Shifting Perspectives


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He swooped in and sucked that luscious lip between his in a kiss, and her eyes immediately softened with joy.

The store owner took offense to their public display of affection and yelled something at them.

Kyle pulled back from Aiko, and she smiled at him. "We are not welcome here," she whispered, but her smile would not be denied.

"Huh. Well, we're superstar celebrities who've drunk tea in finer places than this! Let's blow this pop stand."

Aiko blinked at him in confusion.

"That means, let's go," he said. He rose to his feet with dignity, assisted Aiko to her feet before they gathered their belongings, and calmly left the shop, heads held high.

They had flights to schedule.

Chapter 20

The trip to England with the stopovers and cramped seating did nothing to dampen Aiko's enthusiasm. It was like she was on her way to another world. Even the terrible food on the plane and the three-hour wait in the terminal for the connecting flight were a new adventure for her.

Kyle had a bit of luck sitting on the other side of a large planter of some businessmen indiscreetly discussing a new venture their company was about to embark upon. While they spoke, he did a little online research on the company, checked for any economic or political factors which might impact their plan, then picked up some stock with his trading app while they waited for their flight. He'd find out if this was a good bet by the time he reached Heathrow, as one of the men had mentioned the deal was being announced in the news that morning.

Helen was delighted to hear he was returning to London but dismayed that she couldn't be there to pick him up or host him at her place. She was going out of town on a brief business trip for a management seminar, and Skye was on a retreat with her class.

Reginald and Francis stepped up and invited Kyle and Aiko to stay with them for their brief visit to meet with Father O'Kean. They even said they'd come to the airport to pick them up.

When Kyle and Aiko walked into the arrivals area with their duffle bags, he spotted the smiling faces of his hosts. He saw their eyes widen in surprise when they saw the tall beauty on his arm, looking back at them with a nervous smile.

"Reginald, Francis, please allow me to introduce Aiko Okamoto," Kyle said with a smile. Aiko bowed to them respectfully.

"Enchanted, my dear," Reginald said with his crisp accent, and she flashed a radiant smile at him.

"Kyle, you never told us how lovely she is!" Francis chastised Kyle playfully.

He looked at Aiko's delighted expression and knew the young woman was a little overwhelmed by their kindness after fearing rejection. He wrapped his arm around her and gave her a squeeze. "Aiko, these are my good friends, the Dunsfields, Reginald and Francis."

"It is so nice to meet you!" Aiko said, and the older couple's smiles widened.

"You must be exhausted from your flight. Our car is waiting outside. How long did it take?" Reginald said as he gestured for them to follow them.

"The trip took almost a full day, but we had a three-and-a-half-hour layover in the Abu Dhabi airport," Kyle explained.

"My goodness! That must have been terrible!" Francis said with sympathy.

"It was my first time on a plane, so for me, it was not so bad," Aiko offered. "I had Kyle to guide and protect me."

Reginald glanced at Kyle in question.

He shrugged. "Three shady characters in the terminal were eyeing Aiko suspiciously. She never left my side, and we stayed by the gate with a security team nearby. The men left when they saw we were preparing to board the flight," Kyle explained.

Francis reached out a hand and gripped Aiko's hand. "How dreadful!"

Aiko smiled bashfully at Francis.

"I contacted the hospice to let them know you were coming to visit Father O'Kean. They were very grateful, as the man wasn't doing well. The news cheered him up," Reginald said.

Kyle looked at the other man with concern. "Should we go to see him immediately?"

Reginald patted Kyle's shoulder. "I've been assured you have time. You can see him tomorrow."

They went outside, and a lovely old Rolls Royce limousine pulled up to the curb, and the driver came around to open the door for the Dunsfields. The man carried the two duffle bags to put them in the trunk, then closed the door after Kyle and Aiko entered the back and sat facing the older couple.

"Whereabouts is the hospice?" Kyle asked.

"It's in Glasgow. The Father was from a church a little farther north, along the western coast. That's where your father was from, I'm told. Unfortunately, that's all I was told," Reginald explained.

Kyle nodded and frowned. "I hope Father O'Kean has his faculties and can tell us more."

Reginald nodded. "The nurses say his mind is still sharp. It's the rest of his body that's failing."

Kyle glanced over at Aiko, whose eyes were wide and looking everywhere inside the car. He grinned. "The Dunsfields earned their lifestyle from Reginald's global business empire. They enjoy a comfortable life with these luxuries."

