Senior Year Memories Ch. 22


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Hate-fucking's not exactly in my usual sexual repertoire, and though this wasn't quite that, I know right then that Mia was trying (and succeeding) to light a fire in me. For months now, she'd been a sort of boogeyman to Josie's and my relationship, an obstacle that needed to be overcome no matter how much Josie said she truly didn't matter. She'd made Josie miserable, and when Josie was miserable, I was miserable, and with her impaled on my cock like this, I could feel all those emotions building inside of me.

I'd fucked girls hard before and wondered at how they could come back from it so easily, but I'd never fucked any girl quite as hard, I think, as I did Mia then. I roared every bit as loudly as she screamed, pumping so hard my hips were a blur, living only for my own pleasure and the release of pent up emotions and frustrations, feeling as if every bad thing of the last couple months were building up at the tip of my cock ready to be unleashed.

I didn't wait long.

"FUCK! FUCK! FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU! GODDAMMIT FUCKING FUCK!" I roared in orgasm, thrusting my hips wildly as a flood of cum rocketed from me and filled her pussy. It had been building for a while since we began, and when it came it was a torrent. Shot after shot flew from my cock into her, draining me and hitting me so hard I thought I'd black out if it went any longer.

Mia seemed to love this, crying out and laughing, grabbing my ass and holding me close so I could pour every last ounce into her.

When my pace slowed, she leaned up and kissed me quickly. "Get out what you needed to get out?"

"Yeah," I replied, kissing her again.

"Good," she replied. "I'm pretty close to another; go grab your phone if you want, I'm gonna finish myself off and it'll probably be a good pic."

"Okay," I said, smiling weakly. I climbed off the bed and retrieved my phone, getting an excellent shot of Mia splayed out on the bed. Propped up on pillows so her tits looked amazing, her legs spread wide so I could get a great view of her stretched out lips and leaking cum, it was a perfectly profane picture to add to the album, especially when I took one at the moment of her orgasm.

Drained and utterly exhausted from this fuck, I collapsed beside her on the bed. Weakly, we reached out to each other, stroking each other gently as we regained our energy.

"Full disclosure?" Mia asked.

"Sure," I replied.

"Josie and I've shared everything in the past, and in case you've ever wondered, you're a lot better than Jackson. He was a terrible boyfriend to her, but an even worse lay," she said.

It wasn't something I ever seriously thought about, and something I'd never ask Josie, but it did swell my pride a little to know that.

"Thanks," I replied.

"No problem," she said, looking down at herself. "Fuck, I'm a mess."

"Only if you're doing it right," I said.

Again, I only got the faintest hint of a smirk from her before her lips curled back down.

"Can I ask you something?" I said.

"Is it gonna piss me off?" Mia asked.

"Maybe," I said.

She shrugged. I continued, "I'm not one of those guys who'll tell girls to smile more because it'll make 'em prettier, but I gotta ask... you do know how to smile, right?"

"Yes. I just choose not to," Mia explained.

"Oh," I said.

Mia shrugged again. "I smile when there's reason to, and when I don't, I don't. Been that way since I was little. Brianna and I were born two minutes apart, and though they claim we're identical, it's rarely been the case. When we were kids, she had a resting happy face, I had the resting bitch face. Now, she's got the resting slut face, I've still got the resting bitch face. Everyone likes her, pretty much no one likes me, and that's fine by me. I've got a handful of very close friends I'd trust with my life rather than a hundred maybe friends who could turn on me in a second over some high school bullshit."

As someone who was far from a fan of all that high school bullshit, I could relate. "Then... then I'm glad I was able to help you and Josie out."

"It's not fixed. I... I gotta get over my shit, I gotta make up for being such a cunt to her, but I can do that," Mia said.

"Good," I replied. "I think you'll both be a lot happier that way."

"You think a lot," Mia said.

Now it was my turn to shrug. "It's one of my things."

Mia rolled her eyes. I squeezed one of her nipples. She shuddered, slightly, still looking so gloriously lewd.

"I won't give you a smile, but I bet I can give you something you didn't know," Mia said.

"What?" I asked.

"I bet you Josie never told you we were each others' first kisses," Mia said.

For all the talks Josie and I had had about sex, Mia was right about this. "There more of a story to it than that?"

Mia continued, "Some. We'd been friends forever and both of us definitely had our eyes out for boys, but, with none of the guys we liked giving girls of our appearance more than half a glance, we just up and decided one day that we were gonna fix it ourselves and just made the fuck out. Josie... she's definitely more into girls than I am, but I have my fun too. Helps that she's really fucking good at kissing and fucking and all that."

"You're telling me," I said.

