Sharing My Wife Amanda Ch. 13


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Running was often when Amanda felt at her best, which was reflected by her attire. There were reasons why Amanda seldom wore anything more than a snug sports bra and the shortest of shorts during their training sessions: it was confidence in herself and in her body, of course, but also because she knew it incited Bryan's rabid lust for her. She would always run strategically in front of him knowing he'd stare at her ass, or next to him so she could tease him with her stacked, voluptuous profile.

Amanda would never admit it, but she delighted in his uncouth attention. And she reciprocated by permitting him to visually feast on her or, more notably, allowing him to bang the hell out of her regularly.

My wife owned Bryan.

Dimitri stirred in the background. We had known each other since childhood, and he was my closest friend. More like a brother. However, a sexual tension insidiously developed between us as we grew older, but had always remained left alone. We were too embarrassed to acknowledge such awkward feelings.

Like virtually every man who knew my wife, my best friend was also madly in love with her. She knew this, and was also well aware of the deep bond that I shared with Dimitri. In spite of this--- or more likely, because of it--- Amanda invited him into a scorching hot MMF threesome with us. She even managed to cram both of our stiff dicks into her mouth [Chapter 5]! Dimitri and I may have never touched each other again after that fateful, wonderful night, but they were still sleeping with each other until fairly recently.

Amanda smiled warmly at my best friend, then turned her attention to a tall, handsome Asian man standing next to him. Philip stood over 6 feet tall, possessed a sinewy, muscular build, and had some gray streaked throughout his long, black ponytail. While he may have been the most soft spoken out of all her former lovers, he was also easily the kinkiest. After all, Philip had stripped Amanda naked when they were alone in his restaurant, tied her to a chair using her own bra, and fed her a homemade plate of spaghetti... only after seasoning the food and wine with his cum, of course [Chapter 3].

Like Glenn, the Asian man also had a family. Amanda ended their affair not long after the night at his restaurant, but not before indulging herself with his cock a few more times.

Unlike the other men, the last one Amanda noticed wasn't present at her first gangbang. But she knew him intimately well. Scott, along with his buxom, pixie-haired wife Brandy, were our neighbors. Also towering over 6ft tall like Philip, he had broad, powerful shoulders, penetrating blue eyes, and shoulder-length, wavy brown hair. Scott was extremely good-looking. However, if my wife was smitten with him, then he was absolutely obsessed with her.

Not long after Scott and Brandy moved in next to us, Amanda and I were greatly enjoying a hardy swinging relationship with them. We had traded spouses more times than there were drops of water in the ocean, experienced wonderful foursomes, and engaged in threesomes in every combination possible dozens of times [Chapters 8 & 9]. Coincidentally, and much to our delight, Brandy became pregnant at nearly the same time as Amanda. They had already been as close as sisters, but being able to experience the joys and hardships of pregnancy together made our beautiful wives even closer.

Scott was a very lucky man. Not only was he allowed to have a seemingly endless amount of sex with my wife, but his wife was gorgeous and an amazing fuck, as well.

"Hello, Amanda." Scott slowly approached, smiling affectionately. It had been several months since they had been together, but his desire for her hadn't lessened.

Amanda returned the smile, but then seemed to peer past our tall neighbor as if she were searching for someone. After a moment, she turned to me. "Jansen?" she asked hopefully.

I merely shook my head, and my wife was genuinely crestfallen.

It was Bryan who attempted to break the ice, and his oily sneer became even wider. "I don't mean to sound impatient, pretty girl, but can we get started? Because I already have a raging hard-on, and it has your name written all over it!"

But Amanda ignored him and turned back to me. "Are you really sure that you want to travel down this road again?"

"I am, and so are you."

She blushed, but began unconsciously stroking her elongated belly. "I don't know, babe. I want to... but I'm scared for our baby."

"Remember what Dr. Morningham said," I reminded her.

"I don't think she said that with 6 penises poking me in mind!"

"Uh, probably not. But... um, I did tell the guys to be more careful with you tonight. I mean, I know you usually prefer it rough, but..."

Amanda replied drily, "Gee, thanks, babe."

