She Deserves Bigger & Better! Ch. 11

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I'm femininised, my wife gets fucked, I sleep with a lesbian.
8.3k words

Part 11 of the 21 part series

Updated 06/02/2024
Created 03/13/2024
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Ch. 11 New Vows

This is so weird. I am writing about my married life as honestly as I can, and most of it is in the correct order that it happened, but it could be slightly mixed up! Everything written in this story happened sometime over the past 2 years; chapter 9 only this weekend is gone, and chapter 10 only yesterday! From here on, I can only describe present-day events within a day or two!

It's 8 a.m. and the start of a new day. Jess has instructed me to shave close and then shower. She helped using the removal spray foam stuff, telling me to shower again when the timer went off, and she'd be back up with our coffee and toast hopefully before then. She was back in time to check everywhere as I got out of the shower. I loved the softness of the result, especially when Jess applied the moisturizer all over my body. I even dribbled when she smoothed it on there, making her giggle, which in turn started me giggling too. She wrapped me in a huge soft bath sheet and we had breakfast together on the bed.

As we ate breakfast I told Jess of my need to go see my boss about no longer being able to do long trips but to do more UK work, to be at home more, or that after six years I'd have to move on. Jess was quick to point out that the shorter trips were fine. She's okay with the five or six nights away, but otherwise no.

She gave me a pair of white boy-short pants and a lace-wrap dressing gown she'd not worn since our honeymoon. She put on her silky kimono-style housecoat over her nude body. We went down to use our laptops. Jess told me to bring the breakfast tray down with me. Making another coffee, she sat beside me as we both checked our email. Jess replied to two about her coursework; I only deleted a couple. I called the office and made an appointment to see the boss, set for 11:30 today.

I'm glad that's over and done with. Although he wasn't happy about the short notice on the 24-day tour, the boss did agree to my request to stay on more local, i.e., UK tours and short continental work, better than me having to quit. He's short on staff as it is, but I have agreed to do the first six days of this longer tour, meeting up somewhere with my replacement and returning by car.

I met Jess in town for lunch and told her what was agreed upon. She, in turn, brought me up to date by telling me we were going down to Bristol to see her friend Nia and husband Ervan, who were staying on Thursday and Friday nights with them in their guestroom. Friday evening, Ervan was working. He's a DJ in a popular club downtown, and we're invited to watch him at work and keep Nia company!

After a quick visit to the supermarket to pick up some steak for dinner along with a few other essential items before heading home, Jess was eager to try something she said she'd waited too long for, and when I asked what that was she said, "Wait and see. Hopefully, it'll be great!"

Once we were back home mid-afternoon, had put the shopping away and sat drinking coffee, I asked Jess, "What's the plan for the rest of the day? You've already said that you have waited too long for whatever and we're staying in tonight, so you've got something up your sleeve. Are you going to let me in on the secret now?"

"Shortly, Pete. The clue, as I told you yesterday, is that wife training starts today. It should be fun!"

Half an hour or so later I was browsing online about female-led marriages, which seem more common than I had thought and mostly work out okay. Also, me finding pleasure from my wife being fucked to orgasm by a bigger cock or even more than one is not so rare. Maybe this is why people nowadays write their own wedding vows. Anyway, Jess, who has been upstairs a while now, called down telling me to make coffee and bring them up. Of course, I do as I'm told.

"Ah, good. Put it down here, and put those on, will you?" Jess told me as I brought the coffee to put them on the dressing table. There was a pair of white lace T-back thong pants on the bed, so I stripped naked again and put them on, tucking myself as I did, then turned to her.

"Good boy. Come and sit here and relax. Have your coffee while I do your hair, ok babes?"

The next thing is that she's braiding my hair and clips the two plaits on either side towards the back of my head, then she slips my arms through the shoulder straps of one of her white lacy bras and fastens them around me, surprising me because of the breast forms in the cups. She tells me to stand, makes sure that they're in correctly, then steps back, saying "What do you think, Pete? It's the same size as me, 34c, and will make everything fit better. Have a look."

I turn and look in the mirror. It's me, but not me. I'm in a matching white bra and panty set, and I see I now have areola and firmer-looking nipples that, like hers, protrude and show through the bra mesh. Turning my head side to side, I see the braids Jess has done. I must admit they don't look bad, but I couldn't wear them like that for work.

