Sharkbait Ch. 06-10

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Lives Changed Forever at the Scratch n Sniff.
8.8k words

Part 2 of the 23 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 06/06/2020
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I looked at the clock and realized we only had thirty minutes left to get ready. Wiping my tears, I sat up and looked at my best friend. "We should shower and get dressed," I said. "We have to go."

Amy let me up, but she was looking at me, wondering if I was going to shatter. "Are you going to be all right?"

"I'm better than him," I said. "I have to be there, but I need you to back me up because I don't want to fall apart in front of the North American Packs."

She nodded. "Come on, let's get you through a quick shower." A lifetime of quick showers and changes after swim practice had both of us putting final touches on our hair and makeup fifteen minutes later. I didn't need makeup to make my cheeks glow, as the rage burning inside me was enough for that. Amy moved behind me as I looked in the mirror. "You look incredible, Vicki. Your mate is an idiot."

I stepped back and put my silver heels on, which brought me up to nearly six feet in height with the heels. My dress was ocean blue, kind of a shiny pebbled pattern that reminded me of shallow waters. The sleeveless dress showed plenty of firm cleavage and made a bra impossible to wear. The fabric clung to my body as it got to my narrow waist, where a fake diamond belt emphasized my figure. It then flared out over my hips, with a slit in the below-the-knee skirt up to just below my underwear. Thigh-high stockings and a garter belt completed the ensemble.

Amy's dress was just as striking, and her fuller figure made a statement. I didn't know what kind of bra could hold up her bust in the strapless mermaid-cut white dress, but it was a miracle of engineering. The white satin had lace at top that flowed down one side, while the cut emphasized the difference in size between her bust, butt, and waist. The dress went just above the white heels, clinging to her legs. "How the hell are you going to sit in that, much less dance," I said.

"I wasn't planning to have it on long," she said. "I'm so sorry, Vicki."

"Don't," I replied. "If your mate is here, you are on your own. I'll call Leo to bring me home."

"I'm not going to abandon you," she replied. "But we need to go." I adjusted the shark-tooth necklace I had chosen, and we walked out the door. As soon as we got out, the flashes started as the phones took their pictures.

We posed for a few, then Leo came up and kissed my cheek. "May I escort you ladies to the ball," he asked.

"Of course," I said. We each took an arm as we walked out to the main road and the two blocks to the main building. "Where are the boys at?"

"They will come over once all of you are ready," Leo said. "You'll have a short time to mingle with the other ladies before they come in, and they will be brought in one at a time over maybe half an hour. We don't want someone going nuts if his mate is talking with a guy farther down the line." Unky Leo should have been worried about the violence that was going to take place BEFORE the men arrived. I felt like shanking a bitch. I sent a mental message to Amy, asking her to hold me back so I didn't carve her heart out with a salad fork. "You two look amazing," he said before he kissed our hands at the door. Enjoy the night and relax," he said.

"It's going to be a memorable evening, I can tell that already," Amy said.

I snorted a little; that was true. "I'll try to behave," I said. We left Leo behind and went inside. The dining room was now a party room. A bar and some tables were at the back, a dance floor and band next to it, and the rest was tables and couches for people to sit and talk. Decorations covered the walls, and we looked around until one of the Council Lunas found us. She told us we had a few more minutes to socialize before we had to line up for the first man waiting to come in. We were to offer our hand for a sniff, smile, and let him move on if he wasn't the one. There would be plenty of time to talk later for those who didn't find their mate.

I followed my nose, ending up at a woman in a deep-red gown. She had glossy black hair going to her waist, looked to be in her early twenties, and had the dominance level of a Beta. "Hi, I'm Vicki Lawrence, from the Miesville Pack in Minnesota," I said as I pasted a smile on my face.

"Traci Mercer," she said. "I'm with the Killington Pack in Vermont," she said as she shook my hand.

"Cool, that's a ski area, right?" She nodded. I introduced Amy as the Luna called for us to start lining up. "This is our first time, and we're kind of nervous," I said. "Would you mind if we stood by you in line?"

"No problem," she said, so I moved just in front of her with Amy on my other side. "This is my sixth and last one."

"Really? You aren't waiting for your mate," Amy asked.

