Seeing Her Pt. 02

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A woman’s mid life renaissance continues.
9.3k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 05/26/2024
Created 05/12/2024
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Seeing Her Pt. 02

A woman's mid-life renaissance.

Author's note:

With several of my series, each installment is readable as a stand-alone with the help of a short author's summary of past events. That doesn't work for this series. To understand the significance of what's happening, you'll want to read Part 01 first.

When I write a series I normally keep all of it in a single category. With Seeing Her, I chose Romance as the appropriate category for the series as a whole. While scenes or entire chapters may not fit the category, ultimately, the series is a romance. I should have made that clear at the outset of Part 01.

Romance isn't one thing. It's as varied as love. It can follow a path we've not walked before, a path we didn't suspect.

But...isn't that the best? When love surprises?

I genuinely appreciate your thoughtful feedback.



Madeline opened her eyes and blinked, slowly climbing from deep sleep to awake. She was lying on her side, in a king bed under heavy covers. The room around her had modern wood furnishings, a floor to ceiling window with no curtains, and a Spartan feel that said it was a man's room. Judging by the buildings visible outside, she was on a high floor in a tall building and it was early morning on a sunny day. She rolled her head to look at the other side of the bed. It had been slept in, but was empty now.

Frank Church's room.

His bed.

The realization brought her fully awake. She remembered the night before, the concert, the dinner, learning of her husband's betrayal and coming back to Frank's condo. Her body remembered what followed.

She pushed herself into a sitting position against the headboard and was about to cover her breasts, but stopped. He's seen me, in ways no other man has. I didn't hide anything last night and it felt wonderful. I'm not hiding now.

She wondered what would come next. So many things had changed from when she woke up the day before. A recording contract? With performances, guest appearances and promotion - it all seemed unreal. She wanted to pinch herself. And her marriage... the fact that Tim lied so he could be with his young associate instead of at the concert, wounded her more deeply than broken vows. It was a statement that the substance of her life didn't matter. She didn't matter.

She heard Frank in the next room, apparently talking on the phone, and had a sudden fervent wish. Please don't ask me if I'm OK when you come in here? Don't apologize for anything. She wasn't sure where that came from, or why. But she knew she didn't want him, or anyone, to see her as the betrayed wife. She'd shown there was so much more to her than her relationship with Tim and resolved to never let him make her feel discarded again.

Frank was naked when he appeared, carrying a steaming coffee mug in each hand. He slowed as he approached the bed, taking time to feast on the woman sitting up in it. "Jesus Madeline, you even wake up beautiful."

She glowed with the compliment and returned his smile without taking the cup he extended, instead brazenly letting her gaze wander from his face, to his hands, and lower. His cock was hanging but not flaccid. It was filling and about to rise, with bulging veins and thicker than other men she'd been with. Madeline enjoyed watching the effect her gaze had on that part of him. She smiled playfully when her eyes finally returned to his and said, "A different presentation than one gets at Starbucks."

"If you keep staring it's going to get as hard as you made it last night."

She took the cup and spoke coyly after taking a sip, "After last night, I thought it was always hard."

"You do have that effect on me." He admitted. He slid under the covers to sit alongside her with their legs touching. They sipped in silence until their cups were empty before he spoke again. "You were wonderful last night."

She knew he wasn't talking about the concert. They'd talked about the concert all through dinner at Smitty's. He meant after. When Madeline remembered what they'd done after the dinner, warmth flushed through her body and her sex felt tender and bruised...exquisitely bruised.

Frank placed their empty mugs on the nightstand before rolling onto his elbow to face her. She felt his hardness against her leg. When he pulled the covers back to reveal more of her, something akin to a growl rumbled through his chest. Then he pulled them all the way down. His free hand reached out and softly landed on her tummy. It conformed to her shape. He gently explored the angle of her pelvic bones, the curve of her hips and the swell of her mons before gliding to her breasts to explore their shape and the way they rested on her and the give of her soft flesh when he squeezed them.

It was a gentle squeeze, but she moaned.

"Oh God... Madeline." He breathed.

She'd never felt so desired, never felt so unable to resist a man's touch.

