Show & Tell Ch. 25


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By the time we'd finished dinner, it was very apparent that everyone else in P-town agreed with Vic. Men, women and any and all that fell in between and outside those categories, seemed to want to congratulate her on her wardrobe selection. Provincetown, I guessed, was that place where anything and everything was permissible, except..., well I hadn't seen anything yet that wasn't permissible."

After dinner, we wandered through the town, Elle getting appreciative looks and more than a few, "colorful," remarks from both, men and women. I found that the many teenage boys that were hanging around the streets were the most likely to stand and gawk, their stares garnering a dazzling smile in return from her.

At around 10:30 we walked to the Crown & Anchor, sitting at the bar and waiting for show time, when Vic's buddy found us. Leon introduced himself to Elle and I, giving Kathy a big hug and air kisses on both cheeks.

I had no doubt that Leon was gay, which meant nothing to me, his sexual preference no more than the reality that he was leaving more women for me. His obvious gayness did, however, give me an opportunity to pique the absent Todd. As we were talking with Leon, I suddenly slapped my arm.

Everyone turned and looked at me, question marks on their faces, while I examined my arm. Then I looked directly at Vic and said, "Fucking mosquito."

After the laughter died down, Vic asked Elle to explain the joke to Leon. After he stopped laughing, he first asked her, "Would it be alright if I used that in my show?" To which she answered, "Of course. You can even identify him if you'd like." Now, he looked at me..., then her..., and asked, "So, if this Todd is your husband..., who," pointing at me, "... is he?"

"Someone who needs to be in your show," Vic responded for her, "guy can bust balls with the best of them!"

Leon, it turned out, was the director and producer of the show we were going to see, as well as almost every other cabaret in town.

Giving everyone more air kisses, Leon excused himself, asking one of the men standing next to the curtains that led to the theater, to seat us.

Third row, center four seats..., Big Time!

The show was typical of the genre, lots of gay humor, Drag Queens wearing tons of make up and over the top costumes..., but there was also some serious talent, guys singing everyone from Lady Gaga to Carole Channing, having fun and doing a great job accomplishing it. There was even a girl in drag, channeling Stevie Wonder, Michael Jackson and doing a great Bob Marley. She even did Eddie Murphy singing Stevie Wonder and Michael Jackson before finishing with a, flat out perfect rendition of Lionel Richie's, "Lady." She came back at the end of the show to do an encore duet with one of the Queens, the Lionel Richie/Diana Ross Oscar winning, "Endless Love," which brought the house down.

Standing in the lobby, waiting for Leon after the show, all of the performers walked past, all out of character, except the young girl, who was still in her guise as Lionel Richie.

She surprised Elle and I by walking up to Kathy and Vic, big hugs for both, an actual kiss on the lips for Kathy. Introductions were made, Alex was twenty five and a full time performer on the, "Alternative Lifestyle Theater" tour.

Elle was very impressed, lots of questions about how she managed to look and perform as a man. "It just seems so much harder than men acting and performing as a woman!"

"Thank you baby," Alex replied, "but it's just like anything else..., practice, practice, practice!"

Leon arrived, applause from all and we walked a few blocks to his beautiful Victorian that was perched on a hill overlooking the harbor. Lots of people, probably 90% gay, including the tall blond motorized skateboarding Drag Queen, who'd invited Elle to join him at this party. Like Alex, he was still in costume, and was entertaining a number of men with his singing and dancing. It took him a minute to recognize her, but mere seconds to abandon the boys and to try to squire her away from me after a quick introduction.

"Hey man," his hand out, "Bobby or Bobbi, depending on what I'm wearing. Mind if I borrow this gorgeous woman?"

Left standing in the middle of the room, I looked around for Kathy and Vic. Like Elle, both of them had abandoned me, Leon missing also.

Hearing laughter and applause coming from the back of the house, I ventured through the kitchen and out onto a patio where I found all of them, Elle in the center, giving everyone another verbatim rendition of Todd's rant. Vic then got up and gave them my responses to his questions and my, "fucking mosquito," remark on meeting Leon. Naturally, he had to point me out, everyone suddenly slapping at invisible critters.

I wasn't alone for the next of hour, a half dozen gay men and women hanging on my every word, Elle and her costumed companion among them.

Vic, Kathy and Leon were missing again.

An older gay couple, two men in their 60's cornered me, a discussion on the subject of gay marriage, and my opinion of the endeavor. By the time the conversation ended, and we'd all agreed that there would continue to be a lively debate among everyone with a vested interest, and then I noticed that Elle was now missing.

With the crowd dispersing, and me a single straggler, I wandered around until it was evident that the only place any of them could be, unless they'd all left the building, was upstairs.

But it was awfully quiet upstairs.

