Sid and Melissa


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Melissa took the ball and started to run with it. "We're here to try to clear up what appears to be a colossal misunderstanding and explain why Sid has not come to see you in a very long time. I know from what Mike has shared from his chats on the phone with each of you that you somehow believe he is resentful...that he resents the burden you think you placed on his life after your father died and when your mother's health started to fade. In fact, the truth is the exact opposite."

Sensing that Melissa, who had made a great opening was struggling, Mike took charge.

"Mike loves the three of you very much. He never for a moment resented you or his responsibility toward you. In truth, he cherished that time and would tell you that the responsibilities he had to assume made him a better person and in essence gave his life purpose and helped straighten him out, so to speak."

Melissa chimed in. "He was always afraid that somehow, you would be beholden to him, feel some sort of debt to him, some debt that you would not feel able to ever repay and that it would make it uncomfortable for you to be around him. I know it sounds screwy, even laughable if it wasn't so damned sad. Look, Sid is the most incredibly selfless man, person, I've ever known. He would, literally risk his life for another human being and then, for whatever reason, be uncomfortable as hell when that other person tried to thank him, not wanting to impose on them a debt or a sense that he expected repayment, which he never would."

"What do you want us to do?" Daniel said.

"In three weeks, this lovely young lady is going to become your brother's wife. I love your brother as I'm sure your father loved all of you; I owe him a debt that I could never in my life pay back. He is my business partner and my dearest friend. It would mean more than you know if you all could attend their wedding. We've come to personally deliver the wedding invitations. I know you all have jobs and obligations and traveling a thousand miles to attend a wedding seems like an awful imposition."

"Sid wants us there?" Kevin asked.

"Of course he does. Hardly a day goes by when he doesn't think about all of you. At this moment, however, he's pretty sure you won't be there." Melissa said.

Mike took over. "I know you have to search your hearts but let me at least offer some support in terms of the logistics. It's a weekend wedding; the festivities begin Friday evening with the rehearsal dinner. On that Friday at noon, a nine passenger business jet is going to land at the air park a few miles from where you all live. It will stay on the ground until three or so, and then depart or it will leave as soon as the five of you are on board. It will bring you back home after the wedding reception. Sid and Melissa are moving to a new house after the wedding. Sid's current home will be available for you to stay in. Transportation once you are there will be taken care of."

"That's extremely generous of you." Daniel, the skeptic said. "What in it for you?"

Had he been a lesser man, Mike might have grown angry. Instead he spoke calmly. "Let me tell you the story of how Sid and I got to know each other."

And he proceeded to tell the story from the time he had first met Sid and had his life saved by him.

"I can never repay Sid for my life. I offered him a job when he got out of the Army as my partner in a failing little business and he accepted. I made him my partner. And, dammit, even that didn't come close to repaying him! Hell, thanks a whole lot more to him and his tireless efforts than me and mine, that business became extremely successful. So, once again as the debt column goes, I still owe him. Taking him on as a business partner was the shrewdest move I ever made. But he means much more to me; he is my dearest friend and putting a smile on his face---pulling something off beyond his wildest imagination---well it couldn't get much better than that."

Kevin was warming and Daniel was wavering. Bethany had just leapt over the fence and the two wives present were in.

"What's your story, Melissa, how did you happen to become out brother's fiancée?" Daniel asked.

"I met Sid when I was eighteen, now almost five years ago. I was a country club girl; he stopped and fixed my car. He was cute and built and asked me to have coffee. He was a hottie; we went back to his place and made out. I wanted to sleep with him. He told me I was a nice girl and too young but he wanted to be friends. We became very good friends. We stayed in touch over the last five years but didn't really spend any time together. Hell, I fell in love with him that day almost five years ago and no matter where I traveled in the world he was never far from my heart."

Melissa paused as her eyes began to moisten. "He is, simply the finest man, the most loyal, wonderful, caring man I've ever met. He can be tough and stubborn, but when the chips are down, he'll be there and I plan to spend the rest of my life with him."

