Serendipity Ch. 20-21


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Maria was a bit mesmerized. It took her a second to respond. "Um Yes Master Danny, I think I have something." She walked a bit jerky to the office. The office that was looking more like her sewing room. My desk and computer had all sorts of things draped over them. She grabbed a spool of half inch ribbon and snipped off a piece. "Will this do?"

"Yes it will do nicely. " I handed it to Jean.

Jean turned to Sam. "If this is what you really want, then you will present Master with your collar to put on you and then thank him for accepting you into our group." She backed up a few feet and kneeled with knees spread and pussy on display like she did the other day with Francis. Maria hesitated a moment and then imitated her beside her.

Sam looked between the ribbon in her hand and the girls kneeled down. She took a deep breath and kneeled in front of me and held the ribbon up. I took it and tied it gently around her neck. "Welcome home Samantha."

"Thank you Master..."

"Now ladies, as much as I would like to continue this upstairs, I hear more guests arriving so we will have to pick this up later." I have to learn to quit holding my arms out to kneeling women! First Sam, and then Jean, and even Maria came up behind us for a second. I finally disentangled myself from the ladies. "Sam, and I will call you Sam except on special occasions. Let's have a nice afternoon. But you and Jean need to see what we need to do on the sorority house to get it finished. Get a few bodies, preferably naked female bodies, and get the second and third floors knocked out with a kitchenette on each. But from the looks of my office." I waived a hand at the cloth covered room. "I think Maria's work space over there has top priority. That would be the first work room on the other side of the kitchenette."

I got a three way chorus of "Yes Master!" and off they scrambled, all headed for the sorority house. I went out back and began mingling with all the lovely ladies. Now that it was mid-day it was warming up enough that almost everyone had stripped down. There seemed to be at least a few more men this time around, so I wasn't lone man out. Unfortunately there was a young lady off to one side that wasn't appreciating her husband / boyfriends appreciation for the finer visions around him.

"You're creating quite a ruckus over her miss."

"It's not me... it's HIM!"

"I don't hear him making a sound."

"But he's...he's... He's LOOKING at them!"


"And he's with ME!"

"Is he blind?"


"So YOU are getting mad because YOU brought him to a place where YOU knew there would be several dozen naked women. Even though NONE of them would even consider stealing him from you. Does that about sum it up?"

"But he's with ME! You don't get it because you don't have a woman!" That got an 'oh shit' from several of the ladies in the crowd.

"You're right young lady, I don't have a woman." She got a smug look on her face. "I have four." That got her, and several gasps from the crowd as well. "Two are here with me and two are back in The City. And ALL of us are adult enough to know that no matter how worked up we get, we will always go back to the others and somebody will be passing out from pleasure."

That got some more gasps. I turned to the guy with her. "Sir, if you are not somehow already attached to this little twit I suggest you take a long hard look at your relationship. I can tell you from experience that a woman playing female games will be nothing but trouble. Find a woman that loves you for who you are and you will have nothing but joy. I found out in the nick of time, I hope you do too before you make the same mistake I almost did."

That got me a big round of applause and a few whistles. I made a slight bow and went over to Mary and Martin kicked back together on one of the wide loungers. Mary tucked under his shoulder stroking his cock and his arm over her shoulder, playing with her nipples.

"WE'RE LEAVING BILLY!" she turned to walk back out front. "BILLY, LET'S GO!"

He walked over to her and she started to turn to go. He caught her arm to stop her, and then lifted a necklace and ring from around her neck. She was flabbergasted. "My name,... is WILLIAM. Now go run along and cry to daddy. I'm sure I can find a ride home from one of these real ladies." and turned into a sea of women.

"JUST REMEMBER LADIES," I called out as he disappeared into the crowd. "YOU CAN'T RAPE THE WILLING!!" That got quite a few cackles. "So what do you think of Martin's pools Mary?"

"Pretty nice, but why is the regular pool so narrow?"

"I was wondering that myself, but I thought there was a good reason. What do you say Martin?" We all looked at him.

