Seducing Jennifer Pt. 23-24


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We turned and walked toward the gym and sauna. And indoor pool. When we were out of hearing range of Carlo, I sang softly, "Livin' it up at the Hotel California...such a lovely place...such a lovely face..."

Tommy chuckled and finished it for me. "Relax, said the night man... We are programmed to can check out any time you like, but you can NEVER leave!"

I sobered suddenly. "It's kind of starting to feel that way, Dude. Seriously. This whole thing is like a dream." And not as nice as some other ones I've had recently, I thought to myself.

We toured the downstairs facilities and then checked out the roof before going back to Suite 74. The girls were seated at the table, books open before them, chattering busily, but it didn't sound like school work to me. "And Tommy can be so polite and attentive when he wants to be! And so handsome too! His skin is like black velvet, I just always want to touch it!"

"Hey there pretty ladies!" I interrupted. "Studying hard, I see."

Mary Louise blushed deeply. "We were discussing, um, world history. The period after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Up to now."

"Great!" I said. "We were discussing the same thing. So maybe we should all discuss it together."

"Isn't it about lunch time?" Tommy asked. "I always study better after a full meal."

"Tommy!" Mary Louise began ominously, "Jennifer and I have decided that we will study for at least two more hours and then go out for lunch. So come and sit here beside me and we will all study together. Tommy obediently pulled a chair close to Mary Louise's and sat down. I couldn't be sure, but it looked like their knees were touching under the table.

I sat next to Jennifer and slipped my hand between her thighs. She squirmed and removed it. I put it back. She sighed, shot Mary Louise a significant look, and left it there. "So where shall we start," she said.

"Maybe with the northward migration of, uh, manual labor?" I suggested casually, inserting a finger under the hem of Jennifer's shorts. She had panties on under her shorts. Bummer.

"I believe that trend is reversing," Jennifer said, firmly pushing my hand back down toward her knee.

Mary Louise and Tommy looked at each other and smiled knowingly. "You know," Tommy said, "maybe you and Jennifer should study together in another room, and Little Red and I could work out a, ah, lesson plan."

"No!" Jennifer and Mary Louise said in unison. "You guys stay where you are, and keep your minds on business."

We finished off the meager remains of the history course and moved on to Honors Physics. We were all 'A' students, so even this subject was not terribly challenging. My hand rested comfortably against Jennifer's crotch, and she had given up on removing it. We moved on to Economics.

"Speaking of supply and demand," my supply of energy is diminishing and I'm about to demand some food," Tommy said. "Whatcha got for lunch, Chief?"

"We're going out for lunch," Mary Louise reminded him.

"Uh, yeah; about that," I said. "There's a nice restaurant right here in the hotel, and I can just sign for the bill, so maybe we ought to go there? They have pizza..."

"Sounds good to me," Tommy said, pushing his chair back. "Let's do this thing. You girls need to go shake the dew off your lilies or anything before we go?"

"Tommy!" Mary Louise said severely. "Try to have a little couth, please!" She rose from her chair and stood, turning to Jennifer. "You want to stop by the restroom before we go?"

"Sure," Tommy said.

"Not YOU! Girls only!" Jennifer and Mary Louise disappeared into the princess bedroom and Tommy and I waited by the front door.

"Fuck me," Tommy whispered. "I could hardly think there at the table because all my blood was trapped in my dick. That Mary Louise...any time I get close enough to smell her, it's instant boner."

"I know exactly what you mean," I commiserated. "My dick has been up and down so many times it thinks it's an elevator."

"Mine is trying to disprove a basic law of physics. You know, 'What goes up must come down.' Not necessarily true, Dude." We laughed and bumped fists.

"Hey," I said, "Maybe after lunch we ought to do a little private studying. Jennifer and I could go in her bedroom, and close the door, and you and Mary Louise could have a little, uh, teacher's conference."

"Sweet! I'm up for it." Tommy chuckled throatily.

The girls came out of the bathroom, eyeing us suspiciously. "What are you two talking about?" Mary Louise asked, taking his hand.

"Economics," I said. "Physics," Tommy said. We laughed. The girls sighed and exchanged glances.

In the elevator Mary Louise and Tommy stood on one side, holding hands, and Jennifer and I stood on the other. I put my hand on her waist and pulled her against me, kissing her forehead. She leaned against me and I could feel her stiff little nipples against my stomach. She wasn't wearing a bra, at least.

"Told you, Red. They can't keep their hands off each other for five minutes," Tommy said.

"I think it's sweet," Mary Louise said. "I like to see people in love. It makes me feel all squiggly inside."

