Shared and Loving It

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Zabrina's wish comes true with her two studly workmen.
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Shared and Loving it

©2024 Smuttyandfun All Rights Reserved

Just so you know, everyone in this story is over the age eighteen, and more than happy with everything that's going on.

It just felt like such a long week. I loved working with families trying to help them resolve their issues with their children. But it wasn't always easy, especially when they were going through a contentious divorce.

Like the couple I was working with now. They couldn't be in the same room together for two minutes, without raising their voices and angrily accusing each of lying and cheating.

I wasn't totally against the idea of ever getting married, and one day having a family of my own. Although lately, I wasn't really interested in meeting anyone, especially since it seldom turned out well. At least from what I'd seen.

Naturally, I was relieved when Friday night finally rolled around, so I could put it all behind me and go out and have some fun.

I'd just locked up my office, called an Uber and said goodnight to my assistant, Lisa. And now I could hardly wait to head out for a few drinks with my friends.

We'd barely got settled into our favorite booth at Joey's Bar and Grill, and we were already teasing shy little Meg, who'd just got back from her dream honeymoon in Hawaii, telling her that she still looked like a blushing bride.

Our server came around and we let Kimmie do the ordering, since she knew what we liked. Especially since we always ordered the same drinks and finger food, so we could catch up while we nibbled.

"So, how was the honeymoon? Everything you'd hoped for?" Tall, pretty Kimmie asked, with an apple martini poised at her lips.

Knowing that Meg and her man had waited to seal the deal till after they'd said their vows, of course we were curious.

Thinking back, it had been so long since my first time, I could barely recall the details. Though I remember he was a cute guy from my first year in college, and the whole thing was over so fast, it was kind of a let down.

Which meant that we were hoping she'd be willing to share a little with her besties about what her first time was like.

Her eyes mischievously sparkling, Meg smirked, but didn't share much. "Well, let's just say that Dylan and I never got a chance to see much of the island."

"Sounds like you had a good time, though," I said, as we all smiled at the way she blushed.

Meg sighed, looking all dreamy-eyed. "It was absolutely wonderful."

She just looked so happy, we were glad it worked out for her, though none of us had had the patience to wait.

Considering I was still single at twenty-eight, with no man in my life, since I'd broken up with my last boyfriend over a year ago, I knew if I had decided to wait, I might have been waiting forever.

"You ever wish you could do your first time over again," Trina asked, as she passed around the veggies, looking around at us.

The distasteful way I wrinkled my nose, made them all laugh. "No," I said, shaking my head. "Of all the sexual fantasies I've got floating around in my head, that's never been one of them."

Kimmie was waving over our server, motioning for him to bring us another round, when curvy Denise started laughing, as she lowered her voice and shared a bit of her love life. "Since Jim and I have had the twins, my fantasy is to have sex with my hubby without him having to stop mid-thrust, and toss the comforter over us, because the boys have come wandering in to tell us they can't sleep and they want a drink of water."

As we all laughed at that, Denise pointed a finger at Trina and me. "Hey, you two are single. And I bet you've got a few deep dark things on your wish lists that you've never shared."

I took a long pull on my margarita and quietly smiled, knowing that sometimes naughty thoughts are best kept to oneself.

At least until Trina shocked us when she leaned in and confided, "Okay, I've never told anyone this before, but I've always had this burning desire to be taken by force."

We all broke out laughing at the way Meg gasped wide-eyed, and clutched a hand to her chest, looking scandalized. "For real?"

Trina rolled her eyes. "Of course I'd never want to be attacked, that would be awful. But I would love it if my boyfriend were to surprise me, and wake me up out of a sound sleep to have his way with me." Gazing off into space, she bit into her lip. "I can just imagine how hot it would be to wake up to the sight of Rick looming over me, fully erect, intent on making me squeal."

We all picked up our napkins and started fanning ourselves, letting her know she was getting us overheated with all the naughty talk, while she just laughed looking a little embarrassed.

By the time we were on our fourth round, all of us were sharing. Opening up about the things we loved having done to us in bed, and the things we hated, along with some of the wildest things we'd ever dreamed up. We even found out that quiet little Meg loved it when her new hubby went down on her, till he had her screaming his name.