It was at that moment that Melissa saw the news magazine cover from so many months before on Bethany's coffee table. She jumped up and grabbed it, staring at the picture on the cover, then turning it in the direction of the others.

"Do you know who that dying lump of flesh in that soldier's arms is? It's me, me, perhaps minutes from death at twenty three, so many miles away from my mommy and daddy in a war torn hell of a country. And do you know who that soldier with tears streaming down his face as he rushes me toward the only chance I have for life is? It's Sid! It's your brother. They never released his name because he wasn't even supposed to be there; he was a civilian. When we got on that helicopter that day, I didn't have any fight left in me; the easiest thing for me to do was just die. But oh no! I couldn't fall in love with any man, I had to fall in love with this wonderful, crazy, amazing man named Sid, who just doesn't know how to leave people, who couldn't leave you kids when it would have been easier and who couldn't leave Mike when the odds were stacked against them. I don't know which was more powerful that day, my need to be strong, to show your brother that I was not some simpering debutante---that I was worthy---someone of substance or the fact that he just wouldn't let me let go. I felt him kiss me and touch my cheek. Things were a jumble, but I distinctly heard him say, 'I love you, stay with me girl, fight, fight with everything you've got inside you. Don't quit on me! Don't leave me!' And somehow, in that instant, I realized that in Sid's life it has been all too common for those he loved the most to leave. And at that moment, the most important thing I could do to break that chain of tears was live, for him, for me---for us. Look, it's just a wedding and we've taken too much of your time..."

"We'll be there." They said almost in unison.

"Thank you for not taking no or maybe for an answer." Kevin added.

Daniel's wife spoke. "You're that woman, the one who almost died trying to save those people, the President..."

Melissa smiled. "If you had told me five years ago that I would be that woman, I would have said you were nuts. But then I met your brother. And while I realize that appearances can be deceiving, my gut tells me all three of you turned out okay. Just say thank you and give him a big hug. That'll be the most fantastic gift you could give him and all the payback he'll ever need."

On the flight back home, Melissa turned to Mike.

"We're moving to a new house?"

"Oops, that wasn't supposed to slip out. It's really Sid's wedding present to you. Your mom and dad know, they even helped design it."

"Design it?"

"It's a brand new house on a few acres on the edge of town which will be just barely completed in time for you two to live in it when you get back from your honeymoon. At least you haven't seen it; don't spoil the surprise when Mike shows it to you sometime in the next week."

"Mike, new houses can be expensive; I don't really even have a job and..."

"Don't worry your pretty head, little lady, over the last eight years our business has done pretty well; Mike can afford it."

Mike continued. "We were doing okay when I met your dad; we'd turned the corner and it looked liked we'd be able to both make a decent living out of it if we kept working night and day. Your dad was very pleased with the work we did for him; he told other lawyers. We did good work for them and then we started getting out of town calls. We ended up having to expand the business. We opened a branch on the West coast, then another in the Northeast, we're solidly in the Midwest now and are getting ready to open in Dallas later this year. We've almost completed the spin-off of the bail bonding business; it's a particularly slimy line of work but extremely profitable if you run it right but we both hated the day to day part of it. Sid and I will still make money on it but won't have to make those late night visits to the drunk tank anymore—or track down and recover the occasional bail jumper."

"Mike went on. "Melissa, the part of the business that really surprised us was security. We got some contracts with local companies pretty early on, then bid for and won the University's security contract which led to other similar contracts and even government---federal mostly---contracts. That led to several investigative contracts doing background investigations for employers, which is a hell of a lot more pleasant than divorce work. This sleek little business jet you're seated in right now is not a charter, we own it. It's one of three although this is the nicest one. Right now, Sid and I are trying to decide whether or not to go public before the end of the year. We'd lose some control, but the influx of cash would enable us to continue to expand; in our line of work we've become a recognized name, nationally. We've carved out a different niche than the better known firms, a high end niche. We're not cheap, don't try to win contracts just on price and are very respected."