We all walked down to the hotel restaurant. The dining room was truly awesome, with soaring ceilings, crystal chandeliers, and roaring-twenties décor. An impeccably dressed Maître D' escorted us to a corner table. We were the only customers in the place. He seated the girls with a flourish and handed us all heavy leather-covered menus, then left us.

We flipped open the menus and studied the selections, which were described both in Italian and in English. There were no prices.

"Sweet Jesus," Tommy whispered. "Can we afford this place? I got like twenty bucks on me. Which might cover the water..."

"I got this, Dude," I said. "Don't sweat it. If you're going to come all the way over here to help us out, I can take care of food and stuff."

Jennifer nodded. "We really do appreciate this, guys. And if there's ever anything we can do for either of you, just name it."

We all studied our menus and agreed on an extra-large Sicilian pizza with ripe olives, mushrooms, pepperoni, prosciutto and extra cheese. A starched and pressed waiter took our order. "Anything to drink?" he asked.

"You got a nice Chianti?" Tommy asked innocently.

"We'll all have iced tea," Jennifer told the waiter firmly.

"And the antipasto platter to share," I added. The waiter bowed and disappeared into the kitchen.

"I need to visit the ladies' room," Mary Louise said to Jennifer. "You want to come with me?"

We helped them out of their seats and they headed for the restrooms.

"Shit-fire," Tommy said. "They just went ten minutes ago. And why do they always have to go together? They have to hold each other's panties while they pee or something?"

"They're going in there to discuss their plans for the afternoon, not pee, Doofus," I said. "Bet you a dollar their plans are pretty much the same as ours. But they'll never admit it. They have to make you think it was all your idea, or they feel slutty."

"Hope you're right, Dude," Tommy said morosely. "But I'll take that bet anyway. I ain't even got to first base yet. And I got a couple of foul balls on me already. So it's kind of iffy."

"Just keep on swinging, Studly. You'll hit one out of the park if you can be patient for a while."

The girls came back, smiling secretively at one another and giggling just as the waiter served the antipasto platter. "Buon appetito," he said as he left.

"Oh my, but he's a smooth one," Mary Louise said appreciatively. "And aren't Italians supposed to be the world's experts in, mm, seduction?"

Tommy glared at her. "Of course," she added hastily, "I've heard that they find it necessary to try to seduce everything on two legs. So that would be a definite deal-breaker for me." She batted her eyes innocently at Tommy. "I need a man who finds me completely irresistible, to the exclusion of all others."

"Hard to find one who wouldn't," Tommy muttered, picking at the antipasto. "Unless maybe he prefers little boys."

"Why, thank you, Tommy!" Mary Louise gushed. "You deserve a big reward for that lovely complement."

Tommy perked up instantly. "You know, " he said, "I'm not real hungry after all. Maybe me and Little Red should go back to the room and let you two have some privacy. You could bring us the left-over pizza when you're done."

"Sit, Tommy. We're going to have a nice, quiet luncheon and we'll discuss rewards later. If you're good and you eat all your vegetables."

The pizza was served, and we all ate ravenously. It was different, but delicious. They certainly didn't have anything like that at Domino's. When we were finished the girls found it necessary to visit the bathroom once again. The elegant waiter materialized at the table and handed me a leather folder. "You may sign for this and it will be applied to your account, Sir," he told me. "Including gratuity."

I signed with a flourish and thanked him. "Sweet bleeding Jesus," Tommy said, rolling his eyes. "Where do I get one of those accounts?"

"You don't," I said. "But stick with me and you won't need one."

Upstairs in the suite we all stretched and yawned, and I suggested a quick nap before going back to work. Tommy was quick to agree, and the girls feigned reluctance, but I noticed them glancing at each other with sparkling eyes. "We'll take Jennifer's room and you two can take mine," I offered generously.

"No bedroom for us!" Mary Louise interjected. "So you two can just stay in your own rooms, and we'll rest out here." She smirked at Jennifer, who glared back.

"You two could try that big leather sofa," I told them. "There's plenty of room for both of you." I went into my bedroom and closed the door firmly. Jennifer and I met in the connecting bathroom and she flew into my arms. "Oh, Jacky!" she moaned into my mouth. "I want you so much I can't stand it!"

"I know what you mean," I said faintly, putting a hand on her firm breast. "Let's go to my room. In case you might like to get naked."

"You WISH!" She smiled demurely, but I saw mischief in her pale blue eyes. "You go ahead. I need to make a stop in my dressing room. Just to freshen up a little."

