Silvertree Chronicles Bk. 07


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Stern looked at Charlus, "How do you know?"

Charlus sighed, "The blades were cleansed by my ancestors. It stored the spirits of all past wielders. Now there is the spirit of the sword and a small piece of each wielder remains behind instead. That speaks to necromancy.

That is the family shop and it is moving around; easy enough to confirm. I believe a daughter now wields the Blade; she is getting up in years. The Queen could pull out the Silvertree Moon Blade and we can confirm with one of these compasses."

The Spy Master nodded, "Stern put together a few stealth teams to check out these tunnels. Investigate, do not take them out unless attacked. We need to know how many of them are old escape tunnels or new ones. You bring a couple of those compasses and leave the rest for Stern."

Charlus nodded and handed them over to Stern who nodded and then shook his hand. He looked at Charlus, "This is useful. Can we expand upon it?"

Charlus nodded, "I would start with illusions and transmutation on another station interconnected. To look for alter-self, invisibility, and other polymorph effects. We use them and it could be used to find us. Non-detection applied might stop it. Because this is based on draconic magic our non-detection would be less effective against this system."

They nodded at him. Charlus walked over to the Spy Master. He took them into the palace Queen's Audience chamber. He looked at Charlus, "Do not move. This spot is very small. You will set off an alarm if you move. She is alerted to our presence."

15 minutes later and the Queen arrived, "Was just heading to have my evening meal. Something pressing?"

Charlus nodded as the Spy Master looked at Charlus. Charlus spoke, "Yes, your Majesty. To start with can you bring the Silvertree Moon Blade out. I need to know if this is detecting the blade." She pulled it out and it pointed at the blade and he nodded, "Your Majesty, because that was in a bag, we did not detect it. We can, however, detect the presence of over two hundred necromantic signatures in the Elven city. The Moon Blades are a part of that; they contain spirits and the pieces of previous wielders."

He walked over and took the sheath from her and handed one to the Spy Master, "What about now?"

The Spy Master used the other one and nodded, "It still detects."

Charlus nodded and handed the sword back over to Queen Goldeagle. Charlus looked at her, "I wear a non-detection item, a standard one. The compass will find them all and some are in weapons like Moon Blades, Your Majesty."

She looked at Charlus, "That is a concern. Can you tell the difference?"

Charlus looked at her, "Sort of, they appear to be very faint echoes of necromancy on them. They are lighter. There are over twenty necromancy effects in the palace district. I thought we might not detect that sword because my mother and grandmother stated a divine non-detection was going to be added to it.

It may not work unless in the hands of an active wielder. Else it did not get added and something else was added. We also found two caverns one about 2 miles down and the size of a decent-sized home. That one is below the palace. Then a second, same size but might be significantly larger.

That is under the poorer section of the city and 3 miles down, under the Roc District. It is at the end of the range for searching underground which is why I have two different sizes. I also found 15 tunnels; 3 of which are used by your Diplomatic Service. He was not expecting me to find those but I did, Your Majesty."

The Queen looked at the Spy Master, "You have tunnels coming into the city?"

He nodded. "They were built during the time of the first shield. They contain no air. We will be putting more protection into those tunnels. Necromancy wards that recharge and others to alert us when activity is detected within them."

Charlus looked at her, "No drow tunnels under the city, Your Majesty."

She nodded, "How far does it go?"

Charlus looked at her, "10 miles outside the perimeter and up. 3 miles below ground. I would need another 6 months to build up 2 more consoles and then place another 12 diamonds and we could cover the majority of the Kingdom. We have a couple of sections that we are not centrally located to cover.

To get those we would have to add in another 6 diamonds and we would be large enough to track over the edge of dwarven lands, which they might have an issue with if they ever discovered that fact. It would take that system to max capacity for the design I put in place. It would also extend dangerously close to dragon lands." She looked at Charlus, "Could 4 keep it within our territory?"