"Is this very different from where you were?" Francis asked her curiously.

Aiko nodded timidly. "I lived in the garage of my parent's home when the housekeeper died. That was four years ago. I salvaged the wood from the home's flooring to heat the garage in the winter."

Kyle saw Francis had her hand over her mouth in shock as she looked back at Aiko with glassy eyes. He had to nip that in the bud. "Aiko was exceptionally resourceful. My father hired a housekeeper when he discovered he was dying. Unfortunately, she wasn't very good and drank herself to death over the course of three years. Aiko had to be very careful with the money she had coming in from a deal my father made with the airline after the accident. She managed the account carefully and didn't make any unnecessary expenses. Much like my minimalist lifestyle but taken to the extreme. The money stopped coming in on the tenth. She is also a skilled mechanic and made some money working on repairing farm equipment and cars."

"Very resourceful, indeed!" Reginald said with a smile. "Most impressive, my dear!"

Aiko smiled and nodded to him in thanks.

They passed some landmarks that drew Aiko's eye, and Francis took over the tour guide job by mentioning the names, history, and significance of the sights they passed by. While Aiko's attention was diverted elsewhere, Reginald looked into Kyle's eyes with questions in his. Kyle could only nod, as the answers would have to wait.

"Our chef is preparing a light meal of sandwiches for lunch, and we'll have a roast tonight," Reginald said. "You two should rest up. Tomorrow, we'll fly to Glasgow on a jet I've chartered. That will only take a bit more than an hour as opposed to the six-hour drive or five-hour train."

Kyle looked at the man in shock. "I wasn't expecting you to--"

Francis interrupted his protest. "We know Kyle, but Glasgow isn't nearby, and we want to do this. Tomorrow is likely to be an emotionally challenging day for you. If we can lighten your load by providing a means to get you there and back and be there to support you, we want to do it."

Kyle struggled to control his emotions and nodded stiffly. The older couple just smiled at him, their gentle smiles telling him they noticed his state. Finally, he was able to speak.

"I-I'm not sure what I've done to deserve such thoughtful and generous treatment, but thank you!" he said through a tight throat.

"Thank you for being so good to Kyle," Aiko said with a sweet smile on her face.

The couple just nodded as they smiled happily.

Aiko gasped as the limo pulled into the driveway of the estate. Her eyes grew wider as they drove up the circular drive to stop before the vast front doors, where a man waited to open the car door for them. The driver moved to the other rear door.

The Dunsfields were quite enjoying the look of wonder on Aiko's face as they were assisted out of the limo.

Aiko followed Francis, and Kyle exited behind Reginald. Then they all walked towards the home as the driver opened the trunk for the doorman to get their bags.

When they were all inside the vestibule, Francis turned to Kyle. "We're prepared two bedrooms for you upstairs. Your bags will be placed in the rooms, so you'll see them when you go up."

Kyle smiled at her assumption and nodded. "That's perfect, thank you."

Aiko tore her eyes away from the grand entrance to glance at him, but he just nodded, so she turned to their hosts. "Thank you!" she said to Francis.

"Why don't we go relax in the sunroom while lunch is prepared. I believe Reggie wanted to speak with Kyle about his motorcycle or something." Francis gently took Aiko's arm and led her away toward the back of the mansion. Aiko peeked back at Kyle, who just smiled and nodded, assuring her all was good.

Reginald's questioning eyes were back, but he held off until he guided Kyle through the familiar hallway to the garage. Once they were alone, he looked back at Kyle.

"She's not what we were expecting, but I suppose she wasn't what you were expecting either," the older man said.

"Sorry for the surprise at the airport, but I've been with her every minute since I found her in that garage. I couldn't think of a way to prepare you. Maybe it was better this way," Kyle acknowledged.

Reginald's brow furrowed with concern. "She's not your typical Japanese woman."

Kyle couldn't help but snort softly, then his expression became serious. "Her mother had a terrible encounter with a group of gaijin who sexually assaulted her. One of them was obviously dark-skinned. She died giving birth to Aiko. The vitiligo showed up in later years. It sounds like her father was a good and honorable man who did his best for her. I believe he home-schooled her up until the accident at the airport, which ultimately killed him, then my father. She's been alone with no one who understands how beautiful she is. She's such a lovely person, inside and out. It hurts to think about how neglected she's been. I-I wish I'd gotten the letter earlier." Kyle locked eyes with Reginald. "Thank you so much for talking me out of my idiotic anger!"

