She Wanted to Drive My Tractor


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When I woke up the next morning, those thoughts came back to me. I decided I was crazy to think Gwen was serious, and I was still a little ticked off about what Dad had done. When we got ready to leave for the bean field, I started to climb up the ladder to the combine, but Dad stopped me again.

"You let me combine again. You can run the beans back to the elevator."

Well, that did it. I decided we had to have it out right then and there.

"Dad, I know what you're trying to do and I don't like it. I can make up my own mind about what's right for me. I don't need you trying to get me and Gwen together."

Dad just smiled.

"Well, you're doing a pretty half-assed job of it, if you ask me. That little girl really likes you. She didn't say as much, but the way her eyes lit up when she talked about you, I could tell. I saw the same thing in your face when you saw her yesterday. I thought we raised a boy who knew his own mind, but you need some help. If you let her get away, you'll regret at least not finding out if she's the one."

I tried to reason with him.

"Dad, I can't buy the farm yet, and until I can, there's no way I could support a wife."

Dad just smiled.

"You have more right now than your mother and I had when we started out. We made it. So could you with the right woman."

With that, Dad climbed up the combine ladder and left me standing there.

I drove the first load of beans to the elevator about nine. Jimmy was back and took the moisture sample. Gwen smiled and said "Hi, Jeff", when I walked in the door behind Jimmy.

I couldn't very well ignore Gwen, so I walked over to her desk. She looked up at me and grinned.

"Back again, I see."

"Yeah, Dad's running the combine today. I think he misses it since he retired."

She chuckled.

"I don't miss detasseling. That first week, my arms ached."

"Yeah, it'll do that to you until you get used to it."

Her smile then was kind of funny looking.

"I do miss eating lunch with you though. You were somebody I could talk to about the mess I'd made of my life and you never were critical. I never told you "Thank you", but I won't ever forget that."

"Well, I was taught not to judge people. Besides, I think you did the right thing, and you don't need to thank me for listening."

Gwen looked down at her desk for a second, then took a deep breath and looked back up at me.

"I'd still like to thank you somehow. I baked a cake last night and if I eat all of it, I'll just get fat. Could I interest you in a piece and some coffee tonight, maybe about seven or so?"

Well, I'd never had a woman ask me out before, so I didn't know how to say no. I didn't have any time to talk my way out of it gently either, because about then Jimmy walked up and handed Gwen the weigh slip. I said I guessed that would be all right, then walked out the door and drove the truck to the elevator. Gwen waved at me through the office window when Jimmy brought the weigh slip with the number of bushels I'd unloaded out to my truck.

I made three more trips to the elevator that day, and each time, Gwen reminded me about our "date". She didn't actually say that word, but I knew that's what it was. Dad and I finished up the hundred acres of beans at about four and I made the last run to the elevator while he drove the combine back to the house. Mom had dinner ready at five-thirty.

I took a shower a little after six, then dressed in a pair of good jeans and a check shirt. When I walked through the living room, Dad asked where I was going. When I told him, he grinned.

"Well, maybe you do have some sense after all."

That first night with Gwen was better than I ever dreamed it would be. When she rode my detasseling machine, Gwen was more of an employee than a woman. I mean, I was in charge of my girls, so I couldn't really be much more than friendly. There in Gwen's house and alone with her, it was really hard to think of her as just a friend.

It got harder to think of her that way over the next six months of more cake and coffee that led to her pot roast and chicken dinners on Saturday night with some television afterwards. It took me that long to convince her we really should go somewhere to eat instead of her doing all the work. By then, I'd given up on the friend thing. Gwen was a lot more than just a friend. I couldn't bring myself to say I loved her, not yet, but deep down, I knew I did.

It took that dinner in Decatur before I told her. We had dinner at The Blue Mill and then drove back to Gwen's house to watch some television. Gwen made some coffee while I got comfortable on her sofa.

A few minutes later, she brought two cups into the living room, sat them on the coffee table in front of her sofa and then sat down beside me. She stroked my arm and sent tingles down my back.

"Jeff, tonight was really nice. I guess I just didn't want to remember eating out. Thank you for talking me into it."

I smiled.

