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I saw tarantulas and large snails stirred into the fire as well as fruits I did not recognize. I had been served such before by a native tribe. I wondered if that tribe and her captors were one and the same. If they were it meant I had shared a meal with cannibals.

During dinner our "conversation" settled on Lisa. She had apparently located her camp and had waited for Lisa to return to it. She observed Lisa for quite a while and decided she wanted to be Lisa's friend too.

I was a bit surprised when I realized that the friend label she used included sexual contact. She showed me a mental picture of Lisa. She wanted to know what Lisa was doing.

What Lisa was doing was masturbating.

The Little One saw/sensed my dick rise and started to mount me, (I had not dressed since the previous night).

I stopped her and placed her on the cot. I ran my hand over her body slowly until I reached her pussy then parted her labia with a finger.

As I inserted it slowly into her pussy her arousal was instantaneous.

I slowly fingerfucked her for a while then slid my finger up until I found her clit. Contact made her body begin to twitch and in less that a minute she had a very fine orgasm.

I allowed her to rest a bit then took her hand and placed it over her pussy. I guided her finger until she found her clit then turned her lose.

She masturbated for over an hour. I had to move outside the tent to keep myself from being drawn into her cums. Eventually she fell asleep with her hand still on her pussy.

I went to the computer and e-mailed Lisa that something had come up and I needed her assistance with it immediately. Her return message consisted only of a smiley face.

The following morning I was awakened by a computer beep. I had a message from the lab monitor at headquarters asking if Lisa's assistance would be needed overnight.

All of our electronic messages except for the hand communicators were monitored. Visits to another's camp normally required an explanation. It was a safety concern as the need to contact us in an emergency was critical.

A previous group had been caught up in a rebellion and one member had been listed as missing and presumed dead and his family notified.

He had in fact been in another's tent and they had missed the rebellion completely because they were fucking away for three days.

The company did not mind the fucking between their field people, (even though in this case they were both male).

But the company had hated putting the family through the anxiety and grief and regretted the harsh words they had for the host country.

I looked at the sender and saw it was Helga. She would know the nature of my need and would understand Lisa's reply. Helga, Lisa and I had at times gotten together for a mini orgy.

No formal reply was needed. I just answered, "Yes."

After sending my reply my eyes searched for the Little One but did not see her. I searched for her with my mind and found her. She was on a large limb of the kapok, masturbating. She was like a teenager that had just discovered orgasms and had become addicted to them.

I set out to make my home presentable for company and had just finished when the small one sent me an image of Lisa. She was just behind my tent and was taking her clothes off.

She had apparently seen me naked. By the time she came to me I had a raging erection for her. She jumped into my arms and kissed me with passion. She wrapped her legs around my hips and swiftly found the angle for complete penetration. We were fucking before we reached my cot.

I lay on my back and allowed her to set the pace, which turned out to be frantic. She had a large cum almost within a minute, took a couple of gulps of air, and then fucked me hard again. The resulting orgasm was long and hard. Her body collapsed over mine as she concentrated on getting oxygen into her lungs.

I had not cum. I found something was missing. The Little One reminded me what it was. She also let me know that to Lisa I was not "friend," I was "mate." She had watched our union from the limb of the kapok tree.

I kissed and caressed Lisa as I wondered why I had missed her so much since it had been less than a week since we saw each other last. Of course we had not made love in over a month but that was not unusual for us.

Lisa took over the kissing and told me she had missed me a lot. My mind understood that what she was saying was that she loved me a lot.

My new mental powers had some abilities outside the circle of the joined.

I could not prevent a mental wall from collapsing, the one hiding my love for her.

"Mate," suddenly popped into my head accompanied by a soft giggle.

I looked through the mesh ceiling of my tent and saw her; she had descended to the lowest tree branch and was now just a meter above. She was slowly masturbating.

I gave her instructions to watch and I turned Lisa onto her back. I kissed my way down her body until her pussy lips drew my complete attention. I sent the little one my pleasure as I began to eat Lisa's pussy.

