Serving Miss G

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An arms-length sub experiences an in-person session.
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I woke up and as is my normal practice, checked my phone to see if I'd received an early morning message from Miss G who keeps slightly earlier hours than I do. This morning rather than any chat there was simply a link to a dress for sale in a London store. I was slightly bemused as the dress in question wasn't available for delivery, but store purchase only and my previous purchases for Miss G had been delivered to her at home.

After arriving at work in central London I messaged her and asked her if she'd sent the correct link. Ordinarily she is very specific and clear in her instructions but this was out of the usual pattern so I considered it appropriate to verify.

As per our ongoing arrangement I had to wait an hour for her reply which was to tell me that unsurprisingly she had not made a mistake and that her request was that I was to purchase the dress and deliver it to a nearby hotel and leave it with reception FAO Ms Sinclair.

Intrigued, I excused myself for an early lunch and went shopping for said dress fighting the urge to either imagine her in it or to consider any other accessories to purchase. As she has always been very clear that gifts will be on her terms entirely the thought of bags, shoes etc was quickly disabused. After making the purchase I made my way to the hotel specified and deposited the dress with reception as instructed and relayed this back to Miss G.

I should probably digress here for a moment to illustrate my relationship with Miss G. We initially met through a third party and for whatever reason her and I developed a strong sexual chemistry, finding in each other a safe and somewhat stimulating place to both confess and explore our deepest fantasies. Initially this had started out with me in a dominant role but over time that dissipated and G evolved to become Miss G. Resultantly she probed to divine my true expansive submissive fantasies which I knew she had the ability to deliver upon but for good measure we also kept a little bit of switch in our dynamic too.

Work was somewhat unproductive in the afternoon following the drop off as my mind was circling around the hotel and Miss G of course. I was conflicted in wanting the immediate gratification of knowing her plans, all the more so given she was physically close by but also knowing that she would already have determined the course of events to follow and wouldn't appreciate me seeking to prejudge them. Much as I tried to focus elsewhere, my mental self control was not sufficient to enable me to block out the sexual maelstrom in my head. Miss G was here and she had something planned, so I succumbed to my thoughts. I may have typed perhaps 100 words that afternoon whilst envisioning 1000 thoughts.

At 16.00 I was told to report to the hotel at 18.00 and ask at reception for Ms Sinclair. Duly doing so I was asked to wait in reception and then ten minutes later I was given her room number and told to proceed up to it.

I found Miss G in a loosely tied white toweling dressing gown and black Le B's which, given I knew a) that she was naked under the dressing gown and b) what her body looks like naked, sent all of my blood rushing first to my cheeks and secondly to my crotch.

For want of an introduction I blurted out the first thing in my head, 'did the dress fit Miss G?'. The somewhat surprising response was 'I'm not sure yet, that's one of the reasons why you're here, the other reasons will be outlined over the course of the evening '.

The spinning of my mind and imagination must have been apparent and Miss G was quick to interject, 'don't get too excited, this is about me, not you, you wanted to serve and to see me in control, well this is your opportunity ". Chastened, I asked her how she needed me to be involved.

'Well, as I was clear, this is not about you or your obvious pleasure but mine so the first thing I need to ensure is that your focus is totally on me, to that end I need you to turn, walk up to the window and face outwards'.

The view over London was quickly overtaken by the sensation of Miss G unbuckling my belt and pulling my trousers down. My cock could not help but stiffen even further, attempting to burst out from my boxers. Miss G took one step to the side and peered around and down 'look, you're leaking already, that's indicative of an incorrect focus isn't it?'. I mumbled an apology and nodded my agreement. 'Step out of your pants' I was instructed, and in a flash I felt something freezing cold against my straining cock, looking down I saw Miss G's hand pressing a bag of ice against me. With no other option my cock succumbed to the inevitable and in short order my erection inverted leaving me limply flaccid.

'The problem is, this isn't a sustainable state of affairs is it?' Miss G asked me, 'I think you may revert and that would not be appropriate, as such I will need to take steps, so put your hands behind your back and look upwards'.