"I just thought you might like not cooking for a change. I really like your cooking, but it's a lot of work for you."

Gwen stroked my arm again.

"I like cooking for you, and it's not work when you're doing something you like."

She was looking at me with that same smile I'd seen the first day, but her eyes were a lot different. They seemed brighter or more open, I don't know, but they were different. They were also drawing me in. Without thinking about if she'd like it or not, I leaned over and kissed Gwen.

It was more just a quick kiss than an actual kiss, but when I realized what I'd done, I backed away.

"Gwen, I'm sorry I did that."

Gwen scooted over close enough her hip was touching mine.

"Why would you be sorry? Didn't you like kissing me? I liked kissing you."

"Well, I didn't know if you felt that way or not."

Gwen smiled.

"You might try kissing me again so you could find out how I feel."

I was going to just give Gwen a short kiss, but she sort of took over. As soon as our lips touched, she put on hand on the back of my head and held me there while she made love to my lips with hers.

I don't remember putting my arms around Gwen, but that's where they were when she pulled gently away.

"Does that tell you how I feel, Jeff?"

I didn't know what to say. If Gwen felt even a little like I was feeling, I figured there could be only one reason. I knew then there was only one reason I felt like I did. I hugged Gwen gently and said, "I think I love you, Gwen".

I don't know what I expected her to say. I know I wasn't expecting what she said.

"Jeff, I've liked you since that first day on your detasseling machine. I thought there was more when you came to dump your beans at the elevator. After that first time you came here for cake and coffee, I knew I loved you. It doesn't sound very romantic, but that's what happened."

I chuckled.

"So what do we do now?"

Gwen stroked my chest with her fingertip.

"Well, I can think of one thing I'd like to do with you...something I haven't done in a long time."

I knew what Gwen was thinking.

"Gwen, I can't do that. We're not married."

She pulled away and frowned.

"You think I want to have sex with you? What kind of woman do you think I am? I was talking about driving your tractor."

I was starting to apologize when Gwen grinned and snuggled back up against me.

"I'm just kidding. I would like to have sex with you but I understand. I'll still want that when you're ready. Until then, I really would like to drive your tractor. I used to sit on Daddy's lap and steer. It was fun then and I want to see if it still is."

I chuckled.

"I thought you said you hated living on a farm."

"That was just after I got interested in boys. Before that, well Mama wouldn't let me do a lot of things she thought girls shouldn't do, but she let me ride with Daddy on his tractor sometimes."

It was Mom who noticed the change in me first. She asked if I was feeling all right. When I said I was, she laughed.

"Then I know what's the matter. When are you going to make an honest woman out of Gwen?"

"What do you mean. She's already an honest women."

"If you don't marry her, I think she won't be that way for long. The way you're acting, it's only a matter of time before you sleep with her. I know, because your daddy was the same way. I had to keep telling him good girls didn't do that."

"I can't get married. I don't have enough money to get married and buy the farm too."

Mom sat down and smiled at me.

"When your daddy and I got married, he was just home from the war. All we had was about a thousand dollars of his back pay and each other. We both worked hard and were able to get a loan to buy this place a few years later. I've never regretted not waiting, and you won't either. Now, go propose to that sweet girl before you do something you'll both regret."


Gwen and I were married on the first of March. Some people said we should have waited until June because that's the wedding month or something like that. Gwen wouldn't wait. She said I'd have too much work to do by then and she was right.

By today's standards, our wedding was pretty simple. We got married in the Methodist Church in Hammond, and the reception was in the church basement, not in a fancy restaurant. Gwen didn't have the money for a caterer and didn't want to spend that much anyway, so her family made everything.

Gwen wore a nice off-white dress because back then, a woman who'd been married before wasn't supposed to wear a white wedding gown. Her one bride's maid was her cousin, and she wore a pink dress. I and my best man, one of my buddies from high school, both wore our Sunday suits. It wouldn't have been right for us to wear the traditional tux when Gwen wasn't wearing a wedding gown.

Gwen's dad walked her up the aisle, and then we stood together in front of family and friends and pledged all the things people promise when they get married. After that, one of my cousins took a bunch of pictures before we went to the reception.