She shook her head. "My fiance' and I don't think our mates are out there," she replied. "Timothy's father is our Alpha, and he knows we are in love. He won't let us mate until he's been through the lines seven times, and this is the seventh. He's going to mark and mate me tonight, and I'll be Luna by morning. We would have done it years ago if the Alpha didn't insist."

The door opened, and the first man came in; we were maybe twenty girls from the end, so we had more time. She was more than happy to talk about Timothy and what a fantastic guy he was. "What if one of your mates is here tonight," I asked. "Are you going to give up both of your fated for each other?"

"We already swore to each other we would," she said with a smile. "Our mates might be dead, or they might have mated someone else. Timothy needs a strong woman by his side, and I'm his other half." I honestly didn't know whether to congratulate her or sharpen her toes and pound her into the ground. She hadn't even showered after their post-dinner fuck, so his smell was on her skin, and his seed was probably dripping down her thighs. My wolf had gone past anger to resignation.

"That's him," I sent to Amy as the latest male walked in. My heart broke as I saw him; he was tall, handsome, and muscled. Standing maybe six-foot-four and weighing over two hundred pounds, he was every bit an Alpha male. His frosted blond hair cascaded to his shoulders, framing a strong jaw and high cheekbones. His tanned face and bright white teeth had many women looking his way. "By Luna, he's good looking."

"He's a disgrace," Amy replied.

"Amy, ask Leo to wait outside, tell him I might need him soon," I said. As he made his way down the line towards us, I made my decision.

He picked up my scent a few women down, freezing for a moment before he started to sweat. He stammered through a greeting, then made his way towards me. I could feel his wolf reaching for mine, but he had his animal on a tight leash. Amy could have flash-frozen him with the look she gave him.

Finally, he was in front of me. "Vivian Lawrence," I said as I held my hand out to him.

He reached for me, and a shock traveled up my arm as our fingers touched. Both of us knew what it meant, but neither of us acted on it. "Timothy Lords," he said softly. "You are the mantled one." I could see the confusion in his face; he didn't expect to find a mate tonight, much less one of equal power. "At least you had the decency to clean your whore's slut sauce off your dick before you met your mate," I said as I started to squeeze his hand.

He looked in panic at Traci, who was staring in shock at him. "She's...."

"I'll save you the trouble. Timothy, Traci, you two deserve each other. I will not stand in your way if you want her instead of me." Timothy was at a crossroads now, and he had to make a decision. Do you choose the one you came with, or the unknown woman currently breaking your fingers in her grip? The sound of the bones in his hand shattering was like popcorn. "Accept me or reject me, but do it NOW."

He looked over at Traci, who was begging him to stay with her. He made his choice. "I, Timothy Lords, reject Vivian Lawrence as my mate."

My wolf howled in anguish, and he almost dropped to his knees. "And I, Vivian Lawrence, accept your rejection." I let him go as the nascent bond broke, only staying upright because Amy grabbed me. "Get me out of here," I asked her.

"That bitch is totally screwed now," Amy told me. "Her married name will be Traci Lords. You know, like the porn star."

The laugh distracted everyone from the train wreck that my life had become as we walked away. Amy led me to the door where Leo and Adrienne were waiting and sent me out. I was able to let the door close before I lost it, crying out my pain and humiliation into Unky Leo's broad chest. He picked me up and carried me away.

I didn't have to tell him what had just happened to me.

My mate had rejected me for another, and there would be no happy ending to this weekend.

Ch. 7

I barely remember the walk back to our trailer; Luna Adrienne opened the door, and Leo took me back to their bedroom. I couldn't make out any words as my heart broke, and I wasn't up for linking either. Amy would be filling her Alphas in on what happened, so I didn't need to.

Leo set me on the edge of the bed and took my heels off while Adrienne grabbed a long sleep shirt. "I'll take care of her, love. You take care of the problem."

Leo looked furious. "The Council is involved now. I'll keep you up to speed."

He closed the door behind him as Adrienne knelt in front of me. "Let's get you out of this dress, dear," she said. I sobbed as Adrienne unzipped my dress, then she helped me stand so I could let it drop. She put the shirt over my arms and head, then helped remove my expensive lingerie. My Luna tucked me in, then changed and slid in with me. She gathered me in her arms, my head resting on her bosom, as I railed against the unfairness of the world. Adrienne didn't tell me it was going to be all right, she didn't say she was sorry, and she didn't vow to punish the male who hurt me. Her wolf figuratively curled around mine as she howled in pain, sharing my pain.

