Seduced by the Alphas Ch. 01

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Lidia meets an irresistible foreigner.
14.1k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 05/29/2024
Created 05/24/2024
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I am asked by many what my erotic fantasies would be, and this story is the writing of those. Though I am sure if I was actually faced with them I would be pretty scared. While I was penning my Avarice series, I wondered what the two hunky brothers Aran and Sven would be like if they were living in a more ordered society, and this was the result. I hope you enjoy my wicked thoughts.

This is the pilot episode of my new series, and as you may have noticed each part is markedly longer than my Avarice chapters. I will not be releasing these as frequently because they are a greater volume of writing. But do not fear! I have most of the story written already, including the ending, but it all still needs a little more polish. If you enjoy it don't be shy, let me hear your comments both good and bad, and remember to vote.

I had written the bulk of this a while ago, during a very dark phase of my life. Reading it back I can sure see that in this work, but it's supposed to be a dark story. It was published elsewhere to moderate success. However looking at it now I feel I could do far more with it than I have. So I am reworking it just for Literotica, and I am going to do something a little different than my last series. I will post an accompanying erotic drawing for each chapter. I hope you enjoy this, it's a lot more sexual and raunchy than my other novel here. Probably a much better fit for this website.

The Making of a Slave.

I had always had these secret submissive feelings, ones I had never acted on but often dreamt about. Feelings that I felt could never be openly shared. I harbored them though and held on to them, they were my solace every night as I lay down to sleep, delicious, complicated and wicked. Long I agonized how I could find that someone to complete this strange me. How could I live this fantasy that I had so built up in my mind in a world that vastly shunned my desires? I didn't know, and it burned in me with a passion that would not die.

It was those passions that led me to them, the Alphas. Never in my wildest dreams could I have envisioned living my tale.


It's almost been five years now since I first lay eyes on him, the man who ultimately was to rule my world and my very existence. He who would mold and shape me forever, for good or ill. The pivotal event occurred at a family gathering on July four. That proud American day of national independence and patriotism. It was my family's and my extended family's custom to gather on this day. We did it every year.

Of course as usual my big sister Ava was the life of the party, and I sat quietly on my own in the shade, dreaming of far away things and blotting out Ava's specialness. Life could be so unfair, everyone adored my big sister Ava, yes everyone.

Ava was the most popular girl in school, she was outgoing, beautiful, and shone like a radiant star. Our parents told her she could easily be a model or anything she wanted really, and Ava with all the confidence of a film star strode though life dazzling all in her wake. She had thousands of followers on her Instagram, Whatsapp, and Tic Toc, and what did I have. Well I had a creative streak and an introverted nature, and I lived in Ava's shadow.

The only reason it seemed anyone spoke to me was to get my big sisters attention. I felt like a butler or a handmaiden to a Queen. It was like I never had my own identity. No one saw me at all, but enough of my sister, back to the gathering...

All were welcome, and there were often many who came to these occasions who had very little family association at all. Neighbors, work colleagues, and acquaintances who shared life in the this small town. He was one of those guests, my father's, friends son. A well traveled, aging, but vital Danish man who had currently been employed on a building project. He had thought to bring his youngest son with him that he might see more of the world and work alongside him. I was never formally introduced to him nor his father, but I did remember snippets of conversations my papa had about them at the dinner table with mom.

It was a warm July day, the air thick with humidity, the brooding, building clouds on the far horizon a promise of evening deluge. My mom and I hoped the promised weather did not arrive sooner to spoil the day.

I was nineteen that summer, my sister Ava was twenty one. My younger brother Alex who was fifteen was nowhere in sight. I enjoyed catching up with my cousins, aunts, and uncles, most of us grateful for the fortune our fabulous country had bestowed on us. Yes, America the promised land, however the promise I feel had never really come to my parents as it had to other members of my family. My Father had struggled here from the outset with his rigid inability to adopt new ways. As a result our fortunes had plummeted with him.