Seemed Trina also had fantasies about being tied up. Yet she seemed so strait-laced, being a librarian, it was kind of surprising.

We were all ears when Kimmie confessed that nothing got her hotter than her boyfriend taking her by surprise. She loved it whenever he'd step in behind her in the shower, and let her feel that he was aroused, before he'd bend her over and start poking her from behind.

While we all pictured that, there was a lull in the conversation, till Kimmie nodded at me. "Hey, you've been pretty quiet over there, Zabrina. You don't want to share even or two of your naughtiest thoughts with your friends?"

I laughed. "Nice guess, you hit the nail on the head."

Kimmie looked confused. "What do you mean?"

We all leaned in as I looked both ways before I explained. "I've always thought it would be super hot to be shared. I love the idea of two big, buff studs doing everything they're naughty little minds can dream up with me."

"Ooh, now that's hot," Trina agreed, fanning her face again, while all of us laughed, looking pretty flushed.

Kimmie eyed me, grinning. "I don't suppose you having those two big, buff, hotties working on your house for the last few months has inspired these kinky thoughts, has it?"

Wryly smiling, I just shrugged and reached for my drink. "Let's just say I wouldn't say no if they offered to get naked with me.


I'm sure my friends thought I'd lost my mind when I'd decided to buy a big, old Victorian house in what was still considered a bit of a sketchy part of the city. Though it was becoming fairly gentrified with all the old houses gradually being renovated.

I had just grown so tired of going home every night to my bland boring penthouse condo, surrounded by a sea of other boring looking condos. It didn't seem to matter what I did to try and spruce it up, it just felt blah.

Wondering if I should invest in a house, I was looking online one day and I instantly fell in love with the most charming old fixer-upper, right in the heart of the city.

Though the old place needed a lot of work to make it inhabitable, like a new roof and a few new windows, luckily it was in foreclosure, so I got it pretty cheap. Which meant I could afford to get someone in to renovate the kitchen and bathrooms and gradually have the whole place fixed up and painted.

Kimmie actually recommended the two stud muffins who were working on the renovations for me. Since they were her fiancé's cousins, from back in the old country, I knew I could trust them.

After my night out with the girls, once I got home and stripped off, I slept like a rock.

Saturday, when I finally lifted my pounding head to look at the clock, I couldn't believe it was almost noon by the time I managed to crawl my way out of bed.

After I'd popped a couple of painkillers, and swore to myself that I'd never have more than three drinks again, I decided a soak in my big old claw-foot tub was just what I needed to unwind and soothe my throbbing head.

Walking through my freshly painted off-white hallway, heading to my big cavernous bathroom, I thought the guys had done an amazing job. I was thrilled it was turning out so much nicer than I'd ever dreamed.

Though I showered every morning, just to get clean, what I really loved, whenever I wanted to kick back and relax, was enjoying the luxury of sinking into a nice deep tub of warm water.

Especially if I'd overindulged, like I'd unfortunately done with the girls, when we'd opened up and shared all our deep, dark secrets.

Considering my head was still a little tender, I couldn't believe the racket coming from the place next door. Taking a peek out the window, I rolled my eyes at my neighbor Jeff, rumbling his way over his shaggy lawn with his noisy old lawnmower.

Which was one of the reasons I kept my noise-cancelling head-phones in easy reach. Once I'd sunk into the tub and laid back, I put on a little music, which thankfully did a perfect job of drowning everything out.

It just felt so relaxing to be soaking in the tub. My nipples just barely peeking out over the water, while I was smiling to myself, singing along to Whitney Houston's, "I'm Every Woman."

My new white-on-white bathroom felt like an oasis. Lifting my gaze I just loved the look of the sparkling antique crystal chandelier, suspended from the twelve-foot ceiling. It made me feel like I was bathing in an old castle.

Charming old features like that were almost impossible to replace, which was one of the reasons I'd bought the old place, and was thrilled to be bringing it back to its former glory, no matter how much it was costing me.

Thankfully, with Darko and Milos's expertise, it was really coming along, and starting to look like the grand old place it once was.

Of course, all I had to do was think of them, looking hotter than hell with their muscles popping as they worked, and before I knew it, I was sliding a hand down over my chest, stroking a nipple, while slipping a finger between my legs to tease my pussy.