"I want this for you, I really do. There's still so much I want you to experience. And I want you to be happy. I know the baby's coming soon, Mandy, but..." I hesitated as she studied me hard. "I don't know, call me crazy and irresponsible, but I feel like it's still our time to be free. To enjoy what life has to offer... to live in the moment. I--- I know how happy being with other people makes you, and nothing makes me happier than seeing you happy."

"Are you sure you're not doing for yourself, babe?"

Amanda caught me there, and I flushed guiltily. The truth of the matter was, I loved watching her fuck other men--- the more, the better--- almost as much as I loved fucking her myself.

As she knew it.

I conceded, "I suppose I partially am." There was no point in hiding the truth, and I would never lie to my wife.

"I appreciate what you're trying to do for me, babe. I really do. But we have more than just ourselves now to think about now."

"I know, but---"

"And look at me! Do you think they'll want to touch me when I look like this?"

I pursed my lips thoughtfully. Evidently, Amanda had already forgotten everyone's reaction to her a moment ago. "Do you remember that skimpy little black dress I bought you?" [refers to "Mandy's Sexcapades: Pantyless & Proud"].

"Of course. How could I forget?"

"Well, I didn't think you could look any sexier than you did that night when you wore it for the very first time. But I was wrong." I placed my hand on her tummy. It was still difficult to believe that there was a lifeform flourishing in there. "Everyone here worships you and loves you for who you are."

I could feel our friends staring at us with a palpable intensity, desperately waiting for the green light so they could descend on my wife, but Amanda and I focused solely on each other. She stared at me with such a tender and grateful expression that I suddenly felt heavy and rooted in place. As I often did before I shared her, I started having second thoughts and wondered if I might be better off keeping her for myself tonight.

She spoke softly so no one else could hear her. "You've shown me things... let me explore and experiment... more than a girl has any right to hope for. You've trusted me implicitly when I'm in the arms of other men, and I love you so much for it. There's nothing more I could possibly ask from you."

I gazed adoringly at my wife. She was already the most gorgeous thing I had, and would ever, lay eyes on, and at 7 and a half months pregnant, Amanda was such a thing of beauty that it made my heart ache. Even though I had given everything I possibly could and attempted to please her in any and every way imaginable, it still didn't seem like enough.

I needed to give my wife more; she deserved more.

"You don't have to ask, Mandy. Not now, not ever. I love you."

I knew I had to make an executive decision and assume command before things unraveled. I abruptly waved Dimitri over and whispered in his ear.

"Um, what are you guys muttering about?" Amanda asked suspiciously.

Dimitri blushed then chuckled when he heard what I had to say. Then he looked at her and blushed even brighter. "Are you sure, dude?"

"Trust me, I'm sure."

"What?" Amanda demanded.

I didn't bother answering. Instead, my best friend and I quickly rushed her. Amanda was too caught off guard to resist, and Dimintri and I easily hoisted her up onto our shoulders. I looked at the rest of the guys, who appeared as stunned as her.

"To the backyard!" I shouted.

Amanda's shocked response was drowned out by raucous cheering. At once, the men clustered around us. As Dimitri and I carried her on our shoulders as if she was a quarterback who had just thrown a last-second, game-winning touchdown, they followed us like a closely packed mob. At least Glenn, Philip, and Dimitri were considerate enough to prop Amanda up with one arm each, making sure she didn't fall.

Or perhaps they just wanted to feel her.

The hooting and hollering was nonstop as we carefully made our way out of the house and into the backyard. The area was shielded from public view, and we'd be able to have all the fun that our hearts desired.

But we'd have to keep the noise down so the neighbors wouldn't call the police, I thought humorously.

Once we were on the soft grass, I signaled Dimitri to stop. However, the guys were still swarming us, anxious for a piece of Amanda.

"Step back, give us some room," I snarled.

Everyone immediately complied. No one dare get on my bad side because if they wanted my wife tonight, they realized that they would need my blessing as much as hers. They kept their distance as Dimitri and I carefully lowered Amanda onto the ground. She wore a bemused expression that was equal parts excitement, confusion, and trepidation.

"Dimitri, can you give us a moment?"

"Of course." He joined the others and ushered them even further back, affording us some privacy.

"Out here? Really, babe?"

"I didn't think we'd all fit in bed with you," I deadpanned impudently. "And I figured the grass would be soft enough that you'd be comfortable." My expression suddenly became sheepish. "Plus, I've always wanted to have sex outdoors."