Reginald patted Kyle on the shoulder as he looked into Kyle's eyes. "It's not just pity, is it?"

"No! No, I-I'm more than a little attracted to her. She's such an amazing person and so positive! Aiko balances the dark side of my mind. It just feels... right."

Reginald smiled. "Like my Francis does for me."

Kyle blinked in surprise, then nodded shakily. He cracked a crooked smile at the man. "I-I must be a little tired from the flight. I might take a nap after lunch if that's okay."

Reginald chuckled as he guided Kyle back towards the house. "Of course it is, Kyle."


The evening meal was taken in the grand dining room once more as the three Dunsfield children and their spouses were in attendance. When their parents mentioned the young man who saved their father from a beating was coming back to visit, they insisted on meeting him.

Jeffery Dunsfield was the eldest at fifty-five and had his father's slim build and serious disposition. His wife Haisley was plump and pretty, with a constantly cheerful expression. She tended to giggle, another wife who balanced out her spouse.

Lawrence Dunsfield was quiet and thoughtful, his keen intelligence visible in his gaze. He was a little heavier than his older brother and only a year younger. Katherine was a foot shorter than her husband and perhaps a decade younger, but equally sharp-minded and quick-witted.

The Dunfield's youngest was their daughter, Susan McGillavry who was at least five years younger than Lawrence. Her bubbly personality made her seem younger than Katherine. She was petite and had her mother's slim physique, which made her almost disappear next to her husband. Kirk was a Scot and a big, solid man, nearly as wide as he was tall. He'd worked his way from the ground up until he owned his own construction company. He also competed in the Highland games, which was where he'd met Susan.

Jeffrey's and Lawrence's kids were grown and preparing to leave the nest, but Susan's were home, old enough to be alone without a babysitter.

The three couples were seated across the table from Reginald, Francis, Aiko, and Kyle, who sat in that order.

Initially, none of them could take their eyes from Aiko, but a word from Francis reminded them of the rudeness of staring.

"Sorry for making you feel uncomfortable, and please pardon me for asking, but you look nothing like any Japanese woman I've ever seen," Kirk exclaimed.

Aiko smiled and shook her head, flicking her eyes to Kyle. He picked up that she'd feel more comfortable if he responded. He nodded slightly, and she smiled in relief.

"Aiko's mother became pregnant after an unfortunate encounter with some men one night while she was in Osaka. She carried Aiko to term but passed away during the birth. I've seen photos of the woman. She was petite and exquisite. Aiko inherited her beauty, but her height and distinct skin tone were not Japanese," Kyle explained gently and held Aiko's hand as he did it.

Katherine looked at Kyle closely. "How did you two meet? I thought I heard you were in the Seychelles, and then you went to Japan?"

Kyle looked at Reginald in question

The older man looked a little embarrassed. "I may have mentioned my sister inviting you to join her there."

Kyle nodded and looked back at Katherine. "Yes, I was there when Reginald contacted me about a lawyer from Vancouver trying to reach me. He had a letter from my father, written seven years ago to be delivered last summer, but I'd moved, and they couldn't find me."

Kyle paused as he recalled how angry he'd been when he heard of the letter. How ignorant he'd been. "I was so... outraged, but Reginald talked me into calling them back."

He saw the woman's curiosity hadn't been appeased yet, so he continued. "I had a poor relationship with my father. He'd left my mother and me months before he wrote the letter. He went back to Japan to take care of Aiko, but we didn't know she was only twelve at the time, and he was a surrogate parent after her father died. We thought she was the other woman... his lover, and he didn't even try to convince us otherwise. I don't understand my father. A letter out of the blue after so long...."

"I am happy Reginald convinced you to call," Aiki said softly, and Kyle saw the relief in her eyes.

He felt ashamed. "I almost didn't go after I read the letter. It didn't explain who you were, just that he expected me to go. Louise, Stephen Dartmoor, and his daughter Liandri helped me get past my outrage and anger. Stephen arranged the craziest route on cargo planes to get me to Tokyo for free. Then I took a train to Osaka and a cab up to the village where Aiko's home was. I still didn't know I was going to meet a young woman."

Aiko looked to Katherine. "I did not know who this big man dressed in leather was, either. He was in my lane when an angry client brought his damaged car to me. This client blamed me for the damage and began to hit me. Then this strange man beat them up!"