Taking off my shoes, I walked up the stairs barefoot, not wanting to disturb anyone, not wanting to be interrupted, and found the first door on the right at the top of the stairs wide open. It was occupied by Vic, Leon, Kathy and Alex..., in that order!

To be honest, by this time I had pretty much made my mind up that Vic and, maybe Kathy, were swinging from both sides of the dish. Kathy was a surprise, Elle never giving any indication that she knew of her friend's sexual proclivity.

Vic...? Signs were lit in neon, even before I met Leon!

First, was Todd's initial rejection of the weekend invitation. He'd told his wife that he wouldn't go, "..., not for you, not for Kathy and especially not for Vic!" What did he know or suspect? Then there was Vic's reaction to seeing Elle, first in the, "Peek-a-boo Sling," and then again in the sheer top mini dress. Had he been straight, it should have been one of arousal, not one of sarcasm, her exposing herself leading him to question her catholic upbringing and her, in so many words, "nun like wardrobe." Add that to his disappearance from the pool deck with Leon..., watching the two of them sucking each other's cocks was no big surprise.

Watching Alex butt fuck Kathy with a strap-on, however, was a BIG surprise, because I really hadn't expected it and because the strap-on had to be 8" long and as thick as a billy club!!

All looked like they were having fun, and I could only assume that the strap-on was going to be getting a real work out for the rest of the night.

That left Elle and Bobby/Bobbi.

Doors were closed on both sides of the hallway, only the last door on the left ajar. Walking over, I could hear two voices talking, one belonging to Elle. Pushing the door slightly, I stuck my head in and saw her on the bed, still dressed, Bobby/Bobbi sitting in a chair, still dressed also.

"Hey baby..., wondered what happened to you?"

"Discussing the Gay Rights movement," I answered, "and recruited to become a "Rainbow Warrior."

She patted a spot on the bed next to her and I walked in and sat down. "Bobby was just telling me how hard it is to find, "real," women here, what with the lesbians, transvestites, transsexuals and all of that. Kind of had to explain the difference to me, but it really is hard."

I guessed that it wasn't really that hard, not for a straight guy dressed as a show girl, but if that's what it took for him to set the hook in her, well..., more power to him.

I started a conversation about the money end of the business, him saying that he received a small salary from Leon, but most of his money was made on commissions, people buying tickets with the cards that he himself had handed out. "Not in the shows?" I asked. "No, I'm not talented enough," he admitted, "so I do my skateboard thing during the season and then I wait tables in Boston during the off season."

Sensing there had to be more to it, I then inquired, "Ever do private parties?"

He gave a little shake of his head, wondering how I'd guessed, and then a slight smile.

I nodded.

Elle had no idea what had just transpired, so I got things rolling. "So, all in all, sitting there in that chair, you're figuring that Elle is a, "real," woman."

"No doubt in my mind," he answered.

"If we switched places," I asked, "would you still feel the same?"

"Sure," he replied, "probably more so."

I got up and moved two steps to my right. Bobbi got up and then took my place on the bed next to her.

She looked at the two of us like we were crazy!

"What are you two doing?" as I sat down in the chair.

"This afternoon, you were convinced that Bobb"y" was Bobb"i," before he spoke to you, and was a woman. Now, you're telling me how he'd told you, "..., how hard it was for him to find a real woman in P-town." Sitting in this chair, how is he to know..., for sure, that you are a real woman?"

If she had thought about it, even for a second, she would have realized that both Bobby and Bobbi had been peeking between her open legs the whole time he'd been sitting there, and was positively certain that she was a "real" woman.

But, with this beautiful woman, who happened to be a man, sitting so close that he'd just put his right hand on her thigh..., nothing was obvious to her.

What was obvious to Bobby was the fact that I'd just given him permission to do whatever he'd like with her, and that she, "hadn't," moved his hand, so..."

He moved his hand further up her thigh.

She uncrossed her legs.

His hand moved to the inside of her thigh.

She moved his hand into her crotch.

He leaned over and kissed her, his fingers now playing in her twat.

She pulled him backwards, Elle now on her back, Bobby leaning over her, his free hand now squeezing her left tit.

As I watched her tongue moving in and out of his/her mouth, I found it strangely titillating.

Elle had been with women before, as she'd had a number of, "private dances" with girls in the local strip clubs, including the "very private" dance with for Harold with Mercedes. But seeing her with Bobby/Bobbi was very much different. While he hadn't undergone any hormone therapy or plastic surgery... if I'd encountered him in a nightclub..., I might have been just as hard pressed as she... to identify him as a man.

Now, watching him fondle and caress her... I found myself getting more and more excited.

But..., at what point could, or would, I join them?

It was very obvious that Elle was turned on, and all she was doing was kissing him/her. Bobby was fingering the shit out of her pussy, two and then three long, well manicured fingers slipping in and out of her, his mouth on hers, both tongues in and out of the other's mouth.

