Silverthorn Ch. 01

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Kaeden and Cinzia visit London.
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As the plane soared through the cool evening air, shaking a little in the drafts, the two passengers within barely paid it attention.

The man was tall, ruggedly handsome, and built like a Greek statue. Short blonde hair crowned his head, finely trimmed stubble adorned his chin, and he was gazing down at the woman in his arms with piercing hazel eyes.

The jacket of a finely tailored charcoal pinstripe suit hung over the back of the nearby chair, the sleeves of the black shirt rolled neatly up to his elbows.

The woman was flawless in her beauty. Slim and tall, she was seemingly poured into the black dress that clung to her frame. Silky black hair hung down to her shoulders, framing a face with high cheekbones, full red lips and dark, emerald green eyes.

In the seat nearest the front, they were curled up, embracing happily. She was snuggled up on his lap, head on his shoulder, her hand on his chest to feel his strong heartbeat.

His arms were around her, holding her to him, his chin resting on her head as he provided her a pillar of loving support.

His left hand slowly inched up her thigh, fingers caressing the soft, porcelain flesh, edging just under the lace hem of her dress. His lips left fleeting kisses on her slender neck, her breath hitching in pleasured response.

"You're still annoyed I didn't tell you where we are going, aren't you?" his voice was a deep, rich sound as he chuckled, his Greek heritage entrenched within.

Purring a little in response, her body arched as it gave him instinctual access to his touch, her free hand sliding up into his hair.

"A little," her lips suckled gently on his earlobe, her tone a deep French drawl.

"Well, what is life without a few surprises? You smell so good..." He growled as he inhaled her perfume and natural scent.

"So do you. You know me so well, Kae." As she spoke her sex clenched in response to his words and the growl that had rumbled in her ear and through her body.

His left hand cupped her cheek tenderly, turning her head so he could meet her gaze, the look of primal hunger in them sending a jolt of liquid pleasure to her core.

"I should hope so. But after all these years, I love you so much, and I love you more and more each new day that passes by."

A gentle blush filled her cheeks, her hand resting atop his, the fingers of her other hand slipping between the buttons of his shirt onto his firm chest. "As do I. But you make it impossible to stay angry at you."

"Not when you are truly angry, Zee. I know when you are genuinely angry, and it's tempered by curiosity. If you were, you'd have stayed in the bedroom, or you'd be in the chair back there, giving me the silent treatment."

"My curiosity, and that you would never keep from me something that is truly important. You know not to piss me off, Kae."

"No. I would never do that. Little minor stuff that I can fix alone, maybe, but nothing that affects us both. We've always worked together to fix things, and I would never want to change that."

"I know, my love. I know."

Nuzzling under his chin, Cinzia focused on the smell of his cologne, the sensation of his stubble on her skin and the sound of his heartbeat in her ears, letting it all drown out the soft whine of the engines as he became the center of her world.

The two of them sat in the quiet embrace for several minutes, until he glanced out of the window. A smile of genuine joy crossed his face.

"Happy anniversary, my love." He gently guided her to look out of the window. Cinzia's face lit up with a wide grin of utter excitement.

Below them, getting bigger by the second as the plane started the descent towards the airport, was London, the orange glow of sunset making the capital beautiful in the warmth of the last light of day.

"London!? Oh, Kae!" Grabbing his shirt with both hands, she pulled him into a bruising, passionate kiss. It was returned with equal fervor, one of his hands in her hair, the other resting on the curve of her ass.

Lingering, she slowly leaned back, meeting his gaze as she returned to resting on his chest, Kaeden staring down at her with loving adoration.

"Thank you, Kae. So much. This is wonderful. I love you, so, so much."

"I love you too, Zee." His nose nuzzled hers tenderly, his smile playful. "I've got a lot planned for us, while we are here. All your favorite things -- the museums, opera, the landmarks... hot sex..."

"Definitely all my favorite things." Cinzia giggled, biting her lip. "It sounds perfect."

"Wait until you see what our suite has. I'm not sure you will want to leave."

"You always spoil me, Kae." Leaning up, she gently kissed him, resting her forehead to his as she looked into his eyes. A boyish, oddly crooked smile crossed his face as she breathed her in.

"You're worth spoiling, my beautiful raven. And I will not ever forget it. You changed my world, changed my life and pulled me out of the black pit I was in. I owe you the world, and everything in it."

