Seducing Zoe Pt. 01


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Zoe didn't reply as she added Lisa's number to her phone book.

"So, do you have family?" Lisa asked her.

"Yeah," she glanced up briefly, "I've got one brother and two sisters, all older than me."

"What do they do?"

"Derek is an engineer, he lives in Singapore with his wife and children," she took a sip, "Amy is living in London with her boyfriend, and Tina is married to an officer, she's expecting her second child but she used to be a kindergarten teacher, I'm the runt of the litter," she glanced down at herself and smiled slyly, "even though I'm not so small."

"An officer?" Lisa smiled at the off-colour comment, "as in Salvation Army?"

"Yeah," she flicked at her hair, "he's working in administration so they live quite well."

Lisa pushed the sarcastic response to the back of her mind and smiled.

"Oh, that's nice."

"What about you?"

"Um, my sister, Linda was married but now she's living with her new partner, she's got a daughter and her partner has a daughter as well, but he had a vasectomy so there's no more grandchildren for mum."

"Just the two of you? Wow my parents were always big on the whole reproduction thing. Mum has been grabbing all the best clothes for Tina's kids, she even has a selection for me I've been told."

"Nothing for Derek?"

"Oh, there's a family skeleton," she smiled, "Derek point blank refuses to let her rake through the back of the shop when the clothes are supposed to be for poorer people. He says that the Army is a self help organisation and they certainly help themselves."

She chuckled at that and Lisa smiled in response. The atmosphere shifted after that and moved onto other subjects. She was working full time but was working on her next novel, she'd published two books on Amazon as a self-published author but hadn't made much money out of it.

"But it's early days," Zoe reached for her jacket, "and it's a nice little hobby that might even earn me some money one day," she stood up to put the jacket on.

"And on that pleasant note, I have to get back home and start packing all my worldly possessions, which is a challenge considering this is Monday."

"Well, thanks for the wine, and the visit," Lisa rose.

"No worries," Zoe adjusted her collar and picked up her phone and handbag, "it was a pleasure to meet you and I will think about the dancing classes," she stared at her and then her eyes shifted to Lisa's blouse.

"Where did you buy this?" Zoe plucked at the sleeve of her beige-coloured silk blouse.

"What? This old thing? Myer I think," she looked down as Zoe's eyes travelled to the trousers.

"They were Kmart, but they're quite smart."

"Nothing wrong with Kmart," she stepped back, "I really have to do some major clothes shopping soon, I'm leaving a ton of clothes at home because, well, because they're clothes mum bought for me and her idea of high fashion and mine are totally different."

"Maybe they'll end up in the Salvo shop."

"Good luck with that one," she winced and then held out her hand, "we'll do this again, for sure," she took her hand.

"Likewise," Lisa looked into her eyes.

They stood like that for the better part of five seconds and then Zoe let go and moved away, and after she'd seen her out the door Lisa put her back to the door and stared at the ceiling.

"God grant me the serenity," she put her hand against her breast, "why me?"

She stared at the wall, knowing that on the other side a bottle of wine was on the bench and a few moments later she strode briskly to the couch and scooped up her phone.

Janine answered on the second ring.

"Hiya, what's up? Do you want to speak to me or my better half?"

"You," she walked to the hallway door and opened it, "I need a favour."

"No worries, how much will it cost me?"

"I've been given a bottle of wine by my new neighbour and I need it out of here, so if you come around and pick it up it's yours."

"Fuck, wine? Didn't you tell her?"

"I was tempted to," she reached her bedroom, "but let's just say I was distracted."

"Is she that hot?"

"She's a lesbian's wet dream," she tucked the phone between her shoulder and her ear, "twenty three years old, Salvation Army girl and going out with some Christian guy," she started undoing her blouse, "you do the maths."

"Virgin, oh, my, fucking God, do they still exist? Is she attractive or is she plain Jane?"

"Hot as in turning my insides out," she finished unbuttoning the blouse and shrugged a shoulder out of it, "and when I outed myself to her she didn't jump across the other side of the room."

She grabbed the phone and let the blouse slide over the other shoulder.

"In fact I'm suspecting she's skirting around the edges of something but isn't about to come right out and say it."

"So, she's bendable?"

"Possible," she sat down on the bed, "but let's not go there," she winced, "how soon can you get here?"

