Sharing the MILF List Ch. 15: Conclusion


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I nodded. I had bumped into this sort of thing at nearly every turn. I was processing what he just told me and what it could mean when I heard the faint, soft ding of the elevator and a moment later the door latch clicked. Alissa made her return just as Sammy appeared first in the corridor. It was almost funny, the way the woman and her son stared at each other. Chris bumped into him and Brent appeared behind them.

"Dude, your clogging the entrance." Brent said but then he glimpsed naked MILF and goggled. "Oh."

"Come on in, guys." Landon said, craning around to look at them. He saw, Mrs. Honeywell and I noted his cock twitching. When did I become such a cock watcher?

Sammy moved over into the living room, flopped onto the couch and looked at me. His eyes were cloudy. "Of course you would be up here fucking my mom. I should of known."

"What? Didn't you lay Cici Duncan last night?" I asked, using her given name intentionally it wouldn't sound so, so accusatory.

Sammy's face took on a look that must have been an actual scowl. "No, hell no. When she heard Jeb Wills was back in town, she had to go right back to Laura and comfort her, with their clothes on, I mean. I split. Where the hell were you?"

I opened spread my arms. "Here. Fix yourself a drink. Open bar."

Sammy squinted at me. The fucker knew there was more to this than I was telling. "How the fuck do you come by a weekend at this place? And an open bar?"

I was vaguely insulted except my perennial penury was legendary. If the guys had restricted us to what I could afford we would have watched a lot more bicycle racing. They had been subsidizing me in one way or another for years. "I shrugged."

"This is a perk from one of my clients." Alissa said, she appeared from the master bedroom, moving over to sit, nude, on the arm of my chair. I noted she had the cream high heels on that matched the pant suit. She had taken the little silver chain belt that came with it off and looped it around her hips. It was so fucking sexy! Then I noticed Kyla. She was standing just inside the room by the entrance. She caught my eyes and winked.

She walked over to us and bent and kissed Alissa on the lips. Alissa was startled but when Kyla moved down and kissed down the slope of one breast to the nipple and sucked on it, she moaned and closed her eyes. Kyla stood up. Brent sat on the couch with Sammy and Chris sat in one of the other white arm chairs, his elbows on his knees, his hand clasped, staring at the floor. He did not look dejected so much as deflated.

Kyla stood up and moved over to her son. She bent, kissed him on the lips then pressed back into a soul kiss that left nothing to the imagination. "Hi, sweety? How are you doing?" She asked when the kiss ended.

Landon was tongue tied, which could mean that Kyla had just tied his tongue in a knot with her tongue. She could do that with a cherry stem. I had seen it.

She left him without getting an answer to sit on the sturdy glass coffee table, crossing her knees and looking around. "I suppose you were all wondering why I have called you all here this afternoon. In a word: Ass. My ass. You boys are about to fuck my ass, five in a row. Any questions?" He looked around. She wore a form hugging drape dress of electric blue. It accented everything. It was conservative in a damn sexy way. "Then I am going for a ride on the Airtight airline, if you boys will allow me." She looked over her shoulder at Sammy.

Sammy grinned, his chagrin gone like a summer snowflake. "Shit, Mrs. Clark, I have heard about your ass and I not only volunteer, I insist! Airtight? You bet. Airtight all night, Mrs. Clark. All night!" He hooted with laughter.

Kyla regarded him over her shoulder till he calmed. "Please boys, call me Kyla. Since you are about to have intimate knowledge of me and my body, we should be on a first name basis, don't you think?" She stood up. She walked over to Chris. "Landon, did you know that Mr. Wills here has fucked me already? Of course, Sonny has been inside me so often I think he has a monthly parking pass." She moved to stand next to Sammy.

We were all watching her, curious, a little uneasy at this display from the little woman. She is short but she seemed to fill the space with her sexual presence.

"Mr. Honeywell, would you do me a big favor?"

"If I get to fuck your ass, anything, Mrs. Clark, er Kyla."

"Kiss your mother for me. And then fuck her, but don't come." She put the back of her hand to her lips and seemed to kiss it. "Strip and fuck her."

Sammy's face was a comical mixture of eager anticipation and reluctant discomfort. He looked, not at Alissa but at me. I answered him by pushing Alissa to her feet. She grunted.

"She, ah, she is already naked." Sammy muttered.

Alissa straightened her back when made her tits sway. Kyla looked over at her and nodded. "So she is. Less is more." She waited. "Well? Are you going to fuck her or sit there waiting for god knows what?"