We laughed and hugged each other, then turned around. The guys were standing several yards away and watching us with hopeful expressions that were so intense and desperate that it bordered on comical. All either of us had to do was give them a signal, and they would pounce on Amanda in an instant.

She sighed one final time, shook her and, and pressed her forehead to mine. "Just remember, I'm doing this more for you than I am for myself."

Everyone surged forward like water bursting from a dam.

"Wait!" Amanda's voice cracked like a whip.

Everyone froze.

"My husband gets first dibs."

I was so surprised and delighted that I wanted to jump and scream to the heavens. "God, I fucking love you, Mandy."

The others crowded around as we undressed each other. Amanda and I purposefully took our time knowing that it would heighten the tension and provoke their lust. I slowly unwrapped the towel from her body, letting it fall onto the grass as her swollen stomach and engorged breasts pop into view. We heard an intake of breath from all around us.

Clearly, everyone marveled at her beautiful, pregnant form as much as I did.

Just like I knew they would.

"You're still so fucking hot!" Bryan exclaimed between whistles and catcalls, practically drooling.

He couldn't see her eyeroll.

Amanda then returned the favor by removing my clothing, lastly dropping to her knees to pull down my pants and underwear to finally free my erection from its painful confines. She started to stand up, but I placed a restraining hand on her shoulder.

"Stay there." I waggled my erection in front of her face. "You know what to do."

She looked up and smirked, and I winked in response.

Amanda placed her hands on my hips to steady herself and opened her mouth wide.

"So it begins!" Glenn announced excitedly.

There were appreciative "oohs" and "ahhs" as my wife ingested my dick and began to blow me. We positioned ourselves so that they could see my shaft disappearing smoothly down her throat from a profile view. She worked me over exquisitely with a combination of lips and tongue. As I often did when my wife sucked my cock, I stared down at her and played with her silky hair. Even though I was engrossed by the wonderful sucking sensation, I still heard a flurry of activity around us. I looked to the side as Amanda continued to work her magic on me, and saw everyone hurriedly stripping out of their clothes.

It was such a powerful and euphoric feeling and, quite frankly, a major ego boost to be the object of every man's ire as my beautiful wife slowly sucked me off from her knees before their envious eyes. I reveled in the resentful and impatient looks that they threw my way, knowing that no matter how many times they might enjoy her body, her heart would always belong to me... that Amanda was mine.

I would claim her first tonight.

They circled us now, watching and stroking themselves ravenously. I stood with my head held high and back erect as my wife continued to give me superb head. We purposefully took our time to play, and play for, the audience, augmenting our own arousal. A sense of exhilaration as great as I had ever experienced washed over me as Amanda quickly brought me to climax with her mouth. A moment before I erupted, I seized her head in place, furiously pumping my hips into her face. I howled in triumph, and the spectators' applause amplified my orgasm a hundredfold.

She swallowed every last drop.

"So much for your no fly zone!" I chortled.

Amanda's laughter in response was drowned out by my still semi-rigid cock and, unable to contain herself, she began to choke. I quickly pulled out, and she gasped for air. Once my wife had recovered, she stared up at me from her knees and wiped the sticky residue from her chin with the back of her hand, looking unbelievably sexy in doing so. Amanda's eyes were bright and alive, and I knew she would have the energy to satisfy everyone multiple times tonight.

A random observer might think my wife was a helpless victim, considering she was outnumbered 6 to 1 by men who were going to take turns ravaging her body for the next several hours.

But she was going to get the better of us tonight.

It was her time to shine.

Amanda looked derisively at the men who were creeping towards her as I backed away. They appeared ready to lunge when she coolly threw down the gauntlet. "Who's next?"

Most of them hesitated, stunned by the challenge. Scott stirred first, but it was Glenn who elbowed his way to the forefront. He may have been the eldest of the group, but when it came to having sex with my wife, he was always the quickest to react, and descended upon her in a blur.

"Oh, Glenn," she whispered agonizingly, melting under of assault of her boss's touch and kisses as he gently eased her to the ground.

"I know, Baby Girl. I know we promised to stop these scandalous encounters. But when your husband called, I couldn't say no."