"I'm just stepping outside now, I'll be fifteen, twenty minutes. Call me if you get shaky."

"Love you, thanks."


Lisa put the phone down and eased around to the end of the bed to stare at herself in the dressing table mirror. At nearly thirty, she was still an attractive woman, even though she frequently ran herself into the ground. Long dark hair fell to her shoulders framing a face that she thought was too wide, she had her father's firm jawline and her mother's brown eyes. She'd lost quite a bit of weight after putting the cork in the bottle and added muscle with regular visits to the gym.

Nevertheless, what would Zoe see in her? Assuming Lisa's suspicions were right.

The beeping phone broke her reverie and Lisa glanced down at the screen to see a new message from Zoe.

Zoe: The answer is yes... to the dancing.

Zoe: P.S. Thank you for the coffee! x.

Lisa rose and finished changing out of her work clothes and into a tee shirt, jeans and woollen jumper but as she passed the second bedroom she came to a stop and then turned on the light and stepped inside. The wardrobe door creaked as she opened it and she stared at the clothes hanging from the rail. This was her overflow wardrobe and yet truth be told, she'd rarely worn any of the clothes from here, most of the time she used the big built in wardrobe in her bedroom.

"How many fucking clothes do you need," she took a step back and raising her phone, snapped a picture of the clothes and sent the picture to Zoe.

Lisa: No worries. Why don't you drop by at the weekend? The picture is my second wardrobe but I hardly ever wear these clothes. I might be able to save you some money.

The reply came back as she reached the living room.

Zoe: Wow! Okay, will do. P.S. Sent you a Facebook request five minutes ago, don't you check your Facebook?

"Facebook?" Lisa found the icon and tapped it.

By the time Janine arrived she'd approved the Friend request and accepted a Messenger request, and thus when her best straight friend turned up and wanted further details she was able to show her a picture of Zoe.

"Okay," Janine stared at the picture, "for her I might even risk a hot and steamy affair," she looked at the Dan Murphy bag on the bench.

"I'll put this in the car and then I want to know everything."

Lisa was as honest as possible and over a microwaved tv dinner of Macaroni and cheese she did her best to tell her everything and whilst Janine remained hopeful she sagely warned her that Zoe was young and trying hard to do everything right.

"I'm not saying she's an airhead but play it slowly, one step at a time, one day at a time. Take time to sniff the flowers and if it's meant to be then it's meant to be."

"You sound more alcoholic than me," Lisa smiled crookedly.


Saturday was a typical Melbourne autumn day, it began with blue skies and by mid morning the clouds were building in the west. The rain was predicted by late afternoon but as Lisa went about her daily duties she seemed oblivious to the clouds. The week had been a busy one at work, and her AA meetings had brought some degree of stability back. She stepped over to the window and stared out at the street. A car and trailer were in the driveway and Zoe's car was parked in the street, her eyes shifted as a familiar car pulled into her driveway. Janine was popping in for a visit with her two kids and she walked to the front door and opened it just in time to see Zoe walking up the drive with the phone in her hand. She had headphones and a microphone plugged into it but even though she was talking she still managed to wave at Lisa.

Lisa returned the wave as she waited for Janine to get her children out of the car, Stacey and Demi were five and seven respectively and they were regular visitors to Lisa's place. The two women greeted each other with a brief hug as the girls went inside, they were both talking at the same time and Janine joined Lisa on the front porch. A man with brown hair walked up the driveway and her friend stiffened.

"Is that her boyfriend?"

"I have no idea," Lisa murmured.

"What do you mean? I thought you were on her Facebook?"

"I am and I did check out her photos, amongst other things but there are no pictures of him on his own or with her."

"What's her relationship status?"

"It's complicated," she leaned on the railing, "apparently it's an actual status."

"Oh my God," Janine joined her at the railing, "seriously?"

"As God is my witness, but I'm still taking your advice."

The man had reached her and Zoe turned around at the same time. None of them could hear what was being said but the body language was unmistakeable when Zoe leaned upwards and kissed him lightly on the lips. He went to hug her but she stepped back smartly and propped against the brick letterbox pillar. The man didn't move for a few seconds and then raised his hand in farewell and went around to the driver's side door. Zoe returned the wave and then he was driving away, she was still talking on the phone and Lisa straightened up and looked at Janine.

