, blushing deeply, I slipped from under the table, picked up the drink tray and quickly offered it. The men regarded me strangely, indeed wolfishly, to my consternation; I tried to smile sweetly and obediently, posing demurely in the light of the candelabras..

Ones gave a gesture. The two younger men rose, staggering slightly. To my consternation one grasped my wrists, while the other began to unbutton the fastenings at the back of my dress. Between them they pulled it off in spite of my surprised struggles, then tore off the bodice, sending a spray of buttons across the carpet. I was expostulating wildly, but they paid me no heed at all.

Soon I was naked except for one silk stocking and my satin shoes, helpless and held firmly. One of the men picked up a length of velvet cord and tied my wrists securely in front of me. They took me to a wide doorway, looped the cord over a fixture, and drew me up to stand on tiptoe, writhing and twisting my body in a vain attempt to release myself. I called pleadingly to Jones.

Rather than riding to my rescue, he picked up the stocking from the floor and stuffed it between my lips. Then he stripped off the other stocking and wrapped it tightly around my head, gagging me very effectively. Now I was mute, helpless, pinioned securely on tiptoe in the wide doorway. My arms were stretched high and I could barely touch the floor to support myself. I looked wildly over my shoulders, already shedding large tears, but saw no chance of aid. Instead I saw that a short dog whip and a lithe cane had been left on a nearby cushion.

The older Lord had picked up the dog whip. He tapped my bare bottom with it a couple of times, then swung. A searing pain crossed my tender flesh. I was used to Jones spanking me as a precursor to intercourse, but this was far more severe. I yelped through the silk gag, then squealed as two more cuts burned across me. After three more I was sobbing and struggling vainly.

My punisher stepped behind me and pressed against my inflamed bottom; it was clear that he had already recovered his vigor after my attentions under the table. He then gave up his place to one of the younger men, who picked up the cane and striped me half a dozen times, with increasing severity. I could feel the welts springing up. Then it was the third guest's turn. He struck my bottom, upper thighs and lower back a dozen times at least, so that I screamed hysterically through the gag.

A blessed interval then occurred. I hung naked by my slender wrists in the doorway, sobbing quietly, immensely fearful of the continuation of the chastisement. Instead I heard Jones tell the others not to mark me permanently. They unhooked me and walked me over to a tall ottoman. I was placed there on my hands and knees, where I looked fearfully around at my captors, who surveyed me with apparent keen appreciation.

It was Jones who unbuttoned himself, extracted his erect member and placed himself in front of my upturned, tear streaked face. I opened my mouth obediently and took him in, beginning at once to lick and suck him passionately in the hope that he would end the chastisement. He smiled in satisfaction and allowed me to caress him with my lips and tongue.

Simultaneously I felt a sharp pressure against my anus, where I had fortuitously oiled myself earlier. The older guest's cock slipped inside me fairly easily, and he and Jones commenced to fuck me slowly and deeply. Meanwhile the other two directed my fingers to clasp and fondle their cocks. I realized I was servicing four men at once. It was the most extraordinary sensation, of being used and unable to resist.

In the room there were only the grunts of the men, the wet sounds from my anus and mouth, and a muffled moaning from myself to be heard. I was slippery with sweat, my slim body impaled by the bigger men. A hard smack on my buttock prompted me to begin undulating my hips; Jones pressed deeper into my throat. The two others looked with interest at the shocking scenario, and guided my obedient fingers to caress faster or slower as they favored.

Jones came savagely, quickly followed by the man in my rear; their places were immediately taken by the other two in my unresisting mouth and anus. Occasionally one of the four grasped my cock, which was extremely erect, and fondled it; I responded with a violent and ecstatic writhing. I'm not sure how long this all lasted, or even who did what to me.

I would guess that each of them fucked me twice at least. My face was wet with come, my rectum ached and felt like it was flooded, and I was almost at the end of my strength when one of my partners gripped my cock and carefully manipulated me to what was a shattering, spraying climax. This seemed to coincide with the four finishing in me, and I was allowed to slip to the floor and lie curled up against a sofa.

I cold hear the guests departing - they sounded tired! - and Jones came over to me. He picked me up easily, kissed me affectionately, then carried me to the bathroom where he ran a bath for me. He carefully washed me all over, pressing his fingers gently into my anus to empty it. I was still snuffling and ashamed to look up.