I felt questions asked that I answered in split seconds. The Little One fell silent as Lisa approached an orgasm. When the orgasm finally overtook Lisa it was spectacular.

I loved giving Lisa head because every once in a while she had Richter scale eight pint nine orgasms, the kind that forced the involvement of her whole body, the kind that was accompanied by a primeval growl.

I got a mental "Wow!" from the Little One and I allowed her to see my pride in the accomplishment.

She wondered about my delayed orgasm.

I kissed my way up Lisa's body, sliding my cock deep into her then start fucking her with purpose.

The little one was masturbating again and she was now close enough for me to feel her passion.

She was close enough to feel mine.

I continued fucking Lisa hard even after I filled her pussy with semen. I did not stop until Lisa and the little one had simultaneous cums.

I collapsed to Lisa's side and wondered if I was going to die. The though was met with a mental giggle by someone about to sink into sleep. I sent a message of caution about falling on the roof of the tent but the little ones mind was already on automatic pilot.

I turned to Lisa and found her to be sound asleep. I dozed off. Orgasms are the best sleep aids.

Mental prodding woke me and as I opened my eyes I saw the little one applying the insect repelling oil to Lisa's still slumbering body. I had not worried about mosquitoes and left the tent flap open. The Little One had seen some of the pests make contact with Lisa and came to her rescue.

The Little One had a second small gourd filled with a thick viscous fluid.

I knew it was the mental enabler.

She had felt my reaction to it when I thought about its possible general use so she wanted my permission to put it on Lisa.

My initial thought was no, I did not want anyone to get inside my head. The little one mentally retreated from me a bit and I scooped her up into bed with me and kissed her, reassuring her that she had all of me she wanted. Her mind glowed.

My mind went through a series of jumbled thoughts until it asked the question, "What would I ever have to hide from Lisa?" The only thing she did not know about me was that I loved her. It then crossed my mind that she likely knew that too.

By the time I had finished my train of thought the little one was applying the elixir to Lisa's forehead. Invisible lines where traced around her ears, the base of her neck and down her spine. I pulled Lisa over me to allow the Little One access.

Lisa slowly woke up and we kissed. Her eyes flew open when she suddenly understood exactly how I felt about her. Her kiss became intense and she tried to hug herself into my body. I gave her every opportunity to succeed.

We silently agreed to try again later and we settled into more normal kissing and caressing. Our minds glowed in a bright pink sea.

At first Lisa did not question our mental bond. With a giggle her mind sent me a picture of a hallucination she had just before her last orgasm. The picture was of a small woman in the sky masturbating to our fuck.

My reaction to her revelation put her on guard. She suddenly realized she had not said a word since she awoke and neither had I yet we communicated effortlessly.

She now knew that her vision was not a hallucination.

"Take a deep breath," I said orally and mentally. "I have an interesting story to tell you and a very close friend for you to meet."

Before I had finished the story The Little One was crawling up the bed between Lisa's legs. In less than ten seconds she had Lisa fully involved in her pussy licking.

I felt no further introductions were needed so I left them to their lovemaking and stepped outside to pee. The women were fully involved with each other but I sensed that each had reserved a mental corner for me. I sent them my love and decided to look a bit more closely at the plants that had just been recently uncovered by the receding seasonal floods.

A few minutes later I had pretty much forgotten about the two women trying to fuck each other's brains out in my tent and was excitedly examining a moss growing at a low level on a strangler fig tree trunk. It appeared to have its own glow when crushed.

I collected it then I collected a tiny bromeliad that was not listed on the botanical key. A Lichen that looked like a bird dropping caught my eye. Lichens as a whole did not need camouflage and I wondered why that one did.

In a short walk around the perimeter of my tent I had made three discoveries. I wondered if my newly acquired mental abilities had allowed me to see things differently, in more detail. I had obviously walked past all three species without seeing them before.