I'd dreamed about them so often I could actually make myself come, just from imagining what it would feel like if they ever stripped out of their work clothes and decided to share me.

Lost in my own little fantasy world, as my eyes drifted shut, my breasts were heaving as I felt the most delicious little wave rolling through me as I started to reach the peak and climax. I was so into it that I wasn't sure if I was imaging the tingling sensation of something brushing against my right breast.

When I realized that someone was actually tugging on my nipple, I knew it was really happening.

My eyes flew open, and I gasped and tossed aside my headphones, when I looked up into Milos's heavy-lidded gaze. As he stared down at me naked in the tub, softly stroking a finger over my breast.

Both brothers wore denim overalls, with lots of pockets for their tools, but now I noticed the big, thick bulge between his legs. His chest was rising and falling pretty hard as his hungry gaze slid over me; fully exposed in the tub.

I just couldn't resist. I looked up longingly and licked my lips.

His lips curling up in a smile, he locked eyes with me, unclipped his overalls and let them drop to the floor. I was so shocked, I gasped at the size of him, as I watched his magnificent cock spring free, pointing right at me.

I wasn't surprised he was going commando, since he never wore a shirt. I imagine it felt more comfortable not to wear anything underneath while they were working. Though I was still a little shocked at the size of him, since he was nearly as thick as my wrist, and unbelievably long.

I could feel a little tremor skitter through me as I watched him circle his fist around his cock, as he took a step closer, and thrust it towards me, to let me have a lick.

My heart pounding, I scrambled to my knees, not even caring that my breasts were dripping water over the side of the tub onto the hardwood floor. My eyes on his, I reached out and ran a finger over his big, mushroom-shaped tip, glistening with a nice big dollop of pre-cum, that I used to paint his long, thick shaft and big, heavy balls.

Milos's eyes looked darker than a stormy night as he took a step closer, till I could feel the heat of his cock nudging at my lips, prodding at me to open up.

His broad, furry chest heaving, he groaned and slid his hands into my hair as I smiled into his eyes and lashed out my tongue and slowly licked all around him, even probing into his slit to savor his salty sweetness.

Our eyes locked, I opened my mouth in invitation, trembling as I watched him take hold of himself and slide his thick, heavy cock over my tongue. Until he had my lips stretched tightly around him, his bulbous tip just brushing the back of my throat.

Quietly groaning, Milos fisted my long dark hair, twisting it in his hands as he flexed his hips, and started thrusting.

It just felt so erotic, my nipples were tingling, and my poor pussy wouldn't stop clenching as I savored the intoxicating feel of him pumping into my mouth.

He bent his knees, so he could toy with my nipples, though I already felt like I was about to come. My pussy was nearly convulsing as I drew him deeper into my mouth and really started sucking, as I felt him growing even thicker.

I'd always loved the feel of a man sliding into my mouth, just knowing how much pleasure I was giving him, always got me super hot.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed someone coming up behind him. I whimpered around Milo's cock at the sight of his brother, Darko, standing naked beside him, his rock-hard erection flying through his fist, his eyes locked on the sight of me pleasuring his twin.

"Grab a towel," Milo muttered to his brother as he pulled out. His breathing tight, he nodded at the stack of white, fluffy towels on the stool by the window. "We'll dry her off and take her to bed. I'm really close, and I want to finish in her pussy, while she's sucking you off."

Part of me wondered if I was still in bed dreaming, because not every day a girl's fantasy comes true.

I felt like I was in a trance as the two of them used the towels to dry me off, both stopping to quietly chuckle as they each suckled a nipple, before Darko slipped a finger inside me and smiled. "Wow, you got her nice and juicy, bro."

Milos looked pretty pleased with himself as he lifted me into his big, strong arms and carried me into my bedroom, dusting kisses over my lips as we went.

Juicy didn't even begin to describe the state of my pussy, I was so eager for the two of them to share me. I could barely breathe by the time they laid me on my back in the middle of the bed, and they each grabbed a thigh, and spread me open wide. Groaning at the sight of my quivering puss, they were both pounding themselves in their fists as they tried to decide what to do with me first.

Lifting my head, I shivered as I looked down between my legs and watched Milo slide onto on his stomach, spread my legs open with his shoulders, so he could bury his face in my pussy.