Analyzing the situation I thought of something. What would happen when Bobbi became Bobby? When the wig, the dress, the fishnets and the shoes came off..., what would happen then?

The answer was..., neither of them got undressed. I have no idea what kept Bobbi's wig on, or why, other than for titillation factor, he was wearing crotchless fishnets? Maybe flashing his dick at some cocky kids who were heckling him would give him a measure of satisfaction? In any case, Elle stuck her hand into the thigh high slit in his dress and came out with a nice big cock. After jerking on it for a minute while he continued to finger her, she then slid down the bed and started to suck on him, Bobby pulling the dress up over his hips to get it out of the way.

With her now at the bottom of the bed, unattended, I took the opportunity to get up and stick my face in her ass, licking her asshole and her cunt from the rear. With her head down, knees coming up and her ass now in the air, she allowed me complete access. Bobby propped his head up, his eyes meeting mine as Elle tried to concentrate on his dick.

That was a losing battle, as she'd lost her focus and motivation, which vanished in the joy of her orgasm from my oral assault.

Bobby looked at me, a shrug of his shoulders, wanting to switch places. I nodded my head, motioning for him to move. As quickly as he could, Elle with her face still in his lap, he rolled off the bed and put his head under her raised abdomen, his tongue now joining mine, his licking her clit, mine still diving deep inside her twat and asshole.

She collapsed on top of his face, her strength gone, her body shuddering with another climax.

But we weren't done with her.

Standing, I pulled my pants off and fell onto my back on the bed. Pulling her up on top of me, I let her guide my cock into her cunt, as she sat up and started to ride me like a nickel horse in front of the Five & Dime. Pulling her arms off my chest, she fell forward on me, her asshole exposed to Bobby.

He didn't need instructions or a starting gun! Slipping between my legs, he pushed his cock against her asshole, then reached down and took some of her juices off my cock to lubricate himself and her anus. A second later, I could feel the head of his cock rubbing against the shaft of my dick through the thin membrane between her anal canal and pussy, the friction as he pushed further in growing until he was all the way inside her. From there it was just the three of us finding a rhythm, and seeing who would cum first.

No contest!

First she came, loud and bucking like a bronco. Then she came again, just as I was shooting my load inside her. With her squeezing my cock with her vaginal muscles, Bobby popped inside her ass, his cum and mine pumping out of her in a massive cream pie that soaked me and then the bedspread.

As was her MO, as soon as Bobby fell out of her, she turned and licked and sucked him clean. Done with him, she did the same to me, licking up as much of the cum that was puddled and sticking on me as she could.

She couldn't do anything about the cum stains on the bed.

Then she crawled up and kissed me, the salty after taste of cum still on her mouth and tongue, before settling on my chest, completely sated.

Bobby groaned something about having to work in the morning, crawled off the bed, bending over and kissing Elle, then giving me a surprise kiss on the cheek, "See you tomorrow?" before waving and disappearing out the door.

Both watching his ass as he walked away, she and I looked at one another and started to laugh. "Could you tell...?" she started to ask, before I answered, "No I couldn't!"

We lay there for another few minutes before getting up. I found my pants and got dressed, her needing only to brush her skirt down to look, almost, as fresh as she had when we left the condo.

We found Kathy, Vic and Leon sitting downstairs in the den, Alex having left with Bobby.

"Learn anything?" Vic asked, none of them showing any anxiety over what we might have seen or heard.

Elle turned three shades of red, while I plopped down in a chair, pulled her into my lap and replied, "Yeah..., never trust a blond on a motorized skateboard. She might be packing something unexpected."

After we all stopped laughing, and agreeing, everyone enjoyed a nice glass of cognac before bidding Leon goodnight. "Oh," as I stopped on my way out the door, "Elle can stop by tomorrow and wash the bedspread if you'd like,"

That earned me a whack on the arm, but an apologetic, "Yes I will," from her.

"Not the first time and won't be the last," he remarked, adding, "Actually, I can have Bobby do it since he'll be doing the house cleaning anyway."

Elle and I gave each other a look. Maybe Bobby had hoped we would be staying with Leon, the reason for his, "See you tomorrow?" remark?

We were back at the condo in ten minutes, Elle surprised to find the streets still busy, even at 2:20 AM.

Falling into the bed after a quick shower together, Elle curled up in my arms and was asleep in seconds.

My last thought...?

We should have come down on Friday night!

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CyJmy69CyJmy69almost 7 years ago
That won't be all will it?

Murphtsurf I really liked your story! I can't believe some of the adventures you and Elle have had. I do hope you decide to pick up where this chapter left off. I for one am not satisfied. I wanna hear more about the trip to P-Town. You've only whet my appetite for more as usual. I would have given more stars if this would've gone on longer with more of the same. 😉

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