You must forgive me for I again digress. The first image I have of him was nothing more than a smile, and what a smile it was, he was golden and handsome with piercing emerald eyes, like some fairy tale prince of my childhood stories. The woman was waking up in me, I no longer wished to be that wallflower that did nothing, and saw no one for the rest of my life. I had begun to really notice men in recent months in a very different way than I had ever viewed them before. However I was still in vast ignorance of the beast that lie beneath.

He asked me my name in his exotically accented voice, I had not expected him to. No one noticed me. I paused before I answered him, and managed to stutter out my name, Lidia, and he just smiled. I could not help thinking he looked like one of those savage Gorean Masters that I read about endlessly in the John Norman novels that I had hidden in my bookshelf.

"What a pretty name," was all said.

I was flattered but so very nervous, so I made some feeble excuse I had to help with the food and left his presence. Besides, Ava was heading our way with her entourage and surely he would pass me over for her enthralling charms.

The rain held off, I hung out with my sister and some of my older cousins. All Ava did was look at her phone and tell me about her followers, constantly putting the iPhone in my face and saying 'Look.'

She irritated me so much I did not think of him any further. As the day wore on I sought the shade of the trees in the reserve, it was hot and oppressive and I sat with a cool drink savoring it and deeply dwelling on my lot. I wanted to be part of the adult world, and do adult things. I was on the precipice of being torn between the two worlds in my crossover into adulthood. I found I would often seek solitude to contemplate these matters, and walk alone.

On this day I did just that, I knew this area well. The stretches of swampland that lie between the white sandy beaches and the seeping back waters were my home. I was so engrossed in my little world I had not noticed him. He had been swimming, he was clad only in pair of shorts, a colorful beach towel carelessly draped over his rippling, muscular shoulder. His great blonde mane was wet with the sea, which today resembled the color of his eyes. He smiled and approached me, he was pleasing to look at and intimidating all in the same glance.

"I never got the chance to tell you my name." He said as he sauntered closer, an easy smile on his face.

I smiled back, I could see he was alone. I felt coy and small, but curious also. He walked right up to me looked me in the eyes, I wanted to look away but I found I could not. He was a very arresting man. Perhaps if I had reacted differently I could have undone the course of my destiny, but little did I know that then.

"My name Lidia, is Master."

My head exploded! Did he just say the magic word? No he couldn't have, what would be the chances of stumbling into someone who had the same predilections as myself? Next to zero surely. I was positive I had misheard him, but with his heavy accent I really didn't know. He looked over my shoulder, I turned to see what he was looking at, but there was no one there. He put his arms about me and my eyes opened wide.

"Shush Lidia." He said.

I was scared, but excited all in the same moment and I didn't fight him as he escorted me off the pathway into the bushes. I remember vividly his hand hard on my arm, he touched the side of my face ever so softly it tickled. No one noticed me, why had he? I did not understand, and the way he was intensely looking at me unnerved me completely. I was fast chickening out on this big, sexy adventure.

"I have to go now." I stammered weakly, and yet my curious mind was telling me to stay.

"Not yet." Was all he said.

Before I could react further in a very practiced move he reached his warm hand under my dress. I could smell the sea salt in his hair. He reached into my panties and pushed his large finger into a place until then had never been touched by anyone but myself, and then only during my pathetic solo afternoon interludes, that left me moaning and wet, while I imagined a fictional Dominant doing with me what he desired.

His big fingers hurt a little, and I made small whimpering noises as I twisted on his invading finger, my face burrowed into his chest.

"Good girl." He persuaded. "I can tell you like it."

He was right I did.

He whispered seductively so close to my ear. "Be still and listen."

It was hard to, his assault on my insides was all I could think of.

"You sweet Lidia are marked for me, I have watched you from the first. One day you will be my special slave girl, that I promise." His voice was quiet, almost a whisper as he pressed his huge warm body against mine.

He had said the magic words! 'Slave Girl" Yes that was me, and I was all in. I wanted more, far more, but there was this voice in my head telling me no. I needed to go, to break this off. The woman in me wanted his passions, but the girl feared this new strangeness. Too much too soon that girl inside cried. Perhaps I should have listened to that voice. However my senses were reeling in his proximity. I don't even remember what I said as I twisted free from his hot embrace.