He thought before he responded, "We would miss a very small section of the kingdom to the far north. These compasses could be used to sweep those areas. I would have to adjust the shapes of our net, but we could do it that way. Given what we are adding I would look to add transmutation and illusion to the list of things to track, Your Majesty."

She looked at Charlus, "For regular polymorph and invisibility."

He nodded, "Also alter self but that would pick up your agents using any of those, Your Majesty."

She nodded, "Conference room."

Charlus nodded, "I might be able to add a limited conjuration to track teleportation, gate, portals, and dimension door access to the city. That would be another 2 months to add to the list. This would increase our range underground by a factor of 3 over the capitals. Less coverage on the outer edges, your Majesty. It should increase the fidelity as well."

She nodded and led the way out and they followed behind. Majisa arrived and the door sealed. They went into the War Room. The Queen outlined what he told her and what it would take. Majisa looked at Charlus, "I would like to talk with young Silvertree in private for a minute."

Queen Goldeagle nodded and they walked back to the falls.

She looked at Charlus, "You are using what size diamonds?"

Charlus smiled, "6,000 gold piece diamonds in the sky. We do the conjuration for the gates I will add in the ability to record it back so we can track anyone jumping around in our spaces. I know with 24, 72 would be better, 10,000 gold piece diamonds we could blanket the world and 6x 50,000 thousand gold piece diamonds for the displays. With the zoom function. We have that in this setup.

I have not shown it to them yet. You had this capability to track the Moon Bow Family Moon Blade which means you knew where she was being held at the time."

She looked at Charlus, "That is a small signature on a very large world."

Charlus nodded, "I know that. You are also limited by the number of displays and eyes on them. I don't know how large your system is currently. I want to build the bigger setup, but not for capital. For the Knights."

She laughed, "They are extinct at the moment."

Charlus looked at her with all seriousness, "I choose to be one so they exist. From one more will join. I did not say it was first on my agenda. I will get it built at some point then deploy it when we are large enough to man it and then use it to track our operations around the world.

I set it up with a mix of 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional displays. We can do the whole kingdom; the two new ones would be 3-dimensional displays. We use the 2-dimensional displays for targeted tracking activity and the 3-dimensional ones for overwatch of the entire area."

She looked at Charlus, "What would it take to get you to stop from building a world-wide one?"

Charlus looked at her, "Provide the Knights with 2x 3-dimensional and 4x 2-dimensional displays that can talk with your diamonds. Tap into your capability. For tracking our operations. We can limit what we get as you know.

Dragons can help, not completely control, the operation of them. There is nothing now to block dragons from participating in the Knights. Then ensure, via a contract, that you never work to restrict our data for the agreed-upon types of magic."

Majisa sighed, "I will take that idea back to the Council as a whole. They were not pleased by restarting the building of the facilities until they saw your system come online today. Then they knew you could do it if it came down to it. Construction is ongoing. Personally, your idea has merit. We would need to discuss the finer points of what you would want to track."

Charlus nodded, "All magical travel, necromancy, elevation above and below ground. If we have to go in and set dwarven explosives to shut down a drow invasion we could do so to shorten the war. Abjuration so we know where private sanctums are in use potentially.

We lose sight of our team and 1 goes up we know they are potentially in trouble if it is not reported. We would add in a smaller system to monitor the bases themselves. Include all of the illusion activity as well."

She nodded and walked out to the Queen, "We will not object to the expansion over the elven kingdom for defensive purposes as outlined."

They teleported away. Charlus looked at Queen Goldeagle, "Your Majesty, she asked what it would take to keep me happy enough not to build a global system. I told her to give access to their system of enchanted diamonds for specific purposes in line with what the Knights would need to operate.

That would be operated out of a Knights base with Dragons being able to help, not control everything, at the base. They are not limited at this point from being members. I gave her options to consider if she wanted to curtail my plans."

She smiled at Charlus, "Your system scared them."

Charlus nodded and smiled, "She knew I could build a global system if we had to go it on our own. I told her the new displays I would be adding are 3-dimensional. Something they do not likely have as I have researched an elven mythic spell to make those work.