"The bidet again?" I teased. "I'm starting to get jealous of that thing."

A tinge of color flushed her neck and cheeks. "Maybe. But that's none of your business."

"I think maybe the Rule applies here," I said, kissing her warm neck near an ear. "I think I need to be present when you use that thing from now on."

"I guess that's fair," she said, blushing furiously. "I got a little carried away the last time..."

"I'll carry you away," I said, scooping her up in my arms. I carried her to the dressing room and set her down gently. We undressed each other, pausing to stroke and kiss along the way, and when she stood naked before me my heart was stuttering like a snare drum. She climbed onto the bidet and I stood close behind her, my hands on her shoulders and my stiff cock against her spine as she adjusted the taps. Warm water bubbled up from the spout beneath her and she sighed happily.

"This feels almost as nice as what you do to me," she said. "But not quite."

I slipped my hands down between her parted thighs and spread the lips of her pussy, letting the warm water massage her tiny clit. "The Rule says watch. Not assist," she whispered.

"It's vague on that point," I told her, nudging her stiffening clitty with my finger. "If there are no objections from either party, it should be OK."

"No objections here," Jennifer sighed.

I played with her pussy until she started to squirm, then kissed the top of her head and stepped back. Interesting to see it from her perspective. She really couldn't see much. "You go on ahead now," she said after a few more minutes. "Turn down the bed while I dry off and I'll be right in."

I was lying in the middle of the huge mirrored bed, the blankets thrown back to reveal black satin sheets when she glided into the room. She was wearing only the transparent peignoir from the night before. She stopped in the doorway and let me have a good look at her sinuous form. "Maid Jennifer, as you requested, Master," she said timidly. "How may I serve you?"

New game. New rules. You had to be quick on your feet with these Crowley women. "First you may remove that ridiculous house-coat," I told her gruffly. "Then you will join me in this bed."

"But that's not in my job description," she said plaintively. "I'm only a house-maid. Not one of your many concubines."

"It is now," I said severely. "You've been promoted. Now get over her and be quick about it."

She slowly pulled the fastening string of the peignoir until the bow-knot came apart and the filmy garment slithered to the floor. She climbed onto the high mattress and knelt beside me, one arm covering her breasts and the other hand tucked between her thighs. "What is my master's pleasure?" she asked, her eyes downcast.

"You are," I said, "as you know full well. Now lie here beside me and do not hide your body with your hands. I want to see all of you."

She obeyed, resting her golden head on my outstretched arm. She looked up at the mirrored canopy above us and her eyes widened. "Gee Whillickers, Jacky! That looks like tiny little me in bed with a big naked savage!"

Muffled sounds came from the next room, first Tommy's deep bass growl and then Mary Louise's tinkling giggle. "Sounds like they're getting along splendidly," I said.

"Oh, she's crazy for him, you know. She's had the worst crush on him for years, but he never looked twice at her."

"I'm pretty sure he's looked more than twice," I smiled. "He just figured it was hopeless. Hey; I never knew you and Mary Louise were such good friends."

"We weren't, really, but I think we're about to be. She's really sweet when you get to know her, not like the spoiled little rich bitch she pretends to be. Her father is a bank president, you know. I think they have connections to the Kennedy family."

And the Kennedy family have connections to certain shady Italian gentlemen, I thought. Things were starting to add up in an odd way. "Well, Tommy is nuts about her too, so I hope things work out for them."

"Me too. But I'm afraid that part of Tommy's appeal is the forbidden-fruit thing. Her parents would put her in a convent if they ever knew she was seeing a black guy. It could turn into a real Romeo and Juliet story."

I pulled her into my arms and kissed her until we were both short of breath. Jennifer looked up at the mirror again. "It's so strange seeing us from this perspective," she mused. "I never imagined we looked like that together. Kind of like ebony and ivory," she giggled, "Or in this case, more like red velvet cake with cream-cheese frosting."

"I always liked the frosting best," I said, rolling to face her and slipping my hand between her thighs. "I like to lick it all off..."

"Oooh, Jacky! That's so nasty-sounding! It makes me feel squishy all over!"

"The thing with frosting is, you start with the peaks," I said, sliding down to suck her small breasts into my mouth one at a time. "And then you explore the valleys..." I kissed my way down to her diminutive pussy, and slid my tongue between the tangy folds.

"Mixed metaphors, Jacky. We need to work more on English Lit."

"I prefer English clit," I murmured against her soft cleft. I tasted her wet snatch and licked upward to tease her clitty with the tip of my tongue.

"I'm feeling useless here," she gasped after a few minutes. "Lie on your back, Jack. I'll do you for a while."

