Seeds of Corruption Ch. 01

Story Info
Alice takes a trip to Goetia.
11.2k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 05/24/2024
Created 05/18/2024
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Chapter 1 - One night of Passion

The third time Alice's phone rang she realised she would have to answer.

"Please just block his number, he calls you lol everyday at this point, it's tragic." Alice bit her lip, seeing it notify her of the missed call.

"It could be something serious though. What if something happened to his mum? She's constantly in and out of hospital at this point." Christina just rolled her eyes as she put away the last of her lunch.

"The biggest trouble he's had since you split was twisting his ankle at his little EDL larp group. He's toxic and obsessed, do yourself a favor."

"It's not EDL, it's.."

"It's just hating supes, right, because that's so much better." Alice goes to respond but is quickly interrupted again. "Look you broke up with him for a reason, he's a psycho yeah? Seriously, he was always such a freak with me and Sebastian. I put up with him because he was your first love but now... Drop him." Suitably scolded, Alice dropped the phone back to the table, huffing out an overly dramatic sigh as she folded her arms on the table.

"Why can't I just find a nice, normal man, who worships the ground I walk on. Is that so much to ask Chris?" Her question was responded to with a blank stare.

"You know you'd need to leave the house to meet someone, and no, coming to the theater to perform or practice is not enough." Alice's head just collapsed into her arms as she let out another dramatic grunt.

"I'm going to die alone, there's no saving me."

"There's no saving who?" The new voice interrupted them as heavy footsteps could be heard walking into the room. Alice poked her head up looking through the blonde hair falling on her face and noticed Julia, one of the new light techs who was very tall, very butch and very supernatural, the werewolf's strength and agility helped a lot in her role, apparently. Christina answered for the pair.

"Alice, she's stuck on her bigoted ex and never goes anywhere. So she's destined to die alone."

"I'm not hung up on him, we're over and I'm happy with that." Christina made eye contact with Julia and just rolled her eyes. "I saw that, I'm not, he just won't leave me alone." Julia sat down in Christina's old seat who was waiting to leave.

"How bigoted are we talking? What's his poison?" Christina again decided to be the one to answer for her.

"Supes, he's in the Supernatural defense league. We're talking full on biblical cretin." Julia just whistled pulling out her dinner, which seemed to consist of meat, meat and more meat. Opening the tray her eyes fell on Alice with a suspicious glint.

"SDF's serious shit, you knew about that when you were with him?" Alice's eyes went wide, realising what Christina had dropped her in.

"No, he was normal when we were together, never mentioned supernaturals, just ignored them. He joined like a year ago. We split two years back."

"And you still talk to him?" Christina was leaning against the counter with a sickly sweet smile on her face.

"He calls me, he was really depressed when we split, and, well sorta threatened some stuff. So I answer so he doesn't, ya know..." Alice's words trail off realising Julia didn't seem as mollified as Alice hoped.

"You realise that's not your problem though right? Like if you've been split that long and he's hurting people, he's not your responsibility anymore? At least not to look after anyway." Christina just nodded behind Julia.

"Exactly what I've been saying, he's beyond toxic, and does not deserve your help." Approaching the table, Christina took the seat between the two, seemingly forgetting about her prior urgency to leave. "I get that it's been hard finding someone since, and I can't imagine what dating is like for you, but he is not someone you should keep around. Please don't call him back, I'll check on his mum's facebook to make sure she's fine, okay?" Alice leaned back in her chair, and picked up her phone, cycling through it she quickly swiped to his contact blocking the number and dropped the phone to the table showing the proof to her friend.

"Fine he's gone, can we please drop it now?" Christina smiled, switching the phone off, sliding it back to the blonde.

"Of course, no calling him later though, I will be checking. Now onto brighter topics, Julia, where are you going for your birthday drinks?"

The ginger woman looked up from her meal, her mouth full, leaving the pair to wait as she quickly swallowed it down.

"You know it's my birthday?"

"Course I do, HR has to have its perks."

"Isn't that against data protection or something?" Christina scrunched her face up looking at Julia like she had grown a second head.