Sammy was up and undressed in nearly an instant, his clothes disappearing like a six pack of beer in a frat house. His cock was hard and he was ready. Naked, he stood gazing hungrily at his equally nude mother. Alissa stared back. Her ass was really all I could see, being right in front of me but she did not move and Sammy did not move. I reached up and placed my hand on her near hip.

"Bend over the coffee table, Mrs. Honeywell. Give Kyla what she wants."

Alissa walked over the end of coffee table and bent over, placing her hands on it. Her head was nearly touching Kyla's shoulder where she sat. Alissa looked over at me, her face a mask. She licked her lips in "that way" and I knew she was okay.

Kyla regarded the nude woman beside her. "Landon, honey, would you go fetch some pillows from one of the guest bedrooms. I think we are going to use them on the table here. Best to be prepared."

Landon looked like his mom was sending him out of the room just when things were about to get interesting. He got heavily to his feet and disappeared from my sight.

Sammy meanwhile sidled around behind the bent, black form of his mother.

"I thought he was supposed to kiss her." Chris said.

"She just sucked off Landon." I interjected, feeling like I should be honest about what I knew. The thought stuck in my brain and I felt like a shit. Okay, it was not for that reason. I was just being perverse then. I just wanted to say it out loud. It made my heart hammer in my chest.

Alissa turned her head to look down her side at me. "I brushed my teeth," she said defensively. "Oh, oh!" Sammy touched her between the legs and appeared to penetrate her with his finger. She widened her stance. He positioned himself behind her and aimed his cock at her, shoving into her with all his might.

"Easy," Alissa grunted but then her jaw snapped shut, realizing she was oozing, "mom" and she resisted it. When her son pulled back and rammed into her, harder, she rocked forward then screwed her ass back, jamming herself consciously onto her son's very hard cock. "Oh Christ!" She grunted.

Sammy leaned over her and cupped both breasts with his hands. He tried to ride her in that position, massaging her while trying to pump his cock in and out of her but it was awkward. After a couple minutes of trying, he released her tits, stood up and began to grind against her shapely, black ass. One minute later, he began to grunt and then he was coming, pulsing his ass against Alissa.

Alissa grunted and pressed back at her son, a look of concentration on her face. His hands pulled at her waist as he poured into her.

"I thought he was not supposed to come." Chris said.

I almost called him a sourpuss but considering what he had waiting for him at home, I was not sure I should say anything, so I didn't.

Kyla got up from her perch on the coffee table. She over beside mother and son Honeywell, to where they were hooked together. She, laying one hand on the arched black back, she reached beneath Alissa and cupped her tit.

"Mrs. Honeywell, I understand, from what I have been told, that Mrs. Wills usually serves. You know, fluffing and cleaning up after our messy sons. Is that right."

Alissa nodded.

Kyla release Alissa's breast and patted Sammy on the ass. "Sammy, dear, run and get a towel, clean up and get back fast. If you have to piss, do that later."

"I'm still hard. All I can think about is your ass, Mrs., er Kyla. I can't piss with a woody." He pulled out of Alissa with a long, sucking sound that left their juice streaming down her inner thighs, clear to her knees. She groaned and dropped her head, completely unmoving while Kyla's hand continued to manipulate her breast.

"Run along." She tittered, laughter in her voice. Landon appeared. Kyla gestured to the coffee table. Brent moved the candle and magazines off of it. Landon dropped three pillows and went and sat down. He seemed surely. Kyla regarded him for a moment, bent a little so she could replace her hand on Alissa's dangling breast. Alissa had started to moan a little.

Sammy returned.

"You made the mess, my boy, clean her up a bit. I'll finish." Kyla said. She pointed with her free hand to Chris. "Mr. Wills, if you would please. Mrs. Honeywell would like to suck you off next." She smiled primly. "If you boys don't mind, I would like you all naked so I can look at you. I want to see the cocks I am going to get jammed into my ass." Chris stood up and began to undress. Landon followed. Brent looked over at me and I shrugged, stood up and he did as well.

Sammy finished swabbing his cum from his mother's pussy and legs about the time the rest of us got naked. We were all hard. When Brent revealed his little monster, Kyla gasped a little but said nothing, aware that she would shrivel everyone else is she made a scene, or so I thought.

She took the second towel from Sammy, folded it and lay it under Alissa. Kyla patted her on the hip. "Sit here, will you please, Mrs. Honeywell." Alissa complied standing up only to find her body pressed against Sammy. Sammy cupped both her breasts and then let her turn in his arms. They kissed and not a friendly peck on the cheek, or the lips. The looked like they were about to mount each other all over again. Alissa even took hold of his cock with one hand and began to stroke him while she thumped her hips against his hipbone. He finally broke away, staggering and staring at her as if she had stuck a carrot stick up his ass.

