Seven Tails: Tail 01


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She was... in a word... exquisite. Smooth pale skin special only to blonds and certain redheads. Small firm breasts tipped with small dark nipples that were even now erect and wanting, thanks to that second drug. A slim waist and wide hips with a perky little bottom that made my mouth water. Those long slim and sleekly muscled legs that allowed her to move with such style and grace. A small neatly trimmed patch of hair at the juncture of her thighs that only thinly disguised what was hidden there.

Even if I hadn't been taken by her heart, I would have fallen madly in love with that body. Sarabeth was... in my humble and as yet lightly experienced opinion, the most perfect pony I had ever seen. If my plans came to fruition, this girl would rapidly become the sweetheart of any pony Gathering I took her to.

Take that, you stuffy old-money fools!

I caught myself grinning and, even though nobody was there to see it, I covered it with my coffee cup and smiled into the steam.

During the next two hours before she awoke I played scenario after scenario over and over in my head, trying to divine the best way to explain the situation to Sarabeth. I didn't really imagine that she was going to take the news all that well. Even though she had claimed that she was ready for whatever I had in mind, I don't imagine that waking up naked in a cage and being told that she was going to be transformed into some sort of fetish object was going to go down easy.

It was going to take some explaining...

I'd explored all of the options on what would make the easiest impact on her when the drugs wore off. If I were inside or outside that cage. Door open or shut. Whether or not to use the built-in restraints. Whether or not to put the shackle around her ankle that she must have each time she is in her cage or have her do it herself.

That was another one of those things that I had tested on myself. The shackle, through my remote, could deliver anything from a mild tickle that would rouse someone from their sleep to a sharp jolt that would come very close to making you want to wet your pants. If I ever let any of my pets wear pants, that is. I had discovered that anything above a #5 was very painful and I learned that I never wanted to experience a #10 ever again in my life. That left me shaking and limping a bit afterward. And really hoping that I wouldn't ever have to use a number that high on anybody but myself.

As a matter of fact, after that experience I went into the controls of my remote and locked out anything over a #7. In my mind if I had to use anything that high more than once I'd just put them back to sleep and have them wake up hundreds of miles away and be done.

Despite whatever the public might think, not all Dom/mes are sadists. I will admit that I have a certain fondness for the occasional recreational spanking now and then. And I don't have any qualms about using mild to moderate pain as an instruction and memory tool. It is, after all, the very best teacher.

But I do not enjoy inflicting pain just for it's own sake. Despite the fact that I am a self avowed pervert, I think those who enjoy inflicting pain on others to get their rocks off are just a little sick.

Then again I was now technically a kidnapper, so who was I to judge?

On the other hand she actually agreed and drugged herself. So I was unsure what I really was at that moment. I'd have to think on it. Maybe it was something I could give my attorney a real headache over.

A little sigh indicating a change in her breathing and a slight movement told me that Sarabeth was starting to come around. I stepped inside her cage, shutting the door behind me securely and sat down on the edge of her bed.

"Oooohhhh..." She tried to sit up, one hand unconsciously clutching the sheet to her chest. I put one hand behind her back to help her up and held a glass of ice water with a straw to her lips. She took a grateful sip and let out a small sigh, shaking her head. "Where am I?"

"We are at my ranch, Sarabeth. I'm afraid you are going to have a bit of a headache for a couple of hours, dear. That can't be helped. But it will go away soon. Drinking water will help."

She took another sip of water, then took the glass from my hand and drained a third of it in two long swallows before setting it down by the side of the bed. Her eyes were clear and tracked around her slowly. I had the curtain pulled around the cage bars so all she could see was through the door and into the corridor between the cages.

"Am I in a cage, Sir?"

"Yes you are, Sarabeth."

"Part of my training?"

"Yes, it is." She seemed to notice for the first time that her hand was clutching the sheet to her body.

"Am I naked, Sir?"

"Yes, love. And yes, that is part of your training."

I half expected her to scream. Try and hit me or run away or at least cower back into the corner, clutching the sheet. In a way I was glad that I had closed the cage door behind me. If she got up and bolted I wouldn't have to chase her very far.