"No? I'm using it for good so obviously it's fine. Besides, not changing the subject, where are we going?" Chrstina paused for a second before continuing when she didn't get an immediate answer. "Look, you're part of the team now, and I already have to drag this one kicking and screaming anywhere, don't make me treat you the same." The werewolf just held her hands up in mock surrender.

"Point taken, me and a few of my friends from the pack are going out to that new club in Hackney, Goetia." Alice was not surprised to see she hadn't heard of it but Christina's eyes lit up.

"Oh my god, is that the new demon bar? I was reading an article on it the other week and it sounds insane, apparently it's really exclusive though, how are you getting in?" It was Julias turn to roll her eyes now.

"It's exclusive for humans, supes are fine, don't have to worry about us committing any hate crimes." As she finished her comment her eyes darted to Alice and back to Christina, almost too quick to notice, almost. The sting of accusation however lingered. Christina deflated at the comment, unaware of Julia's insinuation.

"Oh, do you think we'd get in if we waited in line? Like how long would we need to stay, do you think?" Julia, having finished her meal, packing the box away.

"If you wait in line, you're not getting in unless you're camped at the door now." Christina seemed even sadder, Alice was about to jump in with her usual suggestion for the pair when Julia continued. "However if you're coming in with me, you'll both be fine. It is just you two though? This isn't like 'company' drinks?" For the first time Alice saw what might be dread on Julia's face, a fellow introvert. Chrstina was quick to shake her head though.

"No, no just us. You can get us both in?" Julia just nodded causing Christina to let out an uncontrolled giggle. "This is the best day of my life, thank you so much Jules, I owe you. We can meet you there, what time?" Alice's stomach lurched at question, she knew there would be no peace unless she went now, Christina would not let it go, but to go to a demon bar? She wasn't prejudiced like her ex but demons? Surely it's fine to at least draw the line at them. Maybe the undead, Sebastian, had been a very good example of why you should avoid them. Julia responded, confirming her fate however.

"Happy birthday to you Chris, glad you like your gift." Rolling her eyes Julia continued. "As for time, meet us outside at ten? It's open late so we can go for a few drinks, if it's rubbish head to one of the pack pubs or something, get hammered, that sounds good for you?" Christina just leant down, placing a kiss on Julias freckled cheek.

"God if I was gay I'd marry you, that sounds perfect. I'll try to remember it's your birthday when we're there." Looking down at her watch Christina's eyes bulged and uttering her goodbyes she jogged out of the room, leaving the pair in silence. Alice was mulling over what to say when Julia abruptly said.

"Are you going to be okay going out?" The question shocked her, Alice responding quickly.

"Oh yeah I'll be fine, I'm used to her dragging me out and just having to pretend I'm not a massive introvert." Julias face kept the same wary look she had earlier.

"I mean at a supe bar, are you chill?" Blinking Alice finally realised exactly how the previous conversation had made her sound.

"Oh. Oh yeah, no I'll be fine. I mean, I don't have an issue with supernaturals at all. Live and let live right?" The weak smile on Alice's face faded when she realised she had done nothing to ease the girls worries. "Anywaaay, happy birthday, how old are you anyway?" Before Julia could answer, Alice's phone began to ring once more, this time coming from an unknown number. Letting out an annoyed grunt, she declined the call and dropped it in her bag.

"He really is persistent isn't he?" Turning off her phone Alice responded.

"That's the fourth time he's called since I've gone on lunch, he's never normally this bad." Mulling over what it could mean, Julia responded.

"Well whatever the reason, you're better than that, yeah? You don't need people like that in your life, if you're not, you know..." The implication hanging clear in the air, Alice grabbed her bag.

"You're right, he got weird about the trans thing anyway towards the end of the relationship, he started getting dragged to church more about the time of those portals opening and it was just a downhill spiral from there." Julia just nodded.

"I'm not surprised the church moved onto supes the second they realised we were real, but my god, I wish they'd do it a little quieter you know? Like how are you getting mad that I can turn into a wolf? I run around the countryside once a month, how frightening." Alice just laughed.

"Least it's not with hunting dogs and horses, give them a sporting chance then right?" Julia smiled for the first time too, and Alice was always blown away at how cute the larger woman looked when she did.