"Pretty simple really. Rarely are you going to have any one actually swimming laps, but it is three lanes wide, and there is plenty of room for eighty percent of the time you have guests around. But the most important part is money, but not the way you think." He paused for a second and took a long sip from his tea, making us wait. "At three lanes wide you can easily cover one end or all of it with standard winter use covers and make it useable through the cooler months. At four lanes wide you have to have a custom cover at twice the price. Not to mention I come across the standard covers being taken out fairly regularly and I'd like to be able to swim in it year round." With that he leaned over to give Mary a nice deep kiss and squeeze the other tit while she continued to stroke him.

"DAMN Uncle Martin! Now I know why Aunt Ria always had a smile on her face!" Maria, Sam, Jean, and three other ladies came walking up behind them. If Martin could have shriveled up and blown away he would have. The rest of us merely laughed politely, but we laughed. He finally saw the humor and laughed a little too.

"I need to go catch up with Jean and Sam. I'll catch you later."

I caught up with the girls and reached around to cup a tit on either side. "So what's the prognosis ladies?"

"Maria and I will start on her work room tomorrow, Sam should be able to start painting the rooms we have already done and paint her work room by late Wednesday or Thursday morning."

"Sounds good. If you get a chance cut the drywall below counter level loose so I can get a look at the plumbing for the kitchenettes. Now give me a kiss and go mingle." Sam and Jean gave me a kiss on the cheeks, Maria even gave me a quick kiss on the lips and then licked her lips before turning away as they scattered.

"You really need more things to do Danny."

I turned to find Chuck, Christine, and a beautiful older lady. Nice tits with very suckable nipples, a little better than I would have expected, and nice trimmed silver pubes that showed off the shape of her mound nicely. Tummy and legs with a bit more on her than the younger girls, but not bad at all!

"Honey, you keep looking at me like that and I'll have you give me a cavity search!"

Two can play that game! "That could be interesting." Not the answer she was expecting. Her mouth dropped and Chuck and Christine were laughing. "But does your mother know you're out after curfew?" Chuck had to sit back on a lounger he was laughing so hard. Christine did manage to stay standing. She started slapping me back and forth on the shoulder trying not to laugh.

"I mean I wouldn't want to be accused of contributing to the delinquency of a minor now would I?" Christine finally fell back into Chucks lap, as the older lady fell into another lounger. "While you three are goofing off I'm going to go find an upstanding respectable lady. You know where I can find Gladys?" That was all she wrote for Chuck and Christine, The older lady wasn't far behind them. We were drawing a lot of attention. 'DON'T WORRY FOLKS, IT'S NOT CONTAGEOUS!" That got a few laughs as I walked away to the sorority house.

A couple of ladies were looking over the playground stuff behind the sorority house, but Martin had wisely did them up so as to not be useable.

I walked around the main room and imagined it with some displays and SEVERAL naked women running around. I think I would stay with the bright white to keep the colonial look, but the girls will have the final say.

"You are a very ornery young man!" My little old lady was back, with Chuck and Christine in tow.

"Be nice or I'll tell your Mommy on you." OK, so it didn't work as well the second time around...

Now it was Christine's turn. "Danny I'd like you to meet one of my old college professors, District Judge Teresa."

"Hi Danny!" and she reached out and gave me a nice firm hand shake. "And the cavity search offer is still available."

"You'd have to get the permission of my girls and they don't like to share." That stopped her in her tracks, but she did manage to recover after a bit, "So how did these two manage to drag you out here?"

"Well first they tell me there is a guy that will let ladies run around in their birthday suits, even us old broads. And then they have this crazy idea they want to have a naked wedding."

"You think that's a whopper? Let me tell you a good one. There's these two lawyers see. They run around aaaalllll day talking to people. They talk to judges, they talk to other lawyers. They talk people into things, they talk people out of things. But with ALLLLLL this talking, they can't seem to tell each other that they love each other. Now what do you think we should do with a pair of crazy lawyers like that?"

"How about we marry them and throw them in a locked room for a few days?"

"Hey! I like your thinking. But with or without hand cuffs? I mean she did call you an old professor, and you don't look a day over forty." Christine gasped at the handcuff remark.

"Oh you are a smoothie... and she did call me old didn't she; definitely hand cuffs!"

Christine was doing the fish out of water imitation.