Those can be used for overarching monitoring and the other 4 on the 2 tables can be used for targeted tracking. I have not demonstrated an ability on them yet that allows us to zoom in to a specific area and monitor a 20-foot-high area.

Great for tracking. Only on the 2-dimensional displays. Our paladin order would want to use it to destroy the drow outright. While we do hate them if we make them extinct would that not make us as evil as the dragons who did that to the Deep Sea Elves?"

She sighed, "I can see your point."

Charlus nodded, "If Bahumut's enemy added that ability to the drow then they could do the same to us. We keep it limited. The Gods will ensure the other side does the same. They escalated champions into gestalts to get an advantage according to my grandmother. That is why our Gods did the same. You said that our fiend issues were stopped by my father's death. He put an end to it. Do you know more about that?"

She shook her head, "Just that if he came back onto the material plane it would be catastrophic. That fundamental rules were broken. I see what you are saying."

Charlus nodded, "You approve of my answer to her then, Your Majesty?'

She smiled, "Your father would be proud. How did you know about the Deep-Sea Elves? Your father's journal?"

Charlus shook his head, "The journal is missing. Likely the blade will lead the wielder to it. There was a small book written on them in the Silvertree library. Wrote by Silver Silvertree. She found what little research there was and combined it with what she knew of their demise. Not a lot of history of them remains, unfortunately. She did not want them forgotten in history."

Queen Goldeagle nodded, "You read the entire library."

Charlus nodded, "I added 287 books to it in the last 6 months as well."

He handed her a sheet of parchment and she looked at it and chuckled, "You had the plans to expand upon it beforehand. I will set up an account that you and Zirra can access to reimburse the first effort and finance this expansion."

Charlus nodded, "She will be happy to get those funds back I am sure. It was getting to be expensive to have me at home, Your Majesty. Did you wish to see this system?"

She chuckled and then looked at the Spy Master, "Actually I would like to see it after you add the other half."

Charlus looked at the Spy Master, "I leave it to you to work with the Queen on the current threats found. To figure out what forces she wishes to use. I will return home and get Zirra to help me get the supplies needed to start the effort. If you could just put the funds in her account for the costs, that would be fine, Your Majesty."

She nodded, "I will be adding another commendation to your file for putting this together and another once it is upgraded. Those commendations have funds associated with them. They are placed in your personal account. I will work with the Spy Master."

He looked at Charlus, "When will you be back in training?"

Charlus smiled, "I am young yet. I continue to train and I had a heart-to-heart with Stern on where I see my career going. Not to take over for you but to restart the Knights. He knows where I am aiming and why I am doing what I am doing now to help him when he takes over."

The Spy Master nodded, "You want to deal with the global but at the moment you are helping to strengthen the Kingdom's capability to find these threats."

Charlus nodded, "Also to get the dragons ready to support what I want to do for the Knights. To get my father's work back on track. They know to what extremes I will go to if needed."

Charlus left the palace and walked all the way home. He walked up to Zirra, "Here is a list for tomorrow. You should see the funds you spent and the funds for this showing up in your account."

She looked at Charlus, "This is quite the list, Again? Some changes from last time, this will be more expensive."

He nodded, "I know. Like last time."

She waved him back, "Can you explain this?"

He looked at it and it was the account balance on his personal account.

Charlus smiled and then looked down at her, "The Queen was happy with some things I did that I cannot talk about."

She nodded, "Should I expect to see this increase?"

He nodded, "Yes."

Charlus went and got some sleep and was at the falls for the first time. He took a knee and waited. Then he heard him, "Please rise." Charlus looked at him as Corellon Larethian spoke. "Your discussion on the drow was profound. I would like them destroyed. However, the constant escalation means we have to draw the line somewhere.

Else we will go to crossing the line. The dragons have the capability to do it and they are the safety valve. Your answer to the Dragon Queen was well thought out. You are doing well. Their system cannot go that far underground, Bahamut is impressed with your work as they can get to about a half-mile underground...if that. Ask your questions."

