Sibling Discoveries Ch. 05


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"I hope you have a great sophomore year in Mississippi," Bobby told her. "Regardless of what you may think, I love you, El. More than you'll ever know." He opened the door and left as tears rolled down his sister's face.

A week later, Sarah and Bobby moved into their apartment and she began subbing in area schools until something permanent came along. Moving in together allowed them to accelerate their relationship in ways they couldn't have imagined previously. Finally, they were truly free to do what they wanted without the fear of exposure. It was quite liberating for both of them.

Any uncertainty or questions Bobby might have had about moving in with his stepsister and how they would navigate living arrangements quickly evaporated their second day together. He returned from work and upon opening the door Bobby saw Sarah completely naked and spread eagle on the couch playing with herself.

"Oh, thank God you're finally home!" she exclaimed, rubbing her pussy furiously in front of him. "Come over here and get naked. You can fuck me in any hole you want."

Bobby immediately stripped out of his clothes and promptly obliged his sister. They fucked on the couch, then twice more before the night was through - once doggy-style on the floor and once on their bed with Sarah straddling his cock. They also began sleeping in the same bed at night.

Their newfound freedom elevated their sexual relationship. They could do whatever they wanted, wherever they wanted, whenever they wanted. They could hang out naked all day and fuck like rabbits all night, or any other time either of them had the inclination to do so.

Bobby loved seeing his sister nude. Her slim, curvy body - tear-shaped tits with the longest nipples he had ever seen on anybody - her black muff and pink pussy lips - was almost always more than he could stand and would instantly produce a boner for him. Sarah proved to be the ultimate aphrodisiac for him.

Likewise, Sarah enjoyed watching her naked brother strut about the apartment with his meat flopping from one side to the other. Her favorite activity was to watch him jerk off, something they had been doing together for years. She could never get enough of his naked slender form, his hard dick, or his tender and warm kisses that constantly ignited her insides. As a result, she was frequently grabbing at his cock and at him, and he did the same to her.

Perhaps not surprisingly, from the moment they moved in together they were always naked and pawing at one another. They did everything in the nude - watch television, cook, clean, etc. Neither one of them could get enough of the other one being naked or the opportunity to satisfy each other. As soon as they got home from work each day, the fun would begin. It was like a dream come true for both of them.

They frequently masturbated together, took showers together, performed oral sex on one another, and fucked continuously in every possible way and position imaginable. Truthfully, they explored their sexuality together - as they had always done - and were simultaneously each other's teacher and student. Perpetual and reliable fuck buddies without the fear of being caught.

It was amazing to Bobby how much their relationship had changed. What had begun in their senior year of high school as nothing more than an exploration to satisfy their curiosities was now all about fucking. It had been an incredible transformation and, yet, throughout it all they shared a common love for each other. They were as comfortable around each other as any two people could be. It was rather refreshing.

And so...time passed.

The Berlin Wall came down and the Cold War ended. A war in the Persian Gulf came to a quick and victorious conclusion practically before it started while the U.S. economy hit a recession that was the worst since the Depression. Madonna was replaced by Whitney Houston and Boyz II Men seemed to be playing everywhere. Michael Jackson was still the "King of Pop."

When the summer of 1992 commenced, it was Ella who had just graduated from college. The Peterson family was gathered together in celebration, dining at Bob's Steak & Chop House on Lemmon Avenue in Dallas which was a family favorite. It was where they always went on special occasions.

This was the first time all five members had been in one spot since the previous Christmas, and only then out of necessity and for a requisite amount of time. Neither Bobby nor Sarah liked visiting their parents very much since their overly critical mother never seemed to find anything good to say. So, they did their best to stay away from Highland Park and the mansion on Beverly Drive as much as possible.

But, this night was about Ella, so Bobby and Sarah were present and would not have missed the occasion for the world.

Ella's relationship with her siblings had improved, but mostly because they were never around each other. Her relationship with Bobby had mended and they were cordial and polite with one another, although her relationship with Sarah never appeared to have changed to begin with.