Another burst of giggling from the other room, then silence.

Jennifer knelt beside me to take my cock in her mouth and I lifted her hips to meet my face. She put her thighs over my shoulders and we enjoyed each other until she began to shiver and I knew she was about to come. I slid the end of my thumb into her hot snatch and teased her tiny anus with a forefinger, then slid it in just a little. "I'm coming, Jacky!" she sobbed around my throbbing meat. "Come with me! Come in my mouth!"

She shuddered above me and I spurted a hefty load into her warm mouth. I could feel her swallowing frantically, trying to choke it all down, until she collapsed against me and my cock slid out of her warm mouth. She crawled up to lie next to me again, and I held her tight and pulled the sheet up to cover us.

"I love you, Jennifer," I told her as we drifted off to sleep. "I love you soooo much."

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Yobo36Yobo36almost 10 years ago
Mr. Vholes?

I also enjoy your replies to comments. I would not be surprised if we later discover Mr. Vholes to be a Medicine Man or Spirit guide. This story is very enjoyable, full speed ahead. I am just beginning Chap. 25.


jacktar48jacktar48about 10 years agoAuthor
Oh, Louis, You Really Get It

I see that someone has been paying attention...and not only that, it would appear that your opinions regarding spiritual matters mirror my own. The Roman Invasion was responsible for devastation on an unimaginable scale, not only physical destruction but a much more insidious subversion of religious and cultural systems that, as you say, were working quite well.

I find it most interesting that when the Emperor Constantin declared that the world would immediately be required to adopt Christianity as its only allowable religion, he exempted himself from that decree. He chose to remain a pagan. So much for the theory that he was convicted by God to create this havock. It was purely motivated by greed, as usual, and the consequences have been horrible in the extreme. Nearly two millennia later we are still murdering each other over insignificant doctrinal disputes. And using this perverse religion as an excuse to rob and enslave each other while feeling righteous about it.

Now I know there are going to be squeals of outrage over this. Get real, people; I respect your right to observe any religious practices that work for you, but I get a very bad attitude when you decide that you have to force it on me or anyone else.

Regarding Celtic tradition, almost entirely destroyed at this point, we have a member of our Ceremonial Grounds who is part Irish and is trying to revive some of those Ancient Traditions for those who are interested. There are some most intriguing similarities to Native American spiritual concepts. I haven't been to any of their ceremonies, but I wholeheartedly support this effort. It can only help in the long run.

I wish you the utmost success in your search for spiritual balance. Keep using the logical resources the Creator gave you. It's the only thing you can really trust.

LouisCipher01LouisCipher01about 10 years ago
Good for a laugh.

jacktar48, I find your replies as interesting as your writing. I will admit to a chuckle or two when reading them. Keep on doing it your way. I, for one, have no problem with the dream sequences. I find them entertaining. I am a lay student of Native American culture. Many of the people have lost much of their lore and knowledge of the old ways. I am of Celtic ancestry. There is almost nothing left after the coming of the Christian faith. I have found much of what is out there is supposition and New Age psychobabble. Anyway, off the soap box and on the next chapter. I strongly suspect that Vholes' herbal tea has something to do with the dreams. He mentioned an effect that might be perverted. Anna crazy? Not bloody likely. She knew what was coming and was trying to prepare Jack to take care of her daughter. She knew they would not make it apart. Unorthodox by society's standards but then isn't that part of your message? The various Native American tribes had their own systems THAT WORKED FOR THEM and were no less valid then the ones of the foreign invaders. Whoops. There is that soap box again. Keep the story rolling and I will be right behind hanging on every word.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Good story

Personally I found Jennifer's mum really hot, I loved the role playing and sex games....... I hope she isn't dead as she still has alot to teach Jennifer...... Keep it up

jacktar48jacktar48about 10 years agoAuthor
Thanks for the explanation

You bring up a very interesting point: you, as well as other people, seem to find the dream sequences less erotic than the "real" world scenes, even though they are all fictitious. I even tend to agree with this, but I don't really understand why it should be that if someone tells a story as if it were true, even though the listener knows it is a lie, it is more interesting than a story that begins with "You won't believe the dream I had last night."

Traditional Native Americans have generally found dreams to be as interesting as "real life" experiences and often more so. Intellectually I believe that dreams are just another form of "real life," and as some quite interesting research has shown, humans up to the age of about seven are unable to distinguish between dreams and "reality."

