Sigma Lambda Tau: Legacy Admission

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Will this Sigma pledge have better luck than her mom?
11.2k words

Part 7 of the 7 part series

Updated 05/21/2024
Created 01/13/2021
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CW: Impregnation


Kara's lunch had been going perfectly well until she dropped the bomb.

"I'm thinking about rushing Sigma," Kara said.

"No," Jessica said, setting down her chicken sandwich. "You don't need to do that."

"I know, Mom," Kara said. "But some of them seem fun."

"They seem that way from the outside," her mom said. "Because they don't show you the hazing or the dangerous induction practices."

Kara shrugged, eating a bite of her wrap as a show of nonchalance. "I don't think it's all that dangerous. I mean, the college has to approve it, right?"

"Half of the board of visitors used to be in those sororities," her mom said. "They get away with everything. And that brings out the worst in people - mean girls love the opportunity to be mean, and guys love the opportunity to fuck strangers."

Kara thought of Cathy, the girl who'd suggested that she pledge Sigma Lambda Tau. She'd certainly seemed a bit dangerous, but that was one of her charms, along with keen blue eyes and a decidedly epic rack. She had promised, though, that being a Sigma was worth the risks, if you were strong and clever and slutty enough.

There was something in her mom's tone that Kara couldn't quite place - a degree of worry above her usual. She'd expected a bit of resistance, but this was more than she'd expected by far. Kara nodded, calculating her words carefully.

"Alright," she said. "If it's that dangerous, I won't do it."

"Really," Jessica said.

"Really," Kara echoed.

"Alright," Jessica said, picking her sandwich back up. "That's good, honey. I think you'll be happier."

Kara nodded. She could ask why her mom was so worried, but asking would only make her mom more suspicious. Better to just rush Sigma like she planned, and ask her mom's forgiveness if she got in, and keep quiet if she didn't. After all, it couldn't be as dangerous as her mom made it sound.

Jessica took another bite of her sandwich, careful not to let her suspicion show. Despite what her daughter thought, she knew bullshit when she heard it.


"Alright, everyone," Cathy said, her voice warm and friendly as though she was addressing a grade school class instead of a room full of college partiers. "Are we ready for a party game?"

There were cheers from the crowd. They were mostly sober cheers, since it was hardly past six, but they were eager and lusty cheers all the same. Kara glanced across the sea of faces, trying to force herself to stay calm. Her worries couldn't be buried, though, no matter how much she pushed them down; it was like trying to hide a boyfriend under your blankets.

The other two girls in her group of pledges didn't seem anxious at all, which made Kara's anxiety worse. Lily gave the sort of smile that beauty pageant contestants wore, and waved nonchalantly at the crowd. She wore a long, sinuously curvy red dress that revealed a tasteful yet enticing amount of her cleavage. Priti, meanwhile, was cheering along with the crowd. She wore a ruffled skirt that just barely reached the bottom of her ass if she wasn't swishing it and a tight red top that showed the world the silhouette of her perky tits. They'd been told to wear red, and even though Kara had a red T-shirt and her favorite skirt she still felt out of place.

"I'm glad you're all excited," Cathy said. "Our pledges are very talented, and I just know they'll put on a show for you."

"In fact, one of them is even a legacy admission," Cathy added. "Not that it changes her challenge, but we're glad to see more than one generation give it the old college try."

Kara gave the other two girls a surreptitious glance. Did that mean that one of their moms was a Sigma? It was weird to think of someone her mom's age being this young and slutty, but she figured that the sorority hadn't come from nowhere.

"So, the challenge they'll face is musical chairs," Cathy said. She gestured at a circle of four carved wooden chairs with silk cushions, which wouldn't have been out of place in a castle. "Each of these chairs will have a boy in it. We'll play some music, and when the music stops, each girl has to sit on one of the boys."

"Like a lap dance?" a girl in the audience asked.

"Good question," Cathy said. "No, they have to fuck."

"Oh," the girl said softly.

"And they keep fucking until the music starts again," Cathy went on. "That's the way the game goes. If you get creampied, you're out, but since our pledges can't be on birth control you do get a cute consolation prize in nine months. When all of the music has played, the girls left standing are officially Sigmas - it could be all three girls, or none, or anything in between."

