Shared Birthdays Pt. 03-04

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Jan surprised Tad...twice.
3.7k words

Part 3 of the 8 part series

Updated 05/06/2024
Created 04/07/2024
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The next morning Tad dreamed Jan was giving him a blowjob. Her mouth was as talented as her hands and pussy, and waves of pleasure rolled over him. Just as he was about to cum he woke up. Initially disappointed at waking before his orgasm he immediately changed his mind when he realized it was no dream. Jan had his hard cock in her mouth and swirled her tongue around his head and frenulum.

When she lowered her mouth down his shaft she didn't stop until her nose was buried in his ball sac. Wow, Tad thought, she's deep throating me. I can actually feel the back of her throat on my head! No one had ever done that to him before.

He remembered her saying that she swallows, but still felt it polite to give her warning. "Baby, I'm getting very close. I'm going to cum any minute now."

"Mmm hmm," she mumbled around his hard shaft. She withdrew and played with his head, licking it, sucking it, probing his urethra with the tip of her tongue. He moaned and lifted his ass off the mattress so she drove her mouth down around his cock and sucked hard. He came, shooting his first spurt down her throat before she pulled off halfway to catch the rest in her mouth.

When he stopped cumming she held him in her mouth, careful to avoid the very sensitive head for ten or twenty seconds. Then, sensing he was past the painfully sensitive part she began to softly lick his head again. When he didn't stop her she redoubled her efforts, resuming a full blowjob. She licked the head, pumped him in and out of her mouth, and fondled his balls with her hand. It took almost ten more minutes but she brought him to a second orgasm, although a dry one.

"Damn, hon, that was incredible!" he told her.

"Ever have a double O before?" she asked.

"Twice when fucking. Only once before from a blowjob. It's amazing - all the sensations of a true orgasm but no cum comes out. Or did some?" he asked.

"Nope, completely dry but otherwise exactly like any orgasm. You're even super sensitive right after."

"Hon, I have to tell you, it has always been a fantasy of mine to be woken by a blowjob. Since I'm a light sleeper I never thought it would be possible. And I'm usually the first one up anyway," he told her.

"Well, I did sort of tire you out last night. And being a city girl I think the quietness of your forest cabin woke me up. I saw you laying there on your back and couldn't resist grabbing your cock. When I played with it gently it got hard. No sense letting a hard cock go to waste!" she declared.

He laughed and then asked,"So how long is your vacation?"

"Well, I'm retired like you so there's no real limit. I booked the hotel for a week but could always stay longer if we wanted."

"Actually, I was thinking we should get a shower and head into town. There's a great spot for breakfast and then we could go get your stuff and check you out of the hotel. No sense spending the money when I have a perfectly good bed to share half of with you," Tad said hopefully.

"'Bout time you asked, lunkhead!" Jan teased him.

An hour later they were in her hotel room. She'd barely unpacked and they still had an hour before check out time. She'd told the front desk of her change of plans so they should have her bill ready by then. Jan walked over to the door and put the Do Not Disturb sign on the outside knob then shut and safety locked the door.

Walking back towards him she started unbuttoning her blouse. "Since I never even slept in it last night I think we should get some use out of this big bed!" she said. And they did as he fucked her missionary and then doggy style, with her hands on the windowsill and the curtains open. When she didn't have her eyes closed she watched the other guests coming and going from their cars in the lot below.

Over the next two weeks they fucked and/or did oral at least twice a day. He was amazed that she never needed artificial lube, at least for pussy sex. And she could hardly believe her good fortune in having a man of their ages who didn't need little blue pills.

"Tad, I have something I need to talk to you about," she said one afternoon, laying naked in bed together, cuddling after another session.

"Sure Jan, you know you can talk about anything with me."

"Well, what would you say if I told you I want to stay here?" she asked.

"Umm, that you already are staying here," he said.

"Don't be dense. I mean forever. We'd not only be kissing cousins but fucking and sucking cousins as well," Jan replied. "I imagine we'd have to keep it under wraps, being a conservative southern state."

"Actually not. Not only can cousins of legal age have sex, they can even legally marry in this state and about 16 others, including several in the so-called Bible Belt," Tad told her. "Even so, if we decide to go public I suggest we just don't share that we're related."

"But you still haven't answered my question," she complained.

