Shadows of Desire


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Emilia nearly spit her wine out at that though the King did not appear amused. "Well, don't stand on ceremony." The King frowned, speaking in sarcastic tones. "Please, make yourself comfortable." He gestured to the empty seat next to Lady Caroline.

Rowan took the cue as it was intended and moved to seat himself just as a young servant boy hurried to pull his chair out for him. Lord Killian sat as Rowan sat, smiling across the table at him.

"If you figure out that little trick," He said, reaching for his wine glass, "Turning into a bat I mean, please share it with me. I'd love to try that one myself."

Rowan eyed him suspiciously then nodded with a slight smirk. "Of course, My Lord. Unfortunately, my father has taught me not to dwell on human fairy tales but, stranger things have happened."

"Indeed they have." Lord Killian grinned wickedly as he brought the goblet of wine to his lips.

"So, Lord Killian, how does the Duke fair these days?" Lady Caroline asked, trying to steer the conversation her way and ignoring Rowan all together.

"He's been better." Lord Killian admitted. "Handling disputes over land keeps him busy most days and of course there's the issue with the outlanders. We're seeing more and more of their encampments popping up around the outskirts of Grayholm. At first it wasn't much of an issue but lately their numbers have been increasing and it's caused some concern."

"What does his grace plan to do about it?" Lady Caroline asked. She leaned in as though taking much interest in Lord Killian's troubles back home though Rowan imagined it was all for show. The Lady cared little for anything or anyone other than herself.

"Well, of course taxing them does no good. Most are exiles and have little in the way of coin." He considered his options carefully in dealing with the problem. A servant laid a plate of food before him and Killian picked up his fork, stabbing it, almost violently, into a slice of pork. "I say we burn them all out but father wants to take a more diplomatic approach to it though I see no good coming from that."

The King scoffed. "A true diplomat, the Duke, and a fool. His soft hearted ways have never proved fruitful and they earn him no favors with me. I say take a small regiment of your strongest men and wipe out the lot of them. Let it be known that trespassers on your land will be met with the swift end of a sharp sword."

"A most shrewd plan, Sire. His majesty always gives such sage advice." Lord Killian raised his glass in praise.

"Forgive me, My Lord." All eyes suddenly turned to Rowan as he spoke, his voice guarded and light. "Might it not be more prudent to first try and communicate with the outlanders? Send an emissary out to speak with them. It's possible they have no where else to go and have taken up residence out of desperation. I'm sure a reasonable agreement could be made with them."

"Interesting." Lord Killian smiled and leaned forward, his chin propped on his hand as he listened to Rowan. "What sort of agreement do you suppose could be made?"

Rowan shrugged some. "Well, I have heard that you have large amounts of untamed land in Grayholm. Perhaps, if you granted them use of that land they could build a settlement there and farm the land for you. You could tax them after the harvest and not only would you be putting that land to good use but also make a profit as well."

Lord Killian laughed a triumphant laugh. "Why, Sire. The young Prince is not only a true beauty but has brains as well. What a studious omega. He'll make some lucky man a very agreeable mate someday."

The King frowned. "My foolhardy son has not the slightest idea of what it takes to rule a provenance. As such, he should learn to keep his opinions on such matters to himself and worry only about what is important for him."

Rowan dropped his fork with a loud clank as it hit his plate and starred daggers at his father. "And what is it that is most important for me?" He asked, obstinately.

"Finding a suitable mate and keeping him well sated in the bedroom." The King glared angrily at his son. "Everyone knows the only thing an omega is good for is what's between his legs. All you need to worry your pretty head about is learning how to a please a man in bed. Leave the governing of land to the real men."

Lady Caroline smirked seeing the rage evident on Rowan's face as the Prince stood from his seat and threw his napkin on the table. "I believe I've lost my appetite." He scowled, turning to leave.

"You will leave this table when I dismiss you and not a moment before." The King rose and glared at him. "Is that understood?" He asked, stressing each word as he spoke.

Slowly and with ire, Rowan lowered himself back into his seat. "Yes, father." He hissed, using the familial term as a means to show disrespect. "I understand."

"Good." The King snapped as he sat back down. "Now sit there and keep your mouth shut."

Rowan folded his arms over his chest and glared at the King though he did as he was ordered and remained silent.

"Such an undisciplined child." Lady Caroline said, dabbing her napkin at her lips. "I know not how his majesty tolerates him."

"On the contrary, My Lady. I find the young Prince quite charming and his candor most refreshing." Lord Killian said, smiling at Rowan. Rowan wanted to slap the smile off the man's face but instead he returned the smile with one of his own although forced and with a hint of irritation behind it.

"Oh, My Lord, I'm sure you are just being kind, but you needn't be so with our Prince. I'm afraid he lacks any real charm, or social skills, for that matter. Now, my daughter Emilia on the other hand, has all the grace and charm of a proper Lady."

Lord Killian looked to his left at Lady Emilia as she smiled sweetly at him. "Yes, Indeed she does." He said, licking his lips. "I have been quite captivated by her charms all afternoon."