Next, it was last night's white crop top, helping me get it over my head and carefully over the bra. Jess said, "That's much better. Shame the bra's visible with your arms up, but it'll do for now. Okay, sit here again. Let's try doing your face, and do pay attention because you'll have to learn to do it if I want you looking gorgeous for when I come home from school, wanting my wife for a change instead of my usual oh-so-cute Peter. Come to think, you're going to need another name as well. So think about it and let's see who thinks of the best one. Now turn around this way so I'll do your face, then you can tell me how brilliant an artist I am. Trust me, I have some practice at make-up!"

Jess spent the next 90 minutes or so, starting with my fingers, pushing back the cuticles - fuck that smarts - then applying false nails to allow time for the glue to set. She then set to plucking eyebrows, then brushing, dusting, and wiping off makeup, cursing and muttering about having long lashes, stopping to put nail polish base on. She trimmed my visible ear hair then back to my nails, putting a coral shade of polish on, it looks like a cross between red and pink.

Jess said, "Follow me. We'll make coffee, but don't you touch anything at all, you hear? Nothing till the polish dries!"

Down to the kitchen and she put the coffee on. I sat at the table and got told off for reaching towards my laptop. The coffee is made, then back upstairs. I had to close my eyes walking into the bedroom, so as not to see myself in the mirror. Orders, you know! Jess led me from the bedroom door back to the chair, then top-coated the nails and applied lip gloss. Coral to match my nails. She helped with putting my stockings on and the tennis skirt, fussing for a couple of minutes, then said, "Turn and look. See what you think. Bugger it, I can't call you Pete, not for now."

I turn and look in the mirror, seeing myself, stunned. My eyes, the whole look - tears start to form.

Jess shouts at me, "Don't you bloody well dare! Don't you fucking cry! Hours have passed and you start crying and fuck it all up in seconds! Look at me now!"

She dried the corners of my eyes with a cotton bud, smiling at me and teasing me, saying, "You don't like it? We can always take it all off again. Why not try it tonight? You might get to like it."

Looking in the mirror again, it's flawless, perfect, and I told Jess, "I've never been so beautiful. It's beautiful. How do you wear next to no makeup? Rarely except for our wedding and maybe twice since I've known you. Is it because you don't need it? Take a photo, please, because I'll never be this beautiful again. Thank you, Jess, I love you."

"Talking of weddings, Miss Petrina, will you become my wife for tonight? And whenever I should need you in the future? To be my shining light, my companion, and my fuck buddy? Because right now, Petrina, I love you. You're making me horny for your body, but we had better go down. I'll take a couple of photos, then we'll have dinner, and drink some wine... lots of wine! Look online at shoes, some heels for you, and also look at wigs. I'd like to see you as a redhead like me or maybe a sexy blonde! Come on, talk to me while I cook the steaks."

Last night over dinner and after the 3rd glass of wine, Jess and I talked about various things. I spoke of how feminine she had made me feel, so much more so in the make-up, but did we really need the expense of wigs and heels in my size? It's not like anyone would see me other than her in this house. I mean, yes, it would be nice to see the complete me just once, but no one but her and I would ever see this flawless make-up she'd done. I'd never be able to do it so perfectly!

Jess asked me, "Would you like them to see you, other people? I mean, would you like to be seen? Have someone else fancy you as I do right now? I've seen the lust on men's faces when I'm out with you. Would you like to see that lust too? I mean, you enjoy men's lust for me. Dressed like that, I might enjoy the same thing. You know, men, especially black men with big cocks, lust after both of us. Or maybe we should just have a threesome with one? I mean, Petrina, at this moment I stand no chance of picking up a man, but you! You'd have no problem at all!"

"Please Jess, I'm not into men and you know that, so why are you talking like this? Up until a couple of months ago, my only interest in pants was taking yours off you, not me wearing them. That's down to you telling me to wear them. You bought them for me to wear, left them out for me to wear. Last night I wore these clothes because you told me to. I wear all this now because you've made me look like this. You even joked about marrying me like this, so why are you talking of me with black men?"

"Listen, my dearest Petrina, I love you, and it's not a joke. I want to be married to you, make love to you, and be with you tonight, but I also want both of you to be happy, so I needed to ask if Peter or you wanted other men just as I do. You know I'm going to need other men in my bed at times, but I'm also going to enjoy being married and making love to you both. After last weekend, I'm definitely going to need more cocks in me, and with one of you cleaning me up. I think I'd like to see you, Petrina, doing that sometime soon, and I think that if you're dressed like me when you do, then no man could resist you cleaning them up and then fucking you! It's dark out. Shall we go for a stroll around the block, maybe around the park? It's locked up, so no old perverts for you tonight!" She's smiling wickedly!