"Jan, I adore you. I love you. You're the best sex partner I've ever had. If you think you can make the transition from city girl to country bumpkin, I would love to have you stay," he said, while locking eyes with her.

She moved her face to his and pressed their lips together. They kissed, deeply and passionately but in a loving manner rather than the frenzied kisses they shared often while having sex. On at least a couple of occasions one or both of them actually suffered bruised lips due to that.

"I love you too, Tad. I have ever since we were kids."

When Jan had been living with Tad for six months she said, "Tad, Leah wants to come visit us next week. Are you okay with that?"

"Sure, hon. Your daughter is welcome anytime. Is she bringing your granddaughter?" he asked.

"No, Lisa can't get time off work. There is something I should share with you before she gets here, though," Jan said.

"Sure. What's up?"

"Well, you aren't the first person I've committed incest with," Jan said, hopeful he wouldn't get upset.

"I'd heard that cousin Donna thought you had slept with that asshole older brother of mine. Are you saying it's true?" Tad replied.

"Oh hell no! He tried, of course, but I'd sooner become a celibate nun than fuck that narcissistic bastard. Nope, it's closer to home, I'm afraid. About five years ago Leah and I started sleeping together." Jan had her fingers crossed when she said this.

"Oh. I can't say I'm not surprised but I'm also in no position to judge. Why are you telling me this now?"

"Because there is a chance she may want to do it while she's here. She pretty much swore off men after the divorce and she isn't interested in getting into the whole gay or bi scene, so her toys and the occasional romp with me are all the sexual satisfaction she gets," Jan explained.

"Okay. I guess I'm okay with it if you two want to get it on. Just as long as I still get my rolls with you every day!" Tad announced.

A week later Jan pulled in the drive after picking Leah up at the airport. Tad had offered to skip his workout and go with her but Jan said the two hour drive back would give them 'girl time' to catch up. When he heard the car, Tad walked out onto the porch to greet them.

As Leah got out of the car Tad was struck with the stunning similarity to her mother. A couple inches shorter and somewhat thinner, Leah's face nonetheless said they could be twins. Seeing him she burst into a huge smile and called out "Cousin Tad! You look great!" as she hurried over to climb the steps to the porch, where she threw her arms around him in a huge hug.

"Very good to see you, Leah. It's been a while. C'mon in, both of you!"

Tad had spent part of the time while he waited for them fixing an array of appetizers and prepping Chicken Marsala for dinner. After fixing everyone a drink he served the appetizers.

"Cuz, these vegetable spring rolls are scrumptious and what are these tot looking things?" Leah asked.

"Thanks, those are zucchini tots and these here are cauliflower popcorn. Both are delicious and healthy. Finally I have some homemade focaccia we can have now or save for dinner, or both!" he explained.

It had been a long day of travel for Leah so after dinner they relaxed watching a movie and then she headed up to the loft to bed. Jan and Tad soon followed and while they normally would have had sex, Leah's bed was directly above their bedroom, with only tongue and groove two by sixes for the bedroom ceiling and loft floor. Sound traveled very well in the little cabin, so they postponed their usual activities.

When Tad returned to the cabin after his workout (Jan had started joining him there but skipped to entertain her daughter), the women were fixing lunch for the trio and giggling and whispering throughout. "So, what's the big secret?" Tad asked.

"It's not a secret, hon. I told Leah that I had told you about our little intramural games and one thing led to another. We only finished and got dressed about fifteen minutes before you got home!" Jan said with a huge smile.

Tad looked at Leah and her expression said that she wasn't sure how he was going to take this news but she would own it, whatever it was. She was clearly very comfortable with her sexuality and incestuous practices. "Oh, is that all?" Tad replied. "You told me it was a possibility. Good to see you ladies didn't waste any time!" he added, grinning.

"Thanks, Tad,"Leah said. He'd asked her to drop the 'cuz' and just use his name. "I really needed a good fucking and Mom's great in bed!"

"No disagreement from me on that score! She rocks my boat pretty much every day," he said.

"Goes both ways, hon," Jan added.

"Tad, can I ask a personal question?" Leah asked.

"Sure, we're pretty open around here," he answered.

"Mom swears you don't take Viagra. You're 70, so that's hard to believe." Leah said.

"Well, it's true and not the only thing that's hard around here!" he snickered.