Once freed from his grasp I ran from the woods back to the safety of the gathering. No one had even noticed my absence. They were all talking to or looking at Ava of course. The dark shadow had returned and I sighed, I was tired of my sister raining on my parade.


That evening there was much excited chatter around the dinner table, the family talking about relatives they had not seen for some time. The gossip both positive and otherwise. After all the party food of earlier in the day I don't really think that any of us were especially hungry, there was far more conversation than eating.

I was though quite zoned out, busy with my own internal monologue. I could not get the extraordinary events of the afternoon out of my head. Was this gorgeous man offering me the very thing I had craved since my earliest memories? If he truly was I had to go pursue it, but it was a frightening thing to contemplate. How would I extricate myself from my family situation? It hardly seemed proper to just tell them the truth. I didn't have a job, or school on the horizon as a cover to move out of home...

A sudden nudge from my sister, rudely interrupting my train of thought.

"What's with you Lidia, you have hardly said a thing all evening."

"Oh I think I have a headache from all the hot sun." I lied.

I thought about the handsome man often, the scent of him, the way he felt so solid, hot and strong against me. My little afternoon interludes were now all about him, my exotic barbarian from far away.


I did not see him again for almost two weeks, but the July four interlude had left an indelible impression on my mind. I did not tell anyone, but kept 'our' little secret. Part of me, the girl who never got noticed was indeed flattered by his attention. I had never been noticed by anyone I liked in my life; but this exotic, golden man, he had noticed me. I had begun to daydream of him and he became in an oblique fashion my handsome prince that would rescue me from my sister's shadow, and all my woes.


He surprised me as I rounded the corner on the busy street packed with summer tourists. I felt startled and a little nervous, but as we were in a public place I knew I was quite safe. He had dirty work clothes on and was covered in concrete dust, even through this he still shone.

"Hello Lidia."

Again the arresting smile. I smiled up at him in kind and paused, I didn't want to look too stupid in my over eagerness in his presence.

It was all he needed. "I have something for you he said." As he fumbled in his blue jeans pocket.

There were people pressing past us oblivious to our little interlude. He placed a tiny maroon box in my hand with gold metal edges. I gasped.

"Open it," he encouraged.

I did slowly, to reveal a delicate little silver ring with an enameled blue bird on it. I had never received a gift like this from a man.

"It's the bluebird of happiness, for you. The most beautiful girl in the world." He said. I did not know what to say.

I hid the little box containing the ring down the bottom of my jewelry box, buried deep beneath the cheap brightly colored baubles of my childhood past. I longed to wear it but I did not dare, fearing it would raise too any unanswerable questions. He was a lot older than I, and I knew my family would not like this. Instead I just peeked at it furtively when my sister was no where about, butterflies in my stomach. I felt like a jewel thief who had in my possession a stolen diamond.


The next time I encountered him was a few days later, again in a public setting. He called to me as I was crossing a car park near his work site, I must confess I had not happened this way by accident. I had hoped to at least catch a glimpse of him. This time he beckoned me to his work truck. I was wary, and he presented me with a beautiful silver bracelet, on the inside of it was etched the words 'My slave.' In beautiful cursive.

I was paralyzed on seeing these two small words etched into the silver, I had not mistaken what he had said to me in the reserve on July four, he did say Master, and he wanted me to be his. I made a mental note that tonight I was going to study all the Kajira positions and remember them by heart to surprise him with. Yes he would like that. My blood was pounding in my ears, he wanted me, he had claimed me, I was his slave. How did he know my innermost thoughts? Was I really so terrible at hiding them?

He placed the bracelet on my wrist, I had numerous others and it blended in with them. I had decided that I would already wear it, and not hide it away as I had shamefully done with his previous gift.

"I see you do not wear my ring?" He commented, looking at my fingers adorned with numerous cheap ones. I was embarrassed he had noticed and did not know what to say. "You did not like it?" He questioned.

"Oh, no, no, not at all, I loved it." I replied feeling ever so awkward.

"But you prefer these to mine?" Again he gestured at my hands. I felt I had slighted him, and worse still belittled his beautiful gift. I mumbled something equally foolish about not wanting to risk losing it.