Instead of doing any of those she sat there and just looked at me for a moment. Then, in a very soft voice she said simply "Yes, Sir. What would you like me to do?"

That calm acceptance floored me. I'd mentally prepared myself for so many other reactions, but not this one. My brain just sort of locked up and my mouth fell open as I stared at her with a blank expression on my face. It only lasted for a couple of seconds before I gave myself a little shake.

"I don't want you to be frightened, Sarabeth. I know that this may seem a little strange to you but I hope in time that you will understand and come to be at ease with this. Despite... all of this..." I waved my hand to take in the cage and everything around it. "I really do want you to be happy here." Her free hand slipped down and found mine, those soft little fingers twining with mine and she squeezed gently.

"I'm... not frightened, Sir. I am a little nervous. But there's something about you that makes me want to trust you. I will admit that I never expected to wake up in a cage, though. And while I assumed that... part of my training would involve..." She paused and looked down, her cheeks tinged with pink. "...sleeping with you... I wasn't quite... prepared for this, either." Her fist clutched the sheet a little tighter against her chest. Those blue eyes flickered up at me and then quickly back down to her lap where she stared intently at our entwined fingers. "I do hope that you won't be angry with me, Sir. But I'm not quite... ready... for that yet." I started to open my mouth to say something and she blurted out "But... I'm not sure if it's just you or maybe those drugs you told me about that seem to be working as advertised. Maybe a combination of the two... I don't know." A little shiver ran through her body. "I might not be ready for that just yet, but I'm close, Sir." I smiled at her revelation.

"I'm not quite ready yet either, Sarabeth. Though I do want you very badly. You are definitely the most beautiful and amazing girl I have encountered in decades. But I have never taken anyone unwillingly to my bed and I am not about to start now. We will work on your training one step at a time until you are comfortable before we move on. Does that sound okay?"

"Yes, Sir. Ummmm... Sir? Is there a bathroom?"

I pointed her towards the alcove in the back where the bathroom was and told her I would return with something to eat. As she got up and wrapped the sheet around her, I closed and locked the cage door behind me and set off for the house.

Sarabeth and I sat in her cage and ate a hastily assembled meal of meat and cheese and crackers. I hadn't really planned on having anyone else so soon and my supplies of real food were pretty slim. It was still another day or so before my man in town made his weekly delivery of groceries. While we sat there I gave her an abridged version of my previous life up to the point and just past where my friend introduced me to the fetish pony world. For the most part she listened to me silently, only asking the occasional clarification question.

When I mentioned buying Randy and Amanda at the pony auction she shivered hard and clutched the sheet to her chest.

"I can't imagine... what that would be like. Up there on that stage... wondering who might buy you or where you might end up. I... don't think I could ever do that." Her hand slipped down into mine and when she looked at me her eyes were wide and pleading. "Please promise me something, Sir. Please promise me that even if I'm... not what you want... that you won't ever make me walk up on that stage, Sir. I don't think I could ever belong to anybody but you, Sir." She squeezed my hand again. "Please promise me that, Sir?"

I smiled softly and brought her hand to my lips, kissing her little fingers. "My sweet beautiful Sarabeth." I kissed her fingers again. "I promise you right here and now that I will never... could never sell you. Even if the very worst happened and you no longer wanted to be mine... which would break my heart by the way... the worst I would do is put you gently to sleep again the way I brought you here. You would wake up in a motel room hundreds of miles away with all of your things and be free to go on your way. To Hollywood or wherever you wanted to go."

"I promise you will never be up on that stage, love. Back there on the road I also promised you that I would give you my 'always' and I mean to keep that promise. So... look around you, Sarabeth." I waved my free hand at the cage around us. "I know this cage isn't what you were expecting. I won't keep you in here all of the time. My ranch is large and the house is too. There are lots of things and places I want to show you and I will very soon. But this... this is the place where you will stay forever, Sarabeth. This is now your home for the rest of your life. For as... For as long as you want to be mine. I will keep you forever."

"Sir?" Her hand tightened around mine and I could see the welling of tears in her eyes.

"Yes, Sarabeth?"