"Sit here, Mrs. Honeywell." Kyla said softly, gesturing to the middle of the table so she would have her back to the couch. "You need to suck off Mr. Wills." She looked around. "I don't want everyone, anyone coming in my ass the first five seconds after they slide into me. I want a good hard ride from all of you. So, line up. Mrs. Honeywell is going to suck all of you off." She stepped away from the black woman. She glanced at Landon. "Except you, dear."

He glowered at her but then shrugged. His sense of fair play was well developed.

I sat down and Kyla came over and sat on the arm of my chair. I put my arm around her waist, laying it along the arch of her upper thigh, sheathed in blue. Neither of us spoke but watched Alissa kiss the end of Chris' cock with her full, black lips. She sucked the end. Chris jerked and then pressed his cock into Alissa's mouth. She took him in, her head bending forward to take him deep. Moments later he gritted his teeth, hissing through them.

"Oh shit, shit, shit. Mrs. Honeywell, what, what oh, shit!" He pumped his first load of semen into her sucking mouth.

Alissa swallowed it all, sucking and slurping. When he pulled free, the merest amount of white cum coated her lips with a big drop of it at the corner. Kyla slipped out of my grasp, walked to Alissa. Alissa watched Kyla. Kyla bent and licked then kissed her lips. She licked and kissed Alissa's full lips, being sure to make a show of it, then ended with a stout kiss that must have included a good scrubbing of Alissa's back teeth. Kyla pulled back.

"Why, Mrs. Honeywell, you taste just like cum. You sucked my son, already, right?"

Alissa nodded. She had not spoke yet. Her condition as the servant in the room seemed to suit her.

Kyla looked around. "Mr. Rossini, I think you are next." She could not help herself. "My but you are a big boy, aren't you."

Brent blushed but that did not stop him from replacing Kyla before Alissa. Alissa gripped his cock with both hands, bent it down to her lips and licked and sucked the end. She put as much as she could into her mouth. Brent put a hand at the back of her head. She leaned forward, searching for the right angle, blowing hard through her nose. He was wide, he was long and then he was deep in her mouth. Alissa wiggled her head and twisted till she had most of the little monster sunken into her throat. She snorted, once, then began to suck, moving a little up and back. Brent's ass began to flex. She increased her rhythm and pace and he came, hard, bucking against her face while she fought to consume it. She failed. Her face bubbled over with cum. She snorted and sucked, snorted and sucked.

"Oh my god, my god, Mrs. Honeywell!" Brent cried as his orgasm peaked.

Chris looked over at me. He smiled wanly but nodded. "I do think she is improving her technique." He said softly. "That bitch can really suck cock."

Kyla stood up from the circle of my arm. She was panting. When Brent staggered away from Alissa's coated face, Kyla got to her knees before Alissa and began to primly lick the cum off of her chin, cheeks and lips. Alissa sat still, quivering. When Kyla put hands over Alissa's tits, Alissa groaned and closed her eyes, unmoving her hands planted to either side of her naked body.

When Alissa's face was clean, Kyla got up, the only person in the room still wearing clothes; Alissa's high heels and silver belt not withstanding. She arranged the pillows behind Alissa. "Lay down, Alissa dear." Alissa did, flowing onto her back like poured chocolate, sensuous and ready.

"I thought it was Sonny's turn." Sammy said, always thinking of his buddies. Even me, who had closed of his mom from his cock, he still wanted me to get mine.

"Fuck Sonny," Kyla said pushing Alissa's legs wide. "I am going to have some mother-son pudding and right now." She bent down and ran her tongue the length of Alissa's gaping pussy.

"Oh sweet mother earth!" Alissa groaned.

Kyla licked her again, hesitated and sat up. She twisted to look at me, well at my very hard cock. "Go sit over there, on the couch. See if she can suck you off in that position." Alissa's head dangled off the edge of the table, right even with the white couch behind it.

I did not have to be asked twice. I moved around. Alissa, upside down, opened her eyes, or tried to though Kyla's mouth at her entrance proved very distracting. When I settled on the edge of the couch, she dropped her head completely, opened her mouth and pushed her tongue out. It looked weird being upside down like that, seeing the underside of her tongue. She bent it down the curve of her chin and waited.

I waited.