Charlus sighed, "Mother mentioned that she heard Brima say the sword and the champion would be separate. Is this true?"

He smiled, "In a manner of speaking. The second champion and you cannot discuss this until it is revealed, will be your sister. She will assume the role of my champion. She will actually be the champion of my daughter. She knows this already and that you will get the family blade. Ginnar will be a very vocal champion. She is infertile and not eligible for the blade."

Charlus looked at him, "Why did the dragon champion not see me as a champion?"

Corellon smiled, "Because you have no champion abilities yet. You are running off of your genetics and skills. The day you become of age, you should avoid the dragons until after you have taken the sword. The sword will shield you from being detected as the champion.

The divine non-detection as you guessed only works when the sword has a wielder. The dragons will try and get in on that day. The elven Queen will be advised to not let that happen. Because she is older her being named champion officially will occur first.

The Queen will learn the truth of it the day you take up the blade. She will have already set the funds up to your sister which is fine. You are earning enough in the heroic work that you do that you will not need any additional funds to start with."

Charlus nodded, "I will work to keep my personal account to 10 million and anything else into a second account to go back to the trust, or into the Knights construction. I do not know how many children I will have. What would happen if I died of old age or natural causes? Do I ever tell my wives if I marry?"

Corellon Larethian sighed, "We thought about those questions. All of the children's holy symbols will recede under the chest and be invisible. Except for your sisters. You can wear one or not.

They are all a part of you and no magical amulet will work for you as you already have one. Your wives you can tell after they agree to marry you. If you are just screwing around like your father mentioned then you cannot tell them.

You have no titles to inherit, at least yet. You take over the Knights, you will get one but it will not be hereditary. The Queen will know this. The only title that will be heredity from you is Knight, which is coming soon in private due to this work you are doing. Also, the family title, if it falls to you in the future."

Charlus nodded, "When will this receding occur?"

Corellon Larethian looked at him, "By morning, she will start getting champion powers today. To set the focus on her. We told your father my champion would not be revealed until you were an adult."

Charlus nodded, "I should add a holy symbol for Erevan Ilesere in respect to my rogue skills and shape-shifting abilities."

Corellon chuckled, "He would like that you are thinking of that. In fact, he likes it a lot. You will see a lot more of me than my wife. She will be working with your sister more as she is one of her Paladins. She is happy about that. This gives her order a chance to prove themselves.

I know you have been busy but the rules for weapon specialization required are a bow for her and sword for me. It does not mean they cannot specialize in the other but we would prefer they go to weapon mastery in the given weapon. With proficiency in the other."

Charlus nodded, "What about marriage, sex, and fertility?"

Corellon smiled, "Sex is in marriage only for both. Mine still has it for heterosexuals to create more elves. My wife's order is more flexible. We agreed to remove the fertility requirement in a way for both. She has a master trainer that your sister is working with. Those that are fertile are kept as trainers until they are infertile and their students move on.

Those who are infertile go straight into combat, like your own sister. With that change, we keep the training under the paladins until they are adults. With the loss of the Gray Blades and the sporadic shape of the army, we had to make a change. Your Grandfather made it so the church paladins had their own fund to set up the gear.

The same was done for my wife's church. The funds for both were set to 10 billion and only for armor and shields. As well as replacing damaged armor and shields. Weapons were the choice of the instructor or student if they have something better. Like your sister's bow which is devastating like the one it was designed after."

Charlus nodded, "I noticed you switched the acid to some type of electrical fluid."

Corellon Larethian nodded, "Also the summon ammunition. It will likely die when she dies. If another Draco-lich should surface, then it will do more damage. Electrical damages them more, something to keep in mind."

Charlus looked at him, "Why did the second champion, when Eldar was champion, not explode?"

Corellon Larethian smiled, "This is known by some of the enemy, not many. They explode when they are killed by another champion in whole or in part. She fell from wounds from others. New Moon was killed by a human champion wearing one of those damned rings. That champion died as well.