While Ella was still a little jealous of her siblings' living arrangements, in the end it was beyond her control. She was off doing her thing at college anyway, so it was not like she wasn't having her own bit of sexual fun. Ella had really come out of her shell - discovering that because she like sex with men and women the opportunities were endless.

As the Peterson family rejoiced at Ella's graduation, magna cum laude, and spoke excitedly about all the things they assumed would come her way, she dropped a bombshell on them all by announcing that in addition to a diploma she was also now engaged.

If you're looking for a show-stopper - that's one way to do it. Bobby and Sarah exchanged puzzled looks at the same time their parents did. The news was shocking for a couple of reasons. First, Ella never talked about seeing anyone at school much less dating somebody seriously. Second, at least for Bobby, was the fact that his sister had made it pretty clear to him over the intervening years that she preferred girls.

As expected, a slew of questions were hurled Ella's way and she fended them off as best she could. Finally, just as the main course was being served and everyone had a momentary respite, Ella collected her thoughts and her breath. She placed both elbows on the table, as her mother gave a disdainful look, and held her palms up as if to surrender.

"Listen, before you start again, allow me the opportunity to explain." She was talking to all of them but looking directly at her mother.

In truth, she admitted, it was very simple. She had met someone in her final semester and they had fallen completely head over heels in love with each other. He proposed the day after graduation and she had accepted.

"But...we don't even know this young man," her mother exclaimed immediately. "Does he come from a good family?" Clearly, she was not satisfied with Ella's account of things.

Of course, Bobby and Sarah - as well as Ella - knew exactly what their mother was implying. She wanted to know whether this young man come from money - because that was always her first concern. Even their dad seemed to understand the implication of his wife's question. He reached out and placed a hand on her arm in an attempt to silence her. Strangely, it worked.

Ella professed love and, by all outward appearances, seemed truly excited and happy. In the end, that was all that mattered and a series of awkward congratulations were extended to Ella. Bobby decided he would talk with his sister and inquire further at a later, and much more private, time. If only to satisfy his own curiosity.

That opportunity came a couple weeks later when Bobby paid a visit to his parents. Ella saw his car pull in the driveway, then stepped out on her upstairs landing. "Bobby?"

Startled by the unexpected call from his sister he jumped, then looked up to see Ella standing on the ledge just outside her door. "Yeah?"

"Would you come up and see me before you go?"

"Sure," he answered. He was excited that Ella asked to see him and wondered if, perhaps, she had finally forgiven him for moving in with Sarah.

When he was done visiting with his parents, Bobby climbed the back staircase that led to Ella's apartment and stood on the landing after knocking on her door. She called out to him that the door was open and he proceeded to walk in. He turned to shut the door, and when he turned back around Ella greeted him in all of her naked glory.

Bobby's mouth dropped open. He could not have been more surprised. "Wha..."

Ella walked up to him and placed a finger on his lips. "We'll talk later - about a lot of things. But right now, I want you."

Before anything further could be said by either one of them, Ella wrapped herself around Bobby in a tight embrace. As their bodies pressed together, their lips met. It had been quite a while since they had kissed but they picked up right where they had left off - soft, tender kisses that revealed so much about how deep their love for one another was. Nothing between these two was rushed or urgent. Instead, like a wonderfully choreographed dance, Ella and Bobby held each other and kissed until their lips grew sore. They had a lot of time to make up for.

As Mariah Carey sang "I'll Be There," from the television set to MTV, Ella moved her mouth to suck on her brother's neck. Finally she whispered, "I want you."

Her words spurred a visceral reaction in Bobby as his heart leapt in his chest and his dick sprouted inside his pants. Ella grabbed his right hand and pulled him into her bedroom. She shut the door, then leaned her body against the wall, pulling her brother down. "Lick my pussy, Bobby."

Lowering himself down, Ella spread her legs so Bobby could service her wet hole. She lifted her right leg to place a bare foot on his shoulder as his mouth worked its magic on her. It was true that Ella preferred girls when it came to cunnilingus, but her brother was second to none in that category. He was proving it once again.