As I walked past the women I saw that they were dozing. I knew that for the Little One her numerous naps were the direct result of her numerous orgasms.

I later also learned that Lisa had very little sleep the night before as she was anxious about visiting me the next morning.

My mind felt their sexual contentment and I briefly envied them. I forced myself past them to the lab equipment and started investigating my prizes.

I was impressed with myself. I had a clear understanding of what I had in less than two hours. My new mental abilities were awesome. Instinct and logic appeared to have merged.

Each find had potential for commercial use and just one of them would have made the entire expedition worthwhile.

I had already submitted one such find so I decided to send each of my new discoveries out separated by a few days.

In fact I decided to give two of the discoveries to Lisa so she would not have to do any exploring.

It would give us ample time to fuck.

Which was good since right then I understood that I needed to go fuck Lisa.

She was ready for me with her arms and legs ready to embrace me. Her pussy seemed to have a magnetic pull on my cock.

That last part at least felt true.

We had paused after her first cum before I wondered where the Little One had gone. Lisa showed me that she was napping up on the kapok tree.

She thought that all the orgasms the Little One had experienced were too much for her little body, especially since she had never had one until the day before.

I was gently accused of creating a sex addict.

"She started it," I said out loud.

"It's OK, I was an accomplice," she said.

As I resumed our fuck she let me know she was not leaving my tent until it was time to get on the boat.

I let her know that she was not leaving my tent for the rest of her life.

I felt her being flow into me, I felt myself flow into her. The world around us disappeared.

We were one.

The intensity of our orgasms awoke the Little One. She came down to join us but seemed to feel that she was now an intruder. She now saw Lisa and me as a single entity, which we in fact were.

We made room for her between us and kissed and caressed her while trying to convey the idea of "special friend" to her.

Lisa and I took turns at her tits and pussy. A dozen or so orgasms later the little one begged for mercy and we allowed her to rest.

The next morning Lisa and I walked over to her tent and retrieved her communications equipment and some food items. We did not bother packing any of her clothes. By the end of the day we were living together.

Over the next three weeks The Little One put some mental distance between the two of us but kept her close relationship with Lisa intact. She knew I had no reservations about their relationship.

When Lisa was occupied with me she kept away. When Lisa was not occupied with me she soon found a small mouth on her pussy or vice versa.

It was not so much that The Little One cared for me any less; it was that she thought it was the proper way for her to behave. There were frequent threesomes and she very much enjoyed our fucks but she felt my cock belonged to Lisa and she needed specific invitations to use it.

Three days before the expected return of our boat we decided to accompany The Little One back to the territory of her people. It was a one day hike past the waterfall I had rescued her from. The Little One was very happy with our decision and walked the ground with us even though traveling through the trees would have been much faster for her.

We could feel her people long before we saw them. The Little One led us to a wide clearing between three enormous trees, the same type of trees that provided them and us with our telepathy.

The Little One held our hands as she led us to the center of the clearing and onto a large flat rock. The rock told me that we were at the foot of the Andes and had in fact crossed an international border.

A woman sped down a tree and dashed towards us. We could sense others urging her back, urging caution. The Little One rushed to meet her and all felt the love and joy that their embrace produced. It was the Little One's mother.

Lisa and I were introduced and we got almost the same hug and joy from the mother.

I felt her gratitude for rescuing her daughter, her astonishment at our ability to communicate, her fascination when The Little One allowed her to see the relationship she had with Lisa and me.

Lisa and I suddenly found ourselves surrounded by the "true people" as they thought of themselves.

We were seen as great curiosities, they had always assumed communicating with ground people was impossible. We were caressed physically and mentally. Most of the physical caresses were to my cock and Lisa's pussy. We were still naked. We had not dressed in almost three weeks.

A girl learned from the Little One that Lisa's pussy was delicious and promptly began to lap her pussy lips. Lisa's fast rise in sexual excitement was transferred to everyone and soon we were all in the midst of an orgy.

The Little One's mother was astounded to learn that my cock had penetrated her daughter's pussy completely and wanted to try that herself.