Frank moved onto his hands and knees above her. He kissed her leisurely, as if that was all they were going to do. Then, leaving her lips, he kissed her chin. Her neck. He kissed the flat of her upper chest and the swell of breasts that already heaved with her quietly gasping breaths. He kissed her nipples and gently suckled them before moving lower. With his hands resting on her hips he kissed her stomach, then her Venus Mons. His hands moved to her legs and gentled them open. He whispered, "So...fucking...beautiful." He kissed the inside of her thighs. Her labial folds had grown puffy in arousal by the time he kissed them and he kissed her there like he was kissing her mouth. His lips finding hers, conforming to them, coaxing them open as his tongue slipped between them, slipped inside her. He explored her. Tasted her, and licked inside where only her husband had touched her since she was a college girl, until the night before. His tongue found her shiny pearl and writhed against it like it was the tongue in her mouth as his finger penetrated wet velvet and curled to pulse against her sensitive front wall.

Madeline's head fell back, her mouth opened, and her breath came in gasps as she soon had the most effortless orgasm of her life. It rose from where she didn't fight losing control, flowed from her soul... and into him. He savored the flavor of her release and held her in his mouth.

Then she lay still, resting with her eyes closed, as he slowly made the return journey the length of her naked body, until he was kissing her again. He kissed her as he had at the beginning but now with the flavor of her cum in his mouth. When the kiss ended, Madeline opened her eyes and Frank looked inside her. She hid nothing. She didn't speak, and didn't feel the need to.

Her eyes glistened with unexpected emotion...

Frank gently broke the spell by whispering, "Don't go anywhere." Then stood and retrieved their cups before leaving the room. She watched his ass as he walked through the door.

Madeline was dazed, oh...God. She missed him in the moments he was gone.

Frank was talking to her when he returned and handed her a mug. "They're looking for you. Your older daughter texted Isla to ask if you were awake, so Isla texted me."

He showed her the text on his phone. It said, "Is she there???"

"I called Isla and told her you were asleep in one of my extra bedrooms." He continued, "I told her the plan was for you to stay with her, but then we started discussing the possibilities for your career and it got too late to wake her."

"They know I always check my phone," she said, "but I didn't last night." She almost got up to retrieve her phone and check for calls and texts... but didn't. She knew her husband had called, they always talked when he was traveling for work. Always. And she was sure the girls were looking for her. I feel a lot worse about not talking with the girls than I do about Tim. Thinking about her husband, made her seethe.

"Is your phone in your handbag?" He asked.

She nodded.

He retrieved her bag from the great room and handed it to her. "Here you go. I'm going to shave and grab a shower."

Their night in a world apart was over.

Before calling Isla, Madeline realized how badly she had to pee. She was on her way to the guest bath when she impulsively went into the master bath instead. Frank was applying shaving cream with a brush when she sat on the toilet and looked at him. He continued to watch what he was doing in the mirror. She needed to urinate so urgently that there was a surprisingly loud hissing sound when she let it go, like steam escaping an old fashioned radiator.

He turned to her with a smirk under his lather and gently teased, " really had to go."

He returned his attention to the mirror as she daintily wiped herself and had a realization. That's the first time he called me anything other than 'Madeline'. And somehow, we've found the relaxed intimacy of a couple. She returned to the bed to make her calls.

She called Isla first, in case she'd already told Jenn that Madeline didn't stay with her. We have to keep our stories aligned?

Isla answered on the second ring. "Good morning Maddie! Did you have a good night...sleeping?"

"I did. I was so exhausted it was more like passing out." That much is true. "Have you talked with Jenn?"

"Just now. I called her after talking to Frank. She wants to meet us for breakfast at Katt's Table in an hour and a half if that works?"

"She'll need that much time to get Lulu out of bed and moving." Madeline observed.

Isla smiled on the other end. "That's what she said." After a moment, she asked, "Do you want to come down here now, or get ready up there?"

Madeline heard Frank start the shower. "I'll be down in an hour...or so?"

"Ok Maddie."