It took a while for me to calm down and breathe normally. It hurt SO much, and we hadn't formed a full mate bond yet. I had a new respect for my Alphas, both of whom had lost mates they were with for decades. I couldn't imagine the pain they had overcome. "Your Mom wants to talk to you," Adrienne said as I relaxed. "Can I call for you?"

I nodded, and she grabbed her phone and placed the video call. Mom and Dad were both in the frame; Mom's hand went to her mouth when she saw me, and Dad looked like he was about to explode. "Baby?"

"It HURTS so bad, Mommy," I managed to say. "Why couldn't he wait for me? Am I not good enough?"

She was crying too; her heart was breaking for her daughter. "He doesn't know you, Vicki. It can't be you. This one is ALL him."

"A real man would have waited for you, and he would have listened to his wolf," Dad said. "Amy said you gave him a choice."

"He picked HER over me," I said. "They've been planning to mate for years, and his Alpha was going to let him after tonight. I gave him a choice, and he cut my heart out," I said before I started crying again.

"I love you, Vicki. I can be there late tomorrow morning; it's too late to get there tonight," Mom said.

"No, don't come down here," I said. "Nothing will change because you are here, and a last-minute ticket will be crazy expensive. The Alphas and Amy will help me, and I'll be back Sunday night."

I could see her shoulders sag. "I just want to hold my baby and tell her it will be all right," Mom said.

"Adrienne is doing a fine job of that," I said. "I'll be all right, Mom. I've got my Alphas and my best friend, and the Gulf of Mexico is just a few miles away."

"You aren't going diving, are you?" She looked at Dad, then back to me. "Are you going to be all right?"

"Diving helps me work through things," I said. "It's so peaceful under the water, especially when I'm free diving. No tanks, no engines, just me and the sharks. It gets my mind right."

"If you need some chum, I know where you can find it," Dad said.

I just shook my head; Dad was very protective of me, and always had been. If I told him I wanted Timothy Lords dead, he'd make it happen. "I think it would be better if I just got some sleep," I said.

"Good idea. Things will be different in the morning," Mom said. "Call me when you wake up? No matter the time?"

"I will, Mom. I love you."

"We love you too, baby."

I ended the call and flopped back onto the pillow. I looked over at Adrienne and saw the side of her shirt soaked in tears. I reached out to it. "Sorry," I said.

"Please. I went through beach towels after my mate died." She looked at me and must have thought the worst was over. "Why don't you take a shower and wash that makeup off, then get some rest."

"All right," I said. The shower felt good, and after getting my jammies, I crawled into the queen-sized bed over the fifth-wheel hitch. Adrienne helped me settle in the cramped space, with only a few feet of space above the mattress, then closed the curtain separating it from the living and dining area. Sleep didn't come for me; instead, the events of the night kept running through my head, like a video on loop. Mom was right, I finally concluded. The rejection was all on him.

He never even gave me a chance.

I heard Leo come back in, and I could tell he was upset by his scent. "What's happening, Unky Leo," I said softly. They both would be able to tell I wasn't asleep by my breathing, so there was no point in hiding it.

"Can I come up and talk," he asked.

"I'd like that." Leo kicked off his shoes and removed his jacket, shirt, and tie before crawling up on the other side of the bed. I tossed the covers off and rolled into him, his strong arms holding me tight, just like he'd done a thousand times since claiming me as a young girl. "I have to say, bringing you to an Alpha Summit has never been boring."

I laughed and smacked his chest; this was my second, and it wasn't MY fault they arrested him and put him on trial for being a rogue. "It's not like it's my fault," I said. "I thought I did well not to beat her ass bloody."

He snorted. "It's a good thing, Sharkbait. You carried yourself well, handled the situation, and kept it together until you were outside. I'm proud of you."

"I said some mean things," I said.

He shook his head. "Please. Nobody with a nose could miss that skank's smell, which is why no one but you would stand next to her. What tramp would have sex right before the scratch 'n sniff? I feel sorry for her true mate." He looked at me. "You don't know."

"No, I've been up here for a while, and Amy is blocking our link." I could tell he was hesitant. "Tell me, Leo. I have to face the others in the morning, and I need to know what happened after I left."

He let out a breath. "You'd think after getting a smackdown like that a smart person would step back and evaluate their decisions. Instead, Traci doubled down on stupid."

