Severance Ch. 02

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Phoebe undergoes further pleasure conditioning.
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 04/07/2024
Created 03/29/2024
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Phoebe felt oddly disconnected from both her mind and body. Like being a passenger while someone else was driving. She could feel her intense lust. Her insistent need to come, but without the ability to do anything to bring that release. She was aware that her body was operating not of her own accord. Fingers unbuttoned, unclasped, and undid in an almost mechanical fashion. Phoebe watched with detached fascination as she, and everyone around her undressed in the same clinical manner.

She glanced at the people in the row with her, enjoying the naughtiness of casual nakedness. The lack of shame...there was something liberating about it. She noted the parade of erections in the men before they sat down to await their next instructions. Before she sat down herself, she looked at the auditorium behind her. The vast array of body types in the men and the women fascinated her. Skinny bodies, plump bodies, enormous breasts, some clearly augmented, while others hanging naturally. Small breasts, medium much to look at. And the cocks. So many erect cocks straining upward...and so much variety. Small pokey cocks. A few large, almost threatening ones. She could feel her pussy aching to be filled by these cocks. And so many different colors! Truly a melting pot of races, united in lust. Something beautiful about that she noted.

As she sat down and awaited her next instruction, Phoebe found herself engaged with an unusual thought...she wondered why she was able to process what was happening to her with relative clarity. Clearly there was some sort of 'mind control' happening here. She giggled to herself thinking about 'mind control'. How childish it sounded. Like a silly comic book trope, but here she was being utterly compliant in a behavior she knew she would never engage in willingly. And worse...she was enjoying this. She knew she should be horrified. Terrified actually. Was she going to be sold off as a sex slave? Or worse? She was helpless to do anything but see what was going to happen next...but oddly she felt at ease. Like all this was natural. Perfectly natural to be docile, obedient, and terribly sexually aroused. She could feel herself dripping between her thighs. The air was pungent with the scent of the group's collective arousal.

Dr. Frohm patiently waited for the last person to finish disrobing and addressed the group.

"Very good! You are all doing very well! I'm sure it feels very good to get out of those warm clothes, doesn't it?"

Phoebe, along with the rest of the group mumbled a quiet, breathy, "yes."

Please refer to me as Dr. Frohm when you answer my questions. I think you will give you a rush of pleasure when you address me like that, don't you think?"

Phoebe, and everyone, responded, "Yes Dr. Frohm." Phoebe felt a sudden rush of pleasure between her legs and let out a small gasp...along with the rest of the group.

"You see? I did not lie. It feels good to obey me and address me as Dr. Frohm. Isn't that right?"

Again Phoebe answered, "Yes Dr. Frohm!" and felt that pleasure, even more pronounced.

"Very good!" exclaimed Dr. Frohm, "I'm sure you have all come to realize that obedience is pleasure, and the more pleasure you feel, the more obedient you become. Isn't that right?"

"Yes Dr. Frohm!" More moans. A woman sitting two seats down from Phoebe doubled over and fell out of her seat. Phoebe looked over at her. She was about Phoebe's age but very tall and muscular. She got on all fours and began to moan, as if she were in terrible pain, but Phoebe recognized these sounds of ecstasy.

Dr. Frohm walked over to her and put a loving hand on her back.

"Are you all right my dear?"

"Yes Dr. Frohm!" the woman exclaimed, and bucked again. "Oh God!"

"Do you need to come my dear?"

"Yes Dr. Frohm! Oh! Yes! Please! Please! I need to come! Please!"

Dr. Frohm calmly walked over to the side of the auditorium and carried a small chair to the center of the floor.

"What's your name, dear?"

"Caroline, Dr. Frohm" the woman grunted out.

"Carlone, in a moment, I'd like you to come here and sit in this chair. I want you to spread your legs for the class to see and allow your arms to hang loosely by your sides. I'm sure you'll want to touch yourself, but I think you'll find you're just unable to do anything, but let that arousal build, and as that arousal increases, you'll find yourself becoming more obedient. Sit in the chair, Caroline."