I felt a sliver of cold lube being smeared on my limp cock immediately followed by a rigid tube encircling it down to the base. Afterwards a clamp appeared behind my balls fastening down onto the top of my shaft. The only sound I heard was a quiet metallic click by which time I realised that I'd been fully chastised and locked, my cock now completely surrounded by an unyielding clear acrylic sheath, preventing any erection at all from forming. The complete control I had unwittingly ceded immediately stimulated me and my cock tried to find a way to express this stimulation but was immediately thwarted. Miss G seeing my cock writhing against her prison mocked the twitching asking in a faux naif tone' you really didn't think you'd be using that on me did you? You really should have known better.'

'Anyway, there are more pressing engagements for me than ruminating on your flaccid predicament, I have a date and you are going to help me for the rest of the night, that's why you are here darling, but it's going to be a long night and I'm going to need you to focus so I want you to close your eyes and stick out your tongue whilst I pop something in to help you with that'. Duly obliging I felt a small tablet being placed on my tongue and was instructed to swallow.

'Your first task is to help me get ready so go and run the shower and put on the exfoliating gloves I've laid out for you, whilst I do like smooth skin it's more important that you can't actually feel how smooth my skin is, it's not appropriate for you to touch me in that way, my date, H we can refer to him as, has no desire to meet with a woman who has been touched by another man already, he's very particular that way'.

I waited in the shower, the hot water running off my cage in a long stream looking eerily like a massive urination. Miss G walked into the bathroom and slipped out of her dressing gown revealing her flawless body. Stepping into the shower she could see from the twitching of the cage and the expression in my face that I was seriously distracted, Raising one eyebrow in mock questioning Miss G murmured 'fight it baby, this isn't yours, the only way you can satisfy me is by service, start on my back please, and especially my ass, H has told me he particularly appreciates my derriere '.

Miss G turned around to face me and told me that as her dress had a significant split it was important to focus on her legs so instructed me to kneel down and start from her feet working upwards. As I worked up towards her knees I glanced up at her face and saw her mutter an almost imperceptible 'ooops' after which a golden jet cascaded out from her landing all over my torso. 'Best rinse me off baby ' was her only acknowledgement.

Laying on her bed Miss G instructed me to look on her small tote bag and remove what was in there, notably a bottle of body oil and a large make up brush. 'As I said earlier, it's not appropriate for you to touch me, but I do need to be moisturised so you can apply it to me using the brush, I think H will be happy with that'. Dutifully I proceeded to lightly coat Miss G's body with the oil until her body was shimmering. 'You look sensational I couldn't help but murmur " 'thank you, but it's not your opinion I'm looking for tonight unfortunately ' was her somewhat sharp retort.

Miss G cupped her breasts and subsequently ran her fingertips up the inside of her thighs and extended her index finger towards me 'taste, I need to know the oil has dried'. The hit of perfume went straight to my olfactory senses as I was able to confirm that there was no oil present on her skin 'good, time to get dressed '.

In the wardrobe I found the dress I had purchased earlier hanging next to an AP lingerie set I had purchased previously 'bring the lingerie over please and in the top drawer you should find a pair of hold-ups, I'll need those too'. This particular AP set is absolutely delightful, drawing the eye to every perfect point of Miss G's body, the knickers rise just low enough to show how flat her stomach is and the bra clings to her breasts broadcasting their pertness. The sight of it hanging in the wardrobe took me immediately back to the day I had been shown the set on her and the breathlessness I felt as I drunk in the sublime view and of course my cock could not help but attempt to express a fondness for the memory but came to a crashing halt against its prison again.

Stepping over to the foot of the bed I knelt down holding the knickers out in front of me and raptly watched as first one leg and then the second was placed in. Raising them up I couldn't help but admire, again, Miss G's derriere, such full rounded cheeks. A sharp 'I hope you aren't lingering' shook me from my reverie in a moment 'and don't even think about touching me, fingers on the outside of the knickers please' I was reminded.

Before I had even a second to try and appreciate the view in front of me I was instructed to prepare the hold-ups for Miss G to step into, once her feet were in I had to use the flat of my palms to lever them upwards to prevent any skin touching which I learnt then is most definitely not the most efficient method of dressing.