"Interesting," her friend murmured.

The call ended suddenly and Zoe stared down the road, lost in contemplation. Janine nudged Lisa and nodded at her.

"Go on, invite her over to look at these clothes."


"Tempus fugit, counsellor," she turned and walked inside leaving Lisa standing on the porch, "I'll put the billy on," she raised her voice.

Zoe turned around as she pulled the earphones out of her ears and with a sigh Lisa descended the steps and made her way down the drive and across the road. Zoe didn't move far from the letterbox but neither did she stop looking at her and when they were standing in front of each other she ran a hand through her hair.

"G'day, how's it going?"

"Good, housework is, almost done and my best friend has come over with the kids. We were just wondering if you'd like a quick cuppa and you can check out these clothes."

For a split second she thought Zoe was going to say no but then she pushed away from the letterbox and stepped forward.

"Sure, why not? Grant has some intercession group to go to," they started walking.

"What's that?"

"It's where they pray a lot for other people or situations, they believe people are controlled by demons and so they dispatch angels to fight them."

In spite of herself Lisa couldn't help laughing.

"Seriously? Are you sure it's not some online game?"

"I wish it was that harmless," she nudged her glasses, "but they're the real deal," she glanced up at the sky, "it's still pretty warm though. I might bring back a six pack tonight if you're up for it."

"Um, about that," Lisa slowed her pace as they reached her drive, "I'm an alcoholic, a sober one so I just don't drink, period."

Zoe sucked in her breath and turned to stare at her and then put her hand over her mouth, her eyes widened and she actually looked pale as she lowered her hand.

"Oh, shit, I'm so sorry, and I... "

"Brought me a bottle of wine, that I gave to Janine. I should have said something the other night but I was being polite and I already know what to do if I'm in that situation but if you're going to drop in and say hello you should know that about me."

Zoe grabbed her wrist and nodded.

"For sure, it will never happen again, I would never have brought you a bottle if I'd known."

"That's why it's called Alcoholics Anonymous, we don't advertise our membership. There's no need to be embarrassed though."

"I'm glad it turned out all right, but if that ever happens again, just bring the bottle to me, and if I'm not at home leave it on the bungalow step and I'll deal with it."

"Thanks," they started walking again, "the bungalow? I didn't know that place had a bungalow."

"I'm renting the bungalow, they're still checking out applicants for the house, they really wanted a couple for the house."

They entered the house a minute or so later but Lisa had the distinct impression that outing herself about something else had actually drawn them closer together but was it friendship, desire or was she doing the typical alcoholic trick of projecting herself into wild fantasies?

Janine met them in the living room and after the introductions, Lisa led her through to the second bedroom while Janine dealt with the refreshments. She'd arranged the clothes into neat piles on the bed, ready for bagging or giving away.

"These are so, retro," she picked up a pink ruffled blouse.

"I'm afraid so," she winced, "they came from an older member whose mother had died, she was my first sponsor but she and I grew apart from each other, but when I first started seeing her she insisted I take these clothes and do something with them. I kept some of the clothes but to be honest I've got plenty anyway."

"It's my size," she squinted at the label, "and I'd wear it, fashion goes round in a circle anyway," she picked up a cream-coloured satin blouse with a pussybow tie.

"And you're sure you won't wear them?"

"Positive," she moved around to the end of the bed, "I've been going to take them to the op shop for the last three months but then you turned up."

"Well we are the same size up top," Zoe smiled crookedly, "I'll take the lot," she ran her eyes over them, "I might not wear them all but what I don't wear can be taken to the op shop."

"Of course, be my guest, I'll get some black bags."

"Don't worry about that," she replied, "we can just carry over an armful at a time, that way I can show you my new place," she winked.

"I'm glad they'll be put to use," she smiled.

"They sure will," she replied and then turned to the door.

"Now that we're here, you really should give me a guided tour," she brushed past her, "don't worry I won't check out your bedroom or your red room."

The tour took very little time and she did show her the bedroom and Zoe's eyes had widened as she looked at the king size bed.

"You could have a party in that bed," she smiled, "sorry, my bad," she walked to the wardrobe and slid one of the doors open, "sorry, don't mind me, I was just checking that you weren't running out of clothes."

"Trust me, I'm in no danger there."