All he said was, "Lidia we cannot go through life fearful of what me might lose."

He was of course right.


In August I saw him many times, always in public. He did not do anything untoward or the least bit improper as he had done in the reserve that day, and I confess I was somewhat disappointed. Perhaps he didn't really fancy me after all, and had decided I would not make a very good slave, or maybe he had found someone else? As the summer came to a close, my disappointment rose to wrap me in a melancholy. Perhaps indeed I was not good enough, he was so handsome after all.

However I could not let him go, and spent my time trying to discover everything I could about him. In time I learned his Name was Frej Eriksen, and I believe he was thirty. A good ten years my senior. My family would definitely not like that at all. Yet I still hunted him down, I wanted to be as visible and available to him as I could.

The Alabama summer heat, the beach, white clean sands, blue skies, the colorful planked beach houses, and the hubbub of the endless stream of tourists that pass me by. I see him, he looks at me as I pass, capturing me in the thrall of his vibrant stare, he smiles lazily and shows his perfect white teeth. He is unshaven, sporting the stubble of many days, and he is warm, it is too warm for him here; patches of perspiration beneath the arms of his light blue work shirt attest to his discomfort. He is taking a beer at an outside table of a cafe. He does not come here for the seafood, but only to watch passers by and drink. It is indeed a perfect location for such sport, and I know he has been waiting for me.

I pause, I always do, I don't want anyone I know to see me with him. It's silly I know but I don't. It's not that I would be ashamed, it's more I know what I engage in would cause friction at home, and we already had enough of that with my and Ava's disagreements, and Mom and Dad's quarrels.

Rumors travel fast in this small tourist town, my parents do not need to know, at least not yet. Yes, I am beginning to grow up, and I'm also beginning to accumulate secrets. A small feeling of excitability in my stomach, as I walk beneath the shade of the veranda and sit down at his table. I decide to maintain some decorum of distance, yet part of me yearns to sit close and touch him. This is a dangerous liaison, but I find I am inextricably drawn.

So as a consolation I sit opposite him, he smiles at me wolfishly, his rugged charm most irresistible. He leans forward, I feel so small before him, he is easily three times my size. If I was a beauty he would be my beast. His hands fascinate me. So large and strong, and I think of them on me and inside me as he did that day at the party in the nature reserve, not so far from these white shores.

His arresting emerald eyes alight on a young waitress as she passes by our table, she stops and asks him what he wants. He captivates all in his path, just like Ava does. Yes I know the kind. It is so enticing to at last be drawn into the world of adult intimacies. My skin tingles, and so do other forbidden places as I sit attempting to appear indifferent to my companion opposite.

The waitress brings a menu and sets it before me, she smiles. She is not that much older than I, he is looking at her as a lion views his pride. Yet at that moment I was so naive, so untried in the bounds of love, and the wiles of a man, especially an insatiable, deviate man like Frej Eriksen to truly see.

This time I will not disappoint him, I proudly display his gifts. I have chosen clothing that he might like, my tightest pair of jeans and my black top with the plunging neck line. I so desire to please him above all things. I'm hungry, I don't get much opportunity to eat out on our families tight budget, and there had been nothing at home to eat but stale Cheerios for breakfast. Unappealing indeed. Last night only heated up leftovers and the acrimony of my parents arguments to fill me.

I order, hesitantly, though I am hungry I am also so nervous it's difficult to eat. I sense he is being very careful in public. I want to touch him beneath the table, to feel the large solidarity of his muscled frame. He downs the mug of pale beer which he affectionately dubs 'water' an a few easy gulps and orders another, he is not looking at my face but at my cleavage, my cheeks burn under his observation. I hope he approves.

His eyes say one thing, his words say another. He sits, burning me with his animal gaze, uttering small talk. I do the same twisting my hands in my lap, I am looking at the ring he has so recently gifted me. The one I hide from my parents and my sister, as a tainted thing. My heart pounds, he is everything I have always fantasized about, part actor, part rock star, part fairy tale prince. Yet he is a normal man, a man who works his days building with steel and mortar. I know I cannot stop this game he has enacted. Like a good book I can't put down, I now must read until the end.