Alissa began to pant and then her shoulders hunched and she grunted. Her head came up and then her whole body convulsed. "Oh fuck, Kyla, eat me!" She groaned. Her thighs were draped over Kyla's upper arms. Kyla held Alissa tightly by the hips and thighs as she sucked and kissed at her pussy. Alissa's legs twitched and jerked each time she came. Her body bucked. One hand gripped the edge of the table the other mashed her tits, pulling and then she reached over her head, finding my knee, she extended her hand and found my cock. Her hand closed on me much harder than was comfortable. The orgasms rolled through her, like the waves of the ocean, crashing one at a time on her seizing body.

Whatever Kyla was doing to her, it was aggressively erotic. Alissa pulled at my cock, much too hard and I squeaked. She immediately released me. Her head, dangling off the edge of the table lifted, her eyes warbled up at me. "Suck." She gasped. "Cock." She held still for a moment, focusing on me. She opened her mouth and licked her lips lavishly, leaving them gleaming and parted. Her hand sought me. At my knees she moved immediately to my cock and pulled me gently.

She grunted and her hips bucked up at Kyla again. "Oh god, oh, oh, oh gooood!" Alissa howled. Her face twisted and she bucked again. Kyla's hand flew, skinning over her pussy. Alissa seized again.

I moved forward. I mentally knew that if I put my cock in this woman's mouth there was some real danger that she would bite it off. Perhaps I was attracted to that danger, to the thrill of feeling her express her pleasure directly to my cock with her mouth and tongue. Her head came up and she pulled at my cock again. Her eyes opened and I moved forward, bending to allow my cockhead to meet her lips. They were electric. For a moment she sucked on the little helmet, her hand holding it to her lips.

Her body bucked again. She twisted her head away, keening, then gasping. She turned back to me, her hand holding me gently, respecting my vulnerability. She lifted her head again, panting, her breasts heaving, her hips surging, rising and falling with urgent demands that Kyla continued to answer. I bent further. Alissa inhaled and my cock slipped into her mouth. She looked Satanic or otherworldly, upside down, my cock sliding into her mouth. She sucked harder, urgently. Her body bucked again. I leaned further forward, my cock descended into her mouth, the tip appearing as a bulge on her sensual neck. Her hand still held the root of my cock, her finger and thumb pulled, demanding the rest be thrusting into her mouth. I eased forward, my cock slid deeper into the woman.

"Holy fuck." Sammy said.

"No shit." Brent returned.

I leaned over her further and my cock went deeper still. I pushed into her and felt her lips stretched around my cock, flush against my abdomen. There was no more. She began to work on me, blowing from her nose which sent air up my ass. I almost giggled because it tickled. That would have been so bad. I mastered myself but with that moment of inattention and I was lost.

Alissa's mouth and throat made love to my cock even as her body crashed into another titanic orgasm. Her hips lifted high off the table, her heels planted on Kyla's back. The suction on my cock was heroic. Then her mouth and throat writhed and the sensation sent me over the precipice. My eyes colored yellow and red and black and I felt my body preparing to erupt. Alissa's hand was on my thigh, pulling at me. Then she swallowed and it was all over but the shouting. I came and came and came and Alissa swallowed and swallowed and sucked and sucked, groaning between the constant flapping of her hips on the pillow. I tipped over my hands on either side of her body, her tits right before my eyes.

I truly don't know what I was thinking but I bent further, captured a nipple between my lips and sucked hard on it. Alissa's mouth mimicked the action. My ass pumped against her face. But when I bit down on her nipple she screamed around my cock, the vibration unhinged me. Her mouth opened, I pulled my cock out of her mouth and she was screaming for real. Her whole body crunched, trying to crumple into a ball.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh!" Alissa chanted mindlessly. Then her voice stopped, she seized once more, her shoulders came off the table and she twisted as though trying to turn to look at me but then her hips bucked and she gasped and fell back onto the table, her head dangling off the edge.

I, being the kind of guy I am, lifted her head up and let it rest in my hands. She lay still, panting and slurping, sucking at the fluid in and around her mouth. Slowly, gradually she calmed.

Kyla sat back, her face a smear of Alissa's response and Sammy's contribution. She grinned at me. "They taste alike. Imagine that." Kyla said brightly. She pushed Alissa's lank legs off her shoulders and struggled to stand up, her blue dress in some disarray. "There." She said. "That woman will not be jealous of anyone. Anyway, I owed her from last night." She turned her back on us and walked towards the bedroom we had used last night, the one with two beds, which surprised me. I thought she would want to use the round bed in the master bedroom.