I too returned the smile and we both broke into laughter. Oh boy, I was getting smashed! I said, "Wish you'd stop talking like that, Jess! We're not all sluts like you. Some of us are virgins, you know?"

I had to go up to the loo. Hiking a skirt up out of the way and dropping the panties down mid-thigh felt a bit strange, then standing to rinse my hands and seeing myself in the bathroom mirror I did briefly wonder if I would dare go out walking, not locally but oh I don't know. I mean Jess suggesting that this me - Petrina - should be out on one of her fuck nights when she needs me to clean her up, get her ready for another big cock. Even suggesting that I should clean them too! Could I do that? I mean to say I loved watching her do that. Seeing a big black cock between her lips and watching Jess swallowing down inches of black cock, her pink lips forming the perfect O seal, the contrast in skin tone. Tasting her when she kisses me after turns me on!

Jess asks, "You plan on standing there admiring yourself all night Petrina? Come and look at these with me."

She's sat leaning against the pillow with her laptop resting on her raised knees, which are slightly apart. As I walked around to my side I glanced at her naked pussy. The lips looked a bit puffy, the tiniest bit wet, and so inviting. I wanted to start cleaning up but also didn't want to spoil my make-up. As I got on the bed I saw both the magic man and George standing on her bedside unit, and also Mr. Brown lay between the unit and her pillow, all three to hand. Jess has a couple of pages open on the laptop. The one she was showing me was wigs. She pointed out a blonde one similar in length to my hair now, saying, "Think you'd like to go blonde? They do say blondes have more fun, although I can't complain anymore, but I'd love to see this one on you. We could go out then as sisters. What do you think?"

Jess had changed the page to show two red wigs, one just about shoulder length but more ginger, and the second one nearly the same as Jess's natural colour but longer. Then she changed the page to shoes, mostly heels, all seemingly going up to two or three sizes bigger than my feet. Then I noticed it's for drag queens, hence the men's sizes! There were even pages of breast forms. Some could be worn braless. Jess also pointed out 'Gaff Panties', saying, "Yes, we've got to get you some of these."

She got off the bed and went off to the loo, returning to tell me that it was getting late and she wanted to make love to her wife. She turned the laptop off and the main light too. Jess had me stand so she could undress me. We kissed and made out as she dropped my skirt to the floor. She also had me lift my arms to remove the crop top, reminding me to be careful not to break a nail. Then, taking off her kimono, Jess sank onto the bed, spreading her legs and saying, "Make me come, Petrina, make love to me. I think Peter may be in bed with me later to fuck me, so use this on me as well and make me orgasm first, please. It's been a while since a woman made love to me!"

She handed me George. As I moved over her nude body to kiss her again it certainly was different not to feel her hard nipples on my bare chest. The padded bra felt so weird. Then Jess wrapped her legs around my waist, cupping my bum, and rubbing both our mounds together. I'm pretty sure she came, but then she stretched her legs out and open, saying "Lick me. Lick my pussy, my love! I need to cum properly. Make me yours tonight and fuck me, please."

And so I moved down to lick her, her pussy wet already enough for it to run down over her taint to her bum. I licked up from there to her pussy lips, my nose hard against and rubbing her clitoris. I soon had Jess arching her back. She grabs my head, coming on my tongue, and me lapping as quickly as I can till she stops. I continue to slowly drag my tongue between her lips up to her hard nub, making her jerk, before moving back down. I turned George on low speed, touching her clit as I made my way south. Her heels move up the bed, her knees opening, giving me ease of access to both her pussy and bum. George enters her pussy just as she arches her back again, so it sinks inside her about 4 inches. My tongue rims Jess and she spreads wider, pushing up to arch higher, George now over 5 inches deep. Jess grabbed him to push him deeper still and I got a little concerned as Jess had 'lost' it inside her once before, but no, not this time. Jess squirted, flooding my face. George slid out as Jess let go of my head, the bra and forms soaked.