Amanda threw me a withering look as Glenn's lips were all over her neck and shoulders, and I merely grinned at her. Sure, encouraging my wife to continue sleeping with her boss could prove to be fatal... but only if we were caught!

Once he had Amanda laying on the soft grass, Glenn gently rolled her onto her right side and scooted himself behind her. I was observing them carefully as her belly seemed to distend and stretch to the side. Luckily, the ground provided perfect support, and my wife didn't appear to be in any discomfort. Glenn continued to kiss all over her neck; it seemed as though he couldn't get enough of that tonight.

Amanda closed her eyes and smiled as Glenn snuggled against her backside. After he kissed her for what seemed like the millionth time, she swiveled her head towards him, reached back and hooked an arm around his neck, drawing him close to merge her lips onto his.

My cock pulsed as I watched the two lovers. Amanda was twisting at the waist, causing her breasts to contort and stretch in a very appealing way. Keeping my eyes on them, I grabbed a nearby chaise lounge chair and dragged it closer to my wife. Reclining back and unraveling my legs, I tossed my cell phone onto the ground and began stroking myself in front of everyone without the least bit of shame.

Glenn reached down, and took a firm grasp of his erection as he rolled his hips forward. An audible sigh came from Amanda's lips as he penetrated her from behind. Glen's left leg hovered precariously over her as he began to make love to her gently in a spoon position.

I found myself nodding approvingly. Spooning was always a favorite of ours, made better by the fact that it was one of the few sex positions Amanda could presently tolerate because of her belly.

"Do you miss this, Baby Girl?" he breathed softly in her ear.

Amanda sighed and her voice was just a light and feathery. "I do, Glen... I really do."

The others stood around them, masturbating like me, waiting for an opportunity, seeking the slightest opening. Dimitri made his way over and stood next to me as we watched my wife.

"I hope you realize that you're a lucky bastard."

"You don't need to tell me that, Dimitri."

"Man, I love you like a brother. But I wouldn't hesitate to steal Amanda from you. I'd marry her and father a small army of children with her, and never share her with anyone. You know that, right?"

I was, in fact, well aware of that. I nodded without comment.

Glenn was now presently rocketing into my wife so hard that they grunted in unison, causing her tummy and breasts to wobble with each impact. He pulled her to his body and groaned, spasming as he dispersed his bodily fluids. Amanda smiled and cooed as she felt her boss's warmth flooding her insides.

Glenn was still injecting his semen into my wife when Scott and Bryan approached and, quite literally, pushed him aside. Amanda was still laying on her side and watching with a bemused expression as 2 new playmates replaced her old one. Scot immediately took the spot that Glenn had just vacated and slid into my wife's still creamy pussy. Meanwhile, Bryan sat onto the grass and wiggled himself beneath her head so that it rested on his lap. Never one to be gentle, he balled a fistful of Amanda's hair and pushed forward harshly, forcing his cock into her throat with an audible "gulp".

I never discovered if the duo had choreographed their intentions beforehand or not, but they ravished my wife in perfect synchronicity. Scott reamed Amanda from behind, reaching around to fondle and play with her breasts. Bryan held the base of his erection in one hand, thrusting his length in and out of her mouth relentlessly while he kept her head down with his opposite hand.

"That it, my hot cumslut," my wife's running partner grunted. "Suck it... suck it good. Show your husband whose cock you love!" He let go of her hair long enough to spank her.

Pinned between Scott and Bryan, Amanda was helpless. Her belly weighed her down like an anchor, decreasing her ability to move and resituate herself. Resigned to the fact that she couldn't escape her current predicament--- although, in truth, my wife didn't want to be anywhere else right now--- she relaxed her throat and vaginal muscles, and let them ruthlessly savage her from both ends as they pleased.

I was rock-hard as I looked on. My erection an angry red color with purplish veins threatening to burst out as I massaged myself.

Scott suddenly gestured to his tag-team partner, and they traded places. Now our neighbor was having Amanda swallow his cock while Bryan spooned her. At one point, Scott withdrew from her mouth and tapped his penis against her freckled cheek, flicking thick drops all over the side of her face. When he subsequently held himself still for my wife slip into her mouth again, a large bubble mushroomed from his cockhead. She licked it cleanly and swallowed.