Kara glanced at the other two girls. Lily met her eye, as though she regretted the competition but she'd prefer to be the only one on top. Priti smiled, unafraid for any of their sakes.

"So, are you all still in?" Cathy said to the three girls. "Last chance to back out."

Kara's heart raced. Her mom had warned her of the risks, and she'd shrugged it off. She met her mom for lunch every week; it wouldn't take long for a baby bump to get her into trouble, and she wouldn't get out of that trouble for a long time.

That was only if she failed, though. If she succeeded, her mom never had to know about the risks she'd taken. And she'd be a Sigma, just like Cathy, on top of the world where that kind of worry couldn't reach her.

"I'm in," Kara said.


Across town, in the house where Kara had lived a few months before, Jessica was pacing.

Sigma inductions were happening tonight, which meant that Kara was out doing something dangerously risky, just like Jessica had done about nineteen years earlier. And if Jessica had gotten in, Kara wouldn't exist.

She didn't regret having Kara, not for a moment. But she hoped that Kara would have an easier time than her - juggling a baby and college had not been easy. And Kara wouldn't be thinking about that, as she faced whatever risky challenge the Sigmas threw at her; she'd just be thinking about how cute the guys were, and how good they made her feel.

Jessica's mind leapt back to her own challenge. Before she'd screwed it up, the guys had all been wearing half-masks and nothing else, and she couldn't help but think about how intoxicating their bodies and their eagerness had been. She felt herself getting wet, her body well-familiar with this train of thought, and shook her head.

No, she thought. This is no time to jill off.

She sighed, and stopped pacing. The problem with denying herself was that her body didn't care if it was wrong - in fact, the wrongness was one of the most exciting things about her own induction. The whole thing had been wrong, and yet she'd never gotten off as hard as she had that weekend.

She bit her lip. Then, glancing at the front window to make sure the curtains were closed, she pushed her jeans down and sat on the couch.


"Well, if you're all still in, then strip while we bring the boys out."

"Why'd you make us wear red if we're just gonna take it off?" Kara asked. She was half asking to cover her nervousness, but also because she was honestly curious.

"Good question," Cathy said. "There are two ways to look at it. It could be because shedding the red clothes symbolizes casting off your pretensions to reveal who you really are." She shrugged. "Or it could be because it's hot to watch you strip."

Kara nodded, then crossed her arms to pull her T-shirt off, keeping it pressed against her chest for a moment to draw the crowd along.

"Solid theories," Kara acknowledged. She tossed her shirt aside, then reached back to unfasten her bra.

The crowd whooped as they caught sight of Kara's bare chest, evidently wishing they could get their hands on them. Unlike her mom, who was built like a swimmer, Kara had curves enough that one hand wouldn't quite be enough to hold each boob. She gave the crowd a grin to hide her nervousness and reached for her skirt.

The whoops grew louder as Kara kicked her shoes off and slid her skirt down. She'd trimmed her bush into a little heart, not knowing that she'd be showing it off to dozens of strangers. She wasn't quite as muscular as her mom, but she was still the tallest and strongest of the girls on the stage.

The other two had taken different approaches to their stripping. Priti had done it quickly, and stood cheerfully with her legs slightly apart, letting everyone see her delightfully unruly bush as well as her firm tits. Lily, meanwhile, was making every article of clothing into a show. She covered her pussy with one hand as she slid her panties down, letting the anticipation build before she set her hand on her hip and received a lusty cheer in response. Kara was so busy watching that it took her a moment to notice the guys filing in.

There were four of them, each one wearing nothing but a crimson half-mask that concealed their identity and nothing else. They varied in height from a bit shorter than Kara up to six-foot-something. Their skin came in a variety of colors, from light and freckled to a deep brown. Some were wiry, and some muscular, and one leaned towards a dad bod; the only thing they all had in common was an undeniable attractiveness. Kara wouldn't mind jumping their bones, and since they were all essentially naked, she could see that their bones were eager to be jumped.

The guys each took one of the seats as the crowd cheered for them, even if this cheering had a slightly more feminine tone. Cathy watched them, then turned to the girls.

"Alright," she said. "Let's play musical chairs."

Kara took a deep breath, and the music started before she could let it out.


Jessica frowned as she thought about her own challenge. At the beginning, before she'd made it a competition between her and Emily, it had seemed so achievable.