"What I'm trying to say..." Mia trailed off. She screwed up her mouth in concentration for a long moment, seriously considering her next words. I gave her her moment, because I knew when she had something to say that it would be important.

I wasn't disappointed.

"...Josie's special. I don't need to tell you that, though, do I?" Mia said.

"No. I don't think you need to spend long around her to know that. Even clothed," I said, trying to add a little bit of a joke.

Mia wasn't amused. "She's smart, she's funny, she's hot as all get out. You and I know all this, maybe better than anyone else. She doesn't try to ever let it look like anything gets to her, but she's a lot more sensitive than she lets on. I guess, what I'm trying to say, is that I don't want her to get hurt. You don't seem like the kind of guy who's gonna go around hurting her on purpose like Jackson did, but I'd appreciate it if you'd promise to do everything you can to not hurt her accidentally. I'm not gonna be crazy and expect you won't ever fuck up, because everybody fucks up, but if you can just promise me that you'll do everything you can to make sure she stays as wonderful as we both know she is..."

"I won't hurt her. I won't screw her over. I promise," I said. I'd made a lot of promises and said a lot of things in life that could be taken as promises, but I don't think I ever made any as serious as the one I made to Mia, naked and sweaty on her bed like that. I knew it would be a hard one to keep for all the variables involved, because it was pretty easy to fuck up on accident around Regan Hills High School, but with Josie Wong entirely worth it I was pretty sure I could keep my word.

Mia considered me for a while. "You really mean it."

"Why wouldn't I?" I asked.

"'cause a lot of guys are dicks about these sorts of things. They'll say whatever you want to hear without a trace of sincerity. You... you really seem to mean it," Mia said.

"Thanks?" I replied.

"You're welcome," she said, getting a good look down at my body.

I looked down with her at my cock, which had regained a little life while we talked. Given the close proximity to a busty and sexy as fuck girl, this felt about right.

"Huh. What do you know?" I said, amused.

"You look up for another round," Mia said.

"With a little help, I could be. You?" I asked.

"I'm getting there too. Want me to give Josie a call, make this a real party?" Mia asked, raising an eyebrow.

I thought about it. The image of Josie and Mia and me all naked together was pretty tempting... but...

"Don't take this the wrong way, but mind if we just keep this you and me for now? I'd love to go full threesome with you and Josie sometime, but I was kinda just enjoying getting to know you, and-"

"Say no more," Mia said, sliding further down the bed so she could better give my cock some attention. "I was hoping for that answer, honestly. As I said, Josie and me, we love to share, but there's times I really feel the greedy slut, and now's one of 'em."

She started slowly, methodically sucking on my cock, getting it nice and wet before sandwiching it between her massive tits. Watching my head slowly appear and reappear in her cleavage... that was enough to get me hard in a hurry.

"So, I'll get you hard, and then I'm gonna ride you, and then why don't we see how many more times we can both cum before we collapse from pure exhaustion?" Mia proposed.

Though I may not have been able to get Mia to smile, I wasn't afraid of doing the same myself. "You're on."


By the time I made it home, I was sore and limping and feeling both very satisfied but very tired. If I'd thought that our first encounter was running me ragged, I was unprepared for how much stamina that girl truly had. Though the entirety of our afternoon was something of a blur, as I rode back home and parked my bicycle in the garage, I couldn't help but get flashes of what we'd done before our eyes.

Mia bouncing up and down on my cock like an expert bull rider, her insane tits bouncing like I never would've believed possible.

Mia on all fours, taking my cock from behind as she looked over her shoulder and encouraged me with more of her filthy mouth.

My cock between Mia's tits, spraying cum all over her face and chest as she expertly tittyfucked me.

Showering with Mia after I thought we were done, only for her to bend me over and shove a couple fingers up my ass, coaxing me to jack off until I'd had one of the most intense orgasms I could recall.

These were but flashes of a truly marathon encounter, one that I was beyond happy to have all the picture evidence of, and one that I was, for now, glad to be over. What I needed was a hot soak in my bath for about a week, which would give me enough time, I figured, to focus on the last few names on my Christmas list. I had less than a week to go, but as I looked at the list on my desk and crossed off the last few names I'd worked on, it all looked too possible.



X -- HALEY - X

X -- HOPE - X


X -- JOSIE - X



X -- MARIE - X





X -- NOA - X


X -- ROSE - X

X -- SARAH - X


X -- TORI -- X

Four names. All I had were four names to go. I could do the good deeds for these four girls. Some of them were already in motion, and some of them would be easier than others, but it definitely looked possible.

My phone buzzed. I checked the text.

Josie: I want pics. I want stories. I want every filthy detail because I wanna cum haaaaaaaaaaaard

Josie: Don't know exactly how you did it, but thanks. I owe you for pulling Mia's head out of her ass.