Kyle shook his head in embarrassment. "Beat them up is a bit of an exaggeration. I took their knives away and convinced them to leave. They were just high school students."

"I hid in my garage and told him to go away," Aiko said with a grin.

"I wouldn't go until she told me where I could find Aiko. She passed out when I told her my name. My father told her I'd come last summer, but I didn't show. She didn't think I would."

The couples across the table were frozen with anticipation. "What happened when you found out who Aiko was?" Haisley gasped.

Kyle nodded with a wince. "I didn't take it well. It completely knocked me from my moorings. The image I'd had of my father having an affair was gone. In its place was a man taking care of a child on the other side of the world while his own son desperately needed him? In my mind, he was incapable of caring for another, but... he did. Just not me or my mother."

Reginald saw Kyle was slipping into darkness, so he stepped in. "Tomorrow, we're flying up to Glasgow to speak to a priest who said he knew Kyle's father and wanted to speak with Kyle. He also saw the BBC story on the motorcycles. The man is dying, so this is his last wish."

Reminded of the reason for wanting to meet Kyle, Jeffrey spoke up. "Speaking of the parade, Kyle, I just wanted to express my heartfelt thanks for protecting our father from those hooligans!"

"Yes! Thank you, Kyle!" Lawrence chimed in. "Thank you!" Susan added.

Kirk looked curiously at the others. "Kyle fought someone at the parade?"

"Kirk, how have you not seen the story!" Jeffrey exclaimed in surprise.

The big man looked defensive. "I've been concentrating on my workout routines of late. Do ya have it?" Kirk asked.

Katherine immediately offered her cell, which had the vid queued. Kirk and Susan watched the small screen, and Kirk's eyebrows rose as he watched Kyle's moves.

"Ay, ya noo a thing or two about fightin' dirty," the big man said slowly as he watched Kyle carefully like he'd suddenly discovered a poisonous snake near his foot. His accent was getting thicker as his emotions rose.

Kyle nodded. "Against superior numbers, fighting quick, dirty, and to win is the only way to survive."

Kirk nodded in agreement, and a look of respect seemed to pass between them.

"I take it you didn't grow up with a silver diaper on?" Kirk asked Kyle, who chuckled at the image. He caught the frowns on the faces of some of the others.

"No. My parents weren't wealthy, and when dad wasn't there, Mom and I struggled to make ends meet, but we weren't unhappy. She was a wonderful woman," he said with a smile.

"Ya lost yer mum, too?" Kirk asked quietly.

Kyle nodded. "Yes. A brain tumor took her quickly. Roughly six months after he left us."

"Damn," Kirk sighed.

Kyle looked at the sad expressions around the table and smiled. "Hey, she'd kick my butt if she knew I was making everyone gloomy. It's not all bad news! I'm hoping I'll get some insight about my father tomorrow. I find it odd to think of him knowing a priest. He never made any mention of going to church or suggested we should."

Reginald smiled at Kyle, then made a hand signal, and the servants began to bring dinner into the room to serve the family.

Kyle exchanged a quick look with Kirk, who grinned as he tapped a beefy finger on a small silver spoon next to his place setting.

Message received with an answering smile.

Aiko watched in wonder as the servants brought in dish after dish of delicious smelling food. Once everyone was served, the family had the dining room to themselves once more.

Aiko followed Francis' example as she delicately tried the different foods on her plate. This was the first British meal she'd experienced, and everything was new and exciting.

Kyle knew she would adapt well to any environment she moved into as she had the perfect attitude.

As he reflected on his own recent trials, he realized how true that was. Attitude was everything.

He'd have to keep that in mind tomorrow.

Chapter 21

Resting back against the plush seat in the limo, Kyle closed his eyes and enjoyed the warmth seeping into his left side as Aiko leaned up against him. Her soft hip fit so nicely against his, and he sighed happily.

After a wonderful dinner and delightful conversation with Reginald and Francis and their family in the study afterward, he'd had an excellent night of sleep.

The Dunsfields were truly lovely people. Reginald also broke out his stash of that delicious scotch and Kyle was careful about his intake. He confessed to the older man that he was well and truly spoiled for all other scotch. This made the man chuckle evilly.

After the kids and their spouses headed home, they retired to their rooms, and Kyle dropped off into a dreamless sleep.