"You've certainly got an idea for fashion," she let her eyes fall to the shoe rack that extended the entire width of the double wardrobe, "but I'm afraid you're a disappointment as a lesbian."

"In what way?"

"You've got at least two dozen pairs of shoes but no army boots."

Lisa couldn't help laughing at that.

"So what do you think of her?" Lisa asked Janine some two hours later.

"She's a keeper all right," Janine slid the key into the ignition, "and if she's not for turning she'd be a great friend, just remember who your best friend is," she turned the key.

"Later, darling, see ya later."

Lisa watched her back out of the drive and as Janine drove away she stared at the house. Zoe had gone back to her parents' house to collect another car load of things. The bungalow was actually quite cosy and looked bigger on the inside than the outside. The living room, bedroom and kitchen were all in one room with windows all round, the only separate room was the combined bathroom and toilet. It even had a rotating ceiling fan and climate control.

A friend or a girlfriend?

Lisa frowned as she turned towards the porch.

"It's just one day at a time," she murmured, "yesterday's history and tomorrow's a mystery."

Before she went to bed that night however, she bought the two books Zoe had written and put them on her Kindle. One was a Christian romance novel titled, Seduced by Love and the other was a romance novel titled, Betrayed. Interestingly enough, this one wasn't Christian but it was for Young Adults, hence no sex between characters. They weren't exactly her genre but out of curiosity, she started reading Seduced by Love whilst lying in bed.


The next week proved to be fairly uneventful. Lisa went to work and did her twice weekly AA meetings, once on Monday and the second one was Thursday. At night she either watched tv or read Seduced by Love, and whilst she thought the subject matter rather tame she couldn't deny that Zoe had a gift for writing. Her ability to describe places and characters made her wonder how she'd go with a more weighty theme.

She didn't see Zoe that week, although her car was always parked in the drive when she came home from work, but despite the events of the previous weekend she didn't feel right about just dropping in and besides, she was still reading her book.

All that changed on Friday though when Grant dropped in to see Zoe on Friday night just as Lisa was getting ready to leave for her regular Friday night shop. Zoe tooted Grant's horn and waved as he drove away.

It wasn't until she was sitting in the car with the engine running that the text came through.

Zoe: When are we doing these dancing classes?

Lisa: Will get around to signing us up tomorrow.

Zoe: Excellent! When and where?

Lisa: Croydon, Friday night.

Zoe: Bonus! You're a lifesaver!

There was no follow up text and Lisa wasn't too sure about how to take that last text but there was an implication that perhaps all was not right between Zoe and Grant.

"I'm trying to work it out," she told Janine over the phone as she pushed her trolley down the aisle, "the body language between them doesn't seem right."

"I've been thinking about that," Janine panted as she pedalled harder, "seeing the way she just said goodbye to him last week reminds me of Johnno."

"Who was he?"

"A guy I used to hang around before I met my bastard ex husband. He was sweet, kind, and very pliable. He'd do anything for me but there was no fucking chemistry between us, but as a friend he was good. I used to have him around to keep a couple of other guys from putting the hard word on me if you know what I mean."

"But you didn't kiss him though."

"Fuck yeah, of course I kissed him, that's what I'm saying. We had physical affection but he was a Christian too, just not an over the top bible bashing type."

"I can't imagine you going out with a Christian," she grinned.

"Oh I've had them all," she stepped off the cycle machine, "Christians, bikers, even a Christian biker. He had a Harley Davidson that used to vibrate my fanny something shocking," she wiped her brow with a towel.

"So, what're you doing tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow I have to sign us up for dancing classes."

"Us? When did I agree to that?"

"You didn't, it's for Zoe and me."

"Okay," Janine grinned, "smooth, and when are these dance classes?"

"Friday night, which had me wondering because she went off somewhere with Grant tonight, which might explain the text."

"Well, if nothing at least you'll have a dance partner, and the chance to meet other likely suspects, gotta go sweetie, I have to grab a shower and get back home before the girls go to bed."

However as it turned out, the mystery was solved that very night when Lisa heard a car pull into the drive across the road. Feeling like some nosey old woman, she cracked the curtain in time to see Zoe waving goodbye to Grant. She then turned and walked briskly down the path and Lisa stepped back from the curtains and returned to the couch.