Shared Bathroom Adventures Ch. 03


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"We ate chips and pickles for god's sake. It wasn't some romantic time. Hell I even farted in the tub. That's how unromantic it was." Emily said trying to make light of it. "Nothing happened!"

"Is this true?" Ashley asked looking at me.

"Yes, it's true, she did fart." I said plainly, which earned me a hard slap in the arm from both of them.

"That's not what I meant. Never mind." Ashley continued. "So you took a bath and Jason was in the room. Got it. How'd you get from there to...tits out and in my bed?" Ashley asked.

Emily let out a deep sigh. "I said you sometimes give me a massage after a bath, and..."

"Jason gladly offered to help out there too?" Ashley feigned a laugh but clearly didn't find any of this funny.

"He mostly refused, but he just wanted to make me feel better."

Ashley was growing more impatient. "Okay let's skip forward a bit. He gave you a massage...I got that part. That's why you're naked and in our bed. It's completely messed up, but it at least adds up. Why are you naked Jason?"

I started to answer but Emily jumped in before I could. "That's my fault too. The tub was so slippery I asked him to help me out and I nearly fell. Jason caught me. Probably saved my baby's life...but I got him all wet in the process. So he changed out of his clothes to his boxers."

"He's clearly not in his boxers now, is he?" She said pointing to my now flaccid penis that rested lifelessly between my legs. "Let me guess, he got massage oil on them and needed to take them off?" She said sarcastically.

"No." Emily said softly knowing there was no good way to put it. "He showed me his penis to be nice to me."

"Excuse me?" Ashley asked sounding a little offended.

"I spent most of the evening complaining about how gross and unattractive I feel." She paused. "He was trying to show me that it wasn't true...that guys are still attracted to me even when I look like this, so he showed me his erection."

That sounded so bad hearing it out loud.

"Oh." Ashley said a little confused and sat down on the bed in front of us.

"He only did it to make me feel better. Nothing happened!" Emily pleaded once more.

I saw the wheels turning in Ashley's head as she was putting this all together. "During the massage...did he massage your breasts?" Ashley asked softly.

Emily and I both looked at each other and our silence gave away the answer.

"I see." Ashley says. "Did you massage her butt?"

Again Emily and I had an awkward silence revealing the answer.

"I see." Ashely looked over at me and placed a hand on my thigh.

"Did it feel good?" Ashley asked.

I'm not sure if it was Ashley's touch, or watching Emily completely nude in front my girlfriend, but I felt a distinct increase of blood in my penis as we both nodded yes.

"Did you massage anything else...?" Ashley asked and I knew what she was hinting at.

I looked over at Emily and back to Ashley and finally Emily said, "No. Not really."

There was a bit of relief on Ashley's face. She looked curiously at my erection and back over to Emily. "Was it a relief?"

"What?" Emily asked not sure what she meant.

"Seeing Jason's erection? Knowing you could still turn on guys?" Ashley added.

Emily nodded. "Yes. It felt really nice, actually. Like I was person again, not just a depressed, bloated, whale of a future mom who doesn't have a clue what she's doing." She laughed nervously.

Ashley let out a deep breath. "Good." She said softly.

"Good?" Emily asked cautiously.

"Yes of course it's good he made you feel better. I've heard you complain about this before; I'm glad Jason could help."

I was speechless.

"Oh thank God. I was afraid you'd be pissed..." Emily said clearly more relaxed now, as she leaned back on the pillow completely forgetting she was naked. Her full breasts resting atop her round belly, rising and lowering quickly due to her sped up breathing from the stress of the situation.

"I understand." Ashley's hand continued to rub my thigh casually. "Jason can be pretty sweet sometimes."

"Good. If anything he deserves a reward or something for being such a polite gentleman. He was only trying to help me feel better." Emily said.

"Reward? Now that's interesting." Ashley said as she moved her hand slowly up my thigh. "Maybe like this?" She lightly ran her finger down the inside of my leg until she nearly reached my balls.

"Ash, you don't have to..." Emily started unsure of how to phrase what she was thinking. "I didn't mean it like that."

"Oh. Did you mean I should reward him like this?" And her hand continued over my balls to the base of my shaft slowly wrapping each finger around it one by one, watching both of our reactions.

"What are you...?" I tried to begin, but she lowered her head and started to lightly lick my tip. Her tongue swirled around just under the ridge of my engorged head.

"Or maybe like this?" She asked as she slowly stroked my length while she kissed my balls, with a dramatic lip smacking noise.

Emily watched, dumbfounded but no longer tried to stop it.