"Will... will you kiss me, Sir?"

"Yes, love. Often."

And I did.


I had made two more trips back to the house to bring more things. Before I left for the second trip I said "There's something I need you to do for me, Sarabeth. Something I need for you to do every single time you step into your cage." I pressed a button on my remote and to my pleasant surprise it functioned correctly. A panel opened up in the floor and one shackle popped out and lay on the floor.

"What is this, Sir?"

"I need you to put this on your ankle each time you enter your cage, love." She looked a little disappointed. Her eyes went to the floor.

"I won't run away from you, Sir."

Rather than go to her and comfort her disappointment, I stood in place, putting my hands on my hips and looked at her steadily for just a moment before I spoke again. "I know that you will not run away from me, little love. I can feel that in my heart. That is not the reason you will wear the shackle. You will put it on every time you enter your cage to show me, and to remind yourself every waking moment, who your Master is."

Sarabeth's eyes flickered up and down, not really able to meet my steady gaze for more than a fraction of a second. "I..." She stammered to a stop, took a breath and started again. "Is... that what you are to me, Sir? My Master?"

"Yes, Sarabeth. In all ways, in all things, you are mine."

Her eyes went a little wide at my words and there was a small intake of breath. Slowly she lowered her head again and whispered "Yes, Master." Her hands trembled a little as she reached out and took hold of the metal shackle. It closed around her ankle with a click.

This time I did go to her. I knelt down on one knee and took her face in my hands and pressed my lips to hers. Her arms came up around my neck and she hugged herself against me hard. She only kissed me for a moment, then with another small gasp she wrenched her lips away and laid her chin on my shoulder, those slim beautiful arms tightening around my neck.

"Yes, Master." She whispered again. Inwardly, I smiled at the goose bumps that appeared all over her body.

We sat hip to hip on her bed with my laptop computer perched appropriately on my lap. Sarabeth wrapped her hands around my arm and laid her cheek against my shoulder as I flipped through pictures and videos that I had either taken myself or gotten from others at the Gatherings I had gone to. Several times she had shivered and clutched my arm tighter. There was one set of pictures that I had scrolled through more than any of the others. It was of Adriana, one of Lord IX's ponies. The reigning champion. She was tall and limber and athletic and willowy all at the same time. Plus she had grace and poise. The attributes that made her champion for the last three years.

Sarabeth hugged my arm. "She... She's beautiful, Master. Is this... what you want me to be, Sir?" I leaned over and kissed the top of her head.

"That is exactly what you are going to be, little ponygirl." She shivered as I said those words to her for the very first time. And she didn't miss the stress on the verb, either. "I have seen you move, Sarabeth. I have no doubt in my mind that soon you will take her place as the new champion." She shook her head slightly against my shoulder.

"If you say so, Master."

We spent about four hours sitting there, looking at pictures and watching videos of some of the events. The dressage especially intrigued her. I suspect from the way her body moved that the thought of doing that also aroused her a bit. We watched the videos of Adriana's last performance several times. Finally, I caught her suppressing a yawn behind her hand.

"I think you need to get some sleep, ponygirl."

"I'm not sleepy, Master. Really. I'm..." She kissed my shoulder. "I'm enjoying my time with you, Sir." Then another yawn hit her and she couldn't hide it in time. I chuckled softly and patted her cheek then put a finger under her chin and lifted her head up for a kiss.

"It is time for bed, love."

"But Master..." She whined a little and pouted, making sure I could see her protruding lower lip.

"But Master what?"

"I don't..." A flush spread over her cheeks. Her eyes went to the floor. "I don't want to sleep in here by myself, Sir. I want..." She couldn't bring herself to finish the sentence as another yawn hit her. I leaned over and kissed the top of her head again.

"You aren't ready for that yet, Sarabeth. And neither am I. But you are ready to go to sleep. It's been a long day for both of us." I snapped the lid of my computer down and put it aside.

"So here is a few things I will tell you about tomorrow, girl. We will both be getting up early and we will start your training to be a pony. I do not sleep much and I will be very demanding on your time. So get up when I call you and get showered and ready when I get here. Understand?"