We stayed for a while, drank punch and ate cake together, and then opened a few of our gifts. Then we climbed into my truck and drove off. Painted in white on my back window was "JUST MARRIED", and a string of empty cans was tied to the back bumper.

Gwen was still shaking the rice out of her hair when we drove into the farm. Dad had let me take his car for the honeymoon and we wanted to change clothes and pick up the suitcases we'd put there the day before.

We spend our first night together in a hotel in Decatur. I was fine when we checked into the hotel. I was fine when I carried our bags into the room. I was fine while we ate dinner at The Blue Mill again. I was nervous as hell when we got back to our room. As soon as I closed and locked the door, Gwen put her arms around my neck, pulled herself up tight against me and grinned.

"Well, husband, you said we had to be married before you'd do anything with me. We're married now. Are you going to keep me waiting much longer?"

"No...but you might be disappointed. I've know...and you have."

Gwen stroked my cheek.

"Jeff, it doesn't work that way with women. I love you and you love me, so whatever we do will be us making love. It doesn't have to be more than that. Now, I'm going into the bathroom to make myself special for you. You get into your pajamas."

I was changed in a couple of minutes. Gwen took half an hour. When she came out of the bathroom, I forgot all about time.

I knew Gwen had a nice body, at least it felt nice when I hugged her. I'd feel her breasts pressing into my chest, and when we really got serious about each other, I'd cup her ass cheeks. What I didn't know is that she would look a whole lot more sensuous than she felt. Her white lace nightgown formed itself around her hips and was low enough in the front it bared the swell of her breasts.

She smiled.

"Well, what do you think?"

"I think you're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen", was all I could think of to say.

Gwen grinned.

"Are you going to just look, or are you going to make me happy?"

Well, I did my best to make her happy, though Gwen sort of took over part way through. I did lift the nightgown over her head and then had to stand there and marvel at her some more. Her breasts weren't as small as I'd imagined they were, and her nipples were a lot bigger. Her waist was small though, and flowed into hips that were wide enough to be very feminine. The thatch of dark brown hair on her mound was erotic as all get out, and her slender thighs just begged for me to stroke them.

Gwen giggled.

"Maybe you should have left my nightgown on. You're staring at me again instead of doing anything."

"I just can't stop looking, that's all."

Gwen started to unbutton my pajama top.

"Maybe I should help you get started."

By the time Gwen had opened my pajama top and then put her arms around my neck and pressed her bare breasts against my bare chest, I was more than started. My cock was rock hard, but I think it got stiffer when Gwen felt between us and stroked it through my pajama bottoms. She giggled again.

"I think this part of you wants to be undressed next."

She didn't wait for me to say anything. She just hooked her thumbs in the waistband and pulled the pants down to my ankles, then gently stroked my rigid cock.

I wasn't the great lover I'd hoped to be that night. Gwen was though. For a while after we got under the sheet we just lay there, kissing and fondling each other. I was fascinated by her breasts. They were firm but soft and yielding, if you can imagine something being like that. I loved the way they sort of flowed out of my gentle squeeze. Gwen liked that too, and when my fingertips stroked her nipples, she purred out a little moan.

"Mmm...I like that. Do it some more."

A while later, Gwen stroked my stiff cock gently, then whispered, "touch me down there too."

The hair on her mound was sort of crinkled up, so I was careful to stroke her lips gently until I got it separated. Once I did that, I did what I thought I was supposed to do. I parted Gwen's lips and slipped my finger between them.

Gwen lurched into my hand and groaned, so I though I'd hurt her.

"Gwen, I'm sorrry. I'm just new at this."

She ran a fingertip around the head of my cock.

"You didn't do anything wrong. It's just been a long time since I felt that. Don't stop doing it."

I didn't, and after a while I felt slippery wetness on my fingers. A little while later, Gwen was starting to breathe faster. She moved one hand down to mine and whispered, "move your finger in and out. I'm almost ready for you."

Her satin lips were soft. Inside Gwen was even softer, and it didn't seem to take very long before she was rocking her hips up when my finger slipped inside her. The more I moved the finger in and out, the more she rocked her hips and she started making little moans.