After lunch they did touristy things, taking Leah to the nearby Bavarian style town and then a short hike up to a breathtaking sight where two streams had side by side waterfalls that merged into one at the bottom. Rather than heading home to fix dinner, Tad treated them all to the upscale American restaurant he'd told Jan about on the first day of her vacation.

When Leah excused herself to visit the Ladies', Jan jumped up and said, "Me too!", following her there. Once they'd returned to the table, Tad thought he saw several conspiratorial looks at one another, accompanied by small grins.

Back at the cabin, Tad fixed drinks for everyone. Always very careful about drinking and driving he'd only had one cocktail before dinner, so a second this much later wasn't an issue. They sat in the living room, listening to soft jazz on the Echo and discussing plans for the next few days of Leah's visit. When Leah excused herself to get ready for bed, Jan leaned over to Tad and whispered, "Leah and I have been talking. You can absolutely say no and no one will judge or blame you. We would like to have a threesome with you tonight."

"What!?" Tad's voice was more of a stage whisper so he quickly lowered it. "I thought she's sworn off men?"

"More like she's sworn off dating and relationships with men. Like me, she has always liked cock, and toys are a poor substitute. She trusts you, and was thrilled when we slept together and you were totally cool with it. She told me she wanted this in the Ladies' at the restaurant and I told her I'm okay with it and would ask you. She understands you can say no and there will be no hurt feelings. Disappointment for sure, but no anger. So what do you think?"

"The first thought that pops into mind is that a mother/daughter threesome is kind of an internet porn cliché. And while I've had a couple of threesomes, they weren't with relatives. I guess that would constitute double incest - once with my cousin and then with my first cousin, once removed. And you're completely okay with this, hon?" Tad said.

"Totally. You can make my daughter feel things I can't. She and I sometimes use toys and even a strap on, but it isn't the same. I know how good your cock feels, and how great a lover you are. I want the same for her," Jan said, looking directly into his eyes the entire time.

"If everyone is comfortable and certain there will be no regrets or issues afterwards, I'd be a fool to say no. Leah is a gorgeous, younger version of you, hon, and you know I adore you. My only condition is that once we go to sleep, you two have to fight over the middle spot. I get my side, only place I can sleep."


Shared Birthdays Pt. 04

Incest upon incest

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Leah came out of the hall bath knowing that Jan had used her absence to ask Tad about the threesome. She walked into the living room, dressed in a babydoll with lace panties and no bra underneath. She grabbed a water from the fridge, not wanting any more alcohol as she'd just brushed her teeth. "Well?" Leah asked, as she sat in the armchair. "What's the verdict?"

Jan looked at Tad, tilting her head and raising one eyebrow to indicate that he should be the one to tell her. "Leah, I would love to have you in bed with your Mom and I."

Leah's face lit up like a young child who had just unwrapped the exact Christmas gift she had hoped and prayed for. "Cool!!! Any conditions or restrictions?"

"Just the normal - anyone can say no or stop at any time and the others will immediately comply. I can't imagine what things might trigger that but it's best to be clear," Jan explained.

"Sure, Jan."

It was Tad's turn to raise an eyebrow at Jan, who said "Leah and I agreed that 'Mom' was a bit out of place when we're eating each other's pussies. Anytime we have sex, she calls me Jan. Other times, she prefers Mom. I'm okay with either."

Tad and Jan walked into the en suite bath and both brushed their teeth and peed. In the meantime, Leah had pulled back the quilt and top sheet and made herself comfortable on the bed. Tad walked around the bed and proceeded to undress, hanging his jeans on the hook he had installed for just that purpose. Wearing just his boxers he moved into the walk-in closet and tossed his shirt, socks, and boxers in the laundry hamper. Naked and half erect he walked back into the bedroom.

"Nice!" Leah exclaimed, clearly staring at and referencing his cock. "Please come over here."

Tad went to the side of the bed Leah was laying on and she immediately wrapped her fingers around his cock. Already nearly there, this was all he needed to reach full size. Leah slowly stroked it, enjoying the feel but not wanting to over-stimulate him too soon.

"You like that, Leah?" Jan asked, grinning.

"I'm incredibly jealous, Jan!" she replied.

"Okay, so since this was y'alls idea, you two should take the lead," Tad declared as he climbed onto the bed and lay in the center.

"On your back, hon," Jan instructed, and Tad complied.

"Leah, his cock is all yours for now," she said.