"Oh fuck." I called out softly as her pace quickened. I found myself holding Emily's hand without even realizing it.

The sound of heavy breathing grew louder, but it took me a moment to notice that it was coming from Emily. She had shifted herself slightly to watch. She was still holding my hand, but her other hand made its way in between her legs.

"Fuck." I called out softly as I watched Emily tease her clit and felt the warmth of Ashley's mouth engulf my cock. The two things at once were almost too much to handle and I held onto Emily's hand even tighter.

In the few months Ashley and I had been a couple she probably gave me a few hundred blow jobs, if not more, but something about the fact this was right in front of Emily, our good friend, made my heart race like never before. Seeing my cock appear and disappear in Ashley's mouth, looking to my side and seeing Emily completely nude, and rubbing her slit furiously was unlike anything I had ever experienced. The excitement was more than I could handle and my body started to tremble. Emily gripped my hand even tighter as her own body started to tremble as well.

My hand rested on the back of Ashley's head, not to force her lower but just to control my own spasms as her mouth glided up and down my pulsing erection. I felt the first spurt of my built-up cum erupt out of me. Ashley took in more of my length as the spasms increased. Her warmth became too much to take as the feeling from an incredible orgasm had quickly shifted into the overly sensitive after effects. I practically had to beg her to release my cock from her mouth it was so sensitive now.

Emily was calming down from her own orgasm and was just as out of breath as I was. We all looked around at each other. Awkward silence filled the room. Somehow all eyes turned to my barely erect cock. It gave a one last involuntarily twitch and we all laughed, finally breaking the tension.

"What just happened?" Emily asked as she was squeezing her breasts now, both teasing herself and partially trying to cover up.

"Looks like you both got a reward." Ashley laughed as she licked some errant cum off her lips.

"You gotta believe me...I never tried to make any of this happen this way." Emily said. "But I'm glad it did."

"Me too." Ashley said as she reached over and gave Emily a hug completely not caring that she was still nude.

The sight almost gave new life to my cock, but it mostly just oozed out the remaining few drops of cum before dying down.

"You better thank your lucky stars for this..." Ashley said looking at me. "I think you owe Emily something big."

"NOT THAT!" Ashley quickly said as she realized she set me up for an easy dick joke. "Like a dinner or something."

"Me?" Emily asked laughing a little. "Clearly I think he should be thanking you for..." and she pointed toward my saliva-covered, soft and still thick cock that rested against my leg. "You deserve the dinner."

"I think you're right. You can treat us both to a dinner sometime." Ashley said with a smile.

"Sounds like a deal to me." I couldn't stop the wide grin on my face. This was absolutely incredible. My hand casually rested on Emily's bare thigh and I wasn't really aware I was doing it.

"Alright, as fun and...different as this evening has been, I really need to be getting home now." Emily said as she slowly stood up.

"Of course, you must be exhausted." Ashley said as she helped her up to find her clothes.

I grabbed my robe from my closet and put it on, but didn't bother to close it.

We walked Emily to the door and Ashley gave her a hug. "I'm so sorry I couldn't make it to our date tonight."

"I think it all worked out in the end." Emily said as she gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you both for..." she took a breath trying to find the right words. "An unforgettable evening."

I gave her a hug next and felt my penis brush against her leg reminding me I still had my robe wide open. "It was my pleasure." I said with a smile.

She glanced down and saw my penis one last time and rolled her eyes. "I don't doubt it. Good night guys." And she left the apartment.

Now it was just the two of us. Like a usual evening, only this was anything but a usual evening. Ashley was suspiciously quiet. "Everything alright?" I asked cautiously.

She didn't respond and walked back into the bedroom. I followed after her.

"Ash? What's going on?"

She was sitting on the bed and had a serious look on her face. "Did you think I would be mad by what you did?"

That was a loaded question if I ever heard one. "Yes." I answered softly and honestly. "I thought you'd be pissed."

"Then why did you do it?" She asked.

"What? I told make her feel better. She was a mess." I said trying to reimagine the whole thought process that got the evening started.

"No, you didn't tell me. She told me. She answered all of my questions. You answered none of them. Well apart from saying she farted." She said sounding concerned.

"I don't understand. Everything she said was true." I was confused.

"So why didn't you answer? Why did you let her answer?" She asked.

"I...I don't know. She just did. And what she said covered it. I didn't know what to add to it."

"Oh." She said softly.

"Are you mad?" I asked.

She didn't answer.

"If you were mad then why did you just blow me in front of her?" I said now a little frustrated.

"I think I was caught up in the moment." She said softly.

"What?" I was more confused than ever.