Her fingers ran through his hair, returning the gentle smile. "And I'd do it again, and again, to have you by my side, my wolf. I'd fight the armies of Hell and all of the monsters of this world to hold you in my arms."

Kaeden bit his lip, then leaned in and kissed her once again, the taste of coffee rich in his lips, the coffee itself steaming slightly on the table in front of them.

As the plane descended, the kiss kept going, his hands roaming over her body as he pulled her closer. Sliding under her dress, his fingers edged closer to the silk of her underwear.

As he drew closer to touching her where she wanted him the most, Cinzia's lips opened a little, her breath now coming in soft gasps of pleasure. His fingers brushed her panties, the material wet from her arousal.

A primal growl of hunger escaped his lips, the tips of his fingers gently easing them aside as he slid a finger into her.

"Oh, Kae..." the plea was breathless, rich with sexual need, her fingers gripping his shirt and hair as he moved his own in and out, her entire world suddenly revolving around that penetrating digit.

Crooking his finger a little, she felt a deeper pulse of pleasure begin, the pad of his finger caressing a spot of greater sensitivity.

Her body writhed in his lap, feeling his own mounting arousal under her ass. Clenching rhythmically on him, she rested her head on his shoulder, letting each groan of deep pleasure sound in his ear, each louder than the last.

Kaeden's lips suckled on her neck, moving up to the hollow behind her ear, kissing the spot just below that sent a shock of erotic pleasure straight to her sex.

"Kae... I'm so close... please..."

"I'm not stopping you, baby. Let go."

Cinzia exploded, clamping hard on his finger as she quivered and shook, a long, deep moan of ecstasy filling the galley of the plane as her arousal flooded out over her panties and his trousers.

Kaeden didn't care, stroking that swollen bundle of nerves inside her to prolong her orgasmic release, his own arousal palpable.

Finally, as the plane touched down, Cinzia subsided, resting her head on his shoulder, breathing raggedly in his ear, clinging onto his shirt.

"I'm... I'm sorry I ruined your trousers, Kae..." she eventually muttered, nuzzling his neck.

"I'm not. I told you to let go, and you did. They're just trousers, Zee. I can change before we get off the plane, so never apologize for your pleasure."

The pilot stepped out of the cabin and opened the door, lowering the steps and waiting patiently. Climbing off of Kaeden, Cinzia smoothed her dress, giving him a small grin.

Kaeden vanished to the back of the plane, returning a moment or so later in a fully black suit, sans a tie. Giving Cinzia a charming smile, he offered his arm.

"My lady?"

Grinning widely, Cinzia took it, exiting the plane side by side. Stopping at the bottom, where a Jaguar sat idling, he watched as she took in deep breaths, eyes closed, her face a mask of delighted, awed joy.

As she opened her eyes, he could see the sunset and the skyline reflected in them, as well as her love for him as she moved her gaze to him.

"Beautiful, isn't it? I know you've wanted to come to London for a long time."

"I have. Thank you, Kae. This was a wonderful and very thoughtful surprise." Leaning on his shoulder, she gazed at the city, soaking in the sunset and the smells and sounds of the city.

A young man crossed to them from the car, handing him the keys with a polite smile. "Your car, sir."

"Thank you. Would you like to drive, Zee?" Holding the keys up with one finger, he kissed her on the head.

Eyeing the car, she giggled with joy. "Absolutely, I want to drive."

Seizing the keys, Cinzia hurried over to the car, sliding into the driver seat and turning the engine on, shivering happily as the engine roared under her.

More sedately, Kaeden gave the young man a nod of thanks and joined her in the car, turning the radio on as Cinzia drove towards the gates, the strains of Jumping Jack Flash filling the car.

"Where to, baby?"

"The hotel." Kaeden smiled, setting the sat-nav. Cinzia drove carefully and quickly, enjoying the wind in her hair as she navigated the London streets.

As she drove, Kaeden's strong hand moved back and forth along her thigh, tantalizingly close to the edge of her underwear before gliding slowly back along her inner thigh.

"Kae, I need to concentrate..." she breathed, her voice soft and needy.

"I know baby. I'll stop... for now..."

Groaning a little in disappointment, Cinzia drove, pulling up at a red light. Taking the opportunity, she turned and leaned over, hand in his hair as her other hand rested on his thigh, the kiss passionate and full of desire.

His left hand mirrored hers in her hair, the other cupping her mound for the briefest of moments as he bit her lip, drawing a purr of wanton need from her throat.