"You don't need to tell me twice!" Leah exclaimed as she leaned over and took his cock into her mouth. She immediately began to blow him, stroking her lips down over his shaft then pulling back up. At the top she kept her lips just below the ridge of his head as she sucked and licked it. In no time she tasted his precum and darted the tip of her tongue into his hole, looking for more.

Meanwhile, Jan straddled Tad's face and lowered her pussy to his mouth. Tad eagerly began eating her, licking her slit and nibbling her clit with his teeth, careful not to bite. When he released her clit she rocked her hips back and forth, rubbing her slit down to his bearded chin and then up to his nose.

Tad held his breath as Jan pushed his nose into her opening. She fucked herself with his nose, as a warm up. It obviously wasn't long enough to truly please her, but she enjoyed this to start.

Tad had never liked 69 as he could either focus on giving his partner pleasure or on her giving it to him. Just not both at the same time. Right now he was concentrating on Jan's pussy. As a result, while Leah was doing a great job on his cock, he knew he'd last a very long time if they all kept this up.

Jan understood this as well, since they'd talked about it when she once asked for a 69. Tad was happy to comply but qualified it, explaining his focus problem. She really wanted Leah to have a great experience so as soon as Tad had gotten her to a first orgasm she moved off his face.

Once the distraction of Jan's pussy was removed, Tad started really feeling Leah's ministrations. She's almost as good as her mother, he thought to himself. Although it seems she can't fully deep throat, which is fine. A series of deep moans emanating from his mouth confirmed her skill.

"Leah, I want to see you ride his cock," Jan said.

Leah stopped what she was doing, with a little reluctance. She looked at Tad and said, "Nice cock. No, very nice cock! Time to see how it feels in my pussy."

She straddled his hips and rubbed her very wet slit up and down his shaft. When she knew they were both well lubed she raised up on her knees and reached down to position his cock. "Stop!" Jan said. Leah looked at her questioningly.

"Let me do that, please." Jan positioned herself to Tad's side where she could reach between her daughter's thighs. Taking his cock in her hand she raised it toward the ceiling. "A little higher, please, Leah."

Leah raised herself further and Jan could now point his cock straight up. She rubbed his head against her slit until her experience, and what she felt, said it was at her daughter's opening. Leah, of course, knew this as well and slowly lowered herself as Jan pulled her hand out of the way.

"Leah, give my man's cock a great fucking! Tad, make sure my daughter gets the ride of her life!"

Leah began fucking Tad, raising herself to pull him out then lowering back down until every millimeter of his cock was buried inside her. Tad reciprocated, pushing up to make sure he was fully embedded and then pressing his hips into the mattress when she lifted off. When he was deep inside her he realized his head was hitting her cervix, just as it does with her mother's pussy. And just like her mom, Leah apparently felt no discomfort from this. In fact, her moans seemed to deepen every time it happened.

Jan got to her knees and Frenched Leah, dancing their tongues together. She reached over and cupped Leah's breast, a slightly smaller version of her own. The nipple was already hard and erect against her palm, and Leah uttered more moans as she moved her hand in a circular motion, palm flat against the nipple.

Without stopping what she was doing to Leah's left breast she leaned down and took the right nipple between her lips. She began by sucking it in and out, a little nipple blowjob. After a minute or so of this, she wrapped her lips around it, right at the base. Stiffening her tongue she began flicking the tip back and forth across the nipple. Leah began shouting "Oh jeeze, oh jeeze, oh jeeze! Jan, you're driving me crazy!"

Leah's pussy and Tad's cock pounded one another faster and faster. "Guys, I'm going to cum! I'm going to cum!" Leah screamed out.

"Me too!' Tad added. Four or five more strokes and Leah screamed "NOW!" as her entire body shuddered with a massive orgasm. Once he felt her, Tad painted her cervix with his contribution, then every muscle in his body - but not the one in her's - collapsed.

Leah dropped her chest onto his and Jan helped her straighten out her legs. She lay on top of him and tried to catch her breath as she kissed him hard and with full tongue as he caressed her ass cheeks with both hands.

"Tad, that was an incredible orgasm! Jan, you are truly one very lucky lady!" she declared.

When Tad's cock had deflated to about half mast, Leah lifted off and lay on her back beside him. Jan immediately engulfed his cock and licked and sucked it clean. "Hey! I wanted to do that!" Leah objected.