"I don't know. It was a lot of things I guess. I've barely seen you all week since you got that promotion. And when I have seen you, you've been acting different. It's hard to explain. Distant I guess. I constantly feel like you're keeping something from me." She paused and collected her thoughts.

"I was feeling so many things. Confusion. Anger. Missing you even though we live together. But seeing both of you naked kind of turned me on." She said quietly and almost ashamed.

"Oh." I said not sure what to make of it.

"To answer your question, I'm not really sure what I am. Maybe not mad, but I'm not really comfortable with this either." She said with caution.

"I knew I shouldn't have done it. It was wrong. I really am sorry." I said sincerely.

Ashley looked up at me with her beautiful eyes. "And that's the worst part." She paused and started to look sad. "That you thought it was wrong but did it anyway."

"Ash!" I started but she cut me off.

"I'm sorry I misled you into thinking I was okay with everything from that blowjob. I need some time to myself to process this."

How could this be happening all over again? I tried for months and months to be with Ashley and so quickly I ruined it. "Please, Ash. Let's talk about this."

"Earlier I wanted you to talk and you didn't. You let Emily talk. Now you want to talk and I don't."

"What are you saying?" I was panicking now.

"I don't know. Nothing, maybe. I'd rather not discuss it while I'm in this state of mind. I'm going to bed." She said as she turned out the light.

I got into bed as well but wasn't sure I was supposed to. She was already under the covers and had her back to me.

I climbed in next to her and tried to rub her shoulders. It gave me strange and guilty flashbacks of when I was rubbing Emily's shoulders just a few hours ago. It really hit me how fucked up it was. I was naked in my own bed with another naked woman. I'm not sure we can ever truly erase this.

I gave her some space and rolled over to my side. We slept with our backs facing each other for the first time since we became a couple. Was this the end of our honeymoon phase or the start of something much worse? The thought terrified me.

I began to examine the past few weeks. Was I acting differently around Ashley because of my job? Was it more than just being tired and busy? Was it making me subconsciously be more distant? Would Ashley even want hear the truth about what was happening at my work? Would she understand? If Ashley was mad about what happened tonight, she would probably be furious if she knew the details of everything with my coworkers. She might even end this relationship instantly. Not to mention what my boss would do to me if she knew I told Ashley and broke her rule of keeping it a secret.

No matter how I imagined it, I was pretty much screwed. There was no easy answer to solve this, but it seemed like the best thing to do was still keep it a secret. And that hurt me to my core thinking like that, but what choice did I have?

When I awoke the next morning, Ashley was gone. It was uncommon for her to leave before I woke up, but not unheard of. When I saw a letter on her pillow with my name on it, my heart sunk and I was paralyzed with fear. I blew it with the girl of my dreams.

To be continued...

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P_AndererP_Andererover 3 years ago

Genuinely funny! 5*

ProfDavrosProfDavrosabout 7 years ago
Life is confusion

Love this realistic "no matter what I do it's wrong " theme. Reminds me of a few confusing scenarios with my poly partner some years ago. These characters are multi dimensional and complex, and so, more believable. The contradiction of pregnant women feeling like whales, yet looking very sexy or drawing out protective instincts in men is what I've experienced, too.

The exploration of ethics involved in "secret vs private" in relationship will be interesting. I have found women's reactions around infidelity confusing, contradictory and challenging, Just as our hero is.

My reactions to poly principles have also been as conflicted as Ashley appears to be. Much more please!

JjonestJjonestabout 7 years agoAuthor
Thank you

Thank you all so much for the kind words. I'm honored many of you have followed my work and I'm truly humbled by the support and encouragement you've given me over the years. (Hard to believe it's already been years since the first series started.)

You guys are the reason I continue to write and build on this strange and intimate tale. I really do love hearing from makes my day, so thank you!

Happyreader74Happyreader74about 7 years ago
Great stories

Another great addition to the Ashley and Jason story. Been reading your stories for day one. Your a great author and can't wait for the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Highly enjoyable.

Thanks again for another chapter that is a joy to read. I think this is your best writing so far, particularly in terms of the realistic and sensitive writing of the conversations and the character development. In many ways a return to the style and theme of the first series...only with better writing skill. It is wonderful to see your writing skills develop in tandem with the progress of the wonderful story lines.

I enjoyed Chapters 1 and 2 (particaulrly 2) in this series because of my personal interest in bathroom activities and hope you develop those storylines in chapters to come. It is refreshing though to have these more gentle personal and romantic chapters in the series. Already with these two series you have created a quality body of work....long may it continue. Again, thank you!

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