The two of them had faced six guys together, and their challenge had been to get them all off without taking anyone's load. She and Emily had both been good at it, she had to admit - by the time she let her grudge screw things up they'd gotten two of the guys off, and gotten at least one climax of their own.

She slipped a hand between her muscular legs and stroked herself, letting the memories carry her. The guys had been so eager, and she'd felt their horny desperation in their every move. They had stroked her with their fingers, and kissed her neck, and thrust their hard cocks into her, hoping to get her so horny that she didn't notice when they were about to cum. None of them were as stealthy as they thought, but their attempts had been exquisite all the same.

If she and Emily hadn't been at each other's throats, it might have ended differently. They might have won together, riding the desperate boys to mutual victory and a string of climaxes. But instead Jessica had held Emily down and laughed as a boy creampied her, only remembering afterwards that the Sigmas had said that they would pass or fail together. In the moment, though, hearing Emily's squeals had been almost as sweet as her own orgasms.

Jessica bit her lip as she slid her fingers inside her panties to find her lips wet from her forbidden thoughts. Even if breaking the rules was sometimes sweet in the moment, and taking stupid risks felt good, she hoped fervently that Kara was keeping herself under control better than she had.


The music was upbeat and poppy, although Kara couldn't name the artist. Her heart rate was doing its best to keep up with the energetic beat, though, in spite of her best efforts to calm herself. She could feel it hammering in her chest, so intense that she could barely think.

The boys weren't helping, although she could hardly blame them. They had two naked girls in sight in each moment - slender, elegant Lily, whose black hair spread out beautifully against her bare back; short, bubbly Priya, who was giggling at something one of the guys had done; and Kara herself. Kara was taller than lots of girls, and more muscular than a lot of boys, and she knew she wasn't everyone's cup of tea. As each guy watched her walk past, though, she could tell that they wouldn't mind adding some cream.

The guys were delicious, too, which helped and didn't. She'd started giving them nicknames in her mind as she passed - the Black guy who met her gaze with stormy eyes was Ocean; the short white guy with the narrow goatee and the sizable dick was Tiny; the pale slender guy with eyeshadow and his nails painted black was Goth; the tall, muscular blond who unabashedly stared at her pussy was King Leer. They were all pretty, in their own way, which was scary. They all looked like they could be good rides, which was nice, unless they were too good. She wanted to fuck them, and wanted to avoid getting fucked.

She took a deep breath, forcing herself to focus. She had some information, even if it wasn't a lot. Some of the boys were stroking themselves as they watched, while others were standing at attention without any touch at all. Most were silent, although King Leer made appreciative noises at times, but Tiny's silence felt intentional.

Abruptly, the music stopped. Priti rushed in and claimed Tiny, and Lily settled onto Ocean's lap, leaving Kara between Goth and King Leer. As the edge of panic settled on her, she set a hand on Goth's knee. King Leer made a disappointed sound, but she ignored him.

Goth set his hands on Kara's hips as she straddled him, less to guide her and more to steady himself, as though he was the one in the precarious position. Kara gave him a gentle smile as she guided his cock to her pussy, hoping it would keep his heart rate down.

"You don't have to be nervous," Kara said softly.

"Yes I do," he replied.

She settled onto him, watching his rapt expression as his cock slid inside her. In a paradoxical way, his nervousness calmed her - she wasn't alone in her anxiety, even if she had more cause for it than he did. He groaned as Kara settled onto his hips, but it wasn't a groan that foretold an explosion.

"Well, I think you're doing great," Kara said, rocking her hips against his. Sitting across a guy's lap wasn't Kara's favorite position, but she had to admit that it gave her a fabulous view of his expression.

"That's good to know," he sighed, his fingers caressing Kara's thighs as she moved. His motions were reverent, not determined to get her off but hoping to show his pleasure in each soft motion.

The tricks to this, Kara realized, would be keeping her own pleasure from boiling over distractingly and watching the boys to make sure they weren't primed when she climbed on. The first part wouldn't be easy, if Goth was any indication. The warmth and hardness of his cock and his hips, and the worship in his gaze and his touch, were intoxicating. It was like a party with spiked punch, and she'd have to take care not to get drunk on it.

The second part would be less of a challenge, it seemed to her. The boys were beautiful and tempting, but their pleasure was writ all over them - in the set of their faces, the rise and fall of their breath, and the moans that escaped their lips. It was lovely, but as long as she could avoid falling into it she'd be safe.