"No I promise you, it is not fair for those poor rabbits, but I wouldn't think that's worth crying about in church." Smiling Alice looked to her phone for the time realising she shut it off, before she could ask Julia answered.

"1:40, you're ten minutes late for rehearsal." Standing from her chair, Alice made her own quick check that she had all her things.

"Sorry I have to run, see you tonight though?" Julia started to pack her own things.

"Course, it will be fun to see you let loose a little, I saw you play once and it was like two different people." Alice, smiling, shouted over her shoulder as she left.

"I will aim to please!"


The rehearsal came and went quickly with Alice's distracted state. Saying goodbye to the last of the band still hanging around Alice left the theater for the cold rainy streets of London. It was only a short journey home but Alice's distraction had an given her one major issue, the sun had set. Vampires couldn't legally attack humans on the street but humans couldn't really do much to stop them if they did. Deciding not to tempt fate too much tonight Alice called up a taxi and while waiting at the entrance to the theater she saw an unkempt man approaching, his plaid shirt covered in dark splotches, her ex. Leaning further into the lobby hoping to avoid him did little as John was quickly pressing through the glass doors into the dimly lit hallway. Taking him in, even in the low light, Alice realised he looked shell shocked, confused almost. His eyes searched hers before speaking.

"You never picked up my calls, are you alright?" She should have just walked.

"Hi John, I'm good,thanks for asking. How are you?" His face was blank but tense. "Hey, are you okay?" Reaching out to touch his arm, John flinched backwards his eyes darting to Alice's invading hand and her face before settling down but looking no less calm.

"I'm fine, why did you never answer the phone? I needed you." A Quick Look down to her phone revealed the taxi was ten minutes away. She could always just run back into the sound studio and lock herself in, or make a break for the street. Death by exsanguination might be preferable to this conversation.

"I've just been busy in rehearsals all day, the new show runner is running us ragged trying to learn all these new performances, they came in two weeks back and expect a full show to be turned around two weeks from now. It's been insane." His face stayed blank, she really couldn't win anyone over today.

"You blocked my number, I had to call you off.. my friend's phone. Why?"

"John, you know what kinds of groups you're in, it's. We have a lot of different people working here now, it's, it's not okay." He looked like he was processing the words before he replied, a bit of venom in his voice.

"Say what you mean it's not people who are the issue here."

"John this really isn't the place for this kind of conversation." His anger was only rising and the taxi was still five minutes away. "I know you, disagree with a..." being interrupted yet again, could this day just end already.

"Disagree? Are you fucking serious? They're killing us on the streets Alice, people are being turned at mass into these fucking creatures and our governments are doing nothing about it..." looking at her phone the taxi was still 3 minutes away. Why couldn't the floor just swallow her up now. " These groups are the only thing standing between humanity and its destruction, in Brazil they managed to take out their supernatural population. We can do it too and groups like the.." Alice was just staring out the door when she saw her taxi pull up, quickly pocketing her phone and seeing John still mid rant she interrupted.

"John I don't know what to say to any of that, but I can't associate with people in those kinds of groups. I'm sorry. I have to go." Walking past him he made no move to stop her but Alice did notice an awful smell coming from him but she couldn't place what it was, he did follow her out the door though as she approached the taxi.

"So that's it, I'm just shit on your shoe now you have some supe friends? Or are you spreading your legs for them like that slag you live with?" Picking up her speed she grabbed the handle yanking it open and fell into the taxi but John's hand grabbed the taxi before she could close it. "Don't run away from me, I needed your help today and you just left me, after everything I did for you. Supported you through, and you just left me. How fucking could you?" A deep voice came from the front seat of the car.

"Sir, let go of the door and move away from the woman, you're clearly scaring her." Alice hadn't realised how right he was, her heart was hammering in her chest as John towered over her, the stench coming off him smelled rotten and his breath of alcohol and vomit. She was terrified of him and as his eyes left hers and met the drivers he reflected a small amount of that fear she felt but it quickly bled back to rage.

"Fuck off you horned freak." Stepping back John slammed the door and stalked off back down the street he'd come from. The slam of the door startled her and it took Alice a minute to get control of her breathing. The driver just waited in silence. Finally getting a hold of herself she looked up to the rear view mirror to apologise to the driver when she locked gazes with the most beautiful lilac coloured eyes. The man was beautiful in a way men shouldn't be, it took her a second to even notice the two stubby horns breaking through the skin of his forehead. Blinking away the shock Alice spoke finally.