I smiled, I almost worked on a response, then, for reasons I couldn't adequately describe, my eyes darted up and out my bedroom window. I was so used to the view from this window being of the Martinez's house next door, the window opposite mine always closed with heavy curtains. It took me a moment to remember that the Martinez's no longer lived there, because the curtains were wide open, and standing in the room beyond was a beautiful girl.

A lean black teenage girl with an impressive loose afro of dark curls, I'd seen our new neighbor's daughter when they moved in not long ago. From a distance, I thought she had a face that was pretty enough to break hearts, with delicate features, big brown eyes and the sweetest smile, and now that she was closer I had to confirm my earlier assessment. She was dressed in a worn, old t-shirt and yoga pants that hugged her long legs nicely and talking on her phone. The conversation was animated and not terribly happy by the looks of it. She looked stressed out. Angry, even.

I watched for too long, taking in her beauty, before realizing that this wasn't a conversation for my eyes. As quickly as I could, I went for my curtains and closed them.

I was too slow pulling the chain, as just before they closed I saw her looking at me. Our eyes met. There wasn't any anger for me, just a strange, slight sadness from her for having been caught in the middle of a private conversation.

Before I could embarrass her anymore, I finished closing my blinds.


I didn't get the weeklong bath I wanted, but a long hot shower did the job just fine. Refreshed and wearing clean clothes (and still enjoying the hard-on I got thinking about my afternoon with Mia), I prepared to get in some dinner and homework time.

A brief flash of curiosity hit me, and I peeked through the curtains again.

The girl's curtains were closed, but pressed up against the glass was a note written on a piece of printer paper with a sharpie.


A sharp sting of fear hit me as I was taken by that classic "hand in the cookie jar" instinct, but after I thought it through, the note struck me as more amusing than anything else. Grabbing a pad of yellow lined paper from my desk, I scrawled out a note in bright red Sharpie and left it on my window.


I hadn't yet had a chance to properly meet our new neighbors, but I'd made first contact. What that would mean was anyone's guess, but it never hurt to know the neighbors, right?


(Author's Note 2: Writing this story is something I do in my spare time for fun, so if you're enjoying this, please, please, please drop some stars, reviews or shoot me some feedback, as they really keep me going (and please vote on any earlier chapters you enjoyed if you haven't already!). Though I may not always respond, I do love hearing from all of you and seeing that you're enjoying the series. It motivates me to continue writing more. You've all been wonderful and I can't thank you enough for all of your kind words and encouragement and yes, even the constructive criticisms!)

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edwards21edwards215 months ago

This is an older piece, so this comment really doesn't matter at this late juncture, but I'd have liked to see more of the Addison scene play out. I feel like we as the readers missed out.


Oh, yeah...meant to comment about Addison's s request for Ryan to help her make a so-called "revenge" video to send to Kyle...

Kyle keeps sending TOTALLY IMPROPER AND INTIMIDATING texts, voicemails, and pics/videos...AFTER Addison tells him to Cease-And-Desist....SO, what he gets back from her is a Clear Message that she has moved on, has new friends, and he has NO ROOM in her life any more!!!!!

So..."REVENGE VIDEO"...really a misnomer...more of a "STAY OUT OF MY LIFE" message!! One he deserves!!


I am also very much enjoying this series, and not looking forward to the end of it, either!! This has been a real voyage...and I am looking forward to the rest!!

New girl next door...he is going to be quite the "good neighbor" and welcoming her to town!!!! Ha, ha, ha!!!🤣🤣

Mia Roth...goth emo bitch...and an epic partner for Ryan to have brought his Christmas Cheer program to. That she has actually begun to accept him says so much, especially as it is going to help with her relationship with her best friend Josie Wong!! She now has the idea that Ryan is a much better match for her than ¿Jackson? she found out he is a better lay!!

I am REALLY looking forward to what Ryan has lined up for Sophie, the little evangelical girl with the oh-so-new realization of her sexuality...and her love of Ryan's 10" buddy!! WHO ALL IS GONNA BE INVOLVED IN THIS WHEN IT COMES TO PASS...AGAIN, looking forward to it!!

Five**5**Stars...more than deserved!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I love your work but I fucking hate when you stop as theyare about to fuck

BesottenBesottenabout 1 year ago

Helping Addison be cruel to Kyle feels cruel. One can certainly argue that he deserves it. But there is something wrong with a nice guy (Ryan) making the world a better place for Christmas with the milk of human kindness, and doing it by helping another person hurt someone (Kyle). If that is where Addison is at then I guess giftgiving opportunities are limited. I'm just glad she wasn't asking for something worse aimed ankle for Christmas.Ryan is on morally ambiguous ground here - definitely not the moral high ground.

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