"I'm prying, Mike, and if you don't want to discuss it, I'll understand, but what's the split between you and Sid?"

"It started as 80-20, which is sort of a joke because twenty percent of what we started with was pretty much twenty percent of squat. It was Sid's idea to go for the high end market, I resisted him at first but he was right. Your husband-to-be has uncanny business sense, a tireless work ethic and is still the company's best salesman. People trust him and they trust me; any success we've built started with trust."

Mike continued. "I kept giving Sid a point here and there over the years; I didn't even tell him about it at first. Hell, in the early years we were shoving every dime back into the business and I felt guilty about how little money he was taking home. I made it official a few months ago when we prepared to incorporate. Sid is a full partner; we each own half the business. We have hard assets but the essence of the company is our reputation---goodwill I believe they call it. The best news is that as the world becomes a more dangerous place, security is an exponentially growing business and we're running near the head of the pack."

"Melissa, we're just starting to work with the investment bankers and analysts to determine what the business is worth from an IPO standpoint and how much we each want to retain if we go public. We're being told that the economy is ripe for the IPO market again, a market in which timing can be everything. I don't even want to guess at this stage. I seriously doubt that it's going to be a nine figure offering but I'm reasonably certain it'll be a solid eight figure number."

"Sid didn't grow up with much, hell I didn't either; he's as generous as they come but it's taken me years to get him to spend any money on himself. He lived in that dumpy apartment for years, drove his old beater and wouldn't spend money on clothes. I finally convinced him that our company's image was going to suffer. Sid never had any money. Unlike the kids who leave college to earn a big professional sports contract and then are dead broke five years later, Sid saves a lot more than he makes. He's paying cash for the house he's building, not the best tax decision but that's Sid. I tried to get him to join a country club, I thought it would be good for business but he doesn't play golf or tennis and has never enjoyed hanging out with that crowd. Oh, he can go toe to toe with that set, but it's just business for him and he doesn't derive any pleasure from it. So, while anything can happen and economies and industries falter, we're in pretty good shape."

"As insiders we have to hold our shares for three years after the IPO and then there are legal limits and practical stock price effect limits on how quickly we can unload. I'm almost sixty; as long as I'm healthy and still enjoy it, I'll stick it out, albeit in a much less hands-on capacity. At the present, I sense that Sid still feels a lot of personal ownership and responsibility for the business, more than I do. He's a lot younger than I am and it's going to be harder for him to let go of the reins. That's where you come in! I seriously hope that as you two start a family and a life together that Sid will finally realize what's important in life and just kick back a little."

What had Melissa's mother said so many years ago about Sid? "He probably isn't going to end up being a doctor or lawyer, but he'll do just fine in life." It looked like he had done more than just fine. And he loved her. She was going to be his wife. She'd done just fine too, she thought to herself.

A week before the wedding, Sid drove Melissa out to see their home to be.

"Mike never could keep a secret; he told me he'd let the cat out of the bag. So you know, but at least you've never seen it. Here, put this on."

"Oooo, a blindfold! That's kinky. Is this going to be a regular part of our marital life?"

"Well I'm not going to wear it. I never could keep my eyes off of you. Looking into those amazing eyes of yours is just not something I'm willing to give up even for a minute."

"Oh damn, you are a silver tongued devil!"

They arrived at the home site and Sid led the blindfolded love of his life to a point in front of the house. She could hear workers furiously hammering and drilling things.

"Open your eyes." Sid said, as he untied the blindfold.

It was every little girl's dream house. It was a magical combination of every home she had ever dreamed of, every picture she'd every drooled over in a magazine. He took her for the grand tour. It was a very big house with lots of to raise a family ...their family.

As they drove back to town, Melissa asked Sid a question.

"When will it be finished?"

"Thanks to good weather, a couple of weeks sooner than originally scheduled. The decorators will be in tomorrow, with any luck. Well, the head decorator is actually your mother, so if it's not to your liking, blame her. But I like it---a lot---and she seems to know you pretty well. Assuming no major setbacks, they'll finish just about the time you and I are getting ready for the rehearsal dinner."