Soon, both feet were on his shoulders as Ella moaned out in pleasure. Bobby gripped her ass tightly and gradually pushed up from the floor taking Ella's body with him as she slid up the side of the wall. When he was fully standing, she wrapped her legs around his head as his tongue tickled inside her and she moaned loudly.

Placing her hands on Bobby's head, Ella ran her fingers through his hair as he lapped up her pussy juices. The feeling was incredible and Ella moaned louder and louder. Just to feel him moving - his tongue filling her wet hole - was almost beyond description. It had been so long since he had last done this and Ella had missed it - missed it quite a bit.

It wasn't long before a seismic orgasm covered her body in warm pleasure as she cried out. Ella's hands grabbed Bobby's hair and pulled tightly as her body convulsed in his grasp. Her eyes flew open wide and her body released. "UH! Oh, my God!" she exclaimed as her pelvis shook.

When her climax had ended, Bobby lowered his sister until her feet touched the soft beige carpet of her bedroom. Then he jumped out of his clothes, picked up Ella and carried her over to the bed. Their lovemaking was slow and deliberate, and they proceeded to make love several times that day.

Hours later, in the wee small hours of the following morning, the two siblings sat in the living room of Ella's apartment. She held a warm cup of tea in her hands as Bobby drank a beer. Vanessa Williams was singing "Save the Best for Last" on MTV.

"So," she exhaled. "That's how I finally came to terms with you and Sarah living together."

Ella had just spent the past hour and a half detailing the ordeal she had gone through when it came to her siblings and how college and distance had helped her accept their situation. She also detailed all of her sexual exploits at college as well - men, women, both at the same time - and how that had awakened her in every possible way. It also seemed to make her a more mature individual.

Ultimately, Ella had come to the conclusion that what she shared with Bobby was emotional as well as physical - that it was also supremely unique, and not just because they were stepsiblings. They shared a bond that was unbreakable, and she had to admit that her sister shared a similar bond with Bobby. In the end, Ella knew she was lucky to have him - they both were - and had decided she would take whatever he could offer.

"I love you Bobby. I always have," she concluded.

He smiled at her and winked. "I love you too. I love you both. That's what makes everything so god-damn crazy. The two people I have loved the most - and shared the most with - are the two people I can never have. I mean, not completely."

"Well," she answered quietly, "at least we will always be in each other's lives. That's something."

Since they were talking, this seemed a perfect opportunity to bring up Ella's engagement. So, Bobby decided to broach the topic. "Listen, El...there's something else we need to talk about."

"I know," she answered quickly as she nodded her head. "My engagement, right?"

They stared at each other for a long time. The only thing Bobby could think to ask was, "Do you love him?"

Ella just smiled at him. She took a sip of tea before answering. "I love him enough."

"Oh Christ, Ella, what the fuck does that mean?" her brother asked.

Placing her cup on the end table, Ella leaned forward and clasped her hands together. "It means exactly that. Am I in love with him? No. Do I love him? Yes."

Bobby couldn't decide if he was irritated or angry at her response. "Why would you marry him? Do you want to end up in the kind of marriage our parents had?"

"No," she replied meekly. "Of course not."

"Then why?"

Ella gave her brother a hard stare. "You know why."

"No I don't," he assured her.

"Think about it."

Bobby had no use for games like this, especially when he was the one in the dark. "Can you just explain it to me?"

Once again, Ella drew in a deep breath before speaking. "It's like this, Bobby. I do love him. Truly. We have a lot in common and our sex is...pretty decent. Although, he's not as good as you." She winked at him and smiled.

Continuing on, Ella explained that she preferred women almost exclusively at this point. However, she knew that their mother would never - ever - accept a lesbian in the family and it would make their existence in Highland Park almost impossible. Ella would end up being a constant thorn in their mother's life and complicate her social circle, perhaps causing her mother to be ostracized. That was something Ella realized she simply could not do, regardless of how she felt about her mother. So, she accepted the offer of engagement because it seemed like the right thing to do, especially as she really had no desire or inclination to ever start dating a guy.