"Well we need to write this on a calendar... a lawyer with nothing to say!"

"He's got you there dear!" and Chuck squeezed her ass enough to make her squeak. "Think maybe we should tell him what we're really here for?"

"That might be a good idea before I haul him off for my cavity search!"

Christine was still a little flustered, so Chuck took over. "We'd like to know if you would let us have a naked wedding here?"

"That should make for some interesting wedding invitations!"

Christine finally came out of her coma. "Almost every one we would ask is here, so it shouldn't be a problem."

"Well I will have to check with Nicole, but I don't see a problem. You thinking outside or inside? If it's small we could have it in here, too many people and it would have to be outside." Christine was looking around. "Think about it and talk to Nicole." I put my arm out to Teresa. "Shall we leave these two to contemplate some more?"

"Is that what they call it now days?" She said with a grin and we went back out to the rest of the group. On the way out she stopped me. "I would appreciate it if you would not tell anyone I'm a Federal judge."

"Teresa, the best I can promise is not to spread it around. If someone asks me directly I will not lie about it. Other than that I will do my best to be vague."

"I can live with that." We began to mingle a bit when there was a scream from near the house. But not your usual scream. This one sounded like it came from a child.


I went over and found a memorable little blond with little barely B cup tits and NICE nipples in tears with about a three month old boy."...but I don't know what else to do!"

"What seems to be the problem over here?" Every woman standing there tried to talk at the same time. Obviously trying to defend her. I held up my hands for silence, the pointed to the blond.

"I'm sorry Danny, he's not taking the formula like he should. I was barely making enough milk when he was born. Now I'm running out and... and... and he won't take formula." And she began to ball again, and the kid began to cry again.

"Wait here." I went inside in search of Maria. Man I have to go play the slot machines! Maria was just finishing pumping. "Maria, could I have a bottle of milk? It's a bit of an emergency."

She giggled at that. "Of course Master Danny." I took a still warm bottle, but surprised her by grabbing a nipple and cap from the drawer and headed outside back to the crying kid. She was wondering what I was doing, but didn't say anything.

I handed the blond the bottle. "Try this."

"He won't take formula!"

"Just try it..."

She nudged the lips with the bottle expecting the same reaction to the formula bottle. I on the other hand was praying for the opposite reaction. It only took a second and he latched on and was draining the bottle. The ladies looked at me like I had horns and a tail. "How did you...?"

"Bring the little screamer and follow me." The heard of ladies started to follow as well. "Uh Uh ladies. This is a private meeting." I took the blond in and around to the kitchen. Maria was cleaning the last of her stuff up when we came around the corner. Maya was on the island in her carrier. She was a bit stunned to see her bottle in the mouth of the little boy. "Maria, this is..."


'...this is Cassie. She has the opposite problem you have. She can't produce enough for her little boy. See if you two can come to some kind of arrangement."

I turned to go back outside and ran smack dab into Teresa. I grabbed her and turned us to the wall to keep from falling over on top of her. What I did manage to do was put my cock in her crotch and one hand on her ass while I caught the wall with the other.

"This wasn't exactly what I had in mind, but it will do." She wrapped her arms around my neck, plastering her firm tits into my chest and gave me a nice kiss. I leaned into her and took the hand from the wall to cup a tit. After market like I thought, but then my thumb found a long scar underneath. Oh oh, replacement, not aftermarket! She realized where my thumb was and cringed trying to duck under my arm.

I stopped her, "Where are you going Teresa?"

"I... I have to..."

"To what Teresa? You don't have to go anywhere."

"But...but you know, don't you?" she said softly.

"I suspect, but that's not the important question." answering just as quietly.


"The important question is are you OK?"

There was a noise and we looked to see Cassie and Maria standing there. "Ladies, this is Teresa. I have discovered a VERY personal secret. I would ask that you keep it as well."

Teresa got her gumption up. "And just what do you think you have discovered mister?" ever the forceful judge.

I brought my other hand up to her other tit and squeezed getting a little sigh from her. "That some time ago you had a double mastectomy and had implants put in. They did a nice job by the way. I LOVE tits and I wasn't positive until I got a hold of them." Holding them up and giving each nipple a flick of my tongue. Now she was blushing. "What do you say we go back out and join all the wild people?!"