Phoebe watched Caroline crawl towards the chair. Each movement forward seemed to be a labored effort, as if the pleasure of obedience was impeding her ability to move. Phoebe stared at her round, muscular ass and the wet, puffy thatch of hair between her legs.. She thought about the volume of squats needed to produce such a magnificent ass. She could imagine running her hands over that ass, squeezing and kneading...

A fellow who had been sitting next to Caroline must have been having similar thoughts, because Phoebe heard him grunt loudly and then produce thick jets of come that arced gracefully into the air. Again, Phoebe wished desperately to have received that cock inside her.. Her tongue lazily licked at her lips, tasting again the remains of Nicholas' ejaculate still dripping down her face.

Dr. Frohm looked slightly displeased and embarrassed. Like she blamed herself for this sudden ejaculation.

"Everyone listen to me very closely," she began, "this is very important and you will follow this instruction easily and naturally...When you have your orgasm, you will find that immediately afterwards you will become very very sleepy. Wonderfully sleepy. You men know this experience very well...that profound sleepy feeling you get right after you come...that urge to just close your eyes and allow yourself to fall into a blissful all will experience this when you have your orgasm. This deep sleepy feeling, that will draw your eyes close and put you into a deep deep sleep, still deeply hypnotized and ready to follow my commands and you understand?

"Yes Dr Frohm!"

Dr. Frohm walked over to the young man who had just ejaculated. She said something quiet in his ear Phoebe couldn't hear, but she watched the man drop deeper in his seat, his head lolling off to the side. Momentarily, he stood up and walked towards the exit. There was a man there who escorted him out of the room.

Dr. Frohm kneeled down over Nicholas' prone form and whispered something to him as well. Presently he stood up and walked to the same door. A woman in a lab coat escorted him out. Phoebe momentarily wondered where they were going, but then her thoughts focused again on Caroline who had finally managed to climb up on the chair, where she spread her legs and dropped her arms by her side. Her arms twitched, as if she were desperately attempting to move them, but failing to do so. Her thick bush was slick with wetness. A fine sheen of sweat coated her body, giving her a shiny glow. Her breathing was rapid and shallow. Phoebe could empathize with her plight. The need to come was so completely pressing. Phoebe's head was swimming with lust. She thought if she didn't come soon, she might go literally mad with lust..

Behind her, Phoebe heard a woman come in a frenzy of grunts and moans. She wanted to turn and watch, but found herself incapable of moving, as if her neck would not obey her request to turn and look. Phoebe could imagine a woman bucking in orgasm, and then collapsing into a sleeping heap, with that look of utter contentment, that need met. That sweet peace that comes with release.

The woman's orgasm must have pushed someone else over the edge, because she heard a man's deep growl and felt the chair behind her shake...and then a warm liquid on the back of her neck. She moaned as she thought how sexy it was to be painted twice in one day. She had a fleeting fantasy of herself in the middle of a group of these men ejaculating on her in a circle, painting her dark skin white with their semen.

Phoebe looked forward at Caroline again, splayed just a few feet away from her. Phoebe wasn't sure if she could smell her, or if it was her own arousal that was filling the air. Phoebe noticed her armpits were similarly hairy. She wondered if she ever shaved, or if she preferred this natural look. Like looking at a porno mag from the 70s. Something beautiful about the freeness of it. Phoebe wondered if Caroline was a lesbian. With her musculature, small breasts and cropped hair, she did look a bit butch. Phoebe had no experience with women, but certainly she could appreciate their beauty. She wondered if that made her a little bit gay. Her boyfriend used to say all the time that all women were a little bit bi. But usually this was a pretense trying to coax her into a threesome, which had not worked thus far. Phoebe giggled to herself. Well it would work now. Phoebe imagined herself kneeling between Caroline's thighs and lapping at her cunt, like an obedient puppy dog. She would lap at it the way she enjoyed having her own cunt worshiped. Yes. That's what it was. Worshiped. She could imagine a collar around her neck and Dr. Frohm holding a leash, while praising her for being a good girl. She noticed that the thing that was arousing about this fantasy was the obedience of it. That she was doing something that she was commanded to do. It was the obedience of the act that turned her on. And she imagined her ass pointed back at the class...why had Dr. Frohm called it a class, she wondered.