"I'm so sorry for that, he's a freak." Alice left it at that not knowing what else she could say. The demon just smiled and started the car.

"Don't worry about it, I'd stay away from him though, that man is, dangerous." Alice watched the city pass as they pulled away from the curb

"That's what the conversation was about, he didn't take it too well. We've been split a while but."

"But he stuck around?" She looked back to the mirror seeing the demon focused on the road, his skin was white when hit with light but once it passed, his skin had an almost pink tinge to it, other than that and the tiny wings wrapped over his shoulders he looked mostly human. Like a very beautiful human.

"That's one way to put it." A smile broke out on his face at the comment and Alice saw rows of jagged teeth behind his lip.

"I guess I can't blame him, pretty girl like you. Seriously though, I'd avoid him. I don't mean to intrude but he's not good for you." Alice blushed at the comment and chose not to question the man probing too deeply into her personal issues, he was being nice enough, and after John's outburst he probably had the right. She just smiled back at him and he seemed content with the silence.

Driving through the city at night was always so odd, it somehow seemed just as busy as it was during the day but hardly any of those on the streets were humans. It had all happened before Alice could even remember but before the revelation humans wouldn't think twice about walking round the city at all hours, sure there were dangers but not to the degree people were scared about now. Humans adapted though, there were those who embraced the supernatural and had no issue walking the streets amongst them, usually they either didn't keep that opinion long or they didn't stick around for long. Those that didn't take that risk, well they got overly expensive taxis home, as if the doubled fare was penance for her fear.

At first it was all manner of fairy tale creatures, Were animals, elves, goblins, vampires. All came out together at once and presented themselves as some sort of shadow government operating in the background. Conspiracy theorists went mad with ideas of lizard people controlling the government and the queen secretly being a vampire. It didn't help that they announced their existence at the turn of the millennium making some think it was the end of the world. It was a chaotic time, once she thankfully can't remember beyond her fathers constant worries and fear as she grew up.

All too quickly though the government came to agreement with "the council" and thus most countries in the EU and North America gained a new legislative body. Now they didn't have any say over laws governing humans, but they could consult and offer amendments to any laws concerning supernaturals. They also acted as a de facto state for all supes and gained embassies in most capitals and began to send envoys to the government's officials. Growing up there was always this blonde lady with long pointed ears on tv. She was some kind of elf and the main diplomat to the uk from the council. She hates to admit that seeing that woman made something snap in Alice and helped her realise she didn't want to grow up a boy, and with all these strange new creatures and magics being discovered maybe she wouldn't have too. Growing up she realised HRT was no magic but it was pretty damn close.

The newest revelation though was demons. They say they're nothing to do with the afterlife but it's not stopped churches going absolutely insane about them. It sounded bizarre to her and she wasn't religious, but she could understand why some, her ex included, seemed to have gone feral over it. The few demons she's met seemed nice though, most quiet timid actually, and earth hasn't seen an angel yet, only told of them by demons.

Snapping from her thoughts Alice realised she was almost home. It was a pleasant enough journey and quickly she found herself pulling up outside of her apartment block. Brutalist in design but cheap considering the area and the size. Turning back to the driver who's eyes lingered on hers slightly longer than was polite as she thanked him and got out of the vehicle heading for the entrance. Now just to survive Christina and her excitement and then a night out. How badly could it go wrong?


Very badly, it could go very badly. Alice was currently standing before the full length mirror in her room and she couldn't find anything suitable to wear. What does one even wear to a demon nightclub? Christina had decided very little which Alice wasn't comfortable with on the best of days. Looking in the mirror her makeup had turned out well at least, going for a bright clean look as opposed to Christina's dark and sultry. Her cheekbones popped with a bit of blush on them and her amber eyes practically glowed in the light. Regardless of her outfit her hair was going to be well and truly down, the shoulder length cut had been curled slightly at the ends but she wanted her neck covered as much as possible, it was a demon bar and she was going with werewolves but still no use risking anything.