Just seeing his head between my legs, was almost enough to make me come, before he'd even started to probe me with his tongue, giving me an erotic little tongue-fucking.

While his twin brother Milo was busy getting me off, I smiled when Darko touched a finger to my chin to open up. Looking up into bedroom eyes, I quietly moaned at the feel of him sliding his unbelievably thick, veiny shaft between my lips.

It almost felt surreal, having the two of them pleasuring me at once. As I lost myself in the sensation of having one brother pumping into my mouth, while the other one made a meal out of my pussy. They had me so hot, I felt like I was burning up, ready to combust.

I don't know how many times they made me come. Milos was just so good at getting me off. I was shuddering hard when he clutched my thighs in his big meaty hands and spread me open with his thumbs, his face breaking into a lusty smile at the sight of my dripping pussy, quivering like mad as I climaxed.

My heart leapt as I watched Milo get onto his knees, fisting his erection in his hand.

The moment I felt his thick tip nudging its way into my opening, I clenched the sheets in my fists and started moaning, sure I'd never felt anything as huge fighting to push its way inside me. Though I was still lost in the feel of his brother's cock pumping into my mouth, while Milos started carefully easing his way in a little deeper with each thrust, stretching me open wider than I'd ever been stretched.

I knew exactly what heaven felt like, once they decided to flip me over and get me on my hands and knees in the middle of my old brass bed. I couldn't stop shivering at the feel of one cock riding my mouth, while his brother growled as he feverishly plowed my hungry pussy.

Sure, I'd never felt as elated; it was so much more than I'd ever dreamed, to finally be experiencing the two of them at once.

I had heard about the thrill of being spit-roasted, but never imagined it would be so insanely hot. Sweat beading on his brow, Darko was growling and muttering something I couldn't understand as he pumped his way down my throat. While his brother was digging his hands into my hips, and pounding my clenching pussy.

Buried balls deep inside me, I could feel Milos cock starting to swell. Knowing he was right on the edge ready to come, I clenched my inner muscles as hard as I could, drawing him in even deeper, desperate to feel every pulse of his cock, once he let go and erupted and filled me up with his seed.

Gritting his teeth, he let out a deep feral growl, tossed back his head, and cried out, "Fuck! I'm coming so freaking hard!"

His brother chuckled, pulled out of my mouth, and knelt on the bed, stroking his dripping cock. "I hope she's still nice and tight when I get in there, bro, because you look like you really railed her."

I could feel the heat of his breath on my back as Milos dusted soft little kisses along my spine as he kept thrusting.

With one last satisfied grunt, he took hold of himself and pulled out. I smiled loving the feel of his cum sliding out of my happy little puss, though it suddenly felt so empty without him inside me.

Before I'd even caught my breath, his brother Darko took care of that, when he flipped me onto my back, took hold of my legs and shifted my ass to edge of the bed. With his eyes laser-focused on mine, one by one, he lifted my legs over his shoulders, took hold of my ankles, and spread me open wide.

I loved the awestruck look on his face as he shook his head and gazed down between my legs, smiling at the little river of cum I could feel sliding out of my quivering pussy, as the most delicious little aftershocks kept skittering through me.

"Wow, you've got a pretty cunt, Zabrina, especially now, when it's nice and pink and swollen, after you've just been fucked."

I tried not to laugh, but I loved that they didn't mince words. He was right, though, I had just been fucked and fucked hard, and I knew my cunt had to be gushing. I also knew I'd never felt so elated.

Fisting himself in his hand, Darko poised his cock at my entrance. Carefully watching my expression, he flexed his hips, and he watched me smile the moment he nudged his way in, penetrating me. But then he stilled, with just his big fat cockhead lodged inside me, I guess to see if I could handle the size of him, he was just so thick. Then he gently flexed his hips and started pushing his way in, stretching me open to take his heavy girth, while I bit into my lip, already shivering like mad, half-wondering if this was really happening.

As Darko began pumping, carefully filling me up inch by inch, I smiled up into his eyes feeling the most indescribable connection I'd ever felt, as he softly stroked my legs, pressing kisses to my ankles as he kept working his way in nice and deep, making me feel deliciously full again. Till he finally groaned at the feeling of bottoming out against my womb, once he had me filled to the max, while I anxiously clenched around him.