Madeline heard the unasked question in her friend's voice and said, "We'll talk on our way to meet the girls? I'll explain what happened

at Smitty's when I left the table."

"Sure." After clicking off Isla thought, I know it was something Tim did.

Madeline found Frank in the walk-in shower. He was rinsing shampoo from his hair with his head back and eyes closed. She looked him over from head to toe. A tall man in his early fifties with graying, close cropped hair, fit without being buff, with some hair on his chest and a bush of untrimmed, definitely graying pubic hair below. Madeline openly stared at the thick cock hanging from his tangle of hair and remembered how it felt inside her. She remembered the fucking he gave her, there really was no better way to describe it. So different from what she was used to, what she was bored with. When she finally looked up he was watching her. The brazen desire on her face when she looked at his cock was unmistakable, and had the same effect as earlier.

"I love watching your reaction when you look at my cock." He said.

She looked again, shamelessly. His heartbeat was visible in bulging veins as blood rushed in and Madeline felt drawn into the shower to hold him. She marveled at how he grew in her hand, the heat and heft, the velvety soft skin outside and growing tumescence within. She looked up and met Frank's eyes. "I was afraid?" She looked back down to see how small her hand looked holding him. "I thought you'd destroy me..." Her voice was soft, then fell to a whisper when she added, "...and you did."

Madeline fondled him as her other hand cupped and caressed his balls. She slid his soft skin over the hardening bone within. "I'm bruised inside."

"I'm sorry Madds."

She met his eyes again and said, "I'm not." She wrapped her arms around him, naked and wet in the falling water with her face against his chest.

Frank leaned back and tipped her face up to his, then kissed her with water streaming down their faces.

When the kiss finally broke he asked, "Are you meeting Isla and the girls?"

"Yes. At Jenn's favorite breakfast place."

"We better get you cleaned up." Frank said. He'd already soaped his hands and started on her shoulders. "Alright if I use my hands, or do you prefer a soapy washcloth?"

"Your hands." Madeline answered in a breathless voice. His big hands.

She luxuriated in the soapy caress that took possession of her, the way her tits slipped around in his hands like they were trying to escape only to be captured again, the way his squeezing fingers kept slipping from the ends of soapy nipples that grew achingly stiff. She opened her stance when he carefully bathed her tender folds and wished he'd touch her deeper. Her wetness invited more but he moved to her legs and she rested her hands on his shoulders for balance when he washed her lower legs and feet. He spent a lot of time on each foot, every toe. Moving higher he bathed the curve of her bum and her crack and she was grateful for her steadying hands on his shoulders when a soapy finger teased at her puckered opening. She inhaled sharply when he gently pushed the tip inside her. Frank's mouth was at her ear, speaking softly but with an edge, "No limits Madeline." Her breathing sped up as he inched into her, then part way out before pushing until his length was inside and his knuckle pressed against her opening. She gulped air when he wiggled the invading digit and sighed "ohhh..." when his finger slipped from her forbidden hole.

He smiled mischievously and said, "You squeeze me beautifully."

Frank turned her so that her back faced him when he washed it. "I love your sexy back Madds." The she felt his cock against her bum when he reached around to wash her stomach.

Madeline worked out and biked and was physically active. She generally liked her body - but not that part. The tight abs she'd had before giving birth to Jenn never quite appeared again and she was acutely aware of that change in her body when she looked at slim younger women like her husband's associate, Allie. Frank's hands on her tummy embarrassed her and she said, "Baby bump."

He caressed her. "You gave life to those beautiful young women right here Madds, inside your body." He kissed the side of her neck. "Your fertility is beyond sexy."

As she bathed in his touch, Madeline felt emotionally helpless in the wash of his words. He finds the right things to say to me... at just the right time. She said, "Your turn."

Frank smiled. "Maybe we should soap your body so you can rub against me until I'm clean?"

He was kidding but she soaped her front and rubbed herself against him from top to bottom. Then she soaped again and did his back the same way. When she was squirming against his back and ass she reached around to soap his cock, saying, "Some parts need special attention." He was bone hard in her slippery hand, and hot. Again her breath quickened as she stroked him and boldly said, "You have a nice dick." She'd never spoken so directly to a man about his penis.