Phoebe's eyes wandered up Caroline's body, drinking her in, when she noticed that Caroline was staring at her intensely with lustful eyes. Phoebe looked back at her, with equal lust. She allowed her gaze to wander back down to Caroline's cunt. She wanted it so badly now. She wanted to be on all fours, licking that cunt to make Caroline come.

Phoebe imagined the class lusting over her. Over her own beautiful ass. Would the sight of her ass make anyone come? It was pleasantly fat, as her boyfriend would say. Squishy and round with 'good breeding hips' as her mother might comment. She thought of the video her boyfriend made once while he was fucking her fucking doggy style. That always made her come. Because it always made him come. She loved being the source of his pleasure. That was the biggest turn on. Making him come. Making them come. Her ass would ripple with each thrust. Often they would watch this video when they fucked. She wanted to be fucked on all fours right now. Fucked like a rutting animal in heat.

Phoebe didn't notice that Dr. Frohm had lowered herself right in front of her, with a goofy grin on her face. It made Phoebe happy that Dr Frohm was pleased with her. Dr. Frohm placed a gentle hand on her knee. Phoebe wished she would have placed it on her cunt.

"Your name is Phoebe, isn't it, dear?"

"Yes Dr. Frohm, Oh!" Phoebe felt a sharp pang of pleasure, having been given the opportunity to obey. She wanted to please Dr. Frohm so badly.

Dr. Frohm looked back at Caroline, who appeared desperate for release. Her eyes pleading.

"I think Caroline has taken a fancy to you Phoebe. I think she would like you to help her come. Would you like to make her come, Phoebe?"

Yes Dr. Frohm! I want to lick her! I want to lick her like an obedient puppy dog!"

Dr. Frohm laughed. "Well, you will be a good obedient puppy then...but first...let me ask..."

Dr. Frohm moved her hand up to Phoebe's neck.

"What would YOU like? What will make you come?"

"A cock Dr. Frohm!" Phoebe said without hesitation. "I need a cock in me! I need a cock to come inside me!"

Dr. Frohm laughed again.

"Very well Phoebe, please stand up for me and face the class."

Phoebe obeyed and felt that rush of pleasure from obedience flood her again.

Phoebe was overwhelmed by this sight that greeted her

A sea of naked bodies in the throes of lust. Bodies on the verge of coming...and a few released apparently, as she noticed a few deeply sleeping forms, the women splayed obscenely or leaning over their knees, the men with their soft wet cocks hanging between their legs and contented looks on their faces.

"Eyes here class...Show of there anyone here that would like to penetrate the lovely Phoebe here?"

Phoebe was pleased to see that every hand attached to a person with an erect cock raised up slowly in unison. She was also slightly shocked to see a very shapely woman also sporting a very stiff cock with her hand in air. Also there were a few women, also with their hands raised. Phoebe felt flush. All this lust directed towards her. All these people who want to fuck her. She felt Dr. Frohm's hand on her shoulder.

"It would appear you have a wide choice of cocks to choose from. Make a selection, Phoebe."

Phoebe felt like a kid in a candy store, but in an obscene way. She looked at this garden of stiff cocks...she'd never seen so many cocks in one place before. All so stiff and insistent. Some curved left or right. Others curved upwards, like horns of a mythical beast. Some were straight like rods. And more than the cocks...the look of lust on their eyes....

All of them wanted her. All of them. The notion overwhelmed her. She wanted them all. Every cock. Hands. Toys. Straps. Anything. Everything. And then she spied the one.

The cock itself was absolute average. Like if you'd looked up an erect cock in a medical textbook, it would be this one. But with much more intensity. More stiffness. But it wasn't the cock that attracted her. It was the man it was attached to.