"Where are we going on our honeymoon, or is that a secret too?"

"That is a touchy subject. I really wanted to take you to some absolutely amazing and decadent far off place. I made and canceled several plans. But with our luck, they'd have a revolution there. I've made reservations for a hideaway with very few people around up in the mountains on a lake north of where I grew up. It's a place I always wanted to go when I was a kid but never thought I'd be able to afford."

"Do we have to wear any clothes there?"

"No, it's pretty comfortable up there this time of year, a little cool at night----there is a fire place---but with enough altitude that insects aren't a real problem."

"And can we fuck any time and any place---and any way we want to---even outside?"

"There won't be anyone around for miles."

"Good! And what's next on the agenda?" Melissa asked, as Sid's truck made its way down the winding gravel road to the highway.

"Where does that road go?" Melissa asked, suddenly.

"It's hardly a road, more of a trail, an old logging path. It makes a steep climb to the top of the hill, well, I guess it's a mountain, at least in this part of the country. There's an abandoned sawmill just before the crest."

"I want to see it! Do we have time? Will we get stuck? Who owns it, will they mind?"

Sid spun abruptly off the gravel road, engaged the four wheel drive and gunned the engine up the steep opening in the forest.

"I guess you're going to see it, we have all the time in the world, I bought this truck with four wheel drive to deal with the snow in the winter and, ah, I, or, more accurately if you say, 'I do' a week and a day from now, we own it. We own the whole damned mountain so if we don't mind..."

The view at the top was breathtaking. There was a warm soft breeze. There was still one thing that she and Sid had not done, sexually. She had wanted to but every time they had gotten naked over the previous weeks they had found other carnal pursuits to delight each other. Sid brought the truck to a halt at the edge of the old saw dust field, once a mound, now more like an open plain. Climbing down from the truck cab, Melissa quickly removed her clothes, allowing the soft breeze to blow through her hair which she was again allowing to grow out. She loved the nakedness, the feel of the soft air blowing against her body and tickling her little pussy. She grabbed a blanket from behind the seat and turned to Sid, who was absolutely speechless as he devoured her wanton, naked beauty with his eyes.

"Show me some cock, big boy, get your ass out of those clothes." Sid quickly complied.

Melissa then led him to the sawdust remnants and spread out the blanket. She pushed him down playfully, dragging her furry muff over his rapidly inflating cock. And then she moved down his body and he knew what was coming as she began to caress his cock and balls with her tongue. Before he could protest his long hard organ was engulfed in her hot, wet mouth and she was blowing him.

Remarkably, his was only the second man's cock she had ever taken orally. The other time, years early she had been inexperienced. She'd worn out that damned book her mother had given her. She'd practiced over the years on inanimate objects. She'd dreamed about this moment, still a little scared that she wouldn't do it right, still not sure how she would react when he shot his sticky load in her mouth.

It was some combination of anticipation and the fact that she was sucking a very special cock, the one that belonged to the man she loved so much. She was instantly surprised at how much the slick organ moving inside her mouth excited her. She could feel the warm breeze ticking her cunt and ass, either or both of which she planned to surrender on this mountain top before they departed. She began to moan as the pleasure of sucking her man's fuck tool aroused her to new heights. She knew he was close; she had no intention of letting him pull his throbbing meat out of her mouth, pulling his tight little ass to her so that he would understand that she wanted him to cum in her mouth. And he did, screaming her name and shooting his sweet cream on her tongue and at the back of her throat. This time it was different, the sticky, syrupy thickness excited her as she desperately tried to consume every drop of her man's essence. She didn't gag or choke. She reveled in the special taste of this wonderful man's spunk, draining him completely. And then he kissed her and shared his own taste with her...and she was in heaven. Once again, dear old mom had been right.

"Wow." Sid said as he held her tightly next to his strong body.