"No, my dear." He responded. "A dick is a disagreeable person." He almost added, like your husband. "You're holding my cock." She was about to say "cock" out loud to him, when he turned to face her and she let go. He said, "I could do this forever but you've got to get ready for Isla and the girls."

Madeline nodded. She knew he was right.

He shut the water off and took Madeline's hand to lead her from the shower. He twined his fingers with hers, then raised her hand to his mouth and kissed it while he held her eyes.

Madeline loved the hand holding. It had the innocent, yet deeply erotic, sensuality of a schoolgirl holding hands with her first real date. She didn't want to let go when he released her to reach for a towel, but finally did.

He gently toweled her face, then more vigorously dried her body. He was thorough with her torso and legs, then gentle again when he dabbed at her folds with the plush terry. He knew she was tender. But from all of it - from what he said, and the night before and how he caressed an orgasm from her with his mouth, how he bathed her and held her hand and dabbed at her labia, from how he looked at her - he wasn't going to be able to dry her there. Madeline was a hot mess.

She took a towel from the rack and started drying him much as he had her. After drying his chest she had him turn so she could do his back. Then she knelt to towel his ass and was aroused by its firmness and dimpled cheeks. She pictured how it must have looked when he was driving his cock into her on the couch. Madeline stayed on her knees and when she had him turn to face her Frank's manhood led the way. It stood out from his body with an upward curve. She absorbed every detail of him as she rolled his balls in the towel and he only grew harder. When she looked up to meet his warm eyes gazing down at her she said, "Your cock is beautiful."

Then she dried his bony thickness with the towel and said, "I can't leave you in this state."

"There's no time Madds." He responded before ruefully adding, "It's been like this a lot since the night I watched you play in Isla's. I've been waking up like this." He snorted, "You've turned me into a testosterone crazed teen."

Madeline let go of the towel and moved her hands to the back of his thighs. Her lips parted as she pulled him towards her mouth.

He resisted. "Madds..."

She ignored him. She reached her tongue to catch the drop of pre-cum emerging from the slit in his glans and tasted it as she smeared it around his velvety head. When he stopped resisting, she moved her hands to hold his shaft in one and his balls in the other. She licked his length, marveling at the feel of swollen veins under her tongue. She licked his balls and ran her tongue around his corona flare and over the smooth head again and up and down his shaft. Then she took him in both of her talented hands. Madeline wrapped her fingers around his girth. She opened her mouth to slide over his head and met his gaze with eyes that opened wider as her lips stretched. When she had the big head in her mouth and her lips closed on his shaft she closed her eyes in triumphant satisfaction.

Frank was spellbound. "Oh fuck... Madeline."

She softly sucked his cock like it was her giant pacifier, licking his slit and sensitive frenulum. She purred. She used both of her delicate hands to slide his soft outer skin over the bony girth inside and began bobbing her head to take him a little deeper in time with her stroking hands. Soon she was taking several more inches of cock into her mouth despite his thickness and knew she couldn't take more... until she thought about how his cock had filled her cunt and stretched her and fucked her and she took another inch inside her sucking mouth.

Frank was amazed how quickly she was getting him there. He'd been with women who heralded their cock sucking skills as being without equal, and they were, until this very moment when they became pedestrian and forgettable. As it had been with the cause of her wetness, it was all of it. It was everything he'd experienced in these hours of their intimacy. Her music, the life she gave it with her fingers on the ivories and the way it captivated him. The wild he saw in her when she played, yearning to taste freedom. Her - everything about her when she was with her daughters. It was the vulnerability and pain he saw in the limo and her unguarded moments and her trust in him based on what she felt without knowing. It was her bravery stepping outside her comfort zone when he told her to step from the dress puddled at her feet. It was all of that, and overwhelming and he felt his balls constrict and he knew he was going to cum in this lovely goddess's mouth and he opened his eyes in alarm and saw her eyes already open and waiting for him to cum in her mouth and he did. The floodgates of his soul gave way with the sight kneeling before him and he pulsed into her mouth until he was empty.