The other girls were enjoying themselves, too, Kara couldn't help but notice. Lily was bouncing up and down, her hands cupping her breasts as she moved. Kara couldn't tell which audience she was playing to - the crowd around them, or the boy beneath her. Priti was kissing her boy, and moaning into his mouth as she pressed her hips against him. They were beautiful, and she hoped they wouldn't get too distracted.

The music started again. Kara couldn't tell how long it had been, but she met Goth's gaze and gave him a regretful smile.

"Come back soon," he grinned.

"We'll see," she said. "Enjoy whoever sits on you, ok?"

He nodded. Kara stood up, gasping for a moment as his cock slid out of her, then began to circle.


Jessica's thoughts drifted toward the second part of her challenge. After she'd held Emily down and watched her get knocked up, the Sigmas had pulled her away from the crowd and tied her up in a quiet room. They'd told her that, if she still wanted to get in, she'd have to keep from cumming for any of the boys they brought to her. If she came, though, the boys could cum in her.

It had been the sweetest sort of agony, to swim in such pleasure and try to keep from slipping under. The fear of failure and her anger at the Sigmas had merged with her horniness into a singular current, powerful and quiet and ever-moving. It had swept her further and further until she couldn't see the shore, until the boys' hands and tongues and cocks were all she knew.

Still, she'd kept her control as the first two guys fucked her, let the pleasure rise without swamping her. She'd laughed at the Sigmas, momentarily convinced that she was unbreakable.

The third guy, though, had pressed his lips against her pussy, his tongue diving into her cleft and dancing around her pearl. She'd fought against the pleasure, trying desperately to keep her head above water as each wave rose higher and higher. She'd known that she'd fail and get knocked up if she came, but her fear and her arousal were just parts of the same ocean, and they couldn't help but rise together.

When the waves had finally pulled her under, the climax had been too sweet to keep silent. She'd tried, but it had overwhelmed her, the pleasure crashing down until she couldn't think of anything but her body finally getting what it had wanted so desperately. Even now, nineteen years later, she still remembered how sweet it had felt to surrender, and let that ocean take her wherever it would.


As Kara walked around the circle, she acknowledged to herself that controlling herself would be the hardest part of all this.

The guys were all tempting in ways that promised to leave her helpless. All but King Leer had a girl's wetness gleaming on their hard cocks, and their eagerness to continue what they'd begun was palpable. Tiny was slowly stroking his impressive cock, Ocean was almost rising out of his seat, and King Leer was so eager not to be left out that he'd pulled his eyes away from the girls' pussies to watch their faces for signs of interest.

The other girls were reveling in the attention, too. Lily's hips swayed as she circled just ahead of Kara, an appraising grin on her face as she passed each boy. Priti, meanwhile, was giggling as she saw how hard they were, her fingers trailing along their knees as she moved. Kara was careful not to be quite so provocative - after all, she figured that the less she played with detonators the fewer explosions she'd get.

For a brief moment, Kara wondered which of their moms had pledged Sigma years ago. Neither of them had talked about it, so she could only speculate and watch them.

When the music stopped this time, Kara was the first to react. She was standing halfway between Ocean and Tiny, and she instinctively stepped back and set one leg across Ocean's lap before Priti had the chance. Priti, unperturbed, gave King Leer a bright smile and mounted him as Lily claimed Goth.

Ocean met Kara's gaze as she settled onto his lap, stroking his cock gently before guiding it to her pussy. His eyes were a deep amber, and she could see the passion in them at least as much as she could feel it in the rise of his hips. He had a storm inside, and even though Kara wanted to see it rise she knew how thoroughly she could get soaked.

"Hi there," Kara said as she lowered herself down.

"Hey," he groaned. He set his hands on her hips, pulling her close. Kara was pretty sure that she could break his grip if she had to, but the Sigmas wouldn't let her get away with breaking the rules like that. The better approach would be to keep him from busting.

She focused on finding a rhythm, letting her hips rise and fall methodically as she watched his face. She could read his eagerness for more in every part of him - he frowned, and pulled her down, and gasped at the bottom end of her strokes. He was certainly enjoying her, but he wanted more; if he was driving he'd be pounding her harder than this.