Her orgasms were powerful enough to infect nearly all in the clearing.

The mother left my cock and was quickly replaced by another female. All in all seven women impaled themselves on my cock before I moved behind a woman eating Lisa's pussy and shot my cum into her.

As I sat on the ground trying to recover I surveyed the scene around me. The first thing I noted was that all of the males had at first remained on the periphery of the orgy. Many were now enjoying eating their first pussy.

Eating pussy was apparently something that had never occurred to the tribe.

The Little One was on my lap soon to be joined by an exhausted Lisa.

The Little One explained that the tribe was matriarchal and that her mother was the matriarch at that time.

Her mother had just agreed with the other elder women that woman-to-woman oral love would be allowed indiscriminately. Men could and were now expected to treat their mates to the same consideration. This seemed obvious to us since just about every pussy had a mouth on it.

There seemed to be many more women than men and the Little One confirmed that to be true and explained it had always been so, two of three children born to the tribe were female.

The men were faithful to their mates unless ordered to "help" another female. Each "not mated" male was encouraged to fuck every woman in the tribe before allowing one to select him as a mate.

Some males were selected by more than one woman, a necessity due to the numbers. Their task then became to keep having children until a male was born.

Most men's duties included "helping" the females of his mate's family including the mother in law.

Jealousy had been apparently quashed in the tribe, a necessity among people that could read each other's mind. Women were allowed to pretty much do as they pleased in the matters of love and sex.

Our Little One had been lost before she had a chance to learn that part of her culture. Masturbation lessons had been missed. Lisa and I had provided her with the needed education and then some.

Lisa and The Little One regained some of their energy and began to kiss their way down my body. The tribe saw me as the mate to both Lisa and the Little One. I guess I was.

The Little One had watched Lisa give me blowjobs but had never tried it herself. I soon had four lips surrounding my dick. I raised my head and saw that every male had four lips around their cocks. The tribe was mirroring our every move.

Lisa was teaching The Little One to deep throat but after several unsuccessful attempts The Little One had to give up.

We felt one then two waves of excited accomplishment in the tribe. Two women had managed to deep throat a cock.

Lisa stopped The Little One from reminding everyone that my cock was twice as large as the ones they were sucking and therefore she had been attempting a more extraordinary feat.

Lisa told her to always allow everyone his or her small victories. It was a lesson that would be useful to the tribe's next matriarch.

The Little One looked at Lisa with the same reverence I had once seen on her face for me, maybe a slightly deeper reverence.

I got a physical and mental elbow to the ribs before that train of thought left the station.

Things seemed to have calmed down and most were simply enjoying the afterglow of marathon sex.

I invited everyone's mind into mine and showed them the perils of allowing their existence to be known never allowing others to learn their secret of communication. They instinctually knew that to be true.

I planted tales of tribes that had sunk into despair when touched by "civilization."

I warned them of the ever-closing encroachment of loggers.

I urged them to be alert for their approach and to always have an escape route to a safe area.

Lisa and I assured them that we would never betray our family.

We knew that including ourselves as members of their tribe was a leap of faith but that thought and my admonishments were completely accepted. We were "true people."

It was getting dark and soon Lisa and I found ourselves the only ones on the ground, the others had all ascended into the trees. I set up our small dome tent to an enthralled audience above us and retired to sleep.

Late that night I felt Lisa leave the tent. I assumed she had gone out to pee but then heard a rustle of leaves above the tent. Lisa had climbed up to the lowest wide branch of a tree and was reclining on it. I soon saw the small figure of the Little One join her and drape her body over Lisa's.

The love between them reached me easily. I felt their tits touch and I felt their pussies touch but there was no sex between them. Their tryst consisted of an exchange of deeply felt kisses.

I was about to doze off when I felt lips on my cock. It was the matriarch. In her society she was my mother in law so she had full sexual rights to me. As soon as she got me a decent erection she moved up and sank my cock into her pussy.