I knew what was supposed to come next, but I didn't get the chance. Gwen put her soft thigh over me, then rolled on top of me. She pushed herself up with her arms, and then reached between us for my cock. I felt that same wet slipperiness when she stroked the head between her lips, and then the overwhelming feeling of Gwen impaling herself on my cock.

I really lost track of everything then. My world was just Gwen on top of me, slowly raising her body up until my cock caught on a snug place and then slowly lowering herself until she was sitting on my thighs with my cock deep inside her. She pulled my hands to her breasts after a few strokes, and when I stroked them and touched her nipples, I felt her body give a little lurch and something inside her tightened around my cock.

The feeling was incredible, and it got more so when Gwen leaned down and pushed her right nipple into my face. I didn't need her to tell me what she wanted. I just opened my mouth and wrapped my lips around her stiff nipple. Gwen moaned at the first gentle suck, and I felt that tightening around my cock again.

All that -- the tightening around my cock and the feeling of Gwen's rippled passage stroking my cock head and shaft -- was getting to me. I started to lift my hips up into Gwen's strokes and I was starting to breathe pretty hard. When Gwen leaned down, pressed her lips to mine and then slipped her tongue into my mouth, I lost it. I groaned and lifted Gwen up off the bed as I pushed my cock as deep as it would go. After two more strokes, I groaned and felt the spurts race through my cock and splatter inside Gwen.

Gwen didn't stop riding my cock even after I'd shot my last. She didn't stop until it slipped out and was too soft to go back inside her. Then, she stretched out on top of me and kissed me until I had to pull away to breathe.

Gwen giggled then.

"I don't know why you were worried. That was pretty great."

"Well, you didn't make it though."

Gwen stroked my cheek.

"Jeff, you made me feel like a woman again. That's enough for the first time. We have a week to practice and I want to practice a lot."


We did a lot of things on that honeymoon. Wisconsin Dells was a tourist trap if there ever was one, so we spent some money, but it was fun just walking through the town to see the sights. Every morning and every night was more fun. We did practice then, and sometimes we practiced after lunch too.

By the end of the week, I'd discovered how fantastic it could be when I held out long enough to experience Gwen having an orgasm. The last three days were like that. We'd stopped wearing anything to bed after that first night, so as soon as we were under the sheet and blanket, we'd experiment. I learned what got Gwen excited enough she'd rake her nails down my back or rock her hips into my strokes and push my cock a little deeper inside her body.

I learned how to control myself better so I didn't lose it before Gwen was ready. The first time she murmured, "Now, Jeff", and then started to shake as the waves swept through her was an experience I'll never forget. It was the first of many times we truly became one. All too soon, we had to drive back to Dad's farm because there was a lot of work to be done before the next planting season.


For three weeks, I worked all day getting the plow, disk, and planter in shape for the coming season. As soon as the ground dried out enough, I started plowing. Gwen kept her job at the elevator, but since I worked in the field as long as I could see, she'd drive out and ride a few rounds with me when she got off work.

That first year was a joy. We lived in Gwen's house so we were alone every night. Almost every night, we'd eat and watch a little television, then go to bed. Sometimes it was late before we finally went to sleep, and Dad started ribbing me about being half-asleep.

"I know what you're doing, because your mother and I were the same way. I 'spect you're doing some plowing every night. You gonna plant that field one of these days?"

I told him there was no way I had enough money to even think of having kids, but Dad just laughed.

"Don't be surprised if that happens."

Well, Dad was right. I was getting ready to cut beans when Gwen told me she was pregnant. Gwen was tickled to death and couldn't wait to tell everybody. When Mom and Dad heard the news, they were overjoyed. I was happy too, but also worried. With a baby on the way, it was going to be hard to save enough money to think about buying Dad out.


Christmas that year was one I'll never forget. Mom and Gwen cooked enough food to feed twenty people, and after we'd stuffed ourselves, we sat down in the living room to exchange gifts. We'd bought Mom a sweater and Dad a new pocket knife since he'd broken his. Once they'd opened their gifts, Dad stood up and brought a big box to Gwen and me.

"This is from your mother and me. I hope you like it."