Of all the lustful glances in the room, his was different. It wasn't merely desire. It was a fervent need. It was a deep yearning Phoebe could feel from where she stood. This man didn't just want her. This man needed her.

He was older than everyone else in the room. Early 50s maybe? Certainly the furriest. Grey/white hair on his chest, his shaggy beard, his hair, even his pubic hair, where his cock jutted out demanding attention.

The look in his eyes. Drinking in her body. And connecting with her. She met his stare and felt that needful spark. She'd felt this a handful of times before. Meeting someone's gaze and connecting with them with complete understanding. Once it was love. Meeting a gaze in a cafe and instantly knowing that person would be the one she would love. She didn't used to believe in love at first sight, but one look, from the right person, changed all that. Another time it was a profound moment of pleasure. Looking into each other's eyes and wordlessly expressing their imminent orgasm. No words spoken beyond their grunts and moans. It was almost more intimacy than she could handle. Perhaps that is why she preferred her lovers taking her behind. Less vulnerable, as contradictory as that seemed.

This stare she matched, with the man that desperately needed her, it communicated something else. Something primal. Something her mind didn't understand. It was speaking to something below her mind. To the lizard brain. The part of her that knows only feeding, fleeing, fighting and fucking. She turned away from him, got down on all fours and crawled towards Caroline. She knew he was staring at her. She knew he couldn't resist her. Her hips shifted from side to side as she made her way to Caroline's cunt. She quickly reached under Caroline's legs and buried herself between these thick legs. Caroline lifted her legs and Phoebe felt the soft skin of her thighs against her ears. It occurred to Phoebe that she had not been given instructions by Dr. Frohm. That all this felt like her own choices, but then again, not a choice at all. A compulsion.

She got lost in Caroline's cunt. Sloppy long licks. Playful teasing as she wrapped her tongue around her clit. She'd never eaten pussy before, but she knew how she liked it and it came quite naturally to her. Caroline was moaning in response, and she took her cues from the sounds and the quivering legs that embraced her.

She was so involved with Caroline that she was slightly surprised when she felt hands on hips and then a cock sliding into her with insistent intensity. She was so wet there was no resistance at all. Just a sudden fullness that almost pushed her over the edge right there. There was no subtlety in this fucking. Just a deep and forceful in and out. It felt like...need. It made her lick Caroline with even more intensity. It made her want to be the source of their pleasure. To be the one that made them come.

Phoebe's desire was granted when she felt Caroline shake and quiver and grunt loudly. Phoebe's ear got boxed and squeezed as Caroline came in a great upheaval. Her cunt quivered and pulsed, and as Caroline began to subside and grow still, she felt the cock inside her shake and buck, she felt hands grip her tightly and this man's hips press into her ass, to bury himself as deeply in her as possible.

And as she felt his orgasm fill her, that he had taken his pleasure with her. That his lust had been released, she felt a rush of worth, a rush of desire and her orgasm began to run through her body as well. She felt his hairy body fall upon hers, his cock still inside her and his hands hanging loosely around her. She grunted loudly. Almost screaming. Guttural, primal sounds. She didn't know where they were coming from. How were these sounds coming from her? Her veins turned to butter as the orgasm swept her body, from tip to tail. Her arms grew weak, unable to hold up her weight and the weight of the body on top of her. She let herself fall forward, her head under Caroline's chair. The man's body on top of her came with her. As she laid on the ground she continued to shake and buck, the orgasm still rippling through her body, her cunt twitching against the softening cock still in her.

As the orgasm began to subside, Phoebe became quite aware of how very sleepy she was becoming. She could hear the orgasmic cries of others in the class and she wished to witness the ejaculations, the men and women she brought to orgasm with her display. But she could not muster the strength to turn around and face them. The sleepy feeling was too strong, supernaturally strong, as if she were going under anesthesia. A sleep she knew she could not resist. She felt her eyes closing on their own and her thoughts growing distant and elusive.

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