She smiled. "Christine said you were good people... She was right!" and gave me a nice kiss wiggling her bush against my hardening cock.

We went back outside and mingled for a bit. I saw several ladies come and go from the house, and I saw Cassie come out all smiles quite some time ago, but I hadn't seen Maria for a while. I better go see what's up.

I came around to find two women standing in my office with their bra cups folded down! Maria was sitting there making marks on the first ones bra. The lady took it off and wrote something on the top of each cup and Maria pinned a five dollar bill to it. She did the same to the next one, but it was a ten dollar bill. Maria saw me and jumped at me, hugging and kissing. "Look at this Master Danny!" she waived to all the bras all over the room.

"You're going to have to explain it to me, 'cause from my end it looks like you're pimping out all my guests."

She playfully slapped my shoulder, "Noooo. I was wearing my bra out like this today, and a couple of ladies asked me where I got it. I told them I made it from one of my old bras. She didn't believe me. I told her if she had a bra with straps like mine and the cups could be folded down I could make her one in about five or ten minutes. Her friend bet me ten dollars I couldn't do it. They came in with their bras. Hers couldn't be folded down easily, but her friends was perfect. I marked it, cut it, and had it sewed up in five. She was a little pissed her friend got the half cup and she didn't. I told her I could do an open nipple but it was a little more involved and would cost her ten dollars...and she took me up on it!

"So how does that explain all of this?" I waived to bras strewn everywhere.

"Well that was just before I had to pump. Just after Cassie left another lady came in and asked about her bra being cut down. She wanted a half cup so I trimmed it and sewed it for five dollars. She wanted the lace like I had, so I charged her an additional five dollars for the lace and to put it on. Before I knew it I had a line. Simple half cup was five, lace trim or open nipple was ten. Some of the ladies were looking at Maribel's dress over there." She pointed to the dress on the mannequin. "and asked about having something made or alterations. I told her the alterations would depend on what she needed done, and she described them to me and the dress she was needing it done on. Danny, she's a customer from down at the dry cleaners!"

"Uh Oh!"

"That's just it Danny, most of the time I never see the customer. The lady up front does the measuring and pinning and brings them back to me. Most of the time I'm not even in the store with my part time schedule. I quoted her what I get paid at the dry cleaners for that kind of job and she jumped at it. She said it was less than half what she had been paying."

"Sounds like they were taking quite a mark-up on your work."

"Yeah, I asked a few more questions, and made like I had forgot to ask the right questions. I told her that it really should be such and such, but since I gave her the quote I'd honor my word for this time."

"Good catch!"

"Oh that's not the best part. She is going to be bringing me all her alterations and recommending me to her friends as someone that stands behind her word. Danny, she brings in several dresses a month. Between that alteration and all these bras, I've got more work than I usually get in two weeks."

"Does that mean you're going to give notice at the dry cleaners?"

"If that's OK with you, yes."

"OK, well we'll work out the details before you go back on Wednesday. But how did things turn out with Cassie?"

"Really good. She's going to buy my milk for what she was going to pay for formula. Around fifteen dollars a week for seven or eight bottles. We'll see how it goes."

"And what about this?" I touched a thick white thread tied around her throat in a bow.

"Since you have included me in some of your things I felt a part of it. I hope you don't mind?"

"I am honored you would consider it. Now let's go mingle.", and I kissed her neck just below her ear.

We headed out to my crowd of naked people. "Oh I forgot to tell you. Mistress Nicole called earlier. I went out to get you but you were giving that little blond a talking to. I told Mistress Nicole what was going on and that you even called her a twit. She was very amused and said to call her back later when things died down. She planned to be at home all evening."

"We will have to do that!" and gave her a nice kiss. "Now let's go enjoy the gang." Squeezing a cheek as she walked away. We mingled somewhat together and then I quickly got snagged by this guest and that guest. I watched Maria, Jean, and Sam circulate amongst the guests. I think Maria was the most comfortable with the role and Jean the least. Sam was just treading water, but she had the advantage of also being the least known of any one there.