Leaning back as the light changed, Cinzia gave him a look that silently conveyed "Later, my love", before putting the car in gear and resuming the drive through the capital.

As they approached the hotel, Kaeden gently gave her a tap and indicated her to turn into the entrance for the hotel car park.

Cinzia did so, parking the car with fluid ease in the nearest parking bay to the elevator. Kaeden got out, quickly rounding the car and opening her door to assist her out, playfully squeezing her ass as he closed the door and led her across.

Cinzia entered first, turning to watch him as he stepped into the lift. Her eyes moved from his feet to his face, taking in the way his suit clung to him like a second skin, licking her lips as her eyes lingered on the substantial bulge in his trousers for a moment.

The moment the doors closed, Kaeden pounced, his hands running up her sides as he hungrily kissed her. Her arms made to slide over his shoulders, only for him to pin them above her head.

"Behave tonight, princess, and you'll have the best night ever, I promise you." His lips found the sensitive spot behind her ear.

Cinzia trembled, instinctively submitting to him as she felt her sex clench hard, fresh arousal turning her underwear to a soaked mess, her voice now a low, pleading whimper.

"Yes, sir."

Stepping back as the lift doors opened, he led her by the hand to the front desk, where the concierge met them with a smile. Giving his name, the man swiftly checked them in.

"Would you like someone to show you to your room, sir?"

"Yes, please."

Beckoning another hotel staff member over, the concierge handed over the key card, the second man leading them to another lift, which rapidly ascended towards the penthouse level.

"First time at the Londoner?" He asked.

Cinzia nodded. "It is. I've wanted to visit the city for a long time."

"Well, thank you for choosing our hotel. You are on the top floor, situated in the penthouse suite on your own. We have an in-house masseuse, yoga instructor and mixologist on staff."

"Sounds lovely." Cinzia smiled, studying the man as they left the lift. Opening the suite doors, he took a step back and gestured for them to enter.

Cinzia followed Kaeden in, and gasped.

The suite was huge, decorated in warm but neutral colors, the furniture tasteful and perfectly in keeping with the décor.

Cinzia looked around, biting her lip, idly finding herself fantasizing about how Kaeden could use the different surfaces. Blushing, she saw him watching her, his eyes clearly indicating he was thinking the same thing.

"This entire floor is yours, as is the upper level, which is the bathroom and bedroom. Down here is the living room, the kitchen and your private balcony area."

"It's a fantastic view..." she nodded, sauntering across to gaze out of the window at the city, aware both Kaeden and the staff member were watching her lace clad ass as she leaned on the glass, the robe edge riding up to reveal the skin exposed by her thong.

"It is, ma'am. The bar has been stocked to your husband's request, including Macallan Rich Cacao, Rare Black and even a bottle of Macallan Reach."

Beaming with joy, Cinzia turned to sit and stretch out on the chaise, her robe falling open to reveal a glimpse of her thong, and the lace garter on her upper thigh.

"Perfect for his nightcap, sir. Thank you."

"I'm not the Macallan connoisseur, my love. And you've always wanted to try the Reach." Kaeden leaned over to kiss her gently on the lips.

As he leaned back, her finger pressed to his lips, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "Now, now, my love, let's not let them know all our secrets."

Kaeden gave her a wolfish grin, and Cinzia saw in her mind an image of him drinking the scotch off of her naked body, his tongue trailing her flesh.

Her eyes met his, squirming a little in arousal, nodding in acknowledgement. Later, he mouthed, the word a delicious threat just as much as it was a promise.

"Would you both like to see the balcony area that is yours for the stay, ma'am? Sir?"

"If you please." Cinzia slid off the chaise, her hips swaying as she walked back to Kaeden and the man from the hotel. "Lead the way, handsome."

The concierge nodded, blushing deeply, clearing his throat as he led them through the suite to a pair of double doors, out onto a large balcony area.

In the middle was a fire pit, cushions around it in a perfect circle. The roof was solid metal beams, a metal set of shutters just above.

"Your balcony."

"It's exquisite." Cinzia smiled, looking around the fire pit.

"The roof can be closed in bad weather, as they retract to cover the gaps. The wood burning fire is used with recycled wood. This way, please."

Following him, Cinzia squirmed as Kaeden gave her a squeeze on her ass, followed by a swift slap to the bare flesh.

"The bedroom."

Cinzia stepped in, discovering a large room with a king size bed, opposite a window that overlooked the park outside.

"This is a lovely view to wake up to. I imagine it looks amazing in the rain."