"Yes, Master."

"One other thing, Sarabeth."

"Yes, Sir?"

"Today is the first and last time I will let you spend the day wrapped in a sheet. You will only be allowed the clothes that I permit you to wear. And as you saw, ponies do not wear very much at all." Her face turned a bright shade of pink once more.

"Yes, Master." It was barely more than a whisper.

I kissed her goodnight and watched her and made sure she snuggled down under the covers before I dimmed the lights with my remote and walked back up to the house. And just because I said I wasn't ready to have her in my bed yet didn't mean I didn't want her sweet little body. I spent almost an hour laying in my bed with a towel draped over my hips as I thought about Sarabeth while stroking myself slowly.

The thought of her naked, wearing nothing but a collar kneeling before me drove me wild. And the thought of her with a tail... Mmmm... That made me smile. Perhaps one that matched the long beautiful blond hair... oh, yes. But not one that attached to her harness like so many of the others wore. No... My ponies would be wearing a tail with a much more... intimate attachment. Oh definitely yes. It was almost enough to make me leap out of bed right then and start making plans and ordering supplies.

Instead I made a mental note for in the morning. In the meantime I was getting closer and closer to the edge. "Mmmmm..." My hips writhed and lifted and I said softly "Yes, Sarabeth..." as I spattered the towel with my joy.


I arose, as I usually do, way before sunrise. I had rarely slept for more than three or four hours at a stretch my entire life, which often drove my parents crazy when I was a child. I had discovered early on that if there were things I wanted to get done, the wee hours of the morning were the best time to do them in, as most of the rest of the world was still abed and not getting in my way or demanding my attention.

The first thing that my eyes saw as they opened was the monitor by the side of the bed. As Sarabeth was my only resident pony so far, I had the full screen open to the cameras in her cage. She was sleeping soundly, curled up under the covers. That sweet face relaxed and at rest. It was hard to tear my eyes away from looking at her. She was so beautiful and arousing lying there. I wanted nothing more than to run to her cage and take her as mine all day and all night long.

But... there were other things to do first. Damn reality, anyway...

I slipped into a pair of sweats and running shoes and headed over to the arena and the inside gym. Spent a solid two hours running laps, hitting the weight machines, riding the stationary bike and working on my Tai Chi routine in front of the big mirrors along the back wall. I'd always been kind of a fitness fanatic anyway and I figured since I was going to keep my stock in shape, their Master had better be in even better shape in order to keep up.

Back to the house for shower and change and into my office to take care of a few things. First of all, ordering the supplies for a tail for my first pony girl. That got me lost in a little reverie as I imagined her first introduction to wearing a tail in that snug little bottom of hers. I wondered if I would be the first one to venture there with her. Not that it mattered either way to me. I'm sure I was going to enjoy it. Hopefully she would as well. I made sure that I ordered plenty of extras just in case. After all, I would soon have all six cages finished. And maybe one day all of them filled. I'd need at least one tail for each of them. Probably more than one. Hmm... Just to be on the safe side I doubled my order and added a few extra items to the list, paying handsomely for expedited shipping.

Checking my messages I saw that there was one from Jock MacGregor, my man in town. I'd sent him a message the day before increasing my grocery order. He was more than happy to accommodate me as I always paid him well for his services, despite the fact that he swore he was always in my debt for past favors. He said he would be by this afternoon with my groceries and mail. Excellent. Anything that let me go on with my life without having to deal with the outside world was fine by me.

So.. time to get my new pony up and get her day going. I glanced at the clock. Six am already. Yes, it was definitely time.

Picking up my remote I thumbed the #1 button on her shackle, sending a small tingle to her ankle that made her stir as I looked on. I leaned into the microphone pickup on the monitor. "Sarabeth... It's time to wake up, dear." She stirred groggily and looked around for me.

"Mmmmm... where..." Her eyes scanned around the room slowly as she blinked the sleep from her eyes. "Mmmm... Sir? Where are you?" I smiled for her, even if she couldn't see me.

"I'm up at the house, sleepy girl. On the intercom. Wake up and get a shower, love. I'll be down in twenty minutes."