Jess rolled over onto all fours telling me to fuck her. I picked up George and ran him the full length from ass to clit as I force my tongue into tongue fuck her ass, then altering the angle to bring the tip of George from clit through her labia. Removing my tongue I tickled her rim with just the tip. Jess, realizing what was touching her there, pushed back against the tip and she was so wet George slipped into her bum by two inches. Jess waits a moment, then I feel her pushing back slightly I eased him in another couple of inches. She has now taken maybe four inches of George in her bum. Thinking to help her to another orgasm, I moved my hand to her pussy intending to finger her clitoris.

Jess not only beat me to it but so has Mr. Brown. Unbeknownst to me, Jess quietly got him and inserted him into her pussy. Her hand holding onto the balls she begins to fuck him, lowering herself and lifting. I see four inches sliding in and almost out. Pretty soon she has got a rhythm going, four inches in her ass, then four to five inches in her pussy. I turn George's speed up a notch and she's moaning.

"Yes, yes, I'm cumming!"

She collapses flat onto the bed, and because I'm still holding George he comes out of her bum. Jess rolls over onto her back, knees up and apart, Mr. Brown fully inside her now. Jess still holds his balls in one hand but she has a seven-inch hard black cock in her pussy and is now in a continuous orgasm! This went on for a minute or more before she pulled it out, tossing it away from her. She pulled me down to rain multiple kisses on my face, licking to taste herself there, and professing love. She then noticed the wet bra, reached up and undid it.

"I need to wee and get this into the soak. You wanna pour us a drink, lover? We had better remove your face too and bring the glass in with you!"

Going into the bathroom, Jess swilled her hands as I lowered my pants to have a wee also, discovering I'd leaked an awful lot of cum into the gusset. Bearing in mind till then I'd been tucked, seeing all the stickiness there, Jess said, "Give them here and I'll rinse them out."

Then she knelt to peel them and my stockings off, suddenly starting to giggle and telling me that I'd probably cum twice already judging by the amount in my knickers. She had thought I was going to fuck her later, but she didn't think so now! For the first time in quite a while, we both slept naked and in each other's arms.

When I woke up at 7:45 am Jess wasn't beside me. I used the bathroom quickly washed my face and put on a dressing gown. I headed downstairs and found the note leaning on the kettle. It read, "Good morning, Pete. I didn't wake you. Leave you to sleep. Going for a run, then to Mom's house. Back by 10. Luv xxx.

I had a coffee and took the second one up with me. Three of my new fingernails had fallen off. I looked up on my laptop to see how to remove the rest and found the bottle in the dressing table drawer. I took the rest off and tried to clean them before Jess got back. I was sitting in the mirror in awe of how Jess had made me look last night. The eyebrows looked feminine but didn't now, but the eyes still looked alluringly made up. The lips were still lush, almost bimbo-ish last night. They were quite thin and normal this morning. She is truly a remarkable woman and I am so happy to know her. And she's back!

Jess helped me finish cleaning the glue off my nails and the falsies. She showed me the proper way to buff my nails too! She suggested going out tonight for dinner, handing me a flyer about an award-winning fish & chip café. I agreed as she then handed me a pair of grey work pants that I put on, then asked Jess "What are the plans for today? Going shopping or staying in all day? If we're staying, do you prefer me or Petrina here with you? But that would put tonight off the menu, never mind. So what are we doing?"

"Ah, so you like Petrina, then, eh? Now if you wanted to, she could go to dinner with me tonight."

I shook my head and said, "Not ready, besides I have no shoes!"

Jess replied with, "No worries, she'll be back. I had thought we'd go look for some heels in your size, maybe?"

"Let's buy them online, please. I couldn't ask in the local shoe shops for my size, Jess! I'd die!"

"Maybe Nia will know somewhere in Bristol tomorrow. How long will it take to get there, by the way?"

"Three hours possibly. Depends. Nia knows nothing about me. You've not told anyone, have you? And your mother, what's she saying about my job change? Still not good enough, I bet. What did she say?"

"Pete, I told you that whatever happens at home, whatever we do in this house is private, between us for our enjoyment. Until you decide to let Petrina come out with me one evening or have a weekend away with me it'll stay between us only, and no one needs to know, okay? It looks like we're staying in because there's no point getting soaked. I suppose I could take the braids out. They look a mess, and we could experiment with a couple of different styles. You could practice some make-up ideas and I could show you how. We could have a girls' together time! You know, drink wine, do make-up, listen to music, talk about boys. Gosh, not done that since like forever. Not since college and Micky."