"It does ma'am. Being a penthouse suite renter also gives access to our chauffeured limousine that is available at all hours, and also the VIP lift."

"VIP lift?" Cinzia raised an eyebrow.

"Yes ma'am. It is reserved for our high paying guests to avoid congestion in the busy times, so they can be in and out easier."

"A very thoughtful idea." Kaeden nodded.

Cinzia opened the near door, the bathroom within all dark oak, glass and marble. Eyeing the shower and the large bathtub, she opened her mind and lined with Kaeden.

I don't know about you, but I've thought about a dozen positions and places already... she thought, adding aloud to the concierge, "this bathroom is very spacious."

Kaeden's voice sounded in her mind.

Oh, you aren't alone, my love. I have something very special planned for you.

The concierge nodded.

"All our toiletries are made by a special boutique shop near the hotel. May I get either of you anything while I'm here?"

"A glass of the Reach for my wife, please."

"And a Jameson for my husband."

The concierge nodded and left the room. Letting herself be led, Cinzia sighed happily as Kaeden stood by the window, his arms around her as he held her from behind.

"It's so beautiful here." She sighed happily, her head under his chin.

"And yet," his voice was rich caramel in her ear as he nuzzled her neck, "there is no sight on earth that rivals my raven beauty, who eclipses it all."

"Nor as incredible as you, my love."

Turning her in his arms, Kaeden used a single finger under her chin and kissed her slowly, his hands on her back, holding her tight to him. Her own hands came to rest on his back and in his ear.

"There's no sex, my love. Not tonight."

"Really? Just cuddling up with my wolf?" Her left hand caressed his cheek, Kaeden leaning into it with a happy sigh.

"Yes. If that is okay with my raven?"

"Of course. I always enjoy snuggles."

"Lovely. I have a full itinerary for us, while we are here, apart from tonight. So I thought, we watch the rain that is due over, a few glasses of scotch, and we cuddle up."

"That sounds perfect." Her lips met his once again in a clinch of tender romance. The concierge once more returned to the room carrying two glasses of scotch, handing them over.

"Would you like a description, ma'am?"

"No, thank you. I've waited for this for quite the long time." She gave him a polite smile, closing her eyes as she inhaled the scent of the scotch. Dark chocolate and cinnamon reached her nose, mingled with plum and grapefruit. "Divinity in a glass..."

"Yes, ma'am. Will that be all?"

"Yes, thank you." Kaeden slipped a twenty pound note into his hand, nodding a little as the concierge left. Once he was gone, Kaeden turned to the window and sipped his own, letting her savor the drink.

Cinzia kept her eyes closed as she sipped a mouthful. Treacle toffee and licorice caressed her tongue, followed by ginger, nutmeg and pecan. As she swallowed, a soft sigh escaped her, the smoky aftertaste warming her through.

"Worth the wait, my love?"

"Very much so."

"I'm very glad. Had it been a disappointment, I would have been very annoyed. Dance with me?" He asked, putting his glass down and using a remote to turn music on.

Cinzia listened to the voice of Elvis fill the suite, taking his outstretched hand and letting herself be led into a slow, swaying waltz.

Her hands instinctively fell into place, born from years of dancing in the French courts, her eyes on his as they gently revolved.

Within his eyes, she could see mirrored the same encompassing love she knew was in her own, enjoying the way he held her in the quiet warmth, the sound of heavy rain beginning to patter against the windows.

"Do you know what I saw?" his voice was low, soft, almost playful.

"No. What did you see, my handsome wolf?"

Picking up their glasses, Kaeden took her by the hand and led her through the suite, to a small nook in the back.

A comfortable leather seat was placed to look out of the windows, overlooking the park, the blue neon of a cinema shining through the downpour outside.

Sitting, Kaeden put the glasses aside and patted his lap. Cinzia didn't hesitate, immediately curling up in his arms, head on his chest as they watched the rain.

"It's amazing how often young couples don't take the time to experience moments like this. Do you remember the rains over Berlin? The fireworks in the sky even though it was pouring down..."

"Yes..." she kissed his chin. "They miss so much in a world that is now, now, now. It is such a shame that they miss all of this, because the world won't let them slow down."

"I'd sit and watch the rain any day with you, Zee, over any big or expensive activity." Kaeden kissed her cheek, cuddling her as he pulled a blanket over them from the back of the chair.

"As would I. Money isn't needed for a memory that would last forever. It is a blessing that we both learned that a long time ago."