'The bra now please ' which fortunately for my levels of confliction was the easiest of the three pieces to apply, and with a gentle snap the bra was on and the first stage complete.

Turning to face me Miss G complimented me on completing the task as instructed but looked somewhat less enamored as she glanced down and saw the pre-cum freely leaking from the tip of my cage. 'I thought I'd been clear that your focus was to be on me, this isn't a sexual experience for you, why are you defying me in this way?' I don't know Miss I stumbled in reply, I just can't stop my cock from throbbing, I thought it would have recognised there was no opportunity to grow by now but it keeps on pressing against the sides. 'Ah well, you're probably just over-stimulated, it's hardly surprising is it really, all things considered? Anyway, time for the dress, you can see if it fits now!

Holding the dress open Miss G stepped into it, dropping the straps over her shoulders she held her hair up with one hand whilst requesting the dress be zipped up. 'Does it fit?' she asked. 'Of course' I replied, 'you look..' at which point she cut me off. 'I didn't ask for a compliment, contrary to popular opinion they actually become quite tiresome after a while, and as we've already identified, it's not you I'm seeking to impress tonight'.

At this point Miss G revealed that the plan was that she was going out to meet for dinner and that I was to get dressed and accompany her. 'Won't That be a little bit awkward for the two of you Miss?' I enquired. 'Oh not at all, I've made appropriate arrangements to ensure we're all comfortable, however, before we leave I'd like you to put on those light grey boxer shorts I've laid out for you, they'll help me determine how much leakage has occurred whilst we're out, the less the better of course."

We arrived at the restaurant first, Miss G introducing us as 'the Sinclair party'. The Maitre D couldn't help but stare at her, running his eyes greedily over her body and then holding her gaze for a second longer than appropriate and told her that the arrangements had been made and that we could be seated. Without responding in any way to his lechery Miss G informed him that she would like to wait a few moments. I asked her if she would like me to fetch her a drink but she stated that it wouldn't be necessary as she would be waiting alone. I stood up and prepared to make my exit but she quickly called me to a halt. 'Where are you going? I said I had made arrangements and I have, proceed into the dining room and you'll find your table laid out, I'lll wait here for H. Oh, and you probably shouldn't have any alcohol either, it may react with the Viagra I gave you earlier.'

Despite the restaurant being full I noticed two adjacent tables were empty but set, one for a solo diner and one for a pair. The waiter seated me at the single table with almost a sorrowful glance and asked if he could get me a drink to start with. 'Just water for now please, I'm er, on some tablets so can't drink I shamefully replied'. A few minutes later he brought my glass over and remarked 'I think Ms Sinclair will be entering shortly, her companion has just arrived'

As Miss G entered the dining room there was a slight lull in conversation, at least in the male voices around me that I had been hearing, as a number of diners clearly took the opportunity to pay a little more attention to Miss G than they were doing to either their main courses or their own companions. She was clearly the outstanding female in the room and I wondered how many of the men there had the same amount of blood pulsating to their crotches as I did.

After they were seated I had the opportunity to see Miss G's date for the first time and it was obvious what attracted her to him, he was approximately 35, tall, athletic, clearly confident and well dressed with an unmistakable whiff of 'alpha male'. Miss G clearly said something about me and he turned to me and gave me a knowing wink which I couldn't determine was in solidarity or sarcasm.

As the meal progressed it was obvious that Miss G was very much into this man as I noticed she remained locked in eye contact with him for extended periods, ran her tongue over her lips as his foot brushed against her legs under the table and made no comment at all as he focussed his attentions on her cleavage. Seeing such a man take such an interest in Miss G gave me an unremitting sense of pride, somebody else recognising the qualities I see and also most likely being afforded the opportunity to follow up on them.

As the starters were being cleared away Miss G rose and walked over to me, 'what do you think of him?' she asked. 'I can see why you wanted to meet him, he's a definite specimen, and by the way he's reacting to you he's really into you'. After a quick eye roll Miss G retorted 'oh I know that already, if you'd actually been paying closer attention you would have seen my foot exploring his crotch every moment or so, he's been erect since we sat down and I doubt he's taken Viagra to get like that'. I glanced away, feeling the blood rising both in my cheeks and of course my crotch. 'Anyhow, I need to know if you have been deriving any pleasure from what you have been watching so I would like you to pop to the toilet and send me a picture of your boxers so I can discern the amount of leakage you have defied me by'.