Rowan rolled his eyes, suddenly feeling the urge to upchuck all over the table.

Rowan was never so eager for the meal to end and when it finally did he jumped up with all intentions of running back for his rooms but the sharp look in his father's eyes told him to stay right where he was.

With the pleasantries out of the way, Lady Caroline excused herself to her boudoir, while Lady Emilia offered to give Lord Killian a tour of the palace. Rowan scoffed at that, being quite sure that Lord Killian already knew the layout very well. At least he was familiar with the more private areas free of prying eyes.

With the others gone, Rowan was left alone with the King and wondering why he himself had not yet been dismissed. The King beckoned him to follow him to his solar. Rowan did so, begrudgingly. Once inside, the King slammed the door closed then turned on Rowan at once, grabbing him by his hair and flinging him violently to the floor.

Rowan yelled out then tried to crawl away as his father raised his hand and quickly struck him across the face. Blood spurted from Rowan's nose and he fell backwards against the cold, hard floor. Rowan covered his nose with his hand then quickly crawled into the corner where he cowered in fear. Tears stung his eyes and his body began to tremble as he saw the look of complete madness in the King's eyes.

"You stupid, ungrateful, insufferable little fool! You dare to disrespect me, your King, in front of my guests!"

"Father, please." Rowan cried, still shaking in fear. "Forgive me..."

"Do not call me father." The King hissed. "No son of mine behaves the way you did out there, I should have you flayed alive for your transgressions!"

Rowan looked to the floor, weeping uncontrollably. Master Kinnerik had always said he would one day go to far and so it seems that day had come. He wondered, would his father make good on his threats and kill him? Was this the end for him? In some strange way death almost seemed merciful. At least it would end his long suffering. No more would he remain victim to his father's fury.

"Get up." He King sneered as he paced the room. "At least pretend that you're not some sniveling little coward."

"Y...yes, Your Majesty." Rowan struggled to stand. His legs were weak and his head ached terribly. Fortunately, the bleeding had stopped as his natural healing began to work it's magic.

"This was a mistake." The King mumbled to himself as he paced in front of his son. "I should have known better."

"Sire?" Rowan narrowed his eyes as he watched his father talking to himself, wondering suddenly if the old King had indeed lost his mind.

The old King stopped then turned and glared at Rowan, the disgust he felt for his own offspring more obvious than ever. "Do you know why I ordered you to take your midday meal at my table?"

Slowly and cautiously, Rowan shook his head. ", Sire. I admit that I do not."

"Lord Killian requested you be present. That is why. That is the only reason why. I knew it was a mistake but being the son of the Duke of Grayholm, I took a chance that you might actually behave yourself for once, and granted his request, though shocking as it was."

"I...I don't understand." Rowan stammered. "Lord Killian? Why would he request my presence?"

"I wondered that myself." The old King laughed, mockingly. "I couldn't, for the life of me, understand why he would even care about a pathetic little whelp like you. As it turns out though, he's quite enamored with you, though, don't ask me why. It seems, however, that we are presented with an unforeseen and possibly quite fortuitous opportunity here."

"Sire?" Rowan felt his heart jump as a new and terrifying fear crept up his body and wrapped around his throat like a snake intent on choking the life out of him. "What exactly does Lord Killian want with me?" He barely got the words out as they were nearly choked off in his mouth. He wasn't sure he even wanted to know the answer to that though, somehow, he felt he already did.

"Well, my idiot son. It seems my prayers have finally been answered. Lord Killian has asked permission to claim you as his mate, and I've given him my blessing." The King grinned sadistically as he walked to Rowan and took the Prince's face in his hand, tilting his head up so they locked eyes. "Finally, I'll be rid of you. And not a moment too soon."

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ILoveToReadGayStoriesILoveToReadGayStories2 months ago

Sad how one can treat his child, even if he is an Omega

Brad4FunBrad4Fun7 months ago

Thank you for such a great story.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Loved the story and hope that killian treats him like a true mate should. Cant wait for the next chapter!!

dnsontndnsontn12 months ago

The stage is well set!

Dpj49Dpj4912 months ago

It’s hard to “love” a story where the Prince is so mistreated.

geemeedeegeemeedee12 months ago

Soooooo pretty sure Killian is as much of an asshole as he appears, and will probably tire of Rowan soon after taking his virginity. Hopefully Folen will accompany him and help him escape.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Great story! I just hood that sweet Rowan gets the freedom, protection and love that he deserves. I hope that Killian protects and loves Rowan like he deserves and that he gets his revenge on the King.

StraycatndcStraycatndc12 months ago

I love where this is going!

BlowPopJBlowPopJ12 months ago

I feel for Rowan, his father ain't shit and his future wife ain't shit either.

Hopefully Killian isn't as bad as he made himself out to be at the party and was just putting on an act in front of others. Hope Rowan changes him for the better.

Looking forward to the next chapter.

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