"However, take heart dear brother," she said. "I may have to give up women - at least for the most part - but I don't have to give you up. In fact, I won't give you up." Ella moved to sit on Bobby's lap and they kissed at length for quite some time.

From then on, Ella's apartment became a refuge for Bobby, much like it had been initially - a place for him to escape from everything and everyone.

Once again, time progressed.

Sadly, but not unexpectedly, Ella's marriage lasted less than two years. During that time, as Ella struggled to adjust to a new life with someone she only loved marginally, Bobby had begun dating and then marrying Diane while Sarah began a series of relationships while starting a teaching career in the neighboring town of Allen.

Bobby and Sarah had lived together until he began dating Diane, and then it just made sense for him to move out. They had to accept that life goes on and they each needed to find their way without the other. The inevitable had finally arrived.

Every once in a while - if an occasion presented itself - Bobby and Sarah would mess around. He had assumed that once he was married all of those opportunities would stop, but Sarah was never much inclined to settle down. If they happened to both be at their parent's home by coincidence, they found a way to fuck. Sarah would pull him into the small office inside the library, or they would disappear to the shed in the backyard, or even once going into the bathroom they had once shared upstairs. He yanked down his pants and sat on the toilet lid as Sarah straddled his legs and rode him until they had both cum.

Ironically, he and Ella never messed around when she was married. But, once she was divorced and had moved back into the apartment above their parent's garage, they also would occasionally meet up. Whereas sex with Sarah always felt rushed - an urgent need for release - sex with Ella was tender and meaningful. The difference between the two was incredible.

Yet, as the years went by and their lives took different turns those opportunities became less and less until they were pretty much nonexistent.


Finally, at long last, the funeral reception ended and the last of the mourners left. As the wait staff began clearing away the dishes, the three siblings exchanged glances that reflected both sadness and relief.

"It's over," Bobby said, exhaling loudly. It was the only thing he could think of to say, but it was the only thing necessary. His two sisters approached him and he gave them each a strong hug and kiss on the cheek. "Let's go home."

They drove back to the huge house on Beverly Drive, which now belonged to the three of them, and walked through the front door. None of them had spoken a word since leaving the funeral home. There was no need.

Despite the fact that it was early evening, they were each ready to call it a day. As his sisters began heading off in different directions, Bobby spoke up. "Hang on. Before everybody splits up, I have something I want to do." He walked into the kitchen and pulled out a chilled bottle of champagne he had placed in the refrigerator that morning.

He popped the cork, grabbed three tall champagne glasses from the wooden rack on the large marble counter, and proceeded to pour half a glass for each of them. "I propose a toast."

The ladies looked at him, then each other. Smirking, they reluctantly walked into the kitchen.

"I'm really not in a celebratory mood, Bobby," Sarah stated, but she took a glass from him anyway.

"Relax," he answered, handing a glass to Ella. "Look - this is not a celebration. It's been a rough few days and now it's over. But...I would like to make a toast to us."

His stepsisters stood there waiting, looking at him dubiously.

Bobby continued. "I have long believed that, despite our parent's rocky marriage, the best thing that ever came out of it was us." He paused, momentarily stunned by his emotions as he choked up. "I love you both so much, and I have for such a long time. I can't imagine my life without either of you in it. If only for that reason, I'm glad your mother and my father got married. So, I propose a toast to us. They're gone, but we are here. We are good people and we tried to be good children. All in all, I think we succeeded in spite of their failures and I think we deserve some credit. So, here's to us."

"Oh Bobby," Ella sighed as a single tear ran down her cheek.

The three siblings clinked glasses and swallowed the champagne.

It was Sarah who spoke next. "Well said, Bobby. And I agree. Considering how we might have turned out, I think we managed to do quite well."

Another round was poured as the trio lingered in the kitchen. As always, they could take comfort in being together, something they learned how to do at an early age.

It was finally Ella who brought an end to things. "Well, I'm going up to my apartment. I'm pretty exhausted. It's been a long few days. You'll both come up and see me before leaving tomorrow, won't you?"