I stood up and on autopilot moved my hands to my crotch to rearrange myself prior to walking across the dining room. Realising it was an unnecessary act I brought my hands back up but not before Miss G had noticed and emitted a mocking chuckle.

Upon inspecting myself I noticed that there had been some quite obvious leakage with a mark of approximately 5cm in diameter attesting to my lack of self control. In trepidation I sent a picture to Miss G.

The picture had clearly not impressed her as when I returned to the dining room I saw that she had switched seats and now her back was to me with her date facing me. I could therefore only see her face through the mirror of his expressions which changed in response to her body language, his eyes increasing in focus as she moved imperceptibly closer to him. He leaned in to murmur something and immediately afterwards she leaned back and called the waiter over.

My phone buzzed ' we've decided to leave now, he didn't find any of the desserts on the menu appealing. Get the bill please and take a taxi back to my hotel, tell reception when you arrive, as before'.

I had no idea what was in Miss G's plan now as she had been clear about my role and her date had obviously not given me a second thought after the initial wink, so my assumption was that I would simply be waiting in reception just in case of any unforeseen event.

After 15 minutes the receptionist told me that I could 'go up now' in what I thought was a tone somewhere between sarcasm and pity.

I entered the room to find Miss G and her date already on the bed, his shirt was unbuttoned but she remained fully dressed. Bidden to sit down I watched as Miss G purposely slipped his shirt off and then reached down to his belt, and then his zip. Through his boxers I could already see the effect she was having on him, she looked at me, bit her bottom lip slightly and said in a most dismissive tone, 'look at that, not a single drop leaked despite being erect for the last two hours, you can't manage two minutes, but then again, that's why he's about to fuck me and you're the one who bought me this outfit to get fucked in, so everything evens out in the end.'

She raised herself from the bed, walked over to me and turned her back to me 'that's another use too, you can unzip me, but no touching'. As I did and Miss G's dress fell to the floor I saw H's erection intensify that bit more and a smile came over his lips as he realised just how sublime Miss G is naked and that in very short order he would feel her naked body pressed against his and sense her wetness envelop his erection until he was fully inside her.

Turning back round to face me Miss G instructed me to close my eyes 'that's the most you get to see for now, close your eyes, you'll just have to imagine my pleasure as I take him and if I see you looking I will not be impressed. Do I make myself clear?' was her rejoinder in the clearest and firmest tone yet

For 45 minutes I sat silently, giving shape and contrast to the sounds I could hear and the movements I could sense. With each thrust I could feel my own ruined erection trying and failing to find a way to enact the same actions Miss G was currently luxuriating in. With each moan I imagined her face, focussed solely on the pleasure she was receiving. With each creak of the bed I projected his erection being driven ever further inside her.

And then it stopped and I sensed they had separated, with one party entering the bathroom. Clearly it was him as Miss G was stood in front of me instructing me to open my eyes. 'What have you always wanted to see?' she asked me. My brain raced through the two years of conversation we had had grasping for the answer. In truth there have always been so many things I wanted, but a memory from the very beginning was faintly illuminated above all the others. 'To see you mounted....? ' I stammered. 'Exactly, the very first thing you projected about me if you recall, although unfortunately it won't be you undertaking the mounting so it does differ from your initial projection a little, but I'm sure you don't mind, after all, you've seen just what a specimen he is, only he can mount me in the way you think I should be mounted. '

I succumbed to a fervour of projection and found myself totally dumbstruck, I just nodded back at Miss G. 'So, she continued, I am going to climb onto the bed and assume the mounting position offering my deepest self to him. As we are perpendicular to each other you and I will maintain eye contact at all times, your eyes must not wander even the slightest. Using your ears to determine the number of thrusts he gives me, you must count aloud each thrust. When I have received 50 you are to say 'breed her' and, well, I'm sure you understand what will happen then....'