But as I believe Sherman Alexie once noted: If an Indian tells you he is "traditional," you can be sure that Indian is a liar." I cannot deny that we have lost much, and I am not as "traditional" as I think I would like to be. But I have a strong suspicion that some of our cultural heritage is firmly encoded within our DNA....

I understand that when you began reading the series you did not intend to commit to reading a novel. That's OK. I didn't intend to write one, either. But I am committed to finishing it, and as long as one person remains interested enough to read it, I will continue postings. The rest can ignore it, skim through, or just pick out the sexy parts. (Cliff Notes version available at end of series. Includes index of major sex scenes with notations as to which are dream sequences and which are "real life" lies.)

Since the book is not finished, and even I do not know everything that may happen, I would request that you refrain from making comparisons to "train wrecks" or any other unnatural disasters. As I have previously stated: No one is paying for this. I get paid in comments. Other people may enjoy reading it, and if they do we both win and don't even have to pay tax on it. It is nothing more than a rough draft, and there will be serious flaws. But if it were a finished piece you would be paying $29.95 for the privilege of disliking it.

BiggamusBoyRexBiggamusBoyRexabout 10 years ago
You Still Haven't Gotten Back to What Made This Tale Interesting

Yes, you eventually brought Jennifer back (as I have previously requested anonymously) but what really really appealing in this story was the tension between Jennifer and her mom. You wrote that part really well.

However, all the good will you earned with me early on was squandered when Jack went away with the whack-job Anna. She may yet prove to be crazy like a fox but I pretty much have lost interest in her. I'm glad she's gone. In fact, I skipped over a large part of the weekend at the lake house as the game playing by the mom just didn't appeal to me. Neither did her out-and-out criminal activity (fraud, arson, and, if not murder, conspiracy to commit murder.)

So, while Jennifer has been brought back, since her mom is nowhere to be found, we're still missing that tension between mother and daughter. Neither the virginal Jennifer nor her crazy mother are interesting enough by themselves. They need each other to be appealing.

You lose me completely with those parts of the story that deal with dreams. It strikes me as being preposterous that Jack and Jennifer can share the same Native American dream even though she appears to be a white as snow. (Even if Jennifer were Native American, I would still find the concept difficult to accept.) I just skip over them.

Add to those complaints the cartoon characters that pass for the corrupt police lieutenant and his idiot lackey as well as a lawyer who seems to have come out of the Rocky Horror Picture Show and I understand the frustrations of one of the other commenters.

Just as I, too, was ready to give up on this tale, with the introduction of a potential love interest for Tommy (who may be your most well-drawn character,) we have the possibility of all sorts of group sex as well as some girl-girl action with Jennifer and Mary Louise. I mean, your title is "Seducing Jennifer." That leaves open the possibility that many people, not just Jack, might be partaking in that activity. (If Jennifer were to learn what a slut her mother really is, maybe she would follow in her mom's footsteps, particularly, when she realizes what a hypocrite her mother has been all along.)

But, given the many missteps that have been committed so far, this tale is sort of a train wreck. As much I know I should just move on, I still feel compelled to keep looking. I don't know why but I do.

jacktar48jacktar48about 10 years agoAuthor
Thanks for ALL comments

Thank you for the positive comments. I intend to try to give people a hint of sexual behavior from a purely aboriginal point of view. Margaret Meade's "Coming of Age in American Samoa" gave us some hints in a very dry and distinctly non-erotic context. I would get bored writing that, personally, although I did read it.

My explicit scenes, as well as providing entertainment value (to myself as well as to others) may serve to remind people that there have been times and places where people were not shamed into denial of their sexual desires. Despite the best efforts of certain religious practitioners, there are still isolated enclaves of people who vaguely remember how things used to be...and imagination serves to provide the rest. And you don't have to be Native American, or African -- the Irish and the original Britins, among others, also have rich and interesting histories that were not entirely subsumed by the Roman invaders.

For the troll(s): I can have your inane comments removed from the site and have done so several times. But you know what? Your obvious petty jealousy and attempts to discourage me only serve to provoke contrary comments by others. And I have been crapped on by experts, so your feeble attempts are humorous at worst. So go on ahead with it and may the Creator give you a less bitter soul next time around.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Great Story

I am finding your story both unusual and very interesting. I am not

American and the characters culture is fascinating.

Please continue.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
My '5' Says It All - Ignore the BS...

...from those critics. You're doing a fine job of plot development and some of us are enjoying it with enthusiasm

I've made several comments and henceforth I'll note them with my initials ram so you can track them.

Keep it coming.

Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Don't Say That...

The author will get his panties in a bunch and start crying. His masterpiece belongs in the toilet.

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