"What did she do? She didn't get into it with Amy, did she?" Amy could defend herself, but she also had a temper. Traci would be in the hospital if those two clashed.

"I wish. No, as soon as you left the room, she jumped Timothy and claimed him." My jaw dropped; to not just initiate the mating bite as a female but as the lower-ranked wolf? "And he claimed her back."

Wow. Yeah, those two were mated to each other now, and there was no chance of him coming back to me. Traci Lords would have to die before he'd be able to think about me again.

Not that I'd take him back. "It's over, then."

"Yes. Rejecting a mantled Alpha female for a Beta? It's unheard of. Alpha Theodore can yell and demand all he wants, but our laws are clear on this. Timothy and Traci chose each other, and that is the end of that."

I shook my head. "The Alpha challenged our rejection and his mating? Can you even DO that?" Mating should not be the business of the Werewolf Council!

"He tried, but it didn't go anywhere. I told him to pack sand; the two of you completed the rejection, and his son now had his Choice Mate."

I could see he didn't say everything. "What ELSE did you tell him?"

"I told him if his son or daughter-in-law didn't stay out of your sight, they'd never find the bodies. I strongly urged him to send the pair back home immediately."

"It's not worth getting in trouble, Unky. I only wanted to beat the shit out of them for a few minutes."

He laughed. "You and I aren't the only ones who would like a piece of them. There's a line forming, and your Mom is pushing her way to the front," he said. "None of the other Alphas are happy with the situation. W agreed we would reinforce the importance of waiting for your true mate with our young. Seven years is NOTHING in the big picture. Now their selfishness has cost their Pack prestige, and their next Alphas will be weaker than Luna intended."

I took a few moments to think about this. "What is going on with Amy?"

"I asked her to try and have a fun evening, as there was nothing more she could do for you." He leaned forward and kissed my forehead. "You should try and get some sleep, especially if you are diving tomorrow."

"Can I?"

"Same deal, I don't want you two going alone. I wish I could go, but I have to do Alpha stuff."

I giggled. "Stupid Alpha stuff," I said in my child-like voice. It's what I used to call his work when I wanted to play with him, and he was busy. "I love you, Unka Leo."

"I love you too, Sharkbait." He tucked me in, and I fell asleep in moments.

Ch. 8

The fur brushing over my nose woke me up.

I opened my right eye, looking through the morning light to the big lug of a wolf taking up half of my bed. Leo's wolf must have taken over last night and brought him up here. It wasn't uncommon for a wolf to do something like this, curling up with a family or Pack member that is hurting. I scratched behind his ears, finding the spot that caused his leg to start thumping against the wall. "Who's my good boy," I teased as his paw hit the sidewall.


"Good morning, Vicki." She moved the curtain aside, and she shooed her mate off the bed and sent him to get dressed. "How are you this morning?"

I thought about it for a minute; the pain wasn't as all-encompassing as last night, but it was still there. I felt like part of my soul had been ripped away, leaving the rest torn and bleeding. I checked my wolf in the back of my head, and she wasn't any better off. She had curled into a ball, shivering, with her tail covering her eyes. I tried to call her forth, and nothing happened. "It hurts, and my wolf won't come out," I said.

"Come on down," she said. I scooted to the edge, and she helped me down before pulling me into a hug. "Your wolf is hurting more than your human side is," she said. "Your human side saw him for a few minutes. Your wolf started bonding with his wolf as soon as she smelled him."

"She won't respond to me," I said.

"It could be weeks. After my mate died, I didn't shift except when she decided to howl her grief to the moon. It took a month before we were working together again, and I could shift at will."

"What about the pain?"

"You learn to live with it," she said as we sat down at the table. "I wish I could tell you something else, but healing takes time."

I thought about the stories I'd heard from the widowed, but the people who knew best what I was going through were in the next trailer. Both Alpha Ivan and Luna Karen had their mates reject them. "I need to talk to my Father," I said.

"He's bringing Karen with him as soon as they get dressed," she said. "Leo already asked him. We figured you would have questions."

I had more than a few. "If I feel this bad, what does Timothy feel like?"

Just then, there was a knock on the door. I lept into my father's arms as Karen hugged me from behind. "My little girl," Ivan said as their wolves comforted mine. "I won't ask if you are all right, because I know you aren't. I'll be here for you, though."